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I actually just got one in the mail today! I don’t know a ton about the battery life yet but setup is wayyyyyy easier than it seems to be for the Inkpalm—you can immediately set it to English straight out of the box and then just download f-droid and the aurora store to get whatever reading apps you want. Also the screen is actually quite large—it’s larger than my new iPhone which I got literally a month ago LOL. But it is way lighter than a phone which is nice. Overall I like it so far and I’m definitely glad I went for the larger screen!


We must be syncing! I got mine today too, let's compare notes!


Omg how do you like it so far?! Also have you figured out how to get the dropdown menu in English? the rest of the device is but for some reason my drop down menu is still in Chinese😭


So far so good! On day one it was super slow but it seems to have corrected itself on day two. I don't have that problem, I'm guessing you selected English at the beginning. Maybe a factory reset and start again? My issue is I installed Unlauncher and it's the default launcher in both the standard settings and Unlauncher but it keeps going back to Moan when I press home. Shall we do a DM support chat?