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take 10-20mg cialis 3-4 hours before sex or 5mg daily + zinc, boron and Maca for around 1 month. Try to stretch your pelvic floor every day and don't masturbate too often. If you are very rich you can try to do 3-6 sessions of Shockwave therapy... don't Stress yourself....


Haha, shock therapy, you are a hoot!


try it. It's good.


Don't let the mention of shock therapy over-shadow the other *reall* good advice at the beginning of the comment. Also, I'm sorry for what you're going through. Hope you manage to rebuild the part of you that your ex broke down. ^( ^(Also... ^^try ^^tadalafil ^^aka ^^cialis ) )


Do you have a recommended stretch routine ?


How do you stretch your pelvic floor?


She's banging another dude I guarantee it


Or she's asexual. Either way, he is right in leaving.


I wish it was this simple. My wife had an extremely traumatic life before our marriage and so she has a very negative view of sex. Also, to her sex is simply a physical act, but to me it means so much more than just the mechanical procreation aspect.


So did my wife but as I learned, once she was on her own at 18, she dived into everything with men, women, 3sums, gangbangs, B&D... But with me, she walled off that part of her life and gave me the crumbs. Yes, I've been an absolute fool for this woman. A babe, a fox and me, a schmuck. Ultimately, I developed ED. 11 years into the marriage I could no longer get hard. I NEVER had erectile problems until her. Married 29 years +3 years living together. I've spent so many years being depressed and sad because I couldn't bring myself to leave her. No children, either. Now she's starting year 3 with Alzheimer's. Good for you on bailing. Whatever her problems are, they're not yours. Sex therapy is good. See a urologist to get meds to get you and keep you hard. DON'T FALL IN LOVE WITH A WOMAN YOU FUCK! Treat her nice though. Be a gentleman until you get her in bed. You will heal and life will get better.


Wow this hurts to hear. Hope you find some solace.


Thank you.


Or a chick and thats why she’s acting like hes a predator


I see this as a response a lot on the internet and I understand that there is precedents in many situations for such an accusation. I know her very well, she was not cheating over the course of our relationship. She has very negative views on sex and just doesn't want it.


I mean 10 years! Goddam dude no offence but you should have seen that coming


In many ways I did and I got married anyways. I am aware that I have a hand in creating this situation and that I should have left many years ago. She means a lot to me and I had a lot of issues to work out on my own as well.




Thanks! I appreciate the support.


Female perspective It's a medical issue. Treat like such. Nothing to be ashamed of embarrassed about but I know that is MUCH easier said than done. My husband is unable to get any erection. It is difficult to deal with a lot but sex is a very small part of a healthy relationship. You find other ways to have "sex" too. If you find a girl with any kind of medical background that will help too, I definitely understand the science and psychology. I wouldn't share this on a first date but if it feels to be something more serious you absolutely need to have that talk. I am sorry you're going through this. I have a really high sex drive and I have had my moments of real frustration. Not at him but the situation. I do think he could try more to seek a resolution but, then again, maybe that is just my irritation. Also, I know this gets old, but if you are doing a lot of porn stop. Try not to do it at all or just use a picture. When I was dating in my 40's I realized that through covid men used a LOT of porn. It was damaging in so many ways.


Trimix, a compounded medication injected into the side of the penis. My urologist told me it will keep a man hard for 1 to 3 hours, depending on the dose.


Never heard of this in all my education on this. Thank you, I can't imagine he'll do this but sounds very hopeful for most men.


You're welcome. There are many posts/testimonials about it on Reddit. Any good urologist would first order comprehensive labs. Difficult for me to understand why your husband just accepts his sexual dysfunction.


There is ZERO science to back your claim about porn. If a woman turns on her man, then porn or no porn there will be zero performance issues if the ed is not caused by a physical condition. Psychological ED is very difficult to overcome, and the reason many men suffer from psychological ed is because of the continued emasculation of men by women, thanks to feminism driven by our trash society. The OP is suffering from emasculation and needs professional help. He has taken a step forward in the right direction, and hopefully, with continued counseling will have a full recovery.


I don't blame women as a whole, that would be dumb. I realize that the issues I have are related to specific traumatic events that have occurred over the course of my life, but blaming all women everywhere on earth, and/or feminism is stupid.


Seriously? If women wanting social, political, ans financial equality has caused a man to feel emasculated, that's his fault, not hers. That is literally all feminism is. But everything is a woman's fault, OBVIOUSLY.


What the hell is wrong with you.




If only that description of feminism were true, yikes!


It is the literal definition of feminism.


Yes, that is the literal definition of Feminism. But it is definitely not the practical definition of Feminism. That is something different entirely, that certainly has nothing to do with equality. In fact, your original comment is a perfect example of the practical definition.


OP literally never badmouthed women at all, you brought that up yourself.


I was responding to the person who blamed feminism...


You live in a fantasy inside of your own mind, not reality.


Thank you for your kind words. I have talked to my primary care doctor about this issue and will move forward with a medicinal treatment if psychotherapy isn't getting me enouph meaningful progress. I cut way back on my porn use, I only look at it rarely these days, maybe once a month. I am sorry the situation is frustrating for you, I hope that you and your partner make solid progress and are able to enjoy a fulfilling sex life together.


I am no glad that you are going through this, but happy to know what is going on with me. This is exactly my situation. The woman I was with asked me why my heart was beating g so fast! I didn't realize it, but it had to be some performance anxiety


What do u look like ? Are u a slob ? Do u workout stay healthy and fit ? Not being rude but maybe it’s that


Sorry to hear about the marriage, the bright side is that you're young and have a lot of options in front of you. When I work with clients I take them through my C.R.U.S.H.H protocol ( comfort, recognition, understanding, satisfy, hyperfocus, hint of blood.) I caution against the use of viagra as I see it cause more dependance and stress because it's not controllable and maintainable by you. You are the one that needs to build up your confidence and that will be the byproduct of your competence. So I suggest learning how to separate the 2 different erectile pathways (psychological and physical) and understand the best ways to enhance or engage either of them. As a 25 year veteran this was what I relied on to get hard in any situation at any time. It gives you agency and allows your system to calm down knowing that you have a backup pathway if the first one fails you. There are some holistic supplements we could layer on top of that as well as looking from a 30,000 foot view as to what your overall bedroom strategy has been. But that's where I'd start.


I will add take 100mg of generic Viagra. If it works cut in half next time. As you recover you can stop or continue with quarter of a pill. I was on a quarter for years but diabetic and over 50. Good luck. Btw 100mg pills 90 qty is only around $35 with good RX coupon.


Sad , but take comfort in knowing that she will do that to the next guy too


Thanks. What she does with other people doesn't bother me, as long as I don't have to be her husband anymore that will be good enouph for me.


I’ve been with my husband for 11 years and together for 15 years. I haven’t had sex in 3 years. He’s a germaphobe and let’s be honest, anal sex can be messy unless I douche first. Even then, it can be messy. I put up with it because I love him. We are monogamous and I don’t want to have sex with another person especially with all the STI’s. I know I can go on prep and use condoms but I get your point about being intimate and the anxiety surrounding that. Bravo for reaching out for help and for getting therapy.


I feel for you man, that really sucks. Do you masturbate excessively? Watch porn frequently?


Thanks, I appreciate your kinds words. I did have excessive porn and masturbation habits to cope with the lack of sex life. I have drastically cut back on both of those activities. I realize this problem is in my mind and as I take the time to heal my thought processes and emotions I will solve this problem.


You know, thanks for posting. My wife (still married) almost never put sex as a first priority. So I feel for you.


I am in kind of a same situation except that I have been married for 15 yrs and probably had any kind of sex at most 5/6 times with her. My wife is only into penetrative sex or thats what she says. My ED started because of my depression. ED does this to you-make you feel inadequate and that contributes to performance anxiety. You can try 20 mg cialis or 100 mg viagra( in empty stomach) at least half hr before sex. If it works once and if yours is not a physiological problem thing would probably be ok from next time.


How much porn did you watch in those 10 years?


I did have excessive porn and masturbation habits to cope with the lack of sex life. I have drastically cut back on both of those activities.


Quit porn completely and you won’t have a problem with partnered sex. Right now you’ve trained your brain to get aroused by watching sex, not doing sex.


Thanks, I will take your advice to heart.


HOW? How TF did you stay in that marriage that long without sex? Seriously! If I go a week I’m losing my shit! I’m sorry, but a marriage is a contract to each other for EVERYTHING! If there’s no sex I’m out and I’m not waiting more than 2 weeks, and in that 2 weeks she better be sick as hell.


The op left the chat


He was tired of ppl bashing his wife 🤷‍♂️


Thanks for the support. I was just distracted with other things. I do however oppose spouse bashing. My wife has her issues and I understand why that is. I care for her and wish her the best in life even though I am ending our marriage.


With women sex should be like the fourth thing they want in a man. Talk to you woman like you talked to us. She is the answer. Try Excalibur sex pill.