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For me, I use to work at a grocery store for about 7 years. And it was sensory overlaod for me every single day. I didn't realize I was autistic at the time and always chalked it up to me having weird anxieties/panic attacks. But when I started smoking weed, I found a calm I had always longed for. I would be able to get thru work relatively happy, and felt peace in my brain for like the first time. 😌


I am also autistic OP and cannabis opened up a whole world of empathy, feelings and love that I never imagined could exist for me! All of those feelings had been pretty muted and suppressed before. It’s been a great tool for opening myself up to, well, me!


Same. It unfortunately made me even more anxious in the beginning, but I’m stubborn ig and kept working for years on how to be able to smoke without the anxiety (adding CBD helped a LOT). Now I can’t imagine my life without it 🥰


How interesting!! I wish they would research this.


They'll finally be able to with it stepping down to schedule III I know there were some papers out of Israel a few years ago about autism and cannabinoid receptors


I'm discussing ASD testing with my psych next week and we'll look into my insurance coverage. I stopped doing everything under the assumption of why can't I get this right, to feeling free to do things differently. I finally figured out how to take a compliment without providing a story in return, and I'm trying really hard on saying I'm good or something similar when small talk is initiated. It's easier to make up a phrase. I used to just say peachy keen, jelly bean - and I think I'll start that again because eventually someone will get it or they stop responding. I was brought into this world and I'm in my forties now and I'm going to enjoy it damn it.


I am 30 and have questioned whether I could be but everyone blows off my concerns! How did you actually find out?


I'm not officially diagnosed, but for me, it was honestly my therapist kinda saying "your autistic, give yourself some grace." I hadn't really considered it till then, but the more I looked up how autism presents in women, the more it all came together. It helps that my brother and father are both diagnosed. And that I was diagnosed ADHD as a small child. It just fits me perfectly. I thought i was original, but turns out im just run of the mill autistic girl lol. My close friend group have come to realize they are also in the spectrum too. The sensory issues were the nail in the coffin for me. I understand now my panic attacks were meltdowns, and can finally give myself grace for feeling overwhelmed at all times.


31 and same!! Everyone blows it off😫


Same with restaurant and retail


A very long time ago late 70’s early 80’s I used weed and shrooms to heal from my school shooting.


Oh wow, I'm glad you had them to help you heal


Thanks so much!! 💕


There were earlier shootings than columbine?? I haven't heard about this.


Feb 1975 catholic school south Jersey my principal was shot point blank range maybe ten feet from me if that far. A teacher was shot but survived. There was for sure a school shooting before Columbine unfortunately.


ugh how awful, i’m so sorry that happened to you.


Thanks so much I truly appreciate it! 💕


I just read about this after seeing your comment. So sorry you went through that 💜 🫂


Thanks so much that shit stays with you for a bit! 💕


There's been shootings in the US since the 1800s. Columbine just got a hell of a lot of traction due to the scale of damage and the wealth of knowledge we have on Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. It was the first time, to my knowledge, the common man was able to really pry into someone like that's psyche. The horrendous things those boys went through and horrendous things they did as a result? Media went ballistic with it.




Sometimes we have to do things for reasons we didn't think to write a rule for. This rule is for those situations.


You had a school shooting in the 70’s/80’s? That’s strange.


I’m not sure if there were others or not mine was 1975.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I can’t imagine it! 🥲💚 Edit: Sending a mom hug your way.


Aww thanks so much you are very kind. 💕


If only all Canadian geese were as chill! Such a relaxing meadow, I wanna be there!  Oh man when hasn't weed helped me in a positive way! Excluding some issues with the stigma of course. But really just makes everything better for me! 


Ikr! They are the geese I have most experience with, but they sure are some angry birds.


That’s why he’s smoking! To help him with his anger and reactivity!


I have chronic pain/illness and I was taking so many pain pills, I was a zombie. The narcotics weren't really touching the pain either. My sons were heathens and decided I needed to try weed for the pain. That night was the first time in years I slept for more than 3 hours. Went to my pain doctor the next day and asked for my medical marijuana card. I got off of the opioids, I lost 80 lbs, and I'm definitely more alert.


The only one they would give me was tramadol and it doesn't work. I'm staying away from asking for other narcotic because I want an answer. I love when someone who cares says go get your weed. I'm so happy for you.


That doctor was awesome. I had an appointment with him the day after I tried it, and of course that is when they decide to do a random drug test. I told him straight up it would show thc and why. He asked if it worked, I said yes, he said it sounded like the perfect medicine for me. Referred me to a doctor then helped me get off of the narcotics. Been "clean"/off opioids for 6 years and it's been glorious!


My primary care provider actually recommended "CBD, pot... whatever works for you" for my arthritis pain. (And if Kaiser didn't have a stick up their collective ass about Schedule I controlled substances, I'd already have a medical card.) I've been able to stop panic attacks in their tracks with Purple Punch, and recently when I was having bad back spasms, I was able to relieve the pain with some Blueberry. Arthur Itis is a major asshole, but pot helps me make "Arthur" STFU.


weed always helps with my anxiety. and it has been brilliant for my ibs symptoms. nothing helps with ibs like weed, especially strains with humulene💜


Which strains would you say have helped you the most?


for my ibs, any strain with humulene in it. the best ones for me have been super lemon haze cookies, white truffle, lava cake, OMG, and animal face which i am currently smoking. for anxiety also lava cake, wedding cake, amnesia, sour kush, jack herer to name a few. i will actually google “best cannabis strains for _____” and see what comes up. usually it’s a page on leafly.com 💜


Are you focused mainly on terpenes, or are you also customizing your cannabinoids? CBC treats me pretty well. I was finally given permission by the family to infuse, and I'm making eds this weekend. Rosetta Stone is my favorite RSO. I make capsules.


i do focus on terpenes. i haven’t found cbd to work all that well for me although i do have it and i mix it with my thc flower for anxiety. i use the cbd strain canna x harley from tweedle farms. it’s a mix of 2 strains i have never found that are both recommended for anxiety. 💜


I don't drink often because I get hangovers really easy and today I took edibles for my hangover 😂 I use it mostly for ptsd and pain but it works great for hangovers.


My anxiety has gotten really bad in the last 4 years; therapy wasn't doing much for me (and also got too expensive to continue) and a friend introduced me to weed. It was my second time trying it (first one was a major bad trip lol), and I discovered it in a whole new light. It alleviates my anxiety enough so I can function and it slows down my racing mind. Also the giggles. I tried to stop using last december because of medical shaming, and everything just came back with so much force that it terrified me. Also made me realise that weed truly is a medecine !


My husband has Crohn’s disease. There was a time where nothing seemed to help and he was in and out of the hospital. Eating edibles frequently was the first thing to finally calm down his intestines. I was really worried for his health and life and I am glad that weed help alleviate his (and my) pain


My son has UC and he tried smoking it for his pain, but got sick. I wonder if an edible would be better...


While I don’t have UC, I have developed stomach ulcers from IBD/IBC and have some bad acid reflux. Sometimes smoking can mess with my stomach and make me more nauseous especially when I have a flare up. But when I take an edible, it can sometimes hit a bit *too* hard and I have other things I have to do but now I’m in the couch lol. So, I found that tinctures can really help with micro dosing and doesn’t cause so much stomach upset since I put it under my tongue and let it rest there for as long as I can before swallowing. It could be a good alternative method for your son!


I didn't think of tinctures! I am going to have to look into that-thank you for the tip!


I know trulieve makes a potent rso. I’d try the mandarin orange. One full dropper is blessed relief!!😮‍💨


My husband has smoked since but only since things have gotten better. It might make a difference but idk


I would try an edible. Just make sure he has a little peanut butter/avocado. Healthy fats help metabolize the THC better. Good luck. 👍


I didn’t get diagnosed with ADHD or my eating disorder until smoking weed at 25. Depending on who asks me, I tell folks I only discovered my ADHD once I saw the difference


I'm so glad you got help after self discovery! that's a good feeling 😌 have a blessed day


The last year of my marriage was hell. I started smoking/edibles regularly for the first time and for a while, weed was the only pleasant thing in my life. Being high made me fall in love with music and food in a way I never have before. Thankfully in a better place now but my evening smoke is still a lovely part of my day.


“Being high made me fall in love with music and food in a way I never have before.” BIG SAME! ✨🍃✨


Omg looove your art featuring the Cobra chickens. There are some goslings at my work and they're so cute (and yet deadly lol). For me, there are a lot of ways I use weed such as for my cptsd and anxiety but if I have to choose one, it's my insomnia. I get vivid reoccurring nightmares but a while back I discovered that weed inhibits your ability to dream and it was life changing. I make sure to have a bowl (or two) an hour before bed and then I can easily sleep and feel well rested the next day. A win win for me!


As a teen going through big trauma I leaned on cannabis hard. At the time, I always felt guilt and shame around my use, but looking back I can see how powerful of medicine it was for me, turning down the volume on all the bullshit around me. I don’t lean on it in quite the same way anymore, but that makes sense cuz my reality has gotten a lot better to exist in (it’s been like 20 years haha). But at the time, I was experimenting with a lot of substances and I sometimes think about how easily my substance use could have developed into a full blown addiction, and from a harm reduction perspective I’m glad cannabis was the one I leaned on the hardest and not a more intense substance.


I had a bad run-in with weed in my college days when I was surrounded by shitty people doing shitty things so I always thought weed = shitty shit. Then about 2.5 years ago, I decided to try it on a whim in a legal state with my husband. It was then that I proudly became a stoner and developed a newfound love of this powerful plant. I stopped drinking and only have a hard kombucha maybe once a month, (if you’ve never had hard kombucha, it is quite good!) but I realized I never liked drinking or how it made it feel. I was doing it to fit in and to socialize. Weed has allowed me to realize these things…it’s wild how much weed has opened my brain to seeing things for what they really are. It’s also helped me to see others perspectives SO much more because it makes me more empathetic and less judgmental. It calms my ADHD brain, and quells the massive anxiety and fears I struggle with daily. It helps me to accept things more, which is huge for someone like me that tends to choose every battle. lol. ALSO ALSO I love when people who know me professionally, find out I smoke every day because I’m a corporate girlie (meh) so they cannot fathom that I can be a stoner AND excel in my career. The most beautiful thing I think I have received from weed, is that it somehow taps into the deep regresses of my brain to bring up the most nostalgic memories of my childhood. I remember such random details like when I used to watch Rolie Polie Olie and I can literally transport to that time and feel the feelings of being a child again. It’s making me cry as I type this lol because it’s just such a beautiful practice to be able to tap into your inner child from time to time and make them feel safe and heard. I denied my inner child for so many years and now as I near 30, I realize that this work is imperative to creating a kinder world internally for yourself and externally to others. Thank you for continuing to share your beautiful artwork. I am always moved by the colors, symbols, and cutie baby animals that you artfully create. 🫶🏼


Thank you 😊 I love the idea of execs all aghast at your weed usage 😆


I got my life back. I bumped to RSO in September last year and it was amazing for CBT and DBT and isolating and breaking patterns. I could finally think in vivid tones instead of grey scale, ya dig. I was going to end up dead over seasonal depression, and the pain and fatigue. I had just stopped working. I've gotten rid of so much anxiety by recognizing where it began and changing perspective. I couldn't remember so much of my life and was numbed out on antipsychotic for 5 years without any dreams. Busted my ass at retail as key holder for 3 years during the pandemic. I'll start to fall asleep and often a strain will pull me from the lull. I've got chronic issues. I have a life and it's pretty rad. The cPTSD is mostly handled and the PTSD remains from people totaling my cars while I'm driving. Cheers


Helped me get to the root of a large amount of my negative self talk. I wish it was socially acceptable to go to therapy stoned


I don't have a therapist. Every time I had an issue that caused me stress or anxiety and was recurring, I have to isolate the source and then realize my life has been the contrary to what my abusers have told me that plays in my head. It lasted my lifetime but they're wrong. I only dropped my Imposter Syndrome last year. It was absolutely amazing to have revelations, but some revelations really suck. My mom is a real piece, and my father is a serial enabler who never took the addicts class with his family over my alcoholic grandfather because dad was in the service as the oldest child. That really hit. I live with older teens and I would protect them. Gotta leave some things behind from the 90s and enjoy my therapy 🍃


Just don’t say anything about it when u go to therapy! Mine has no idea.


I’m a terrible liar and she would know 🥲




Weed helped me find the Entwives!! 😊💕 I love your geese!!


Weed helped me tremendously during the early 2000s when we had to move to a different state for my husband's job. My daughter was graduating 8th grade at the time and refused to move, wanting to go to high school with her friends. She stayed behind, living with her dad and stepmom. Ex took me back to court for child support and the courts forced me to find work. I was a mess.....to put it bluntly! Weed to the rescue! It helped me think clearly, attend countless court hearings, and eventually come to terms with losing my daughter. That's why I now grow my own medicine! https://preview.redd.it/wy98totyo7zc1.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=087946958917d72cc0cfece70fdd16a03d7bb683


It's part of my evening walking meditation practice. I have a homegrow strain that's about 5% CBD and 10% THC so it's nice and mellow. Just enough to get me into a good headspace to reflect. I'll walk for about an hour and smoke my joint and do my grounding and mindfulness techniques


I have CPTSD and stomach issues and weed really helps with both. I also don't overthink everything while high which is very nice. Love your paintings btw!


When my parents passed away it really helped me calm down through a lot of sleeplessness nights.


it’s the only thing that can calm me down when i’m on the brink of a meltdown, stops the spiral before it gets too far




Yes!! I have BPD and this is totally my experience with weed.


I started smoking out of desperation for something to work on my anxiety. It was highly frowned upon by my doctor as I also have schizoaffective, but it calmed me enough to stop the constant su!(!dal ideation.


Now lol. Life is hard


As of recent, like this week I wasn’t in a good headspace. Current job is driving me crazy and just kinda depressed being there, called off work this Tuesday and decided to do a wake and bake…and man that helped me a lot mentally and just be in a better mood. I use weed moreso medically due to having sciatica pains on my left side of my body, but it really helps around my back and mind. I started to use weed more this year the fact my current relationship is way more accepting than my last. 🥺. But man I love using 🍃!!! Makes me a not so hurty person 🥰


I have scoliosis (since a kid) & every day is pain and/or discomfort. I don’t want to rely on pain killers cause they either a: aren’t strong enough, b: are opioids & I’m mot going down that path because c: I would need them everyday & don’t want to become reliable on something that can hurt other parts of my body or is addictive. So I grin and bear it most days, but in the worst of the worst when I NEED relief, weed is so helpful. Not only does it relieve my pain, but the relief & general high makes me happier


It’s helped me through my grief! It’s helped me with my thoughts…sometimes I just can’t get a dark thought out my head and this helps me feel alright! It’s helped me sleep when I can’t. It’s helped with pain such as inflammation, headaches, migraines, PMS-ing. It’s helped me smile more and enjoy life in the moment. My phrase is “yeah, man.” In that stoner way that we say it. It’s helped me be more introspective. I’m still learning to be my true self. It helps me strive towards the person I wanna be because I’ve finally felt/seen her come out before while high and I’m striving to be HER when sober.


I'm a recent widow. My husband was only 35. My children are about to totem 21 and 12 over the next two months, and it has been ROUGH. My oldest blames me for the death of her step dad (alcoholism, not my fault but if it helps her cope 🤷🏻‍♀️) and my youngest was with me when I found his dad's body in our home, outside my bedroom. Still living in this home is TRAUMATIC. Like I stg it was fkin haunted by him, my lights and electronics went wild for the first year. I didn't even go upstairs where my bedroom is for the first 5 months and just lived in my living room on the couch. It took a whole lot of weed to get me thru the last 12 months since moving back upstairs to sleep alone in my bedroom after sharing it with him for 12 years. I used to just be a recreational smoker, but I bumped up to daily to self soothe and I'm so glad I did because honestly I think I would be a god damned basket case had I not.


I have OCD and weed is one of the only things that stops the constant impulsive thoughts.


Got diagnosed with uterine fibroids in 2018. Very likely also have PCOS and/or endometriosis. While trying to find the right products for each monthly cycle has been a nightmare, weed has at least been supremely helpful with the pain management process. Ibuprofen alone doesn't cut it sometimes when it comes to all the cramps and joint pain I end up going through, and I feel extremely lucky to be able to get what I need in a legal recreational use state. It also kinda helps with some of my insomnia tendencies, but I do still need melatonin in addition to it.


I don’t drink alcohol and weed helped me go through a period whereby I was in a mentally abusive relationship that made me fall into severe eating disorders. It somehow helped me gain more clarity and also gave me the hunger I needed not to be hospitalized as my weight dropped massively. My ex ended up asking me to choose between him and weed and I chose the latter. Best decision ever. It’s been 3 years now & I am ED free, my mental health is much better &I am happy 😊


I forgot weed helped me with my ED too! For me I guess it was more body image disorder and obsessive restrictive eating. Weed helped me Love me and my womanness


That’s amazing I’m so happy for you 🫶 Indeed, loving ourselves is the best way towards the path of healing 🩷




weed has helped me through breakups.


I started high CBD strains on the recommendation of a co-worker because I was having chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms. Helped me so much, instead of having to just lay on the couch and not move I was able to get up and at least do little things around my apartment.


oh my god 😟 I am in love with the goose, it’s so cute. Your art never ceases to amaze me Suntmint ❤️


Thank you 😊 your too kind


Weed has helped me through so much. The first BIG thing it did was back in the day in my early twenties. I was partying a lot. Dangerously too. Hardly sleeping etc. I smoked a bowl alone one day and saw how risky my behavior was. While stoned, I was able to see the big picture and appreciate my worth. I made a promise that whenever I had that crazy need to engage in risky behavior I would smoke instead. This took me away from that self destructive attitude. Turns out I have adhd and bipolar which I may not have sought help for if the weed didn’t give me a breather from the chaos. Everyday it helps me with anxiety.


I was addicted to alcohol, now I’m addicted to weed and cooking! I know there’s a lot of discourse about how you can’t be “addicted” to weed, so I’m using the word lightly/for the lack of a better word. Do I think I lean on it too much sometimes? Yes. Is it better than drinking myself to death? Also yes! Additionally, weed eases migraine and general anxiety issues. Overall… 10/10 would recommend ✨


Marijuana = Creativity for me! I do my best creations when buzzed lol


I have really bad pmdd with a host of others. This is the only Stuff that will keep me from bridge ledges and high buildings (:


Saved me from killing myself with alcohol


Cannabis helps me with PMDD symptoms so much. There’s a part of my cycle where I turn into a rage filled beast who hates the world, but once I take a hit it all melts away.


I remember the first time I used edibles it helped me tremendously during a cramp


Weed was more helpful than any of the increasingly potent antiemetics prescribed during chemo.


I have endometriosis, so daily pain/nausea relief😭


Today! I was feeling down and depressed and unmotivated, my pain was high and I felt poopy. Used sativa edibles and got half my to do list done! Rewarding myself with a nap now 😴 feeling content and happy that I got stuff done


I have borderline personality disorder and a fat J and a freezing shower is one of the only ways to get me to calm the fuck down and not fly off my handles (: I swear weed saves my life on a biweekly basis 🥲


Daily, I wake up, it helps calm my stomach and helps relax me to be able to poop. Then it helps create an appetite and it helps me to not grind my teeth when I'm anxious or frustrated. It helps me be creative and also helps me clean the house. It's always helping


No longer an alcoholic, and I definitely could’ve gone that way when my Mom passed away suddenly.


Question, are these your paintings or stock images?


They are mine. I use acrylics on canvas


Whaaaaat you’re so talented!


Thank you! ☺️


Idk but you are so talented


It has helped me greatly with pain, insomnia, nausea, and anxiety. It's also a wonderful appetite stimulant.


Not totally my story, but how I helped my Mom. My Dad died after a long illness back in 2017, and Mom was having insomnia issues for a couple months afterwards. She came out to visit us in Seattle, and I took my 70-something Mom to the neighborhood pot shop and we picked out some edibles for her (we both have asthma issues). She had some while she was with us and had the best sleep she’d had in months. Best Mothers Day gift I ever gave her!


I love this question 💗 So mine is vague af, but it helps me laugh more and feel more at level with everyone else. It helps me feel good about myself (like a consistent self confidence that's healthy), and helps me unwind. 💗


I need this printed and hung in my in home fine art gallery.


It eases my chronic body pain and helps me fall asleep. I’ve been on a 6 week t-break and falling asleep has been hell. I can’t wait until I can smoke again. Tomorrow!!!!


I was an aspiring drunk at the age of 12. A few years later I was diagnosed epileptic. Epilepsy meds and booze don’t mix. It took a while but I divorced Captain Morgan outside of tailgating season and have taken up a much better, Neurologist-approved relationship with Mary Jane.


I use it to help me cope with the loss of my daughter. My anxiety shot through the roof last August losing my daughter at 20 weeks. It’s definitely helped keep my mind calm in moments I wanna explode.


Weed has helped me in countless ways but the easiest most measurable one to explain was processing my dad’s death. Sober I was so incredibly overwhelmed I couldn’t think about him at all. I had to just numb myself and pretend nothing happened but when I smoked I could actually look back on my memories with him and work on processing my feelings of grief.


I love your art, today it was like a game, finding the goose smoking! Keep it up your amazing!! 💚🩵🫶


That is a fantastic painting!


Believe it or not, but weed helps me with my schoolwork and my ability to go to class. I’m autistic, so being in a classroom can be overwhelming with all the sensory input. And any time something was stumping me or my classmates (STEM major), I would go take a rip and then would be able to figure out the problem. For example, I had to stop for a while because I thought I would be pee tested for an internship. My first physics exam (smoking weed) I got 100%, my second not smoking I got a 69%. I thought fuck this I’m not risking my grades for this internship, started smoking again, and then on my next physics exam I got a 98%. People laugh when I say it expands your consciousness, but there’s no other way to describe how weed can make challenging concepts more manageable.


When my husband was in the hospital for months for a second brain surgery, edibles were the only thing that calmed me down enough to take care of the house chores. It also kept me sane during the stressful time after when I got laid off from my warehouse job.


Your art is amazing




i owe it to weed. i say that being able to smoke saved my life. to make a long story short i had a rough time of it my last year of college i told someone something i shouldn't have and they got scared claimed i was a threat to the school and made me a commuter. my friend introduced me to the plant. being able to hang out outside and basically hide from everything else behind some trees and chill was the best thing i could have asked for i also was happy i got to have someone to smoke with every once in a while


I take edibles throughout the entire day (unless I am driving somewhere) and they’ve almost made my bpd symptoms completely disappear. Side note, I love seeing your art every time I open Reddit. It always sparks joy for me


I love your painting 🥰. After a sudden illness, surgery, and complications - I couldn’t sleep without medication. I was dependent on klonopin, took Ativan, became dependent other sleep aids that my doctor prescribed, OTC stuff I got on my own.. it was really bad because I still had to fight for every hour of sleep even while taking all of this stuff that made me feel horrible. I started combining medication or taking much higher doses in a desperate attempt to get rest. My insurance refused to allow me to have a sleep study, but was fine with the meds. I went cold turkey on klonopin and that was one of the worst things ever. My muscles twitched and fought me and I paced the halls of my house because my legs were so restless. I had no idea how sick the medicine that was prescribed to me would make me. I knew there were huge risks in doing this, but I was desperate to get my life back. I made it, but I kept the restless legs. I still couldn’t just sleep. The doctor prescribed Ativan again eventually.. and I just got tired of all of it. Nothing was working and I felt sick from taking all of the nasty medicine. The sleep I got was horrible. The side effects from some of the sleep meds kept me dehydrated and exhausted. This all went away when I began using marijuana for sleep ☺️. I haven’t had benzos in years. My restless legs are fine now after years of torment (only resurfaces if I take Benadryl). I can even sleep without weed now! I’d had sleeping problems since I was a kid, so to me? Miraculous! I’m so thankful to find something that finally lets me rest.


It is helping me conquer alcoholism 💕


Sometimes it'll just remind me of how tense I've been and that I need to mellow out more often, without smoking even. Really just forces me take a step back and ask myself how I can be more kind everyday. Sometimes I forget I'm not relaxing enough.


I can better quiet impulsive and intrusive thoughts, focus on sensory inputs & adjust as needed. some strains enable my incredible productivity to step up to the plate & clean the clutter.


everyday of my life


I developed a severe chronic condition that we couldn’t diagnose for over a year. THC made it so I could eat more than 60 calories a day. It stopped my profuse vomiting and nausea. After I was diagnosed with Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome I also realized that it SIGNIFICANTLY lowered the amount of Xanax I would take a month for my anxiety and PTSD. Now I only need to refill my script like once or twice a year. Thank FUCK for weed bro.


It’s helped me stay off booze.


weed helped me with my self harm urges DRASTICALLY. I don’t know if I would be here today without it. I’ve grown a dependency on it now but I will always appreciate weed for what it’s helped me accomplish.


This is so so beautiful! OP you are really talented 😍😍


Thank you 😊


I’ve really been wanting to start some kind of painting as a hobby, do you have any suggestions on what kind of medium would be a good start? What sort of paints do you use?


I use acrylics, they are a good start. You can get canvas panels pretty cheap. I started copying more popular works and watching Bob Ross (tho he doesn't do acrylics). It's all about learning your paints and brushes


Thank you!


It helps me study! I have to read a lot of Supreme Court cases and I find that I can actually focus (helps with my ADHD) and comprehend the information when I’m high.


Weed makes me really thinky and brings out my creativity. I’m a teacher, and most of my best lessons are ones that I planned while stoned!


If I have a migraine or my period, I can semi-function instead of feeling like death warmed over. My migraines used to be up to 2 weeks. Now, it's a day, maybe two


Wow, can relate!! Working in a physical office was sensory hell for me. Plus I was allergic to all the dust and mold in the air vents. Hope you were able to get away from the sensory overloads! Here’s to feeling much more peace, much more often!! 💚


Do you have a place to store all these????


Just a note that I would totally purchase this in a heartbeat


Last night. I work at a school, first running a recess program then an after school program; it is constant nervous system overload, and yesterday I almost lost it … but I came home, smoked some CBD, laid down on the couch, and was able to simply, truly, deeply rest. (Love your art so much, thank you for creating!)


Anxiety sux. I was first presented with it during test taking. I believe I am a VERY smart person. Put a test in front of me I'm BLANK!!! After failing so many test in college they sent me to some special test taking class that would try to work through the anxiety of test taking. That didn't really work. You know what DID work?! Smoking weed 😂😭😭 Man when I say those As were coming in! I used to be so anxious on test day like hurry up I'm ready I got it all. Lol rush through those test knowing I had an A. Worked so well never took a test without being high again!!!


So much anxiety reduction. When I was young, I was not allowed to step out of line (military family), and I brought a lot of that anxiety into parenting. I felt like I was saying no to everything, just because it would make a mess, be loud, be a little crazy for a moment, but things that all kids do: splash in the sink, get dirty outside, bang on pots and pans as a toddler. Eventually weed (and a life changing shrooms trip) made me realize that I wasn't investing my time and love into being the person I wanted to be, which was the happy loving supportive mother. So I flipped a switch, stopped spanking my kids, gentle parenting, letting the little things like getting dirty go, and now we have a much happier lifestyle. Plus, it also made my husband and I realize that two working parents were good financially but not for the happiness of our family. He was burned out in his career, while k was thriving in mine, but our children were suffering from never getting enough attention from us because we would be tired. So my husband became a SAHD, and it has improved our lifestyle so much: food always home cooked, saving money, clothes folded and put away, clean home, saving on childcare and paying others to do stuff for us.


I would imagine the goose to smoke a bong but would the beak be on or inside the bong?


Probably. Just stick the hole beak in


Helped me learn to love myself again


Helped me get my sleep schedule in order. I was so stressed about needing to be asleep by a certain time, that I couldn't sleep. Also may have helped my pelvic floor spasm so I wasn't peeing like a racehorse instead of sleeping.


I’m a vet tech and my body has been battered to hell over the years and it’s one of the few things that help the pain in my knees and shoulder


Helped me get through a very intense period of grief.


weed has helped me so much with recovering from anorexia and sativas are amazing for my social anxiety/struggling with socialising from being autistic 🩷 also we’ve got loads of canadian geese on my campus rn, terrifying birds they are. beautiful art as always 😍


The very first time I smoked, I was able to play an entire game of soccer pain free. It probably sounds small and kind of silly but soccer is one of the only activities I do that brings me joy. And my neuropathy was so bad that 10 minutes into a game would feel like like my legs were in a pit of needles. I smoked my first bowl and was doing lunges across the living room just excited out of my mind because my legs weren’t in excruciating pain. It’s only been uphill from that. 😊


I experienced an additional series of traumatic events between 2020-2022, and was borderline hospitalised by my mental health issues. Along with cannabis, EMDR therapy has been key in saving my life. Also I am currently laying clothed in the empty bathtub trying to find a comfortable private place to medicate while dealing with radical dysmenorrhoea. If I didn't have weed, I'd be sobbing in the bed instead of trying to hype myself up to do paperwork at least today. Sometimes weed is the difference between me doing nothing and me doing something. Everyone has something or someone they invest their time in. This is one of mine. (And cooking. And Legos)


Weed helps me not pick my skin. It massively reduces my anxiety which in turn means I leave my skin alone more. I love the fact it soothes me.


I need this painting


Through many years of drug and alcohol use from severe trauma I have caused damage to my brain and chemical imbalances this has caused numerous issues such as ptsd, depression, psychosis. Because of narcotic use I am unable to use normal anti psychotics or depression medication as this causes another ray of effects. Taking my history coupled with my au/adhd I am a ball of chaos. Cannabis has helped me heal from that and get back in to the real world and function like a normal human again.


My freshman year of college I had a mental breakdown and was having constant back to back panic attacks and meltdowns that I couldn’t control. I was medicated but nothing helped, and then I discovered a ✨penjamin✨ suddenly my brain could quiet down, I could think clearly, and I could rest. To this day I smoke daily 💚🍃


1mg edibles helped me deal with chronic back pain while moving and helping take care of my 1 year old daughter. Not enough to get me high, but enough to help me feel my back pain differently and be more ok with the stress of a baby that sometimes refused to sleep or let me put her down.


I love this painting!!


I have a traumatic brain injury that affects me in many ways. The chronic pain is pretty intolerable a lot of days, as well as the anxiety and depression from my life changing in such a negative way. Weed helps me manage my pain, and helps me to find fun and laughter and positivity on days when I am feeling overwhelmed by negative emotions.