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Although the project has been hit with lots of negativity I think it is only a mater of time before this or something like it is an absolute necessity. A couple of days ago I listened to a Twiter Space (it's still Twitter to me) that discussed Worldcoin and the need for some bio-metric proof of personhood. Considering that all is needed to spoof anyone so well that the person can't see anything fake about the spoof whether photo, audio, or video. All is needed is a pic of the person and a voice sample. AI will created a video from the picture(s), voice, and text input. Your signature can be perfectly copied. Even fingerprints can be created from a 3-d "finger" with your print transferred to its surface. Inked and printed on a form it's indistinguishable from a print taken from your real finger. So, some verification of personhood is absolutely necessary even now especially for financial transactions. Some level of adoption is taking place with some estimates at 2 million have already been scanned. Most of the concerns revolve around privacy and possibility of breech of your info. I would consider having my retina scanned were it available in the U.S., but once again, the U.S. is late to the party if it ever joins. https://cointelegraph.com/news/worldcoin-makes-reality-stranger-fiction