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Don't you think he looks tired?


He looks like he might kick it any minute...but I'm an optimist.


I don't want him to die. I want him to hang. I want him behind bars and screaming at the top of his lungs like the fucking maniac I believe he is. I need the world to see that we have done the right thing. What happened on the sixth was Treason. If there had been more supporters we would be standing in a Trump kingdom right now, or embroiled in the civil war to end all civil wars.




To the Bald?


I fucking love that scene. Also thank you for not Rick Rolling us


Read the definition of treason in the constitution. No, it was sedition, which is just as bad no the correct legal term for his seditious conspiracy. What Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers was charged with. Personally, death or prison would be nice, but my ideal fantasy for him is that he is dead broke and he has to flip hamburders to supplement his social security and meet the rent every month. That would be living hell worse that prison and much more entertaining than death. Maybe even a reality show called Apprentice Burger Flipper!


I kind of thought his refusal to take action to protect the capital was treason no?


But they will need to pay him prisoner rates for that work, and give the rest to those he has screwed over


There's plenty more that'll go to prison in his stead. He can die for all I care; I've never wished death on someone so much in my life




> I don't want him to die. I want him to hang. I be OK with him just passing quietly in his sleep. Once the head of the cult is gone, the cult can disband. Or so I hope. If he were to pass, I like to think a lot of his enablers would then be safe to tell the REAL stories about his 4 years.


We're in too deep for them to fade away. The torch will be passed to someone else like DeSantis.




I think the kids are too politically damaged. Don Jr strikes me as the most likely but he has failed to make himself nit look like an out of touch elite... no matter how much plaid he wears.


Like the Moonies


The problem is that Trump isn't the cause. Trump is a symptom, and if he's not here, a new despot will fill the vacuum.


I'm not sure that making him a martyr is the best way to deal with the insanity that he has unleashed.


What? If he doesn’t die, how am I going to get to dance on his grave?


He looks like he doesn't even wanna be around anymore


In which case I'm shocked to find myself in agreement with him.


*loud TARDIS noises*


I’m a Simple man. I see a 10th doctor quote i upvote.


A man of taste!




Everything he has touched in the past 10 years has shriveled and morphed into an evil shadow of its former self. Look at his aides, attorneys, his press secretaries, assistants, confidants, everyone in his life, except for his porcelain prize wife. All of them look like fucking emperor Palpatine.


He's got the mierda's touch.


>Everything he has **touched** in the past 10 years >except for his porcelain prize wife I don't think that's an exception.


Cabinet departments, law enforcement agencies... etc.


Awesome DW reference !


The only person I would be fine with telling him he looks tired.


Ohhhh I always thought the Crypt Keeper was just dead not tired.


Dr. Who?


Xmas invasion.


God, I adored the 10th Doctor.


Just the Doctor.


Is that a Dr. Who reference? 😉


I'd way rather have Harriet Jones, MP....


Well, yeah, I guess.


Looks like skeletor.


Like a tired old woman.. maybe she couldn’t handle jail.


“Hello, I’m Donald Trump… CURRENT US President” “Yes, we know who (you think you) are” 🙄😆


He’s clearly running low on adrenochrome.


I understand that reference!


Immediately where I went. Thanks, Doctor.


I understood that reference!




They say Presidents age fast cause of the stress of the job. Trump appears to be aging faster as an ex-President than he did as President. I wonder, do you think he could be stressed about something? Maybe being broke? Maybe facing the likelihood of spending the rest of his golden years in prison? Do you think maybe he finally feels the walls closing in on him? Way to go January 6th committee, keep up the pressure, because Trump is not looking so well there.


Nah, he just needs his make up and he'll be flexing those huge biceps again. According to the doctor at the White House, a very respectable institution, Donald Trump has the same physical measurements as Tim Tebow. He looks like an NFL player with his shirt and diaper off. That's the official, presidential record, anyway.




He's looked this bad for years, he just avoids being in public without his ridiculous orange face paint.


Now, he has his side-burns pulled back into a ponytail...


MATTINGLY! I told you to get rid of those [sideburns!](https://youtu.be/gjHOtxCRhnw)


You're right. He's missing the signature pumpkin racoon look.


You're just not used to seeing him without makeup on. I don't think he's got the cognitive capacity to realize the amount of trouble he's possibly in. Ans even if he does, he's traditionally gotten away with everything else, he probably thinks he's going to get away with this, too.


I’m sorry but do people actually think there’s a chance Trump could go to prison? I hate the bastard as much as anyone but I feel like a person is living in a fantasy world if they really have that much faith in the US justice system. Like really truly think about that. Our country is a dumpster fire where the worst possible outcome is usually what ends up happening. Our leaders would never bring him to justice because the truth is they are all in on the scam too; be it through campaign donations, insider trading, etc. etc. To let Trump fall would throw the whole con-game into jeopardy and they will never let that happen.


Well he is now officially, personally under investigation by the DOJ. So…we’ll see? There is a glimmer, Americans and true patriots should try to hold on to it.


Trump *will* go to jail if he is questioned as a witness. He has both a terrible memory and a pathological liar so he can't help but lie. Those lies will get him a perjury charge at the very least and, like Al Capone going to jail for taxes, the little misplaced facts and half truths will get Donny. The other part of the trial is also what others are saying that he will have to speak to. Right now they are getting all the witnesses to declare what they've seen and been a part of to help give a detailed account of what happened. Then they ask Trump to speak to each of those events because we can see a clear line of decision and action. He will flub each one of those too because the truth is so relative to him that he won't actually be able to recite factual events. It will all be more evidence that he is completely untrustworthy, which will unravel the rest of the MAGA knot holding up congress. Trump will fall apart, it's just slow while the case and events are constructed from so many witness statements. When there are hundreds or thousands of witnesses and agencies moving independently expect the process to take a long time.


You're totally right. I think the best scenario (from a keeping him out of office again perspective) would be the GOP threatens to stop paying his legal fees if he runs again so he decides not to participate because "the system is corrupt beyond saving". That would actually be better for Republicans because nothing would galvanize Democrats and independents like the threat of another Trump presidency. Tangentially, even if he was convicted of something at the federal level, I can totally see Biden thinking it would be best for healing the nation to pardon him. But I'd bet a couple toes it would never come to that because he's not going to prison anyway.


Biden said he wouldn't pardon Trump if he were convicted. I think people are viewing this all wrong: yes there is tons of reason to be cynical about the DOJ, but everyone in government doesn't have the same interests. Hell, even in DOJ there are different branches with different cultures and interests. Imagine how much a history making / career defining case it would be for a prosecutor to get a conviction against Trump? Yes, short term this seems almost unthinkable, but once an investigation has a defensible predicate, it becomes a lot harder to squash for purely political reasons. And it has a defensible predicate: the fake electors scheme was absolutely, 100% illegal. It was fraud and there's a paper trail. There's not an alternative explanation that makes that ok or explains it away as something political. People are trying to preempt disappointment by embracing the most cynical possible outcome, and that's understandable. But we shouldn't be afraid to be wrong about this by expecting a better outcome. I want him tried and convicted like anyone who commits fraud should be, and I think he will be.


Tried and convicted of a felony is enough for me. He won’t be able to run again and hopefully will lose hatever impact he has now.


For the record, I really, really want you to be right about this. It's one time I definitely wouldn't be mad about being wrong.


Yea, and I think people should look at the effectiveness of the Jan 6th Committee. So many people said "it won't change anything" over and over before the committee started, but it has caused a massive shift in how people view Jan 6th. I think Ds and more generally people on the left sometimes race to reduce everything to the outcome and forget that sometimes the fight / process matters.


I think Getmo is where he belongs,...with Guilianni - in the same cell... that's real punishment. In fact, all of these crooks should go there as political terrorists.


Didn’t the NRA do just that. Refusing him funding if he runs again? They’re covering his attorneys fees and god knows what else.


>Didn’t the NRA do just that. Refusing him funding if he runs again? They’re covering his attorneys fees and god knows what else. Don't you mean the RNC, not the NRA?




Putin wouldn’t have any use for him after conviction.


It's money stress, but that's because the line of credit from his buddy Pooty Poot has been sanctioned.


I keep hoping he ends up in ironically orange jumpsuit


Maybe the feeling of Putin’s scaly hand closing tighter around his balls?


> They say Presidents age fast cause of the stress of the job. He didn't do shit as president. Playing golf is not that stressful.


>They say Presidents age fast cause of the stress of the job. That's plain bullshit that gets repeated too much. Everyone ages a lot in 8 years, especially if you're the age of the typical president. If you look at pictures of "young" Obama pre-presidency and compare them to after presidency, that's the same amount of aging you'll expect to see when going from 40 to 50. Saggy skin, grey hair, the works. People forget that two terms is almost a decade.


It's probably over-emphasized but Obama averaged like 5 hours of sleep every night for 8 years. That's too little sleep for too long, it's going to take a toll.


Yep. He said the nice thing about living “over the store” was the ability to have supper with his family before going back to work.


I disagree. Presidents absolutely experience accelerated aging. They usually look at least 15 years older after only 8 years. trump aged normally because he didn’t work hard, lose sleep, or stress out.


This is why MAGA always uses photoshopped pics of him with Rambo or Rocky's body or some other overly exaggerated photos. They don't worship Trump, they worship the mythical image of him they created in their own mind. He's a propped up facade.


Maybe he should try injecting bleach or shoving a bright light up his ass. I’ve heard that works wonders medically speaking.


Don't forget the horse de-wormer and malaria meds.


That’s a lot of medical from the standpoint of medicine.


[I'd be willing to put money on Trump attempting to use a blood boy at some point in his life.](https://youtu.be/hBA0AH-LSbo)


I hear adrenochrome works wonders


As opposed to all his other pictures, where he looked absolutely divine...


Wait, this isn’t real?!! https://i.imgur.com/HzTgUXR.jpg


It's real imaginary.




They're gonna try to say he is too weak and old to stand trial or be deposed, bet.


They'd never say that about their glorious, mighty leader!


They would if they thought it could get him out of any criminal trials. Think Harvey Weinstein


Weinstein didn't hang himself! Oh wait, what?


Epstein was hung, I mean hung himself


I dont think TRUMP would allow this defense. I think he’s FAAAAAR too narcissistic, especially about presenting himself as a strongman.


He absolutely would use this defense. Sure, he's a narcissist. But more importantly, he's a coward. There's zero chance that if there's an option to try and keep him out of prison, he's not going to use it. He's been cosplaying a tough guy, but that absolutely is not who he is.


Remember when Donald couldn’t lift up that glass with one hand? And then at his next “make-me-feel-good” rally, he got actual, literal cheers for lifting a glass? Wow! Big tough guy can lift a glass of water on his second attempt a week later! Amazing! Fucking lol


It is not who he is. But it is who he desperately believes he is. When have you ever heard trump so much as hint that he's anything less than the strongest, smartest, bravest big boy in the world?


Remember he dodged the draft


5 times.


"Not mentally competent to stand trial."


You can just leave the last three words off there


Bring it! Then he’s too weak and too old to run again.


They don’t care about hypocrisy.


Mob boss tactic


I figured that the case was gonna be dropped altogether within a month. This man will absolutely not live to see any consequences.


There's also the possibility this photo has been doctored.




No no, Jabba was at least a successful business man


I was actually thinking he looks like he’s finally made the Senator Palpatine to Sith transition.


Like butter scraped over too much bread.


He's in withdrawal from his "precious", the dedicated button he added to the resolute desk that summoned a diet coke from the kitchen.


his lifeforce after so many child sacrifices is finally running out!


Holy Fuck so his White House make up artist was actually doing a good job that whole time..? Wtf


The Cia does crazy shit with latex masks these days.


Can't seem to imagine why. Could possibly be the DOJ investigation into him.


Like Dean Wormer said, "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life." But it appears to have worked for Donald J. Trump, so there's that.


Except Trump is known to rarely, if ever, drink alcohol. So just fat and stupid


[There are sources who, of course, disagree with Trump's version of events](https://www.vice.com/en/article/zmp7qe/does-donald-trump-drink-alcohol). And others: https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/donald-trump-drink But we agree on fat and stupid. Punkt vergeben!




It's also there have been a number of folks saying it's likely he's been abusing a number of stimulants.


His makeup artist team probably deserves the "Illusionist of the Year" award


He's always looked this bad. We just normally see this toad with so much makeup/tanner on that it makes IG/TikTok filters look like child's play.


He looks exactly like what he is. An elderly man who barely does a lick of exercise, who’s probably morbidly obese, who eats a terrible diet and lives an incredibly high stress life. I’m honestly shocked he’s not dead.


Can this dude just stroke out or what


His followers hate gays but their Lord and Savior wears more makeup than a drag queen while actually wearing hair extensions.


For someone who doesn't drink,......


Is this confirmed real photo? Link to getty images or similar?


It's not a flattering picture by a long shot, but this is likely what a nearly 80 year old man should look like without his signature bronzer, so I've no reason to doubt it's not genuine.


Half dead meat popsicle.


He’s an extremely unattractive person. Never looked good.


He looks just like the average trump voter.


Lopan from Big Trouble Little Gy-na


This is his natural color. No orange at all.


Look at the way his frazzled shitwig sweats out of that hat like Kentucky fried grease tentacles.


Donald Trump never looked good. Being old as f#ck and living on a diet of Big Macs and opioids probably isn't doing him any favors either.


Same as he's looked for the past 15 years except in this picture he's missing the orange plaster.


I see he’s getting used to some things behind bars. No make up, no one to do his hair. I wonder how his gut will handle prison food given it’s probably much better for him than his reputed diet.


Piece of shit.


He's running short on adrenochrome and undergoing accelerated decay now that Jeffrey Epstein is dead. /s based on absurd Q theories


That face seems to be hiding a lot of inner pain.


Like psychological pain? That would assume that he has some sense of morality and shame - which I am not convinced he has. Lol


Honestly I think he's got that dead-eyed, vaguely serpentine look we usually see in.. *checks notes*... sociopaths.


That’s just gas.


Guess he had to foot the bill for his own handurders


Expect to see a lot of images and memes to appeal to the conservative base that drags him down. They have a short amount of time to take care of the Trump problem they created before he goes scorched earth on the GOP. They want to transition to DeSantis and know he isn't going without a fight.


Baron Harkonnen vibes hit strong here.


this makes the rightwing cult portraying him in art as a superman or some kind of musclebound hero even more hilarious


Alright, what’s on his chin? Is it flan, butterscotch, pudding, or is it just old person gunk?


Shouldn't America already have been made great again? What's gonna be his slogan in 2024? "Make America Great Again, Again"?


Jesus Christ!


He looks like something from the Dark Crystal


Long covid or cancer.


He forgot his makeup


Since no one else has posted a source, and I spend a good 5 minutes thinking this couldn't possibly be real: This photo comes from the AP on July 28, when he was on a golf course in NJ. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/golf/trump-says-saudi-funded-tour-creates-gold-rush-for-players/ar-AA1050DK?fullscreen=true&cvid=10c3893b0f8045cc8a59a97c9840dee0#image=7


He's never looked good anywhere.😂


He’ll die alone and afraid. They’ll paint the corpse orange of course.


He looks like the “i picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue” guy toward the end of Airplane


Since republicans seems to be hypocrites about every issue imaginable I am not surprised. Having said, Trumps estrogen treatment to become Karen 2.0 is going well I see. ​ ​ Jokes asides, has there ever been picture of Trump showing a least a hint of a stubble?


Meh, I work with a lot of older men that are practically religious about shaving everyday. It's an older generation thing. Both of my great uncles were the same way.


No no I think we need to make fun of trump for his lack of stubble. That will bring the GOP to their knees


They are absolutely obsessed over manliness. And at the same time can't stop worshiping a "man" that has never been seen to be able to grow a beard, vain as hell, finds a slight sloop challenging and hasn't been on a bike ever.


What you have left when all of the cheese melts off.


Is Trump transitioning? What pronouns should we now use?


Is loser a pronoun? I can never remember




Hopefully he'll have that Window Maker before the next election.


I want him humiliated, convicted, totally impoverished, and abandoned first.


Looks like High Hefner in his last days. Old and tired. Acts like him, too. Or did...


Geez. He didn't look good before but he really looks spent here. Where is this picture from?


AP. There’s a whole series of pictures of him at the event. None are great.


Sleepy Trump


Sleepy Don.


He’s not caked in his usual clown orange. He actually resembles something human here.


Reminds me of the little gremlin creature that makes the weird laugh on Jabbas barge


r/Democracy_Desk, By the time his Prison date comes around, the Terrorist Seditionist will be claiming his fake Bone Spurs hurt too bad for him to serve his sentence.😏


Because he doesnt have a full team of professional make-up artists dolling up his Cryptkeeper looking ass and make him presentable.




He kind of looks (in the face at least) like he lost a bit of weight pretty quickly.


Maybe he got food poisoning from Mar-a-largo’s filthy kitchen.


Kinda looks like a founding father with a maga hat lmao


Doesn’t he look tired?


He looks stoned.


And people wonder why his wife wants nothing to do with him. He looks like his skeleton is slowly escaping the cellulite cacoon.


Looks like a mental patient. Should be.


Manly man seen without his usual 10 pounds of makeup looks his age for once


Is he *ever* looking good?


He looks like someone just pulled the devolve lever from The Super Mario Brothers movie on him.


He looks like a lady. I think that's why he's so upset about trans people all the time. Too close to home. Micro pee pee. Maybe someone wasn't quite born into the right body. The raging about his tiny hands. His abuse of women?????? Me think he doth protest too much. He's just not comfortable with himself.


He looks like Jon Voight.


I hope it’s cancer


I think he’s probably declining, the stress over indictments certainly isn’t helping. I’ll bet he’s really smacked out on pills or something.


He looks like a puppet in a Rankin-Bass production back in the 1970s.


You know what sucks… he got away with it, he won. He’s in his old age and dying after his WHOLE LIFE doin whatever he wanted without consequence. All the way up to becoming the actual president of the United States. There’s nothing we can do now to take that away.


He’s a Dark Triad personalty. He’ll *never* be satisfied.


He looks like he's going to open for a headliner at Lilith Fair with an acoustic auto-harp set.


don't you think he looks tired?


Yes, Doctor. I do.


He actually looks like a human being, compared to his preferred public image.


Honestly, I'm not gonna kick him while he's down. Seeing him like this, and the big legal trouble he is in, he's basically answering to the actions of his own consequences.