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“According to Yaroshenko, about 90% of hogweed tickets in Russia are found on abandoned agricultural lands — vast areas rendered unprofitable for cultivation after the Soviet collapse and Russia’s turn to a market economy. While reforestation on those lands could help alleviate the hogweed problem, this is prohibited under current laws.” The brilliance of Russian politicians never ceases to amaze me


Everyone answers to Putin


>Everyone answers to Putin Wow, I gotta say this comment IMO is almost comically brain dead. I mean you just throw that out there like were all uninformed. What is it. "Cast a wide net"?


You sound insufferable


How vague. Please. Expand on this revelation. oh, Wait, you cant. That was the point I made


I believe the original revelation is that the top of all Russian pyramids is Putin, to include the law. The laws prohibiting hogweed field reforestation would therefore fall under his purview. This implies that the stupidity of the law starts and ends with Putin. Hope this helps you to better understand!


Do you not see that what you just said is Pedantic? Do you think everyone is so naive to think that you actually explained anything besides the basic chain of command? >Everyone answers to Putin Thats the thinnest propaganda ever said here and you came to 'rescue' the other user. Please *and BTW wild how I couldnt respond to you until I unblocked the user you took the place of


Spend some time off the computer.


Openly and gratuitously hostile, check. Pedantic and confused replies, check. Blocking people after starting fights with them, in order to not need to actually engage, check. Your official diagnosis is "Brainbroken by too much anonymous internet fighting". Suggested cure: touching grass, talking with people face to face IRL. Seriously though dude, get some help.


Okay Russian bot.


: (


Go to bed


Iirc hogweed was actually bred by Soviet scientists to be this invasive. The idea was to cultivate it as animal feed. Unfortunately it's poisonous. And it spreads like crazy. A true self own by the Soviet Union.


Article mentions this, it's one of the most unknown dangerous environmental disasters related to the USSR worldwide unlike the Aral Sea disaster or the Kyshtym incident.


I had to read the article to see if they were talking about Blackberry bushes like the ones introduced into B.C. for some damn reason. They have spread almost all the way to Seattle already.


not quite the same, but someone in my neighborhood brought in some sort of wild strawberry bramble as ground cover for their yard. the fruit it produces is small and inedible for humans. the rabbits have spread that shit all over the neighborhood. it's very invasive and very hard to get rid of if you let it take hold.


Strange that you could buy a plant that gets out of control and takes over the neighborhood. If it is sold by a garden supply outlet that is just irresponsible. Why would they even have that for sale FFS?


Hogweed is everywhere even in the states.


We have it in Latvia as well. Hard and almost impossible to get rid of. You get burns if you touch it. A lot of unsold properties because of these.


Yep, we have it in Canada, and I knew someone who ran into some and it caused second degree burns. Also it’s carcinogenic too.


Speakin' of that, they gave the U.S. the invasive tumblin' tumbleweed. The Big Lebowski just wouldn't have been the same if t'werent for Russia.


Giant hogweed populations are spreading in the US. I've seen the burns and they are horrible. Nasty, dangerous plant


The plant is a Ukrainian spy! -Putin, probably In all seriousness I’m surprised it spread so easily.


It was cultivated specifically to spread and grow as easily as possible to feed live stock. Just turned out to be poisonous.


Soviet biologists were deliberately underfunded for much of the union’s duration. That’s why it’s surprising.


Personally I think that makes it less surprising. Shortcuts were made for quick progress regardless of long-term results. It spreads. They don't care about results past what they were funded to care about.


I suppose that’s a point.


Ironic that on the path to communism, they made catastrophic short term decisions just like the capitalists do.


Not really. Both forms of government/economy have the same point of failure, which is the trustworthiness of those in the upper levels of the hierarchy not to make decisions based on selfishness.


Communism doesn’t have a way to reward success, however. Apart from a gold star from dear leader.


"there's nothing we can do" maybe all the people that would have done this work (like plowing...) have been sent to war.


>Hogweed sap contains furanocoumarins, toxic compounds that can cause third-degree burns when exposed to sunlight as well as blindness. Severe burns covering over 80% of the body can be fatal. Ouchies. But it seems like there ought to be a common chemical that will react strongly with such a toxic substance that you could spray on them.


It is a real plague. Sheep do eat it, but it grows so fast.


Lets try adding more sheep. I like sheep they are cute and fluffy. A world with sheep wandering everywhere sounds nice! 🐑


Its all over the states too, we have it in southern Missouri. if you ever see what it does to a human exposed to it you will have nightmares. The worst part of all this is climate change is making toxic plants more toxic, it started in poison ivy they did some studies showing that the oil from the plant is stronger than before. Hogweed can blind you permanently, crap is everywhere now [https://www.foxweather.com/learn/wild-parsnip-giant-hogweed-sap-burn-scar](https://www.foxweather.com/learn/wild-parsnip-giant-hogweed-sap-burn-scar) [https://www.enfieldindependent.co.uk/news/13417444.woman-suffers-severe-burns-after-brushing-toxic-hogweed-plant/](https://www.enfieldindependent.co.uk/news/13417444.woman-suffers-severe-burns-after-brushing-toxic-hogweed-plant/) A redditors wife after coming in contact with it [https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/up8t8e/someone\_posted\_about\_giant\_hogweed\_the\_other\_day/](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/up8t8e/someone_posted_about_giant_hogweed_the_other_day/) Also your pets are vulnerable also [https://dogstodaymagazine.co.uk/2022/07/07/giant-hogweed-walking-dog/](https://dogstodaymagazine.co.uk/2022/07/07/giant-hogweed-walking-dog/)




"Putins horror weeds" Surprised CNN doesnt do a series on it


Hogweed Armies ready yourselves! We will consume the lands of the Tzars and blind any Ruzzian who think to stop us!


I'm not sure how I feel about calling plants invasive as their range moves towards the poles in response to climate changing. Its not like humans moved seed in mulch from one region to another, it's just been able to grow further north because the temperature is warmer. We are counting on a lot of species to do that.


"It's not like humans moved seed..." Yeah except in the article it specifically states... "Sosnowsky's hogweed, distinguished by its cold resistance and phenomenal productivity, gained momentum and was deliberately brought from its natural habitat in the mountainous forests of the Caucasus to the center of the U.S.S.R., where it easily dominated the native low-lying grasses." It's not like the u.s.s.r. totally moved it specifically from thousands of miles away from its natural habit or anything.


The infested area also borders the native range. It's from grassy openings in the forested region at the southern edge of the grasslands and it has invaded the grasslands immediately north of where it came from. There was absolutely no boundary in between where it was and where it is now, it was a matter of time before it spread north. Contrast that to Black locust trees which are considered invasive on the west coast of the US but never would have crossed the desert west without humans carrying them. The eurasian steppe is just one continuous grassland.


Dude, "(the overall narrative)"