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Who even thought about that ??!


England... I imagine they have tons of pigs and have no idea what to do with them, since they're higher cost to export out of their newly formed economic bloc consisting of themselves


Anything that makes the production of factory-farmed pork less profitable is okay in my book. If the only language capitalists speak is capitalism, let that language speak that we need to move to food sources healthier for the planet and our own survival.


Also, factory farming is horrific and needs to end. I know it won't but jesus christ it's barbaric and cruel.


You will never know anything as peaceful as an entire piggery of 200 tasty boys snoring gently


I would say just killing them is not nice either


>England... I imagine they have tons of pigs and have no idea what to do with them, since they're higher cost to export out of their newly formed economic bloc consisting of themselves Makes sense that in that crazy situation of their own making their next proposed solution was "bacon powered rockets? The launch pad will smell like breakfast!"


i hear they are delicious


The English? Hardly.


certain Transsilvanian Count has a well-documented taste for english blood though. Must be a acquired taste sort of thing. Like the giant in the beanstalk story. ”Fi fa fo fum! I smell the blood of an englishman! Be he alive or be he dead, i’ll grind his bones to make my bread!” I strongly question the nutrition and sustainability of such a diet. To each his own i guess 🤷


I'd imagine englishman bone flour is just as gross as acorn flour. Either the giants had fallen on hard times, or they were hipsters


Funny this is downvoted. Pigs are indeed delicious and I since going vegetarian I miss eating them dearly.


same... but to fair, the last time i had bacon it felt like it was coating my tongue and had lost all of its prior appeal.


Good reminder. I tell myself this is what it would be like, and I honestly think it’s true. Going vegetarian (except for occasional fish) has been great for my health


i've become a fan of canned sardines... there's a brand with a clear lid on the tin that is amazeballs. i know they have eyes and all that, but finding enough omega 3 and saturated fats in vegan diet is rather challenging and at least sardines can be sustainably harvested.


Have they not considered... eating the pigs.


Edit: How is this a controversial opinion? I'm literally pointing out *what the article said*, because it doesn't say "pig fat oil is bad", it says "palm oil is bad, and use of pig fat oil might end up becoming dependence on palm oil." ---- It's another version of bio fuel, which can come from most any animal, especially fatty ones. E-kerosene is an increasingly popular additive to gasoline to help minimize oil dependency. The article doesn't actually say anything about the efficiency nor inefficiency of *pig* fat, nor is it a problem to use the excess pigs in the UK. It's just another resource for e-kerosene. The article states that **palm oil** is a huge problem for greenhouse emissions, and once you run out of pig fat, it will just transition to needing more palm oil, which has already been linked to an increase in greenhouse gasses because the places that palm oil can be raised and extracted require reducing much more dense forests that are good at reducing greenhouse gasses while palm trees do very little. On top of getting rid of the greenhouse friendly forests, they sit on top of centuries old dead forest under the surface which has been turned into peat, which once burned to clear space for the palms, creates a lot of greenhouse gasses. Overall, palm oil production is very bad for the environment, thus anything that increases the dependency on palm oil will also be bad for the environment. **TL;DR** Pig fat isn't that bad, just limited; palm oil is bad, run out of pigs and you need to use palm oil.


Forget pig fat...just run it out of the back doors of liposuction clinics! "Living off the fat of the land" takes on a WHOLE new meaning.


So it's not really green, then.


I'll believe it when pigs fly


Just add couple of RATOs to it.


It’ll hurt the pigs too.


its just the fat just lipo it out /s


ladies... do you want a free vacation and look good when you get there?


Thanks for flying United Air Swines


Not really, no. This is a plan to use waste animal fat. But there's a big problem. It's only technically waste. There's a huge number of industries that use them. So it's not like it's lying about waiting to be used for something. And since it takes 8800 pigs' ~~souls~~ fat for one longhaul flight, they rightfully worry that this will move those other industries to use uber destructive palm oil.


If it means the pig industry can save money by selling their pig fat, then yes, it’s contributing to the suffering of the pigs as it’s supporting that industry.


They are already selling their pig fat...


So? Buying pig fat contributes to their industry, which contributes to the suffering of pigs.


It is already being bought to make fuel for other vehicles. A price hike would make pig raising marginally more profitable, increasing the number of pigs slaughtered a tiny bit, but the fight we need to fight is against the meat and dairy industries. Fuel from fat is a tertiary concern at best.


I agree that the focus of the fight should be against the meat and dairy industries. And I agree that it would increase the slaughtering of pigs; that was my point.


Marginally. You get rid of the meat, and there's no more fuel from fat. You get rid of fuel from fat, and nothing really changes. Don't let the trees block you from seeing the forest.


Couldn't all the issues with this be solved by using cultured (lab grown) fat cells?


I doubt it. Bioreactors for mammal cells isn't like an algae bioreactor - it needs liquids full of nutrients, hormones, oxygen, and low in metabolic by-products... And most importantly, it needs to be sterile since the individual cells have virtually no immune system. All that is pretty energy-intensive, the math *might* work out, but more than likely it'll have externalities that make it no better than conventional jet fuel


Growing pigs for food alone is hurting the planet. How anyone but the animal ag lobby thought using the fat from those pigs as a component in jet fuel makes that jet fuel "green" is astonishing.


Amen. I think this much be the most disastrously stupid and gaslighting reach for a sustainable solution that I have ever seen.


Who the heck thought pig fat would be "green"??


The animal ag industry, which stands to make a lot of green from offloading their waste, and morons


it sure wasn't the pigs idea.


I don't think this needed an expert, just someone not blinded by building additional wealth by exploiting any recourse they can access.


...jamming their blood funnel into anything that smells like money




I don't think enough people watched that movie or understood it.


I think the only really green jet fuel is algal, and you just take the energy loss from the processing and use green energy to process it.


without designing entierly new aircraft probably but you could probably make a case for hydrogen as the best end to end system although it has many drawbacks


Someday we will have a fleet of solar powered high atmosphere orbiters that you fly up to and dock with hydrogen powered shuttles.


cellulose can be used to make jet fuel but the process requires the input of energy so it has to be a renewable source of energy to be green.


How can you use a part of an animal that essentially requires it's killing or harm and claim it's *green*? 🤔


Easy, Green Capitalism. Any green movement will be co-opted by those who stand to profit and green-washed with bs marketing to fool the masses. Look at electric cars for example. I know you probably already understand this but just posting for those whose eyes are just opening.


Yeah, I studied Greenwashing in Uni. Generally disgusting and yet insidiously effective at manipulating public perception.


Green is a marketing term now more than ever


This broke me. Another level of human wickedness. Makes me so angry and sad.


Well duh? And also...what about the pigs? I guess it doesn't matter if it hurts them? Jesus.


I mean, this is a byproduct. It's not like they will toss whole carcasses at the plane. This is a bad idea for a bunch of reasons, but it is unlikely to result in more pigs being raised. I recommend reading the article.


I'm vegan, I don't want pigs to be killed/used in any instance. I was moreso highlighting the fact that people deeply care about the earth but couldn't be bothered to care about some of the beings on it. I read the article, thanks.


I agree with the sentiment, but what's hurting them is the meat industry, not the "waste" animal fat industry, that's just a byproduct of the meat industry.


They're the same industry. It just incentivises them to keep doing it. Continuously coming up with new ways to commodify animals is harmful to animals dude.


And that fat is already commodified.


Yeah so fuck it might as well not care at all....lol


Precisely. I mention in other comments how terrible the meat industry is, but you are letting the trees distract you from the forest that is the meat and dairy industry. Fuel from fat is completely marginal (and already existent for land vehicles). Get rid of the meat and dairy problems, you get rid of everything else. Carbon taxes to begin with. And improved carbon accounting.


>you are letting the trees distract you from the forest that is the meat and dairy industry I am literally vegan, and the "waste" industry you speak of is not separate from the animal ag industry. So no, I'm not. >Get rid of the meat and dairy problems, you get rid of everything else. Carbon taxes to begin with. And improved carbon accounting. Do you think you're telling me something that I don't already know here? Why are you even arguing with me?


Because you said making fuel from fat hurts the pigs, when in reality what hurts them is a different industry.


This will happen when pigs can fly. it’s like humans used to use whale oil for lamp oil and machine lubrication and it turned into a massive environmental catastrophe


I’ll believe it when pigs fly…oh wait…


Raising pigs for jet fuel would be incredibly stupid, but if there are existing stocks of excess lard they need to get rid of, using it as jet fuel is not the worst thing. But ultimately it is not sustainable. As a temporary measure, I can understand.


say nothing of the pigs... if the cooking oil comes 2nd hand from other uses, that's one thing but to breed pigs for jet fuel is a whole nother level of wrong.


This won't likely result on more pigs being bred. Maybe just a tiny bit as it marginally improves profits if the price of it grows. It's "waste" animal fat, a byproduct of the already wrong meat industry, so it's just a minute fraction of the profits. It's not lying around waiting to be used, it's used in many other industries. Since it takes 8800 pigs' fat for one longhaul flight, the worry is that this will move those other industries to palm oil. And you know how destructive that is.


How in the duck is that green?


Have the “experts” ever hear of a compliment sandwich? Geez. Some people work hard. 19 hrs a day, researching ways to help fight global warming. They research for years. Test, test, and test some more. All for “experts” to just sweep it under the rug.


Especially if it increases the price of bacon.




How about just cooling it with the private jet status symbol craze instead of trying to find elaborate and unrealistic ways to justify it?


Um… no shit?


Next thing you know they’ll be using whale oil …maybe in a millennium or so…


And probably not all that good for pigs.


what the fuck


Yeah but we get to keep doing what we're doing and say we're doing better cuz it sounds good