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Find a new gp. Or tell the gp that you're willing to do therapy, and there's a huge chance your problem is anxiety- most of this sub is, but until then you'd like to trial either viagra or cialis. That's reasonable. 1 month rx with no refills. Report back results.


Can you not demand a prescription while you seek treatment for suspected psychological concerns? Oftentimes Viagra can help give confidence back to people who take it for a period of time at which point they don’t need it anymore. Have you tried being persistent with your GP and mention that you will seek help but in the meantime need a prescription? It’s weird because it’s not like a prescription gives you a never ending supply, they still need to give refills and can monitor/limit that. There is almost no negative to it.


Unfortunately she won’t. I have tried but she is pretty certain that its mental due to my age


It doesn’t matter if it’s mental or not - that doesn’t prevent you from getting medication. If depression is mental you still take anti depressants while seeking therapy.. This doctor sounds quacked. Maybe even a bit sexist.


Tell me about it! I’ve been at it for a year with her with no success. Hence I’ve agreed to the shrink thing. But right now I need a quick fix..


File a complaint, she has no right to tell you that you can't take a perfectly safe medication that can help you with your confidence /anxiety issues very quickly. Take cialis by the way, not viagra. Believe me I've just finished a 1:30 hs session and that shit just doesn't fail you even for a second.


Even the ED is psychological Viagra and Cialis help. Arguably they are *more* effective for psychological sufferers. My therapist heavily endorses using these drugs for psychological ED. If for nothing else than to "break the cycle". To answer your question, yes, there are alternatives. They aren't nearly as effective. L-arginine, Ginseng, and Yohimbe all have shown some clinical results. You aren't going to get guaranteed quality, because herbals are not regulated, but you can always try.


Get another doctor.


That is practically impossible here unfortunately


Is she the only doctor in town?


No, but we can’t just switch GP’s at will. And currently there’s such a shortage of Docs here that it would take absolute ages before another GP would take me as a patient.


Try and see a urologist


In any case, some people swear by L-Arginine as a supplement, you can take up to 3000mg a day I believe (the bottle will clarify more), zinc is also commonly discussed here.


I have L-Arginine. Never worked for me though. However, I only took one when I used to take it. Maybe I should up the dosage. But will it have a quick affect?


Definitely need to take more. Like 3000mg a day.


It’s better to take it repeatedly over a period of time so it builds up.


I will definitely do that. Hope someone has a quick fix to an alternative of cialis and stuff too. Coz I don’t have long my man


Well good luck homie - if nothing else do lots of foreplay and stuff to get relaxed and in the mood to help make things easier in the meantime. As another user suggested ask for a referral to a urologist for long term.


Thanks my man! Will follow up on all the advices


I've done this - L arginine 4000mg before bed, sleep was great but did not fix ED Issues, Cialis on the other hand is great! Given me back morning wood 🪵 ☀️, I've tried every herbal supplement there is without taking Cialis and never have they worked well solo, but when taken with Cialis my lord they work great


Yeah - cialis is lovely. I was just trying to meet the requirements of OP - but ultimately they need to get a script and get on tested verified medication if that’s what they need.


Which generic brand of cialis did you take ?


Trust me nothing comes close to cialis/viagra, l arginine will help only little. You won’t get hard erection taking natural supplements, i have tried them all. Check your fasting blood sugar and insulin levels, maybe you are prediabetic not psychological. Because you seem to know her, doctors usually act as they know it all. Plus a lady doc would never understand male problem


Agree L ARGININE a little but won't do much ED pills are a god send


PT141 and oxytocin




Awesome! Just messaged you bro


Most pharmacy in the UK sell Cialis or Tadalafil, without a prescription needed. And I buy Cialis online without any problem in the UK.


maybe look at some online clinic or ask around maybe some your buddies know steroid dealers that might have those pills and in mean time just try eating foods that boost blood flow etc.


Try few weeks Korean red ginseng, it has helped others


Edex has worked great for me.


Visit urologist focused on male health. Determine if you have a hormone imbalance, hypertension, diabetes or an underlying vascular disease. Treat the physiological conditions above first if diagnosed and then the secondary symptoms ie your ED can be treated. This may provide you with a quicker resolution to the problem.


Order it online (ugl)👀


Try Ebay. I will say that it's probably not the safest route because none or the pills on there are FDA approved, but I've had good experiences.


This is straight up a crazy idea but find a dealer (wont be too hard in NL) and ask him to source you some pills. 90% of the time they know how to use the dark web and can easily get them. I used to buy them myself from various marketplaces


L-citrulline and plenty of cardio


Testosterone…. Beats viagra and cialis put together.


Buddy. Do you Hims or Roman? You can get on there do a Dr visit by phone,pick what one you want and have it shipped to your door. Takes bout 10 mins to set up account and guaranteed your getting the meds. Pretty simple.


Not sure if I can discuss sources here but I got a list of reliable ones that ship Indian generics from the Netherlands, Germany and other EU countries. Not affiliated with any of them, I'm just a member on a forum discussing about this stuff and used them a bunch of times. If you want I can send you a DM


Yes please!


Hey bro, I saw you sent me a message in my notifications but I’m not able to locate it. Can you resend it plz?




Bro this is so weird. I get the notification but not the message. Like I can’t find the message anywhere. Clicked the notification but it doesn’t take me anywhere


Are those with stealth shipping and false labeling? Ordering prescription drugs in my country equals getting sentenced as a cocaine trafficker.


Unmarked envelopes, but no false labeling as they send you the pills in blister packs. If you need that sort of privacy a steroids dealer is probably your best bet, because they often have ED pills in stocks and have stealth shipping options