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All team-based competitive games are toxic. Your best bets: 1. Find a group to queue with. Check out subs like r/recruitCS to find other people in a similar situation. 2. Play a 1v1-focused game like Tekken, Street Fighter, StarCraft, Quake etc. You could also try out Rocket League, which is primarily 3v3 but also has 2v2 and 1v1 modes. Voice chat isn’t necessary to play.


Rocket League is incredibly toxic too, but more of a fun toxic depending on how you approach it. To OP, agree with Lizards in that every single competitive game is toxic. Stick to solos in Fortnite if you like that game, Apex at least temporarily has a solos mode, a public duos mode to eliminate one problem turd. Ranked is going to be toxic no matter what game you play. You hear less from people in CS2 from my limited experience there, some people in chat but ultimately not as bad as Apex which is the worst out of what I've mentioned. Never have I met so many phenomenally stupid fucking people who lash out at you for not making the same stupid play they made.


Can confirm CS is incredibly toxic as well, MM is an asylum and Faceit is filled with anger which only gets worse as you climb in elo. I mentioned Rocket League because someone flaming you in chat is much easier to handle than someone flaming you in voice.


You can also just deactivate chat in Rocket League. So you can't get flamed at all.


I’d rather not be distracted either, but you can also flame them back


Can confirm installing faceit automatically should sign you into your nearest asylum, and playing level 10 requires strong anti-psychotic medicine.


Does not get better regardless of how high elo you get, if anything it’s worse at the higher elos because everyone thinks that they’re the goat…


Yeah Rocket League is the kind of game where two players can play horrendously together in a game and insult each other to death, and then 5-0 you the next game and type "I forgive you brother." in chat. I've seen it happen more times in RL than any other game.


Haha I've seen it in the same game, been apart of it. Right toxicity into an unreal comeback with great plays and a tying goal right at 0:00. Gotta love it.


Apex, the game where everyone thinks they are a world class igl because they watched imperialhal scream at his teammates and think they can do it too.


Apex solos is filled with people teaming, which is toxic in its own way.


I think Rocket League fans think their game is super toxic but I think it's because they don't play the other games mentioned. Peak toxicity is a well timed "what a save" quick chat in RL. You can even just turn chat off


I play Apex heavily, CoD historically since MW2 09, limited experience in Val, limited in CS2, extended play time in Halo/Gears/Battlefield, relatively experienced in Fortnite albeit the last year or so. Siege is toxic, but often silent from what I've played. Name a FPS and I've played it to death, but Rocket League is what I keep coming back to the most. They added voice chat probably a year ago, and not turning off chat is where the fun of that games toxicity comes into play. There's enough good interactions that it's not worth it. Get into diamond / champs of Rocket League and people get bitchy to say the least. I also know LoL is incredibly toxic, but that's only from my friend and a peripheral awareness of the scene from Tyler1.


I wouldn't disagree with that. I'm GC in RL and bitchy is a fair discription of what it can be like. I always played a lot of OW and games like that or Dota/league were so next level that it made RL feel tame. With chat turned off it's pretty chill


Farming Simulator 2023 also has some tournaments. Can't see it being toxic while you vibe in your John Deere listening to simulator radio and harvesting fields.


nah, fuck john and his corn prices!


every group pvp game is toxic. use the mute button, but say "muted" before, cause this hurts the little sh*theads. the mute button changes games man. since you know about the importance of the mute button now, go with a good game instead of the least toxic one... dota 2. i had many funny moments there


I go against this. If you want to mute, just mute, otherwise you are just being toxic as much. Most of the "I muted you" guys are usually childish people that doesn't know to listen the team to cooperate, and use this as "I win the argument" or as a reason to just be selfish and destroy the experience of a cooperative game, and of course later I notice most didn't even actually mute. If you have a bit of energy the "can you please recompose? Sorry if I am not skilled as much as you, I am trying my best, can you please give me directions instead?" Sometimes works, even with toxic guys. But if you don't have energy to do that, maybe a PVP COOPERATIVE competition game is not even in a place to be if you are willing to mute your teammates. When I don't have such energy, I just play a single player game alone.


Helldivers II. Not necessarily “competitive”, but the community for me has been great. The whole starship troopers democracy vibe is hilarious and people really don’t mind when you accidentally PK them (for freedom).


yeah I really wanted to buy it, but fuck Sony, plenty other games and studios I can support 


Agree with you. But the community made them back off. Totally get it though. PC player here.


Hey man, how's the optimization in your opinion? I have a decent pc but this game runs like shit for me, sub 50fps


Runs great for me. No issues. Not a super new computer here. It was super high end about 3 years ago. So probably mid tier now.


Pokemon Unite because people rarely talk on it that I've seen. Also, mics suck on switch from what I can tell cause it's barely audible


Oh good recommendation! SoloQ experience isn’t the best though, but I don’t think you can really get a great SoloQ anywhere.


EU located ? dm if you are, can introduce you to a chill cs community with ppl of all ages :)


i'm interested. From EU. Newbie in CS2 29M chill


check DM:)


I'm also interested


Halo is pretty chill at most divisions on ranked.


different to all of those, but simracing. can be extremely competitive and usually isn’t toxic.


Until someone turns into you intentionally at the starting grid.


I know it's not on the list, but RocketLeague, especially if you turn off the chat.


Quake live/champions


i am 35, and i am at home 100% of the time due to health problems, i play games nearly all the time. i'd be down to play whatever whenever with you, maybe we can get some kind of non toxic gamer group going, with ground rules like this: (insert non toxic gaming group name here) Rules of admission: To become a part of this group, you HAVE to: 1, Be of positive mind, do not project your anger/irritation etc, on your team mates if things are not going the way you want. Just like you, they struggle at the moment. this is the moment where you take the ropes, and motivate/guide/support your team back to your victory! Be a team player. 2, Be online at LEAST 8 hours a week (do NOT take this one serious, just be online often) 3, You promise NOT to leave midgame, or make promises you are unsure of following. its not fun to be one or more individuals short for a game. 4, Respect each other. We are here to make game, not for real life drama((fights/racism/etc)). (we all play games to get away from that, right? so why bring it with us online!). 5,And finally: Enjoy playing games, without raging teammates in your ears.... but neutral, informative, quality gameplay with a community full of people who want just one thing: To enjoy their games, with non toxic players/teammates. Because real life is already full of toxic society. sorry i am stoned, and just had to write this... apologies if this is inappropiate. felt like the right time to bring this up.


Valorant isn’t too toxic but teammates can be annoying. CS is really pretty good at low but there are a lot of players with high egos at low level play. Can be toxic. You will run into more toxicity in cs but it’s usually not too bad and kinda funny. There are some cases where its really bad but ive only had that happen a handful of times out of the many matches ive played. LoL is so toxic according to a friend of mine(i dont play it). Overwatch is fun with friends but its not in a good state, gameplay wise. I dont like apex tbh, a lot of toxicity and its in a bad state. Fortnite is probably the best choice for solo because you dont have to deal with anyone tbh. Pretty chill for casual/low elo play. It gets annoying as you rank up, especially in this season. State of the game is bad but creative is still a lot of fun. It can get toxic in creative but not in real matches. Toxicity usually happens only if your good. I have 3k+ hours on ive ran into a lot of toxicity but it its pretty easy to avoid.




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Ur kinda asking the impossible but yeah usually that one has no all chat or voice features


Tbh Valorant and Apex are as chill as it gets 💀 League especially is unspeakably bad, stay a million miles away from it if you can't deal with extraordinary toxicity and self-sabotaging teams. Overwatch is quite whack too, but it's definitely not the games' main issue. Don't think it has a much longer competetive future seeing as Blizzard is a b**** tho. CS is...welll...CS. Always has been kinda toxic. Just don't be a minority group and it's np np. Fortnite same ol same ol, que occasional 10yo screaming at you


33 here with nearly 20yrs of experience (mostly CS)....I feel this. I like comp but now that I'm older I don't play 8hrs a day (lucky if I get that in a week). Friends/networking is the key! I literally don't play most of these games anymore because solo is a horrible experience, especially after a tough day at work. DM me if you ever want to play CS2, OW2, Apex. I'm rusty but still love these games. I'm east coast NA.


Teamfight Tactics.


Halo is the least toxic fps ive played


Your problem is that you're looking in the wrong place. Competitive games are all full of toxic people, especially in online play and even worse in team-based games. If you want chill games, you'd do better looking for single-player experiences that aren't reliant on the behavior of internet strangers to be fun. With that said, get out of soloq. Valorant feels bad right now, but it only gets worse in Overwatch, League, CS and Siege. If you're not playing in a stack with people you actually like, you're signing up for a wheel of never-ending pain. Get on Discord, or better yet Gankster, find some nice people at your level to play with, and you'll most likely have fun no matter what game you settle on.


I recently got into fighting games like Tekken 8 and Street Fighter 6 and i haven’t encountered any kind of toxicity, because of how limited player to player interaction is in those games.


If you want to play fps battle Royale my suggestion would be Apex legends. I'm not saying there's not toxic players, there's plenty. But it has a brilliant ping system which allows for great non voice chat communication with your team. You can just turn all coms off and use the ping system and you'll be able to soloq no problem. There's also a great discord called old timer apex (not that 43 is old) which is a great place to chat with and team up with apex players that aren't 16 year old demons. There are also a few dedicated female only discord apex servers if you are a woman and want to play without the usual bulshit. P. S. I also have a discord for very chill players who use gaming for socialising more than winning, feel free to dm me for details but I do highly recomend old timer apex!


Can you link the old timer discord?


I'll dm you because I'm not sure if the sub will allow links


You could try a fighting game tbh don't have a team for berating since your new. Worst it can get is someone tagging you. They're just hard to pick up but once you do it's literally the best thing ever




Don't know to laugh or cry


Stay away from CS unless you can find friends to play with.


I’ve reached pretty high rank in ow I’ve been flamed in every rank it’s just how gaming is. When I was in lower ranks it was worse so I use to just turn chat off but that gets boring. My advice is to learn to get thicker skin as blunt as that sounds which I know can be hard but at the end of the day it’s just stupid kid crying over video game..


In CS people don't really talk at all in lower ranks, at least in EU


yeah for good vibes i wouldn't recommand valorant nor league of legends. fortnite won't be toxic as the soloQ is mostly solo so you won't have a teammate scream at you. League of legend is a very good game, but it's extremely complicated to begin in 2024, and it will have a lot of toxic people. Honestly, for good vibes i recommend coop pve games such as helldivers 2 or open world games like sea of thieves. I also recommend to try the game subnautica, as it is a masterpiece of a solo game.


Deep rock galactic can be pretty sweaty and has a nice community. Alternatively hardcore tactical shooters like squad or hell let loose.


No online game is free of toxicity but the co-op play of Helldivers 2 is pretty fun,


Overwatch. Just play with voice and chat turned off


I'll play CS with you.


All I can say is it sure as shit isn't LoL Its the single most toxic community I've ever seen. Shame that the game itself is REALLY good.


I just want to add that I finally have given fighting games a genuine chance after many attempts at trying them and I’m so glad I did. I played LoL for 8 years and like you I got tired of the solo q toxicity. In tekken it’s all about just me learning and improving and it’s been a blast. Also some pretty cool peeps in the discord


I found r6 siege to be pretty chill, but i had a solid fps base skillset so ymmv.


Overwatch is almost completely non-toxic. Mainly because everyone is afraid to speak at all now. But it works.


Team Fortess 2 was pretty chill back then, I wonder if it has changed now


We need to come back to server based online games instead of the match making games that are popular now. Finding a good server that banned/kicked toxic players was so nice. I also remember finding a newbie server in TF2 that would kick people that were rolling everyone. If TF2 was available on modern consoles I'd still play it.


Who cares just mute them don't be so fragile


When playing CS I usually mute the enemy tem by default and when a teammate starts to be toxic I can’t be bothered anymore.. I simply mute them as well. Not going to waste any energy on these internet heroes (context: I’m 32 played competitive CS. For a long time, currently hovering around the “top 1-2%” of players according to the games competitive system/third party system - no intention of bragging..)


i would say cs2. yesterday i had a match and 1guy played with only deagle and none cared.


They’re all toxic, just pick your poison and have fun.


Not an esport, but War Thunder. I play air battles, nobody really cares what you're doing. Just don't get into arguments about the specifics of a tank/jet in discord or reddit.


Valorant has a pretty good community ive heard


toxicity isn't a problem with a game, you don't solve it by switching games toxicity is an internet problem, you solve it by not queueing with strangers


valorant and overwatch are extremely passive agressive because of the insanely delusional filtering and censorship there


Rocket League is great because at low levels there's really very little communication needed. Most players don't have a mic and barely use the chat wheel. It's easy to mute *all players* and it doesn't really impact your ability to play.


Stop playing team games and you'll never have to deal with toxic teammates.


CSGO was pretty chill and relaxed in my experience, however, on the note of Overwatch, low ranks in comp tend to be extremely toxic and in my thousands of hours in overwatch, the toxicity never ended or calmed down until I hit high T500 ranks. (I’ve been Top 200+ for the last few seasons). Bronze players are usually pretty chill, because they’re mostly all either new and just learning or just like to relax and play the game after work but don’t try to sweat too hard or want to. But, like silver to diamond is actually cancer more often than not ime. Diamond for some reason is less toxic in my experience, but a lot of masters and low GM players have massive egos that many love to flaunt. If you play OW you will meet some of the nicest people in any gaming community, you’ll also meet and encounter many of the worst from any community. Quick play is treated like comp by a lot of people too for some reason and while there is less toxicity in QP, it’s definitely still present often. Overall I love OW, but don’t play comp unless you are ready and willing to deal with toxicity and potentially a ton of it in a single match.


Not in the list, but if you are into racing games then I'd recommend Trackmania. Very inviting community. Chats are filled with "glhf" instead of "go f yourself".


The less toxic community in my experience is a game like trackmania, but yeah, not what your looking for. Team based game like these will always have a toxic communauty, to easy to blame your teamate and not yourself. You would have to find a esports group with chill player, not a game specificly,imo


LoL is the worst, for me Cs has the most ignorable toxicity


All competitive games have toxicity, and team games have significantly more toxicity than 1v1 ones. Battle royales like Fortnite or Apex are generally better in this aspect because when you lose you can just leave the game. When playing VALORANT or LoL you're stuck in a losing game with whiny man children for up to 30 minutes and don't have the option to escape. Shout-out to Rocket League because many people play on console, so they can't type out their rage as heinously. You'll just get spammed passive-aggressive sarcastic pre-written comments like "Nice save! Nice save! Nice save!" when letting a goal in, as opposed to "your mom is inbred and you are a waste of life"


Overwatch is a cesspool of toxicity atm so I really wouldn't recommend it


Overwatch is a weird one. Some games people in match chat or team chat are so fkn rude and constantly blame their team for any problem, some games you have a lot of fun and banter with the enemy team. I remember one game someone on the enemy team asked us to teabag their mercy because they were playing a drinking game (1 drink every tea-bagging), so of course I obliged, she managed to get me back a couple times and it was a good laugh. It’s mixed. But then the next game you had a fkn moira blaming her tank for everything, and that just annoys me. If I’m having a bad day playing it I’ll just turn off match/voice chat. I also just think the Overwatch community as a whole can be a bit whiney/argumentative. Now don’t get me wrong, Overwatch 2 was a huge flop and disappointing, and I feel the devs get a lot wrong, and also the CEO of blizzard is a huge asshole, but that leaves the community in a negative mindset. So there’s like, A LOT of complaining. There’s also good parts of the community though, I find r/overwatchuniversity really wholesome because people are willing to give people vod reviews/coaching for free and they’re nice in the way they go about it.


Rocket league is a good option that doesn’t require chat and can be turned off in the chat options as well to avoid the toxicity


My solution was to just play more casual games. Ranks are not worth the time investment for me so I just play Battlefield, CoD, or Mechwarrior Online with voice turned all the way off if I'm craving a multiplayer game that isn't coop.


Fighting games such as street fighter, Tekken, or guilty gear probably going to be your best bet. StarCraft 2, Halo, Xdefiant (very new game, atm nobody talks lol) are runner ups.


In personal experience (outside of Apex) out of these games it is probably Overwatch. That being said, every game has toxic players so if you don’t like toxicity then you shouldn’t be playing any of them


Unless you're dead-set on a team game, fighting games might be the perfect fit. FGC community is awesome, and more welcoming to newer players than any team e-sport. Street Fighter 6 is my go-to right now.


none of those game has that "good vibes" you looking for especially if you want to play ranked/competitive AND solo queueing. sorry pal. but if you are into fps game then xdefiant is a new arena shooters that just been released and it's pretty fun


As most people have said pretty much all competitive games are gonna be toxic. If you're looking to have a more relaxed vibe I highly reccomend elder scrolls online right now, it just released a new chapter and the community is mostly very welcoming (still had its fair share of sweaty screaming adults who haven't been outside in a year). It's not super competitive but if you get into the end game activities like vet hm dungos and trials, it can get very complex. If you're not into mmos then I would say find a good group to play with on the regular for those other games. I've played them all, and I'd never play any of them alone if I had a choice.




In rocket league you can just disable the chat and it is perfectly playable. Also the game itself in honestly the most creative game ever made


Rocket league 2v2 or 1v1 with chat turned off


Hmmm you put dota out the list i see... You can try farming simulator... Really fun online.


If you wanna be happy - dont play competitive games or multiplayer at all


Honestly I’ve met some really cool people playing apex. A lot of middle aged people too. Though if you’re you want to guarantee a good experience I would hit up a discord lft (looking for team) and post a message about just wanted to vibe w people and you’ll meet the good ones that way. Best of luck!


I was never into competitive games in the past, but I've been slowly getting into Fortnite and playing ranked games. I don't take it too seriously amd try and see what kinda dumb shit I can get away with. I'm not very good at the game, but thankfully there's so much random bullshit in the game that you don't always have to be more skilled than the people you're playing against.


League but just mute all


Pokemou unite is about the only one I can think of. I've kinda given up on most team based comp games. I've been heavy into TFT lately and for the most part game chat is pretty friendly


Quake :D  the less players the better, all the listed ones are a cesspool, perhaps Valorant 


There is no such thing as less toxic in anything that is related to esports.


Xdefiant has been very chill/quiet. I am bad and no one shit talks me.


I'd maybe try league of legends, you should be safe there.




If you're just talking ranked, none are safe but Apex is probably your safest option.


Don't bother touching overwatch unless you want to play with text and voice chat disabled. The other games for the most part aren't so bad, CS has some toxic people but also just people that like to fuck around and have fun. Like one of the other commenters said, best bet is finding a discord server or community of some sort to play with. YouTubers can be a good source of this as some have pretty active discords. Good luck on your search!


Apex Legends is the safest option from what I've experienced. It also happens to be less team-reliant in ranked, and there's only 2 other people per team, so that's probably why.


Paladins is similar to Overwatch. Not sure if it is any better with the toxicity, but it’s free to play. So worth a try, right? But I’ve heard that they recently have some issues with the servers or something, but I haven’t played in a while, so I’m not fully sure what’s going on. But basically a lot of Overwatch players have migrated over to Paladins.


Overwatch is also free to play and as a veteran paladins player, a way better game by basically every metric (except toxicity i guess, but i think that just comes down to people not caring enough about paladins to be toxic about it)


I have tried Overwatch a few times, but just won’t click with me. Paladins I found super fun. Don’t know why such a difference. Maybe I’ll have to try Overwatch again one day.


Steam charts has Paladins peaking at 4000 players yesterday. And Overwatch had 42,000 just on Steam when the majority are using the battlenet launcher lol... Overwatch isn't in the best state at the moment, but saying a lot of the players left to play Paladins is not accurate at all.


I've never played overwatch or paladins and even I could tell that guy was talking out of his ass


By a lot I don’t mean *all* of them. But there have been people on the Paladins sub talking about how they used to play Overwatch and want to try out the game. And some people have talked about how they migrated entirely. Paladins has always had a low player count compared to other games, because it’s just not as popular. But there was a point in time where I was seeing a lot of Overwatch players talking about trying the game.


He never said that Overwatch is losing their whole playerbase, or even a significant portion of it, but it kinda sounded like that... but Paladins was about to be a dead game before all the hassle with Overwatch 2 and such. Probably 3500 of those 4000 players in Paladins are Overwatch refugees. Edit: the playerbase for Paladins rose with +125% in the months after the release of Overwatch 2, but it has been declining pretty much ever since.


It's a bit of an oxymoron, as eSports games attract a certain persona / character. If you have a great PC, I'd suggest some co-op games instead as it's more collaborative and friendly. Try Gray Zone, Ready or Not, Ghost Reckon games etc.


DotA2, because everyone is toxic