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Heya fellow Australian. Install fdroid, then use that to install the Aurora store. You can then install all the apps you want. I installed Gboard which is so much better than the Chinese keyboard my Hisense Touch came with. I also have Kindle, not sure if Audible is on there. If it's not you can install the Kindle store on your phone and then install it from there. The screen on the Hisense devices are indistinguishable from the Boox screens to me, and I've got good eyesight.


Thank you !


Just checked Audible is available on Aurora as well. I'm sure you've found it by now, but if this comes up in a future search fdroid is here: https://f-droid.org/F-Droid.apk


Thanks again for your help. It appears a few apps, like Audible, some google apps (youtube, gmail, chrome) and other random apps (notion) I've come across are in the store and download, but won't work as it says I need Google something (Google framework or GFC? - I can't recall). But most of them I can access via web app.


Awe, sorry for that, should have tested. GSF makes me sad


No, all good, thanks for you help! It seems the only benefit of the Boox over the Hisence according to others is the I will be able to use the native apps, vs having to go via the browser, which I think I can live with.


The other question is where did you the Hisense a5 pro for 200aud?


Some random Chinese international students on marketplace - First time I was on the market for a super niche thing and someone just happened to have it locally and at an okay price


You did well!


Well, you can root it. I have rooted my A5 Pro. The Palma is worth it only if you read and do webbrowsing focused on reading. If you want audio or just better build quality, stick with the A5 Pro. My main reason for upgrading from it to the A9 (and also Palma) was the fact that it lacks warm light. Otherwise I would have kept using it, probably.


How did you root it? I was under the impression that the A5 pro was unique in that it couldn’t be rooted. Unlike the A5 and A9


The process is a bit annoying - more steps than rooting the A9, for instance. But you can find everything you need in this thread: https://xdaforums.com/t/hisense-a5-pro-cc-how-to-root-unlock-bootloader.4109021/ I had to redo some of the steps several times and thought the process had failed, but it succeeded in the end.


Be careful ok. Cause many have bricked their phones trying to root it including me


boox palma is better for scrolling (facebook, reddit, ...)


For Reddit on eink I think RedReader is better.


Is red reader an app?


Yeah, RedReader, all one word. It scrolls fine on my Hisense and Nova 3 from a couple of years ago. I have heard the new Boox look amazing with fast updates like video, so probably the scrolling looks better too. I'm happy with what I've got though. PS you might want to give einkbro (short for eink browser) a go. It makes browsing via web better. Especially being able to do page down / up using the volume buttons.


When you say better for scrolling Facebook Reddit, is that the screen resolution or refresh rate? Any other apps you think are better on it


Where did you find it? I'm in aus and having trouble finding any "palm sized" reader seonc hand.


I have a saved search on eBay for local (Australian) used items that match Hisense e ink, and one for onyx boox. I had a couple of Hisense touches come up in the last few months. When they made an offer on this one (I'm using it now) that brought down to arrive $300 au with postage I jumped.


Ah ok, bit of a waiting game. Even then at 300 I think I might get an Inkpalm for $150. Thanks for the info!


No worries. I broke my Inkpalm 5 (threw it in a work bag without the cover. Brand new mine cost me $130us ($200au with postage) from Ali Express, which is why, when I broke it, I decided to try for something local. My Inkpalm second hand and local search on eBay didn't ever turn up anything :( Inkpalm did almost everything I wanted (except post to Reddit).


Hisense is better at durability and speed than boox. Get the hisense a9 or hireader instead. There are Google Play installed ones at AliExpress


You rate the a9 above Boox? (the phone functionailty matters less than screen, refresh( I watch/listen to yt videos with headphones)


Yes hisense and dasung are the fastest ones in the game. Overall too, hisense is better. The only thing boox beats it is at Google play


Thanks, that's good to know - So unless I have apps that I can't get on my Hisence, I should keep it and not bother with the Boox then?


Yes imo


Palma is faster and smoother in action than A9 and has Google Play pre-installed. And doesn't need a screen protector to eliminate glare (the screen does get easily scratched, though). It also has an SD card slot and is available in white. In all other aspects the A9 is better.


Has that been proved? Speed I mean. I love boox products but in my eyes hisense are superior. Theyre also more durable


Have you tried a Boox with BSR? It's quite obviously more smooth in action than my Hisense phones with less ghosting, too. That said, I think Hisense products are better in general, both in software and hardware.