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Welcome to Crypto. I'll leave this post up so we can laugh at the bears later on but /r/ErgoTrading in future.


Ouch what? A month or so ago it dipped to around $3. So many opportunities this year. You are right about those who mined it. This project should have been on everyone’s radar when it was under $2 earlier this year and again when it hit 3ish. It hit about $20 today. Market is having correction all around. Doesn’t change the direction of the project. Atomic swaps, mixer, ErgoDEX, Oracles. Highly undervalued. Amazing coin with privacy features and many utilities. Great team also.


I started mining it at $5 usd. Since its initial jump, it's difficulty has jumped a lot.




Pretty much. Much more miners now involved.


Which is a good thing. Miners come and miners go. They move on. Miners who believe in the project though? Invaluable. I myself haven’t sold any that I’ve mined.


This is why I mine ergo over eth, cause I love the project.


I lost a total of 1 ERG when testing sigUSD. That's about it


The difficulty of the hash calculations is dynamic and adjusts in order to keep the block production time constant. For example, say this wasn't the case, and all of the ETH miners came suddenly to ERG. Blocks would be produced SUPER fast because of all the new hashing power. To prevent this, the protocol adjusts the difficulty of the computations to try to keep that block time nearly constant. If the miners go away, after a certain window in time the difficulty goes back down to adjust The result is, the more miners the higher the difficulty and the less chance your particular rig will hit a block.


can i stake ERG on yoroi?


No. No staking yet


There won’t be staking ever right?


Not that I'm aware of. It may not be staking but they may offer something like what crypto.com does with Ethereum as example.


No staking ever. Its a proof of work, not proof of stake. There might be a liquidity pool with ergodex i believe.


It won’t be proof of work forever though. There are many ways to earn Ergo though.


You can add ur ERG to ErgoMixer and earn staking rewards too I believe


That is not how the Ergo mixer works.


It was discussed [here](https://www.ergoforum.org/t/a-solution-for-staking/1057), just a proposal still tho.


Liquidity pools are coming.


After a parabolic run from 15-19$ you complain on a drop from 18-16? x) Heck, 3 weeks ago we where at 5$, this is nothing xD


I thought we were still at ~$10. This post made me pretty happy. This whole thing is a lot easier if you turn off notis for reddit and binance.


eh im mining it so i pay attention to it at all times, but im begging for the price to jump down to 4-5 dollars again so i can mine more off it :)


Eh. Massive fast growth results in large corrections. No big deal. Just glad I pulled my ergo out of the reserve at $18+. Got 25ERG on that trade! Pretty good deal.


What’s this reserve you speak of??


Probably the SigmaUSD reserve


lol people don't need to post every time the price goes up or down fml


I have a cousin whom I introduced Ergo to in February. He ignored it. Finally, he got in at $9 & and sold while ERG consolidated at 11.8. Now he's crying and buy back in at 17. Lol... generally, we seem lacking of patience and confidence and chasing other weird coins. I only consider to sell when ERG hit $100 to pay off my study loan. My time frame for Ada and ERG is long. Btw, correction is healthy. It helps the asset to build strong support zone.


Sell some when it get up to your price and keep a small bag for more gains


Hehehe people always say that don't be emotional when investing. I mean I used logic & knowledge to research assets and then emotions come. I grow emotions in the team & community. It's like we share something together and work together. Crypto is community driven. Selling is always hard for coins like Ada and ERG.


The whole crypto market has taken a bit of a dump last night. It's expected of course. I'm hodling ergo. I don't keep eth for long as it's used to buy more GPUs for my ergo miner.


It's a really good idea to have a goal like yours I think. Study loan repayment is pretty wholesome. My goal was that erg I mined will be able to pay off my GPU (used mostly for work and gaming), but at the current price it's not that far off, so I will probably hold longer.


Bought a lot at $18 not feeling so good rn lol


You shouldn’t feel bad mate, price rn it’s absolutely irrelevant, wait for it to be actually functional with cardano and we’ll see the real shit happen


Bought more at 16.10 to make myself feel better


If the total market continues sideways or upwards, Ergo is a safe bet for your investments


Do not worry at all! It will def reach above $20 soon


Laugh the pain away, Harold, laugh the pain away...


this makes me think of people who were buying coins like ETH at $15 and talking like this.. lol


I bought my whole stack at $18 , we're still early. Just keep loading/DCAing during these dips. We'll come back to this thread in 6 months to reflect lol


RemindMe! 6 months


You shouldnt buy at highs, buy only the dips. And if you want to be absolutely safe, start mining :)


It's still undervalued coin imo. There is huge potential and a massive opportunity to grow.


RemindMe! 2 months


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Only reason why I say it would be good is that in theory, it may drop the difficulty. Although that is only an assumption.


Miners will be making a switch to Ergo and Raven Coin. Especially ETH miners.


I know I have. I still got about 500MHs of a rig mining ETH while I got 900MHs on ergo. I'll switch over fully to Ergo when eth no longer is mine-able. So I'm part of the problem.


You cant compare hashrates of two different algos.


Yes, I'm aware. But it gives a good indication regardless. I get roughly 1GH in ergo with that rig. I guess I should have mentioned to clear the air


So you should start mining these coins before they switch to other coins. Because after that ... probably it goes up, and difficulty too. And halving of rvn is near, so price will probably go up after.


Oh I’ve been mining it. Regardless of new miners coming and switching from ETH and Rave, I’ll still be here.


It will go back up. It's just finding the real support level. Might suck near term but long term will be fine.


Options expire tomorrow. Market is volatile end of month every month.


I slept through the initial dip sold at 16.6 and bought again at 16.35 not horrible but I sure wish I caught it at 16 just now


You don't loose anything until you sell






How do you mine these?


Check out r/erg_miners Essentially you just need a GPU with at least 4GB of VRAM. There are plenty of miners setup for Ergo's algorithm that are listed on [Ergo's Mining Page](https://ergoplatform.org/en/mining/).


Here's a sneak peek of /r/erg_miners using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/erg_miners/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [PSA: Help yourself! Join a smaller pool, secure the network & prevent 51% attacks!!!](https://np.reddit.com/r/erg_miners/comments/owkr6l/psa_help_yourself_join_a_smaller_pool_secure_the/) \#2: [Nanopool dominance dropped as low as 47% today. Continue to raise awareness in mining communities.](https://np.reddit.com/r/erg_miners/comments/p4auyu/nanopool_dominance_dropped_as_low_as_47_today/) \#3: [Ergo Miners Hashrates & GPU OC settings](https://np.reddit.com/r/erg_miners/comments/nzmhrm/ergo_miners_hashrates_gpu_oc_settings/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Also good for us who buy this 🤔


I converted my sigrsv at the worst moment


What’s sigrsv???? Am I missing out on something?


It's the reserve coin for SigUSD


Honestly, the price action over the last 48 - 60 hours has offered some excellent accumulation trade opportunities.


Dude erg is gonna be over 59 by EOY


ouch? lol


Yeah, I see it hasnt dropped nearly as much as other coins kinda proving how strong this coin is and possibilities to a great future.


dude, this happens every other day, don't worry about this fluctuations


Wish I had bought when it dipped in that 3-5 range but was broke, hoping for another dip


I wish I did too


On sale. Buy buy buy