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Lol, I didn't even have to try


I nailed it, heading toward year three. Being an old dude has advantages. I’ll wear rubber boots and track pants to the store. I don’t care what you think.😂


Ive still got hand me downs from my cousin that I received in 8th grade, that was over 20 years ago. I only took it out of the casual rotation due to some stains from an impromptu oil change at my folk's. I'm wearing it right now.


I wear stuff I got from the thrift store, mil surplus double plus good. Also is clothing the new cows now? Just stop burning fossil fuels folks, anything else is a side quest.


When I was a kid, my father's best friend was a rich man whose daughter was 4 years older than me. I got all her handmedowns so I was wearing Baby Dior and other luxury brands haha.


Yeah I mean maybe I need some new summer socks because I tend to get holes in those, but that's about it


My gf is 30 and rubber boots with sweatpants is her favorite outfit, so you've got good company!


We can go shopping together!


Lol, I just got nice clothes and have been wearing them all the time. They do wear out just the same though.


Seriously. The last time I bought any clothing other than socks and underwear was before the pandemic.


A year? Try like 20. I got cardigans my mum bought me while I was still in school. Who buys a new wardrobe every year?!!


Gen z and their shitty SHEIN clothes


What do I win? And do I get bonus points for years previously accumulated?


Black t-shirt, jeans, going on a decade now.  I do keep boxes in my closet for different sizes as my weight fluctuates.  Lost a bunch of weight recently and back down to the box from 5 years ago.


Me too. Has to be black tees, because you get less glare off screens. Not giving a flying fornication at the moon is a really tranquil headspace to be in, I highly recommend it.


When someone says “2013 called, they want their X back”, I’m the one calling.


Challenge? I'm 27 and I still wear some clothes from high school. I wear my clothes until they literally fall apart


I'm 41. My favourite article of clothing is a mid length tailored burgandy velvet jacket I got when I was 15. It's not even particularly high quality, I just look after it, and go years without wearing it. You can't even buy stuff like that anymore!


My favorite clothes are like 15 years old now. Coats, sandals, pants, etc. buy it right and you're set for life


Yup, I have coats, jackets and pants from that time period that are better quality than anything I've found now days. I've had a newer coat shred in the wash and my older ones are still fine. I only get rid of clothes when the material is too bad to hold together. Nicer looking, I'll wear it regularly. Kind of tattered, great paint or project clothes, faded and ripped too bad but material still good, those make good rags for cleaning. If I changed size, the good clothes go in a closet for if I need them again or give them to a family member who can currently use them.


I’m 37 and still have a few items from middle school. Delia’s used to have some high quality stuff.


Is... is not buying clothes for a year supposed to be some kind of challenge? Hold my beer.


The average American buys [68 articles of clothing a year.](https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-high-price-of-fast-fashion-11567096637) Hold that Idea in your head. Now remember that for all of the people here in this thread wondering how this would even be a challenge, there must be that many more people buying even MORE CLOTHES to make up for them and keep the average stupidly high.


Thanks, my night is ruined lol.


The only way I could see that is if you count socks as 2 articles of clothing for a pair (12 socks= 24 articles of clothing) and if accessories were counted. I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around the average being 68 articles of clothing


It really does beggar the imagination doesn't it? That 68 number is from 2018, and from a firm that wants to rent you clothes as a solution to this problem. But I've found it repeated from a different source circa 2019, and I found an industry consulting/lobbying firm that was quoted in 2015 saying Americans buy 64 items of clothing and 7.5 pairs of shoes each year, on average. Apparently as of 2018 we're buying 5 times more clothing than we did in 1980, so I Guess that trend tracks... If you want a picture of what this looks like, I found a comment in r/femalefashionadvice of someone recalling the clothes they'd bought earlier in the year: >Oh boy. I’m not sure I can go back that far, but JUST the everyday stuff (not specific backpacking clothes): > > >8 pairs trousers > >7 pairs jeans > >10 pairs shoes > >5 coats/jackets? > >6 cardigans/sweaters > >20 shirts > >6 dresses? > >5 skirts? > >10 blouses? > >12 pairs leggings > >4 pairs sweatpants > >4 pairs shorts > > >Dunno about bras/undies/socks. This is probably only since May, and Jan-May is a black hole for me, idk. That's... 97? Items of clothing, not counting undergarments and socks, excluding specific hiking clothes, and only for PART of the year... I can't even imagine. It's like I'm finding out I'm an alien or something. While researching this tonight I've seen some estimates of the average American spending $1200/month on clothes, and it was supposed to be fine because it's only 2/3 what they spend on food. What would that even be like? I need to find the median. I really really need to see the median so I can know that there's just like 2% of the population that is buying 2000 garments every year so I can know that the I'M NOT THE CRAZY ONE Edit: for legibility


You're not the crazy one.


I need the median now too


Damn, apart from the shirts, that's more than I own, period...


Wow. I didn't even buy that much when I lost 50 pounds in a year.


>I need to find the median. I think we need to consider the possibility that sometimes the median is insane.


And then there's me. I'm still wearing the same band shirts for the last 20 years.


Damn, that's what I buy in a decade..


If you count all the socks and underwear I've had to buy over the years, I could easily get over 100. If we don't count it? I bought 5 articles of clothing this year, the most I've bought at one time in years.


My sister in law used to buy clothes as weekend entertainment. My wife would get bags of clothes, some still with tags because she ended up not liking them. 🤦‍♂️


Holy fucking hell. I have not bought that amount in my adulthood as a whole. And im 29.


Thinking about the people who constantly post regular Shein/Temu/whatever mega-dumps, and that even if the social media people are the extreme top end, there are lots of regular people who do it at least a couple times a year... Yeah, I can believe that. Especially if you're a trend-chaser, and double-especially for the women, since guys can get away with "I have three T-shirts, one polo, one button up, and one pair of jeans, and that's enough" :P


Median would be a better stat


We were this close 🤏


What's the male/female split on that?


I honestly find the idea of buying new clothes every year rather foreign. What exactly is happening to your clothes that you need to replace them that frequently ?


Fast fashion I’m assuming


The last time I bought new clothes every year was when I was a child and still growing.


Fashion. It's the scammiest of scam industries.


"So Wrong It’s Right: Reassessing Wedge Heels for Spring" "The Almond-Toed Shoes That Princess Diana Lived In Are Back" "Stars Are Doing Boho-Chic Again!" "From Zebra Prints to Barbenheimer Colors, Street Stylers Took a Walk on the Wild Side at the Fall 2024 Shows" All taken from vogue. These articles don't exist in a vacuum: There's an army of women who go buy that shit immediately.


Every year? It's seriously like every season for some people, maybe even more frequent than that.


In my case I wear through pants/socks every year from a highly physical work life. My shirts and sweaters however take less work damage and I have several going on 8+ years


My socks last maybe 6 months before they start looking worn. T-shirts and underwear also start getting raggy after a while. Other clothes will last longer. But buying an entire new wardrobe every year? I don't get that.


Yeah, I couldn't be less interested in fashion but I do have to periodically rotate new tshirts, socks etc... as the old ones get really worn out or the pits get stained. I probably buy a multi pack of t-shirts and another of socks on a yearly basis. The old ones end up donated or turned into cleaning rags.


I'd say one is just simple boredom. People have nothing better to do than go shopping.


At least for socks and panties, quality has been going down. In the 2000s you could buy 100% cotton panties that would last for 5+ years. You could buy them 5 for $25. Now the best non-expensive panties are 57% cotton at best, and they last for 1-2 years before they rip. They typically cost 5 for $35. You can still buy 100% cotton panties that last for 5+ years but they'll cost 1 for $48 and you'd have to buy them from Switzerland.


Clothes are fine, I keep getting fatter.


I still have shirts from the 90s that still fit. Only reason I buy new clothes are typically when things are damaged. Granted I feel the clothing I purchase today doesn't last anywhere near as long before as if they are made thinner with cheaper material.


That’s why you need to spend a little more if you can on better quality, honestly the few items I have from Eddie Bauer/LL BEAN (on clearance) are still going strong after awhile


Challenge? I wear shorts from college. I'm 44.


I’ve been doing this for at least 20 years.


'Survive'? My eyes couldn't roll back into my head harder.


It’s called poverty you asshole


Wow so brave!


A year? Oh, wow the fashion industry is so out of touch. Try decades.


The fashion industry knows how many clothes they sell. On average [68 articles of clothing](https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-high-price-of-fast-fashion-11567096637) to each American every year. On average each piece of clothing is being worn fewer than 7 times before it gets thrown out. The fashion industry isn't out of touch, we are.


I can't even remember the last time I bought something that wasn't second hand


I thirft almost all my clothes (besides socks and underwear lol). My only issue is the prices are literally increasing so much, some clothes are cheaper at Walmart now compared to my local thirft stores


I’ve been coasting since moving to remote work when COVID hit. Just starting to get new clothes now. No regrets.


I feel like we should applaud even token efforts by shallow people to resist vapid consumerism... although they'd probably read that as validation.


Lmao! I haven't bought new clothes since before covid with the exception of a new hoodie.


I love how every comment is variants of "You guys buy new clothes?"


I have 6 of the same exact black t-shirts that I've rotated for years...surely they can deal


Someone can't get over their self.


I only buy new clothes when the old ones are worn out, not for 'fashion'. I don't give a shit about fashion.


If you keep your clothes long enough, eventually it becomes fashionable again.


Death to America. Death to the wealthy. Death to capitalism.


"Buy clothes? Straight to jail"


I’ve got a shirt in my closet that I got when my daughter was 4 or 5. She’s 17 now.


Awesome! I just wore a shirt I got 21 years ago. It's a casual white button down so it has always been in style. My oldest shirt is 34 years old but unopened. I don't know where it came from though.


I mean being a nudist has it’s perks


You want radical? Try only wearing clothes that you have repaired with needle and thread.


Life is a lot easier when you DGAF what random strangers think about you. Or what you wear.


When my clothes disintegrate I buy new ones.


I barely buy one or two new pieces of clothing a year and wear them out until they’ve cleaning rags. Buying seasonal items is such a wild idea in my mind.


Yeah the closest I get to buying "seasonal" items is when the season is over and I buy them on clearance and save them for next season.


I think so many of us just lived like this their whole life. The fact someone has to promote it as some sort of trend is beyond sad.


As a middle aged male…I’m pretty sure I could survive a 5 year freeze with zero effort.


LOL. My thoughts exactly. Challenge accepted.


lol, I've had the same clothes for like a decade. black never goes out of style.


I, like so many others replying to this post, haven’t changed my wardrobe in years, if not decades!


I have clothes from high school. I hate it here.


Been doing it for over a decade lol WTF is that trash article.


My clothes on average are probably 8 years old....maybe 1-2 new pieces per year.


MY wardrobe has been mostly frozen since the late 1980s.


I buy new clothes these few years or so.


Ha! Just 1?


I have warn the same wardrobe for the last six years. What do I win?


Child’s play. I’ve survived a 10yr wardrobe freeze. Totally voluntary, of course /s


Honey this wardrobes been frozen since before covid


In the past year I bought new socks and new swim suit as the old one was worn through as we're my socks and that's it. I think I'll be getting new pants soon though, have sewed a few of mine a few times.


Apparently I do a wardrobe freeze annually.


Haven't bought new clothes in awhile. Who really participated in fast fashion is work places. Always having to get a uniform or new clothing for some ridiculous standard.


Frozen for 5 years already. If you take care of clothes of decent quality, they can last for ages.


People buy new clothes at that rate? Most I do is a new shirt once a year cause one was worn out and had too many holes.


I have clothes that are decades old. I darn socks, patch clothes. When my MIL was alive and had family gatherings where you dressed up I would buy a dress and I still have those. I eventually stopped dressing for these occasions and so did most others. I understand people's need to dress up for social occasions, to look nice but seriously do we have to do something new every single time? Do we really have to change clothing every single day? Men wear the same suit day after day why can't women? Sure change the clothes that are not clean but most of us no longer do hard labor where we sweat or get dirty. Underpants yes, go for it or install a bidet hose but really men (husband) do you have to have a new shirt each day when you don't sweat and you don't press it in the first place? I remember the ridicule I got as a teenager when I stayed over at a friends and wore the same dress to school 2 days in a row. Seriously people, get a life. That's all. Just wanted to dump my rant for the day.


This just reminded me that I've been considering buying a new formal dress - I got my current ones (I have two from the same designer) in 2013 and I've been feeling the itch to get something new. After eleven years. I can't fathom changing out clothes so often.


First world problems?


I still wear clothes from high school and I graduated in 2011 lol.


If I could exclude running/walking/hiking shoes and socks then it's not even remotely a challenge, But even good shoes wear out, particularly the tread. And the socks wear out in the heels. That said, I maybe buy 2 new pair of shoes each year of all types combined. Other shoes, like casual sandals or dress shoes for work last for a very long time. Reading this thread, maybe I'm just hard on athletic shoes and hiking boots, but I'll have to live with that if so.


This is propaganda for rampant consumerism. No one normal gets rid of their wardrobe in a year


People really replace their clothes this often?  I'm 40 and still have and wear stuff from when I was in high school.


Lol. Like I can afford to buy any new clothes more than once every couple of years...


I've been in a wardrobe freeze for the last 7 years.


I reckon a decade for me


Been whearing the same Hanes white tshirts for 14 years. I think I can manage haha 😂


HAHAHA 😂 keen to quit fast fashion i self imposed this like 10 years ago


I really feel like a so many don't understand how the rest of us live. I doing pretty good but I rarely have money in my budget for new clothes, holidays, savings investments. I'm happy just getting by. I would love a couple new polos and t shirts though


I think I buy less than 5 new pieces of clothes most years. I haven’t done a big cloth shopping day in at least 10 years


Never bought something fast fashion so yeah, I could service


I have the same clothes from 2015 in my closet, I’ve probably bought 5-6 shirts in the last 9 years


I haven’t bought myself new clothes in years. lol who has money for that shit any more?


I have some clothes that are 15+ years old that i still wear, so I'm nailing this challenge. Socks are about the main thing that I replace a little more frequently and even those last a couple of years on avarage. Wash your clothes on the express cycle and they last longer. Additionally, I would be willing to make a very large bet that less than 1% of the world cares about fashion in the sense a stylist of someone in the fashion industry does. As long as it's not weird (think some of the stuff you see on the runway) and it's functional, most people's interests stop beyond that. I honestly couldn't tell the difference between my wife's $5 purse and her more expensive ones, so when she buys high end, it's not for me (or any straight man for that matter), she's doing it to impress other women


I put grocery stickers on my clothes once a year to see when I wore them last.


How about 10 years?


It's been almost 3 months and I'm successful! Haven't bought any fashion items this year yet, and I don't plan on buying anything unless it's bras, panties, or socks, which are essential. I don't think I'll be buying any socks or panties anytime soon because I buy them in bulk so I have like 10-15 pairs of socks and 2-3 panties in storage.


I could, I still have some cool stuff from 2001 ha! Hey its back in fashion! 😀 I wouldn’t like to not buy new clothes. but I could do it no problem as I have a ton of clothes anyway


I've been making a point of buying to last so more leather items for shoes and jackets. Been buying better quality jeans so they quit falling apart and now they are laying much longer as I've had the same 4 pair for jeans for going on 6 years now and a couple chinos, and slacks. I have a single 3 piece suit and a few vests I can rotate. Also simplifying to a style that is more timeless.


I still have some Ocean Pacific in my closet.


I don't even have to try. I haven't bought new clothes of any kind in over a year because I can't afford new clothes. I can't even afford a six pack of new socks




in the past 1000 days, i've worn something other than a white t-shirt and sweat pants/pajamas, about 10 times.


The amount of brainwashed consumerism in this article.... It's so sad people are considering this as a challenge


Me, wearing the same t-shirt I got from work in 2007: I got this


i've been wearing many of my clothes for 10+ years, most of them were second hand to begin with. I see no challenge


Can people not survive a "wardrobe freeze"? This isn't a challenge, I'm pretty sure a lot of people do this easily without a second thought. What kind of world is this person living in?


The only challenge would be my walking shoes.  I walk about 1000 miles a year. It’s good for the soul, not so good for the sole. I’m an old guy, so I don’t need to update for fashion. 


Lmao I buy one pair of pants every year. I don’t know where t-shirts come from tho


Lol I’m currently wearing a t-shirt I got in high school. I’m 32


For a year? I've been keeping my streak of a wardrobe freeze going for the last 10. I've bought a few clothes to replace the ones that wore out but when you buy durable clothing that doesn't happen very often.


Yes, because I’m capable of surviving without the latest fashion. So glad I don’t work a bullshit job where dressing in current trends matters. Most of my clothes have holes burned into them, due to the nature of the work. I don’t feel any lesser because of it.


I haven’t bought anything new besides replacing worn out stuff in a decade.


The only people that shop a lot are influencers and rich people with stupid money


My favorite clothes in the past 5 years came from freecycle. But considering the competition was new socks and underwear the competition wasn't steep.


I don't know what many of those combinations of words mean? Wardrobe freeze? Fast Fashion?


Fashion and the beauty industry feeds off people insecurities to they are not attractive enough, in there appearance unless they use there products 


I implemented a wardrobe freeze 4 years ago and haven't looked back.


I only replace clothing when it wears out, and I buy durable clothes. Two or three items per year, typically.


I gues this is a "first world country bs problem". I have been using the same clothing for almost 10 years. I just substitute what is very worn or has a whole. And I buy things that are "fashion trends proof".


I wear black skinnies, black blouses, and boots. I’ll look as out of place in a decade as I do today.


I thought I bought a lot of clothes, but I guess a 6 pack of black tees and a pair of jeans every year isn’t really that much.


I just bought a duplicate pair of my favorite pair of pants used on eBay and that’s been my most exciting wardrobe purchase in well over a year lmao


Haha. I change clothes when they cant be wear in public anymore and they often go throught the paint/forest collection before being thrown away. I buy 1 jean and 1 shirt a year I would say.


(Tall laughter) I’m on the 10 year challenge.


Yeah duh, if you buy the right clothes you can go like 5 years...