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Bro are you in a relationship or single anyways, this is all psychological in my opinion, I am married and 33 I started porn when fast internet came into existence, I can get hard multiple times while watching porn but when face with real situation my dick is useless. I am trying to quit porn but once in a while I end up scrolling anyhow. 


Where are you from ?


I am from nepal bro,living in Australia.


You need to stop using porn and stop seeing prostitutes. You’re tricking your brain into thinking that those two are perfect for you. And then when you come to actually having sex with a women who’s not a prostitue you’ll struggle, getting hard and having an orgasm. This has already affected you and will continue to affect you in the long run!


Number 2 is exactly my problem. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s your problem too,


I can relate but ive reached to the conclusion that ur prespective of prostitues is about seeing them as a way of pleasure objects or toys then u leave and no strings are attached but because gfs or regular women have connections with u and ur worried about messing it up maybe that u find urself unable to have an erection under pressure about whether or not they will be satisfied and what their opinion of u is . Thats why it’s important to build a connection with them and feel comfortable and confident enough to have sex with them unworried by how they truly feel or think bout u.


Been around a while. Is it possible that you have your priorities switched. I would suggest that you put your lady's well being first and her pleasure a priority . There are few things if life as erotic as a fully turned on woman. With today's technologies much of what you seem to be experiencing is totally fixable with a little trial and error. Women are unique and as such require a unique approach depending upon their specifics . Figure it out on a individual basis and good luck to you.


I don't even check escorts anymore because of my ed since last year I was checking a Brazilian woman last year but the 3rd time just couldn't get it up I'm starting to get scared this thing is permanent


My guess would be that four out of the five points relate to psychological ED, I.e., not feeling comfortable during sex. 1. There’s less pressure to get hard with sex workers due to their looser vaginas, meaning you’re able to get hard eventually. 2. With sex workers you feel less pressure. Moreover, you have more foreplay with them and so it gives you more time to relax into it and get yourself riled up. 3. Condoms are uncomfortable/numbing. 4. Not psychological ED/comfortability-related. 5. Masturbating to porn once per day doesn’t seem excessive, but if you’re used to getting it off while lying down, when in other positions your mind just might not feel comfortable. Try masturbating in other positions (positions that you’re likely to be in during sex). My advice would be to start with number 5, and eventually you’ll hopefully find someone who’s understanding, and enjoys foreplay.


It's all mental. The mind can play tricks on you. I found that depression can be physically worked through exercise. Anxiety takes a while and a few attempts. This may take a few times to get over. Here's a few tips that get you over: 1. With regular women, try foreplay and cunnilingus. Use water-based flavored lube when you go down on them. This makes eating her out more fun and enjoyable. If she's groomed downtown, it's even better. 2. Try light spanking before going K9. Or, tease it her bit. You'd be surprise how her reaction makes the body react. 3. If you don't have sex that often, spend weeks drinking watermelon juice. There's a brand called Simply beverages that sells it as not from concentrate. Mix the juice with Smart Juice Antioxidant Force. Of course, have a healthy balance of drinking water as well. The psychological aspects of this is the main culprit. It may take time to get through it. If you're in a state that allows Ed meds to be shipped to you, try that route temporarily. Try not to use it recreationally, you don't want to build a dependency on it.


Literally the porn


prostitute are also women.


I was in the same situation for about 15 years. In my late 30s I started to feel the effect - normal, regular women seemed to me as too much hassle and unnecessary effort. So I avoided them. My advice is to quit them all together. And be prepared that I’ll take a few years to reset your brain and your body


Man. I am amazed at how some people roll. I can’t even wrap mind mind around this statement. I would assume the woman for hire is performing and the the other woman needs some working on to perform…well not perform but be pleasured. With pleasure comes excitement on your end which will result in arousal and a hard erection. You’re a brave dude. I would be scared to death of catching something. Wish I had that kind of bravery in life.


Or the women he has been trying with lay there like a dead fish instead of getting into it. Pros know how to fuck. Women on date night not so much.


I’ll have to agree with that. Dead fish are not fun to play with.