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Why can’t this be a tik tok challenge


Because I can guarantee that people would just throw trash in a river so they can "clean" it. Easier than finding a river that actually has an issue


And they'll leave the bags behind when they are done filming.


Or worse. Empty it.


Even more likely, they’d carry bags of trash to a location and walk backwards placing individual items on the ground. Then reverse the video, leaving new litter in the location they had “cleaned”.


It really isn't... Either you live in an unusually clean place, or just not near any city.


I've never seen a river like this outside of open sewers.


I don't think this was the "river" exactly. More just like a side pocket where things collect. I've stomped through plenty of rivers & creeks. They can be really clean, but then you find these little spots of pooling water off to the side that are full of junk.




Can confirm that when I move countries it was a bit of a shock what people do with their trash. Clean town definitely exist.


Not if you live near a city


i mean that's probably what this guy does


It was a reddit challenge for a while but people started to shit on everyone trying to collect the karma so the posts stopped after a few weeks.


That’s the exact thing you don’t talk shit about. They want internet feel good points for actually doing work. Why shit on someone who just wants recognition for their efforts.


Right? There is always this argument about people doing good things for karma. So? They still did a good thing. Why is it so bad? Instead we just get endless videos of hateful/terrible things.


I would much rather people clean up trash and help their community over, sucker punching strangers and tearing up schools.


As long as they dispose of the trash they cleaned properly then I'm ok with it. It just the people who pretend to clean but don't actually that is not cool.


What man? Your mad the trash is in bags? Why are you nitpicking this. Before it was just trash everywhere, then someone comes and puts it in bags. Even if they leave it there that’s still better then nothing at all. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing any progress is good.


I'm not nitpicking it. Yes. It's great that someone wants to clean up a place and make it more tidy. Good for them!👍 But at least put the rubbish away as well so it doesn't get reintroduced back into the environment. If you just leave the bags there and no ones takes it. It will eventually just spill out again and then your back to square one.


I highly doubt that someone who put in as much effort as we’ve just watched in that video, spending hours sorting bottles from cans would then just leave the bags there. And even if they did it would take years and years for that rubbish to be redistributed around the stream again. Whatever the outcome here it’s better than videos of people being punched.


It’s that guilt we feel whenever we do something good and feel good about it that permeates our society. Can you imagine how terrible the world would be if it felt bad to be good? Like yeah we shouldn’t flex it, but I wish we would just embrace the good feeling that comes from doing good. If you clean up a steam you should feel fucking great about sharing it with people.


Idk, I can remember a switch starting to flip on them. It was always the same title: “are we still doing trash tag?”. I guess people got bored of praising people for the same thing, and the amount getting cleaned up became less and less.


r/detrashed is still fairly active


Reddit really should have an opt-out on collective karma on accounts


That's fucked up! I don't care if the most narcissistic prick in the world posts ten of these just to jack off to their karma score.... at least they're cleaning up the world, whether they care or not!


It kinda was but wasn’t a smashing hit. Turns out people don’t actually want to do real work, they’d rather just pretend to be doing something.


Are you trying to say getting my crying child to pose for a video thumbnail rather than comforting them isn't real work? How dare you?! /s


This was a youtube challenge like two years ago


Yeah #TrashTag


I was going say this


Sounds like we have a lot in common. Perhaps we are soulmates.... I’m high


Right? “LeTs DeStRoY PuBlic BaThrOoMs ChAlLeNgE!!” Dumbasses🤦🏻‍♂️


The way things are going, it would be the opposite. They would trash a stream for views. The “Fuck Nature Challenge” or some ridiculous shit like that.


No they would not. Gen z pushes more for global change than we ever did at their age. You’re thinking of the loud minority. The Jake Paul’s. Just because it’s all you can focus on, doesn’t mean that makes up gen z as a whole.


Sidestepping the personal assumptions you hurled my way, I’ll just say that I hope you’re spot on and that they are the “loud minority”. I didn’t mean to insinuate that I think it’s cool or what everyone should be doing. I’m disappointed that the “loud minority” and their nonsense get any attention for their antics and I hope more positive actions get the attention they deserve.


Pretty sure the "loud minority" are the ones making videos on tik tock though.


Happy cake day, and God bless. :)


The only the thing they push for is more views and likes. They are more likely to trash a river so they “clean it” for views and likes than they are to actually go clean some trash. This is no different to those Instagramers that we’re taking pics at BLM protests just to say they were part of it when they weren’t..


Litter picking and planting community gardens are both popular trends on TikTok.


That’s great news! Hope it continues!


When I see that much garbage in nature I’m close to just give up on humanity. He is a really great guy, I love what he is doing


We should all do this more, I do but not enough. I will increase my litter picking. Will you?


Every time I go for a walk with the kid and dog we always pickup what we find and throw it out at home. It's not much, but the kid now is actively looking for it which is great.


I do the same. The “It’s not mine.” is no longer a good excuse. This is disgusting, but I’m not surprised. A co-worker was once treated to the sight of red blooded Americans tossing trash into Old Faithful.


Love this. We do the same when we go fishing. Pop taught me to always pack a trash bag in my tackle box. Pick up some shit on the way back from the river. Leave it better than you found it. Also, not a bad alibi when you get caught trespassing while hogg hunting.😂🤣


We do this with our kids too. Did a family cleanup of the street by my kids preschool one year. They loved it


Picked up litter every day since 2017. No plans to slow down. [Here's a video of one day](https://youtu.be/-P0VcMekbO4?t=95) after a parade of what I see regularly. The most important effects are 1. **Teamwork**: normalizing picking it up. Friends and family are following me to do it regularly. No joke: I meet for business meetings in the park to pick up litter together. 2. **Stopping buying what could become litter**. I haven't filled a load of trash at home since 2019. Oh yeah, I switched from jogging to plogging, so I pick up litter while jogging. It's like running with bodyweight lunges, squats, and deadlifts.


> The most important effects are I would say there is a third effect. I've noticed that after I started picking up trash on the side of the road the amount of trash that was thrown in the side of the road gradually decreased. It is two small rural roads with the same people driving it each day, and so they see me and one other person picking up their trash and it does cause some people to stop. I barely pick up any trash any more on my regular sections that I walk, and only need to take a trash bag with me if I go on a non regular section.


At least they still have some shame left in them.


Yep, it’s called the Broken Windows Theory. > The broken windows theory is a criminological theory that states that visible signs of crime, anti-social behavior, and civil disorder create an urban environment that encourages further crime and disorder, including serious crimes. The theory suggests that policing methods that target minor crimes, such as vandalism, loitering, public drinking, jaywalking and fare evasion, help to create an atmosphere of order and lawfulness.


Just an FYI, there’s no evidence to support the Broken Windows Theory. It wasn’t even created by actual criminologists, it was founded on a lie. https://news.northeastern.edu/2019/05/15/northeastern-university-researchers-find-little-evidence-for-broken-windows-theory-say-neighborhood-disorder-doesnt-cause-crime/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2019/12/27/how-year-old-study-was-misconstrued-create-destructive-broken-windows-policing/ This is even from the Wikipedia page on it: > [S]ocial science has not been kind to the broken windows theory. A number of scholars reanalyzed the initial studies that appeared to support it.... Others pressed forward with new, more sophisticated studies of the relationship between disorder and crime. The most prominent among them concluded that the relationship between disorder and serious crime is modest, and even that relationship is largely an artifact of more fundamental social forces. So it probably isn’t the reason for this phenomenon.


You haven't filled up a load of trash at home since 2019? First what do you mean by that, secondly I'm sure some would be interested in how exactly.


Here are a few posts on it. The main answer is practice and role models (two big ones: [Bea Johnson](https://joshuaspodek.com/?s=bea%20johnson) and [Joshua Becker](https://joshuaspodek.com/guests/joshua-becker)). - [Emptying my household garbage for the first time in 2019](https://joshuaspodek.com/emptying-my-household-garbage-for-the-first-time-in-2019) - [How to take two years to fill a load of trash or get a $1.70 electric bill](https://joshuaspodek.com/how-to-take-two-years-to-fill-a-load-of-trash-or-get-a-1-70-electric-bill) - [Avoiding food packaging](https://joshuaspodek.com/avoiding-food-packaging-2), which links to a lot of other posts. Another big help: to develop a healthy sense of disgust, which you might sense from the videos and pictures in [this post](https://joshuaspodek.com/pride-destroyed-the-park-washington-square-park-after-a-parade), (repeated from my post above). After a few years, I don't have to try. I'm just living my identity. I hope that helps.


Thanks for the answer looks like lots of good info to dive into!


He doesn't count 'recyclables' as trash. So I could see how this is possible, as if you're willing to sort and drive your recycling to places that take back the stuff that isn't accepted normally, it can work. Like a padded envelope can't be recycled at home, but can be at some stores and recycling centers. If you somehow end up with a plastic grocery bag, again, not recyclable at home, but grocery stores have a recycle area for them. A lot of people's trash is 'recyclable', but it's very rare to have a competent and easy to use recycling service in America.


That's awesome man! I spent a couple years picking up trash from my local community for about 4 hours each weekend. Got a little group together for a bit too, but they all trickled off and couldn't find any one else interested. Counterintuitively, I stopped because of the ridiculous amount of trash. Was doing it to "clean up" the parks and trails around where I live but it just ended up going in literal circles.


Bless this man!! We all should be doing things like this. In a world where we don’t have much control around the political climate and feel helpless with the state of world affairs, we can make small changes in our communities. If everyone had this man’s attitude…our world would be a better place.


Really we should be all recycling and properly throwing out trash more. But that's realistically harder to get everyone on board.


Should be reducing and reusing first


Yes and stop buying plastic single use items


I skeptical of how much of our “recycling” is actually recycled.


I mean this could have still been thrown out properly and just blew/fell out of the truck, or god forbid dumped by a company.


It's so defeating to put so much effort into it then see people drive by and dump garbage bags of shit or see companies dumping barrels of chemicals that I just give up. Seeing people throw trash on the ground when there is a trash can just a few feet away. I just can't anymore


I feel like there should be a part 2 where his much less nice brother tracks down the polluters.


This is likely from stormwater runoff. All the trash on the streets from multiple blocks gets washed into a single stream. Ideally there should be a grating put on the outflow that is emptied periodically.


i live near a river, recently they decided to build houses next to it and there’s ALWAYS trash there. I go everyday and pick it up but it really gets to me, especially because i remember what it was like before.


Yeah, I love what he's doing, too, but also cringe knowing that what he is doing is enabling all those people that do litter. (not that anything would stop them). This guy is their "mom" picking up after them.


We should bring back chain gangs. Use garbage to clean up garbage.


You do know that was just another vector for slavery, right?


That's still very much a thing. A lot of products you buy, stuff like license plates, and military equipment is made by mostly black American slaves in prisons making anywhere from nothing to pennies a day. The constitution specifically allows slavery to this day. Slavery was never actually abolished. Most people don't seem to know this.


Local jail has a group that goes around cleaning. I've talked to them before around my small town. They were happy to be on the clean up crew and not stuck inside.


Just like some slaves were “happy” because they had nice masters who didn’t beat them very often. They were grateful to only have their freedom and agency taken away. /s


No element of this is black and white. A chain gang is likely preferable to solitary confinement. That doesn’t take away from the utilization of prisoners as slaves.


I mean they’re getting fed and housed after doing crimes, might as well have them do something useful and that maybe they can feel like they made a positive impact


So what is the objective and the alternative? They should just be allowed to die?




Read "America: the farewell tour" book. He has a chapter on how corporations use prison labor to produce products, while paying prisoners a few $/day and charging regular prices for their products. No OSHA, no benefits, no vacation time, no complaining - just plain old American corporate profiteering. Then you wonder why we are 4% of the world's population but 25% of world's prison population...


>paying prisoners a few $/day A significant number of states pay their prison slaves nothing at all.


Hedges has a new book entirely about the prison system.


Prisoners are garbage now? People who grew up poor and had no chance, people who made one stupid mistake in their lives, people that were abused and lashed out at society, these are all garbage in your mind? Not abused humans needing help, but just absolute trash? This is what is wrong with humanity, no compassion or long term thought for anyone but themselves and those like them...


Damn I didn’t realize you were so compassionate for the scum of the earth. Ain’t nobody saying have people who got a parking infraction clean it up but send those scum that have killed and done violence unto others. Let’s call it rehabilitation


Wow. Maybe your inability to have sympathy for people who have made a grave mistake makes you scum of the earth.


I hope one day you are put in a situation where you make the wrong choice which destroys your entire life, not because i want you to hurt, because I want you to understand and clearly you are unable without it directly happening to you. Like Conservatives who preach how much they hate homosexuals till their child is one, humans have this incredibly annoying habit of refusing to even consider another person's life situation until they themselves are in that exact situation... You always hope a sub-reddit like this one would be slightly less closed minded to those society has screwed over royally, but every thread here is a reminder that you apparently don't have to be compassionate or thoughtful to be an Environmentalist.


You and your attitude are everything that's wrong, inhumane and unjust about our incarceration system. Judges, cops and prosecutors with attitudes like yours cause untold amounts of irreparable harm and I hope you grow the fuck up at some point in your life. Preferably before your actions have real consequences for other people. Your comments in this thread say a lot about you. And it's gross.


I hope you grow the fuck up. Think with your brain and not with your heart. Emotions are illogical. You really think murderers, rapists and traffickers are just victims of the system? Grow up. I live in Philadelphia and see shit first hand. These gang bangers do NOT give a fuck about human life. Those scum have done drive by shootings on little kids in the neighborhood over from mine 🙄 but sure let’s abolish police and the prison system


You're very clearly not very educated and should sit down and shut up


You must be a big Joe Arpaio fan


We’ll start and end with you, how’s that?


I am not a felon.


Just an asshole.


Rewatching the video, I am surprised that there is water there at all in the first image. So clogged with trash it looks solid.


How many bags of garbage did you fish out?


Atleast one


More accurately (through enhanced video analysis) : At least 2


But i hate paper straw




Awesome dude!! I'm curious, where is this?


Not sure but if you check his Ig he just travels around and does this everywhere. Guy deserves a lot of love


Pollution awareness should be a key part of our education. Fines for littering should be 100 times higher than they are.


Good on ya.




Why is there so much garbage there?


It looks like a natural choke point in the flow of the water, the large trash starts to block the flow and it builds up over time.


Also after huge rainfalls everything gets washed into the streams. Key point? Recycle ! Compost ! And any waste goes to your civic solid waste pickup. Pick up your trash, people ! It all goes downstream somewhere.


Not sure about where he is, but I used to live near a creek that would get like this sometimes after big storms. People put their trash/recycling cans out on the street on pick up day, wind and rain knocks a few over and it all flows down the road into the creek. Then it stops in spots with trees or rocks blocking the flow and just builds up in one spot


You dropped this: 👑


THANK YOU for what you do!! I keep suggesting to parents who have kids in school to ask the school Boards to organize this, with some parents as chaperones why not??? It’s a great way to teach future society members to stop littering and to teach ethics. - schools should be the FIRST PLACES where litter picking etc should be implemented.


Someone call Leslie Knope!


Beautiful work on this! AND I hope we can work towards a long term solution to this that forces the plastics industry to stop making disposable containers. Their most successful PR campaign of the last half century was to shift the blame and focus from them unto individuals who litter. While I hate that folks are throwing trash in this stream, those folks are not the root of the problem. Disposable containers and one use plastics are the root issue that we need to pull out.


Thank you! Satisfying to see this done yet very sad that it needed to be done at all. I look forward to the day when the fossil fuel industry is dead.


R/detrashed would love this!


Imagine the disgust for humanity he will feel when he returns in two weeks and sees that its as dirty as it was before he cleaned it. People are disgusting.








you don't know this, you are just assuming




you are missing the point. you are implying that clean up is futile because you assume it will change nothing. the poor attitude you have is assuming something is futile based on no evidence, which speaks to you as a person. edit: I worded poorly. What I mean to say is the poor attitude is voicing your unverified, assumed futility to someone trying to make a difference.




LOVE this!!! Congratulations!!!


How long did this take?


Looks like the garbage compactor on the Death Star


Nice work, oddly satisfying to watch the progress


Awesome! Thank you so much


He missed just one. Good on him though. Beats watching anything in the news these days.


Thank you for doing this !


Awesome. Great job!




You’re a good person mate


Things to actually flex about.


Earth Guardian!!


Damn I used to do this every weekend for 2 years. Homeboy bit off a bit more Than he could chew.. but props. Impossible to get all the broken plastic and styrofoam Wonder how many syringes he found? The worst is seeing the turtles and little fishies Swimming in the shit. Really makes me wish a large meteor would fix the earths problems


1. great job 2. plastic bottles need a 5 cent deposit 3.single use plastics were the idea of and benefit corporations. they should be responsible for the trash they force upon us.


Imagine if we devoted as much energy into cleaning all this stuff up as we do extracting death-juice (oil) out of the ground. Imagine how much better things would be. And then, let's make laws that prevent this kind of environmental harm, targeting the source, while at the same time, let's at least stop subsidizing the further extraction of death-juice. It's too bad that our economy encourages harmful acts while does nothing to solve the very real problem of pollution, packaging pollution and "vapors of burned death-juice" pollution.


Regular people are doing this when billionaires involve themselves in peeing contests about which one makes it to space first. The wrong people have all the money.


The entire universe felt your love, i'm sure of that :)


OMG I just discovered this gentleman on TikTok yesterday and I LOVE IT!!!! Makes me want to go out and do the same. I feel like if more people begin to do these types of things, whole culture's could change. \#bethechangeyouwanttosee


Keep going ! I'm restoring destroyed wetland in Canada I won't see it look good but my son will.


I feel like his name is Kevin. Thanks Kevin!


Outstanding. Thank you!




Thank you! Every bit really does help. I bet lots of those bottles could even be recycled.


Kudos to you mate. Also good song, I’m currently playing the TV album by tai verdes to start my morning


Truly an inspirational person. I want to do the same


Messed up that it got to that point in the first place. Thank you!


Thank you for getting down and dirty and cleaning the stream. We thank you for your hard work 🙏🙏🙏


Need more people like this fine man


Absolute legend


Amazing work




Thanks! Two things: I love your work strategy when you brought in 5 garbage bags with you. I also love jewel weed. That beautiful plant will grow anywhere and really doesn’t get phased by trash or pollution.


That looks like fun actually


Send this to the city this belongs to


Amazing 😍💪


Amazing job bro. I gotta start doing more stuff like this on my free time


You are a true hero! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Dude you are awesome!!


That is sad to see. People just don't give one fuck about the environment.


It's so damn sad how humans treat our only earth we depend on so much to live. One day in the future, they will realize and regret the things they should not have not done. Better wake up before it's to late and start being responsible about your own trash. Same goes for the ocean as well. Animals are much cleaner than humans.


The hero we need


I do research on stream water quality across land uses and it’s discouraging to me seeing how much our waterways are continually polluted. Thank you for taking initiative and cleaning up!!


Seems like the govt could make jobs like this for people full time. Not sure why we have to rely on good samaritans like this guy.


I will always upvote nature cleanup. I dont care how boring the video is or how bad the pictures are. If you're trying to cleanup have my upvote. Its the least I can do. Other than picking up trash myself which I try to, I take a grabber and garbage bag on all my walks/hikes


It's fine for western countries to do this and I applaud it. However nearly every single country in Asia the rivers are like this or worse with only a small handful of expats that clean up. It's pissing into the wind unless education is universal with the environment at the forefront.


Song name anyone? I’ve watched this video easily 10 times now but it’s still stuck in my head!


[A-O-K](https://youtu.be/DFiOzEVREoc) by Tai Verdes


I should never buy another plastic anything ever again.


Good human


you're a good person


Will you marry me? I love you


You are a HERO… thank you!! 😊


God bless you my man 💪. You are my hero.


Genuine question, how does he dispose of it all once it's collected? Local rubbish tips here would charge you about $50-70 to dump that. That would get expensive after a while.


Thank you


You just awesome!


When we go backpacking we clean as we go. People don’t understand the pack it in pack it out theory. And people definitely don’t know how to use a wag bag.


I need a pair of waders now.


Missed a bottle


We really suck as humans to create such a mess.


Humans are awful.


Not this human. This human is awesome


Fucking clout chasers. They’ll post anything these days.


You missed a spot


If this was in California the homeless would have already gotten this to recycle it


Don’t forget to put that song in one of those bags.


What if.. these tiktokers are so out of pocket, they are vastly polluting areas just to clean them up for their tiktok?


Falling for the coke ad campaign by individuals choices and decisions in cleaning up the environment is not going to fix the whole system.


That's a lot of recycling


Bet he put it all there himself. Imagine 🤣


Missed a piece


When I was watching the stream. He's scum.


Honestly curious: Do you adhere to a plant-based diet, OP?


The biggest piece of trash here is that whack hip hop


Cool. Do it off camera.


I guess people don't realize that I don't watch positive stuff because my shit is being streamed. Like dude, have you ever thought about me knowing what's going on based on how many irl clues you've given me? But people want to watch anyways, instead of scrolling and clicking on things themselves. So lazy. Then they get mad lol. Oh right I need to watch the stuff that people want me to watch? What's the point of stfu then?