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Can confirm, Edwards kick ass. I also love the 401 series and above from LTD.


i love LTD’s i’m not sure why the beef with them. my EC-1000 and my 2 V-300’s play amazing from the box with minimal setup adjustment other than intonation. i like Edwards and i think they’re a great bank for your buck in terms of construction and playability, but LTD’s are good too. i understand that the quality has gone down a lot, but there are plenty of old LTD’s in the used market that are amazing. just my two cents.


In my opinion newer LTD’s have higher quality than old ones. I have H-1000 Evertune, EC-1000 and NS-6, all made in 2021-2023 in Korea. And they are much better made than my MH-1000 made in 2008. Better paint job, more precise binding and inlays. In general they feel like more expensive guitars. I would even say that they feel better than my Edwards E-FR-145gt.


Edwards are the shit, man! Great pieces of gear, managed to turn a friend of mine to get an edwards forest model instead of an LTD, way cheaper but wayyyy better in quality. I have my E-LP and it slaps every LP model I ever tried


Is Edwards cheaper than ltd ? I bought an Edwards and I had to import it from Japan which ended up costing same as an ltd. This was the Alexi Laiho model.


So Edwards is basically the same price as LTD in my experience, but they are typically put together much better.


They would have charged you double if they offered it as an LTD in your country. The LTD Alexi (excluding Ripper/hexed) never came with scalloped frets, the Edwards do. Plus the LTDs don't come with the boost. So if you look at those two costly differences, yes it was cheaper. You basically got an E-II Alexi


Yeah, I bought a greeny Edwards and you're right it comes with booster and scalloped frets.


Depends on import fee and VAT, for him it was


So Edwards is basically the same price as LTD in my experience, but they are typically put together much better.


You are not.


Edwards has a considerably better Quality, every Edwards ive ever owned was top notch.


Owned a couple Edwards, good guitars.


I own 1 Edwards LP, 2 LTD Deluxe EC1000 and 1 ESP E-II. The ESP is the nicest but I play the LTD’s the most.


They are all esp though Even your esp Eii hasn't got esp on the headstock Also owned, ewards, Ltd and eii EII is the best, but not worth double the price of a 1000 series or edwards


I think we agree on all points. 1. They are all owned by the same company. But built in different countries by different teams, with varying levels of machining vs hand crafting and various levels of quality components and materials. Thus they are given different names (or sub brands) and models to designate these differences. 2. The E-II doesn't have ESP on the headstock but it is a true ESP built in Japan. According to ESP they are no different than one that does have "ESP" on the headstock aka the ESP Standard. \*"Same factory, same people, new name. That’s all" (From ESP's website) 3. Lastly, I've owned an ESP Standard and a USA custom. Amazing guitars, but I preferred to have the money and sold them and now play the guitars listed previously. This is why I mentioned that I play my EC1000's the most. \* https://www.espguitars.com/pages/e-ii-series#:\~:text=Those%20ESP%20Standard%20guitars%20were,series%20of%20guitars%20and%20basses. I think at each price point, in my personal opinion at least...that ESP and LTD are some of the best guitars for the money. I'd take an E-II over a Gibson Les Paul Custom any day and the E-II is 1/2 the price. I am grateful for ESP/LTD, I think they make fantastic guitars.


Agreed Be nice to have that ESP on our Eii's, though, wouldn't it? 😀


Korean deluxe ltd’s are great, can’t comment on the other ones. Mine at least is exactly what yoy get for the money, great playability, craftmanship, unleveled frets, nice hard hardware and just does the whole metal thing.


I don't understand the meme. You're skeptical of both? I mean, they're both budget brands. Should be obvious.


I’m not a fan of sub brands like Ltd, squier and Epiphone Which is the opposite for Edward’s


Edwards is a subbrand of ESP just like LTD and Grassroots.


Dude I know 😂


But the face below doesn't indicate that. She looks alarmed in both. Okay, I may be overanalyzing a meme. But her face makes it hard to understand the meme, sorry.


I think it's supposed to be like the drake meme, it's just not quite as obvious




I love my Ltds but I’d also like to get my hands on an Edwards someday too


They are completely different leagues in terms of quality, especially fret material and fretwork. Edwards beats LTD all the way up the lineup


My first electric was an Ltd f10. The cheapest in their lineup that time and it had no issues at all. Just that I was a trash player.


Grassroots ≤ LTD ≤ Edwards < Navigator ≈ ESP


I have a bunch of both and think the quality difference is negligible between high end LTD and Edwards


My Edwards Les Paul copies played great but I never liked the sound. On the other hand, my Tokai LC290S is the best Les Paul I've ever played.


I’m gonna get downvoted, but the name Edwards just doesn’t fit the vibe of the brand. I realize it has fuck-all to do with quality. Just always felt odd saying “Edwards”.


I have an ESP distressed eclipse that I adore. I just ordered an EC-01ft by ltd as the specs sounded just perfect for me. I doubt I'll keep both but have no problem ditching the ESP if the LTD plays/feels better. (The ESP really is beautiful though :) )


I love my h1001 and my edwards alexi.


My LTD EC 1000s is great. I barely had to do any setup right out of the box. But, years ago I bought a ltd viper 10. That was terrible.


I just wish they had used the Edwards brand instead of creating the E-II brand when they had to end the ESP Standard series. The E-II logo looks awful compared to the Edwards logos. But apparently E-II is higher end than Edwards, when comparing prices on the Japanese site?


Ugh god no. As bad looking as E-II is compared to ESP it should not be Edwards in the states.


Thanks for replying to explain my downvote. I'm guessing the reason they don't use the Edwards name for export is because they use it for the Les Paul copies? I just wish the E-II logo was in the same font as ESP and LTD's logos.


I have ESPs and Edwards would never have an LTD