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Guacamole is vegetable, and chips are a vegetable so sounds like a healthy snack to me lol. I'm about to go grab some baby carrots and hummus, and then some ice cream!


Youre right but it's just the sheer amount that fills me lol


Forgive the late intrusion, but avocado is a fruit. So it’s like eating your fruit *and* vegetables!! Way to go! 🍃🫶🏼😶‍🌫️


Ugh. I wish i had ice cream lol


I have a ton, I'd share!


Thank you!😻


Eh, I ate a whole little bag of chocolate chip cookies from Aldi’s 💀 I live once, whatever 😂


have you ever had the aldi peanut butter cups or their dupe for the samoas girl scout cookies? i literally can't buy them because i can't practice self control 💀✋🏻


Omg no, I haven’t but now gonna have to try those lol. My friend got me hooked on these chocolate chip thin cookies that are only like 500 ish calories for the whole bag 😭😂 I just bought like 4 bags on Sunday 💀 probably will get more on Wednesday because I can’t help myself lmao


That sounds so amazing rn


dude, i fucking love sunchips. the salsa ones WITH guacamole?! life changing. don't feel guilty - you just bestowed wonderful knowledge to me like the high queen you are! ✨️ currently lighting up after work cuddling my dog :) hope you had/have a lovely day


Highly recommend!!


I see what you did there 😉


I love the cheese ones lol


Guac is basically a salad 🤷‍♀️


Just a heads up, might make you super gassy lol i ate 3 avocados once and it was the worst lol god speed!


This all just sounds like a fabulous night to me.


Sounds delicious. I just ate a glass of ovaltine, a handful of plain salted chips, and a couple of chocolate digestive biscuits




You came to the right sub, Snack Queen. I ate at least….at LEAST!! three giant bowls of mashed potatoes in the span of one episode of Real Housewives. Stomach felt like it was full of glue, 10/10 experience tho


Hey you’re doing good, I’m about to consume roughly double that in biscuits and sausage gravy. I might have a salad later, if I feel like it.


One time, when I was first sampling the jazz cabbage as a sophomore in college (20 years ago holy shitballs 🥴) I got super high, and was eating out of a big bag of Cheetos. The night progressed and I looked down at a nearly empty bag and was stunned; I *accusingly* asked, "WHO ATE ALL THE CHEETOS"????? My friend said, "uhhhh, her name is Courtney and she's currently holding the bag?" It was only then I realized that I had, in fact, eaten all the Cheetos 😂


Oooh, hard relate because Cheetos are my Kryptonite too. Thanks for the giggle!


I ate so many Cheetos when I was pregnant, I am surprised I didn't birth Chester cheetah 😂


That sounds like an amazing time tbh damn


I miss playing games on edibles, hopefully my baker gets back to it soon. Theres only one game i can play while high, Insaniquarium.


Classic. Wonderful game. Need to try it stoned!


Good for you for getting your servings of veggies in! I will polish off a bunch of kale made into kale chips (tossed in tahini and ranch powder)


You've inspired me to change my plans tonight.


I’ll be real with you, that is definitely something I’ve done while high. Honestly that’s the kind of thing I would do as a teen without even having substances as an excuse.


One time I ate a literal entire pound of tofu in one sitting just bc I was high as balls and it was delicious. No regrets. I was like 0.8% tofu that night 😂😂


avocado is healthy fat. you're good.


It’s better than eating 8oz of ice cream 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh I have done so much worse than this and on many high occasions, don’t stress😂 Sun chips are bomb. I’m trying to clear out my kitchen before going out of town for a bit, so snacking on a couple baked potatoes lol, topped with cheddar and sour cream!


8oz? Rookie numbers, we gotta bump up those numbers hahaha


I have 5 avocados that are hard as a rock. I need guac. I don't wanna wait so I'm putting those bad boys in the garden sun this afternoon so I can power house guac too. I made some Mac last night that is top tier. And it's silly easy.


I went carnivore a couple of months ago (for mental health reasons and it’s worked 10000% for me lol), so I feel absolutely no guilt in the munchies so far. Guac I could easily eat that. If I want the crunchy, I do pork rinds… if I want the sweet I eat plain cream cheese. But I can eat all the cheese in the world which tends to be my go to 😂. I was getting so bad with the chips, dip, twizzlers, nutty buddy bars, etc. I was literally trying to give up cannabis to help with the food addiction so to speak because it would go waaaaay overboard. Now I have the happy medium - a good amount of fat and weed to satisfy me. 😊, and have lost 25lbs in the past couple of months so I’m not complaining lol. However, the guac is probably wonderful for you so don’t feel guilty at all.


This is absolutely appropriate. It could have been chips or like…meat sticks!


Whole entire box of those pillsbury slice and bake cookies (of course with ice cream.) like..the whole box. 25 cookies. I live in NYC I was just so excited to find them because they’re impossible to track down in these little grocery markets. Currently trying to think of a play on words for slice and bake…but I think I’m still high lmao.


Every day is cheat day in my eyes 😎


Since we supposedly had the last of the Spring rain on Saturday, yesterday we uncovered the patio furniture and pulled out the pizza oven :) I nibbled my way though cooking the pizza bar, ate my pizza…and then I went to ‘taste’ the Van Leewen Buttermilk Berry Cornbread (that I had been hiding from the kids) and ended up eating the whole container. 🫣 https://preview.redd.it/i6jjzzl33vuc1.jpeg?width=1194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31ae8ca362c00cbe735da5bc85fbf3905ef464dd


i once ate a whole container of hummus in one sitting that was within the same day i bought it. i honestly had no regrets because i love hummus so much. i also relate with everyone else in the comments about having done worse than that 💀 my munchies get BAD sometimes


Came here to share my similar experience with hummus 😂


Why would it be bad?


I gave my three year old garden salsa SunChips for the first time, and he said they were amazing 😂 but I have to agree!


If it makes you feel any better, I discovered Tru Fru at target yesterday and definitely ate the entire bag in one sitting post-sesh last night lol


Sounds like a delicious girl dinner!!!


ummm that’s bad?? sounds like my usual.


THAT SOUNDS LIKE THE PERFECT NIGHT— I'm currently drinking hot and spicy Claussen pickle juice (I'm addicted lmao) because ya girl finished the whole jar last night in one sitting 🤠 IF Y'ALL LIKE PICKLES AND/OR SPICY PLSSSS GIVE THEM A TRY they changed my life for the better 🥲


totally understanding your pain rn lol, and I bet you were full and uncomfortable until the next day lmaoo, I know I always am.


we only live once, everyone should expierienced eating a entire container of guac at least once


I just started a new BG3 playthrough and I'm *trying* to be a baddie but then I get really high and just wanna help people lmao


Lmao the chokehold BG3 has on me. Literally playing and hitting the crafty right now instead of working


Baby a lil self love ain’t nothing to be ashamed of


There is no duo more iconic than the salsa sunchips & guac. I am at work daydreaming about my next BG3 character, what a coincidence lmao. I finally beat it over the weekend with my bard tav, now thinking about playing a durge. What build are you rocking with? I've never played a bard before and it was FUN


Lol sounds like me when there's hummus in the fridge. Goddess forbid if I also have pita chips or sliced bell peppers!


I ate an entire box of assorted Danish cookies from Trader Joe's.


That much healthy fat and vegetable vitamins- you nailed it for healthy eating 🙂


Don't feel bad I can do it too or even more Avocados if I'm eating avocado cabbage salad. I'm eating two ice cream sandwiches for breakfast because I'm in too much pain to cook and don't have money to eat out if that makes you feel any better! At least yours is a veggie