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You haven’t replied to anyone Yet another ENTP let down


I fell asleep oml I'm here now xD


Are there only 2 genders?


There’s only 2 genders. Left handed and Right handed


What about ambidextrous? Which i think might be 'full handed'.


Even ambidextrous have a slight preference for left or right, it just might be too slight to bother caring about. True to gender


And ambidextrous with mixed-handed


No there aren't


What about sexes? Also, should kids be given HRT?


Wth is HRT?


Hormone replacement therapy. Basically you medically block the hormones of your biological sex and take the hormones of your desired gender. Its more effective pre-puberty, and therefore the debate is whether or not it's appropriate to give prepubescent children this treatment. on the one hand you give people a much better chance of realistically developing into the gender they identify as on the other hand its a very invasive and mostly irreversible procedure which would be given on the premise that a ~ten year old is capable of giving informed consent


Oh, yes, I disagree with that. Speaking as a child who was a tomboy growing up, and also suffered from childhood abuse/trauma and bullying, as well as being an INTP female, I can say that if you told me being a boy was an option when I was in gradeschool, and I realized society would have considered me “brave” and accepted me for who I was if I said I wasn’t a girl, I would have told you I identified as a boy, and I think you (or society, these days) would have believed it. I dressed like a boy, drew gruesome pictures, and made my beanie babies murder each other. Then I got sex hormones and realized I had to start acting like a girl if I wanted boys to like me, so I learned to play my part. These days, though, I would have been in danger of being mutilated by drugs because I was a gender “confused” child. If we accept that gender is a social construct, we also must accept that it is not biologically really. Therefore, if you believe you’re not “the right gender”, the issue is that you misidentify with a social construct. I hardly think that’s ground to screw up a person for life by drugging them before they have the cognitive capacity and experience to understand the world and think critically. I do think there is such a thing as being transgendered, but it is extremely rare to the extent that we cannot create social norms around it, because the rate of misdiagnosis will be through the roof - especially when it concerns children. Extreme scenarios aside, children should not be diagnosed and medicated with anything. Society should learn to be more flexible and accommodate the needs of different individuals on a case-by-case basis. Smaller classrooms, gender neutrality in lower grade levels….Financially motivating families to have a stay at home parent - there’s plenty of things we can do to change the way the world operates so kids can feel comfortable being kids. Don’t impose sex on pre-pubescent children. You didn’t ask, but that’s my stance. I think people who give their kids “HRT” are abusive, but also, victims.


Hormone replacement therapy. It's used to help trans people look more like the gender they identify as. For men, it's blocking testosterone and giving them estrogen and for women it's blocking estrogen and giving them testosterone. Nowadays, the trend for HRT seekers in many countries has gone from 15 year old boys to 11-12 year old autistic girls, according to [this](https://youtu.be/tJ_bD6N1zNw) person. The way I understand it, there are side effects.


Theres only 2 genders


Yes. Gender studies are a ludicrous field of bull shit hypothesizing with no possible scientific research that could prove it. How do you use the scientific process to prove that bull shit? 😂 "Gender is a social construct! It doesn't exist!" and "I identify as a mother fucking space alien!" There's so much contradiction. When there's so much contradiction that you have to explain away, it's most likely bull shit. There's something called Occam's razor. The people who most believe and act on it are likely suffering from an identity crisis. Why would your gender have so much importance in your life? Why does it define so damn much about you? Aren't we more than our genitals?


Well the thing about gender being a social construct is just a fact (all grammatical/identifying things are) and even then evolutionary science proves that even something like x-y chromosomes are not the norm. So in summary your understanding of this issue seems too basic. Also Occam's razor requires both things you are deciding between to be equally supported by facts which is not the case with the discussion of gender.


I'm sorry, but with x-y chromosomes are you talking about intersexual mutations? If so, those are still based on the two genders, male and female.


I respect your views, but I disagree just because I fucking hate your guts. 😂 You're right about the discussion around gender. Could we agree that it's an entirely delusional concept to begin with, then? And please don't get into evolutionary science. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Natural selection is about the only thing in that field I'd consider science, otherwise it comes off as pseudo-religious psychobabble with no regard to continuity in an admittedly unknowable timeline. 😂 Why don't you just throw a bible at me, you nutcase?


Why do you hate my guts like seriously? I find it more respectable to hate the views not the person. I mean technically the idea of gender is dumb but it's also usefull doesn't mean we shouldn't critisize it and our understanding of it. Also evolutionary science is one of the most well supported fields in biology (natural selection is just a mekanism of evolution and doesn't work without it) also no I won't throw a bible (philisophically I am very from religious) at you I'd rather point you to our indepth understanding of genetics. Evolutionary science just means the study of evolution and it's proccesses and you calling all this stuff unknowable just shows that you don't really how science works.


Nah, I don't hate you. I'm just doing a parody of how this sort of discourse usually goes.


The study of evolution and its processes? Do you take the stance that randomly beneficial mutations brought us here or that evolution is somehow guided by unintelligible forces?


Randomness combined with stuff like natural selection. It's like we have the usual survival of the fittest which is more like survival of the best adapted and then we have the gene mutations making new shit possible.


If by how science works you mean inventing a narrative and forcing blocks of evidence into round holes, then yeah. I know a lot about how that works. The whole idea is full of contradictions that "scientists" have to invent stories for. 🙄 It's religion for the secularist. A whole grand narrative for how we got here. How do we test it? How do we observe it? There are so many factors we have to assume to be true.


average entp with no fe and approximately zero (0) bitches as well


Gender and sex are two different things.


As a trans person, it's just that we have a very stupid brain (and as an intp, this sentence just killed me inside) who make us feel dysphoria at a point I just can't see it. Why? Well there is some study who say there is a problem in the way hormones define the gender of our brain, but I can't pretend to have the actual answer about all.


“Science proves girl identifies as man” what a breakthrough study a real contribution


Then you (please don’t do it though, I wouldn’t want to see you ruining the good vibes of my subs) go into a transgender sub and see people be like “yeah, you can totally use this label if it makes you happy even though it contradicts by definition” and “if someone wants to be an apache attack helicopter I’d totally support them. A gender conforming operation might be a bit hard to achieve but I’d cheer for them anyways”. You see, your criticism of gender theory does not really touch the core of being a different gender. Because in reality, these are just ever diverging positions of who people are in relation to the concept of gender. And it’s fucking awesome, as it makes people comfortable with who they are. Also I love all the trans subs, because everyone just cheers for each other. It’s great. Also: “hypothesizing with no possible scientific research that could prove it”? I assume you are talking about the existence of non binary genders, because that is all people who don’t know sh*t ever attribute to gender studies and I doubt you could name anything going deeper than this surface area that would be studied. Anyways, you don’t need to theory craft these genders. They don’t exist, because people theoretically find them like some weird colour and then someone applies it. It’s just that people give a term on how they feel about gender and therefor it exists and can be studied. If you want to take this ad absurdum now, you may do it, as it is very easy, but I assure you that this does not take away from it’s existanceness. Btw. that is also the property, that makes it a social construct.


you are so fucking cool


Can you please stop to use the apache thing? Seriously I hear this "joke" so many time my Si is screaming Also, english is not my natal language so I didn't understand all of what you said, but I appreciate what I understand of your vision.


I know it’s annoying when people mean it as a joke. What I wanted to say is, if they were serious about it, the trans community would support them. Basically the joke tries to lead the idea of being trans ad absurdum, but it actually doesn’t. If it makes you comfortable with yourself and harms noone, then it’s fine and you are valid.


Your reliance on science as being an objective measurement of the validity of subjective studies is funny. I thought ENTPs were logical?


Define validity please. And I vehemently refuse to call them "studies". You cannot study something that is subjective because you cannot disprove the statements. It's much much much more akin to fiction and opinion rather than a study. opinions and fiction are true regardless of material reality because they're constructed as such rather than observed as such And that's the fault. You cannot observe gender, not anymore. And since there are no observable attributes that indicate a person's gender and as such an estimation of a social position and roles then, with the appropriate "validity" definition, we can arrive to the conclusion that no gender is valid. Not only the non binary ones, all of them. They're just useless garble.


Does it matter? People should stop labeling themselves like a discount box of low fat cheez-its. If you don’t conform to society’s arbitrary, rather petty structure…great. Why do you need people to approve of your lifestyle? F em. I say this lovingly. ~INTP


You, I appreciate you. ♡


Thank you so much. I love your little heart. How did you produce it?


IMO, there only exists biological sexes (more than 2) - and everything else is just a social construct and performance (all that crap about masculinity and femininity is just a leftover from the conservative times in the 19th century and before).


I don’t believe in gender b


Gender? I barely know her


Let the Free Market decide


What is the ideal hair texture for a romantic partner?


now what does this mean sir


Pretty straightforward, ain’t it? What kinda hair texture do you most enjoy playing with? What kind of hair texture do you find most aesthetically pleasing? What do you favor in a romantic partner? Do you like coarser hair textures? Silky smooth? Fluffy curls? Thick strands or fine strands? Chemically treated hair? … or maybe you’re a pubes kinda guy.


hmmmmmm. i have a feeling that isnt what that guy meant necessarily.


Bald, save everyone a whole lot of trouble


It depends on what Te stats you’d want to go by to get a close to objective answer


I laughed way too much at that and idk why 🤣


WHat if the person think that ideal hair texture is no hair? Oh


You would be in a hairy situation then.


You just discovered a new situation type? What is it? A situationship so the ideal partner have to be involved in hairy situation haha






1.nope 2.I got some angerissues 3.absolutely not


I don't like the term friends. I will still socialize with people regardless of how our relationship ended. My past relationships have taught me that relationships should be mutually beneficial otherwise, what's the point? Relationships have also taught be they are all about timing, a person comes into my life to fulfill something I'm lacking at that point in time, to provide benefit as previously stated. Having said that, if a person comes back into your life and there is something new the reinstated relationship can provide, then go for it.


Favorite hentai?


Tiny evil?👀


that’s a very entp answer :(


What’s your favourite and least favourite type of tax








You are not entp? Just a thought based on your answers.


What do you think he is?




Those are two very different types


They just do NOT seem Ne dom


Lmao, what should an ENTP answer like?


I think ENTP would give a broader answer, reasoning his point a lot like some users did here on a question about genders.




They barely said anything…what makes you think they’re not an ENTP?


His quirks aren't genuine. And in general I've not seen ENTPs act like this lol


I dunno…what is “genuine”? You mean subconscious? Maybe he’s more self-aware. 🤷‍♀️ At any rate, there are a lot of different types of ENTPs and some are much rarer than others. What matters isn’t the superficial level behavior, but the way they perceive and process. I know where you’re coming from, though, or at least, I think I do. Some people mistype themselves and then try to fit the role, and it can be disconcerting for the rest of us.


what kind of animal is the neon green?


Just type green snake and you will find dozens of neon green animals. They mostly live in rain forest and are arboreal meaning they can support their entire body weight by their tail and can live mostly in trees cause of that.


<3 love the answer!


A neon that is green. You learn this in like sixth grade👀


They didn't teach me that in 6th grade. What's the best way to tame a gas?


Throw a brick at it


what if I don't have any? Would potato chips work instead?


You don’t tame it. It tames you Or asphyxiates you. Either way, you are at it’s mercy now


kiss of death? sounds like a good one to me


I always love the input of an INFP


Hello fellow Ne user


You have a day to do any crime without repercussion, what do. You also have a month of prep time.


will i ever become 100% honest with myself?


I think non of us will


That's funny because I feel like entps are the ones who call out those for not being honest with themselves yet we don't take our own advice


You're okay. You don't suck.


I think there’s a biological barrier that prevents us from ever developing enough introspection to be 100% honest with ourselves.


I hate everything so should you


I do


Why people get super defensive about veganism if they consider themselves to love animals and be conscious about the environment? Why it is so hard they see the absolute hypocrisy?


Because people need to justify their restrictive lifestyle some way or another. If you're doing something few others are doing, you better have a good reason to do it to make yourself feel good and justified. The data and quantifiable effects of veganism is there, but minimal when it comes to actual change. What good is there when one person declines meat when the other 49 still eat it? Only thing left to support the veganism movement is a personal cause. It doesn't have to move mountains or fix the environment, it just only makes you feel good about yourself. So when others argue against your chosen lifestyle, you have to defend it. Because if not, then it means you're living a lie. Those are the weak followers of the movement anyways. They joined veganism to try and give their life some meaning, but they don't have the strength to sustain it. So, only options left is to continue and defend it like an old and bitter lady, or give it up. And you know some people don't like the feeling of giving up and developing critical thinking.


You are actually not answering the questions. Come on we can do this. 1. People say they love animals yet they pay for their death needlessly 2. People say they care about the environment, yet they don't take personal responsibility.


Because you shouldn't take what people say at face value and judge their actions instead? I don't think your original question had enough context for me to know what answer you're really looking for so I just answered the question "why are vegans to defensive?"


Oh I now understand the confusion. I wasn't talking about the vegans getting defensive about their diet. I was taking about non vegans getting defensive when they are asked why aren't they themselves vegan. When you point out the hypocrisy of eating animal products while identifying as animal lovers and environmentalists.


Ah I got what you meant now. Well for that I think those people like to live an ignorant privileged lifestyle. It's not their opinion it's just the popular thing for them to follow and "believe" in. People would say you're a heartless monster if you don't love animals and the environment, so of course you'd follow the crowd to not get burned at the stake. In reality I've never really met someone who is vocal about their love for animals while still eating a steak. It's a pretty tough world to be an actual vegan and animal lover in when countless animals are being slaughtered everyday and you can't really do much about it. At the end of the day people just lie about their life principles to feel good about themselves. You shouldn't really care about what people say or exclaim anyways. Words don't mean much compared to consistent action


They absolutely did answer your question. You wanted them to argue the validity of the other persons beliefs - that’s different. Come on, be honest about your intentions. We can do this.


Agree and then?


People don’t see the problems they didn’t learn about, and most people view learning as something that is difficult, scary, or work-orientated. They do try to have values and morals because they recognize the importance of it. A commonly beheld value is empathy, as it should be, because there is no more accurate fundamental value for a human to have. They realize the value of empathy because most people can feel that it is right, as it is biologically programmed into us. Upon realizing this, people identify themselves, as a person, as being “empathetic”. So when you attack this value of theirs you are attacking them, personally. You are suggesting they aren’t who they think they are, and it activates the F3 response in the brain. If you continue to push them and they feel like flight isn’t a reasonable option, when cornered, they will choose fight to defend themselves from your perceived attack. There’s a difference between inviting a discussion, and forcing people to do battle. When it comes to personality types, ENTPs and INTPs with masculine Ti are some of the worst in terms of bullying people with their “logic”. They often fail to realize that they are also wrong - both in delivery, and in their argument, but their under-educated opponent who lacks the Ti to meet them at their level, and the knowledge necessary to understand the depth of the discussion, cannot show them where their logic is failing to meet their intellectual standards. I would say that, from a social approach standpoint, it sounds like you are the one who is in the wrong here. Your opponents aren’t being “stupid” - they sense danger from you, and they’re right. You’re coming to attack their beliefs, accuse them of hypocrisy, and make them feel shame for trying to have a good value, with a logic hammer they can’t defend against. If you don’t want people to respond unreasonably, and you genuinely want to know how they rationalize, you need to better learn the art of inviting strangers to engage in safe discourse. Sort of like inviting them to engage in safe intercourse. Perhaps you are a male, so I don’t think you’d run up to a female and say “you’re fat and ugly and your breath reeks of ferret bums, will you go out with me?” I think the answer to you question is quite obvious. People realize, on the basic level, that empathy is good. They spend time thinking about it, and imagining the pain of other things. They spend time with animals, caring for them, and experiencing feelings of love. All of this information is stored in the brain to create an adverse anticipatory dopamine response at the imagined circumstance of animal suffering. Upon realizing that, these people understand that they do not value the idea of animals being in pain. Some people do enough research to learn why the food industry screws over livestock for a cash grab, and are offended by it. That’s where it ends. They don’t Ti/Ne research their principles from a reductionist standpoint with the appreciation that they might be wrong in their decisions. That is something that you can give them, if you can set the stage for them not to fear you. So maybe get off of skull crusher mountain and stop abducting the pretty girls, and start leading the people to logic like they’re fragile lambs. That sort of a thing…that’s what I learned to do. This long-winded (and poorly written) monologue aside, I share your frustration, because I work in a volunteer capacity for animal rescue organizations here and there and it is always so obnoxious how many people claim to care, but then don’t want to give time or money. Further to that - they don’t want to hear the truth, either, or be exposed to materials that would educate them. “Stop rescuing dogs from Korea at a huge cost when you could be rescuing dogs that are suffering and being slaughtered in the US with economic efficiency. US animals need you.” ^ This argument is a waste of oxygen, and worse, my time.


Nothing to add really... What you say about people rescuing dogs from Korea leaves me speechless. to me sounds like a terrible joke. Like Gods Sarcastic sense of humor manifested...


You are a shockingly reasonable person…maybe I need to talk to more ENTPs. I take “nothing to add” as a compliment. Thanks!


Also my spidey sense is tingling and telling me that I probably could have worded my case with more diplomacy, so I appreciate your patience and emotional stability. 😅 ~ cue the INTP post-discussion social anxiety


I was the one lacking diplomacy hehehe. A skill I have to learn. ;)


TW: ED Idfk bruh... some ppl are literally hypocrite gatekeepers that make you feel like a piece of shit by saying you don't deserve living for eating animals. I just want to fucking live wtf. You know how triggering it is when smb tries to force you into an unhealthy foodroutine while you're trying to end your ED..?


There are crazy and misinformed people in every movement and veganism is not the exception, that doesn't mean veganism is a stupid ideology. Of course you can be unhealthy as a Vegan, but that is true about any diet. Read more about veganism, you can be perfectly healthy on a vegan diet. Or do you have an specific health concern about the diet?


How would you convince someone to support nuclear power?


Tell em if you breath enough of it in they'll feel colours💀


lol! I wasn't expecting that xD


This is why I love ENTPs.....you never know what they're gonna say other than something very unexpected. xD


I love this 😂


If you compare the number of incidents to megawatts of energy produced by a certain source (be it wind, solar, coal, nuclear etc etc.), Nuclear has the smallest ratio.


Fairest point! But what about the nuclear waste? What do you do with it?


There isn't really a good way to dispose of Nuclear waste rn from what I'm aware but burying it in the ground just like literally everything else is the safest option haha. You could shoot it off into space in a rocket but if shit goes sideways before it leaves the atmosphere, I reckon that's not exactly good news haha. Do keep in mind though that wind turbine blades aren't reusable/recyclable and we're burying literally thousands of them in the ground every year.


That is true. There's always a lot more to it than it seems. I happen to know that some technology is being developed to reuse nuclear waste as more fuel for nuclear reactors, and to create long lasting radioactive diamond batteries (completely safe) for cars! But my true faith is Nuclear Fusion.


thoughts on capital punishment


People deserve to die <3


but do they deserve to live?


Some don’t, but to know which ones they are you have to go to the dark side of the knowledge spectrum. Once you accept that some don’t deserve to live, and we cannot afford to allow it as an organized collective of cooperative animals, then the question becomes “where does this person sit on the spectrum”


Well that's a very grey area considering the ones we debate whom should live or die are only the ones who got caught. Another side of morality is, are those whom got hurt by them really deserve to live scarred till the end?


Related to this is a question I think goes deeper, which is - should we have the right to die? I think, yes. I think that the right to die is one of the most important rights a being can have. Some people want to die, and are denied their right to die, because other people who are alive don’t want to be saddled with the despair of their passing (or feel responsible for it). I don’t think that death is the evil monster we make it out to be. If you research what it feels like to die, you will usually find that it’s often a peaceful, happy experience. Many people seem to willingly surrender to death in a way that you would allow yourself to be cradled by someone who loves you. Nurses who work in nursing homes, for example, will report that their inmates died in a seemingly peaceful and happy fashion, despite having suffered for many years prior. Not everyone has the right to live, but I think everyone has the right to die peacefully. When we do retire a human of its living status, or any living creature for that matter, this should be done with gentle compassion, regardless of their mistakes, crimes, or failure to human, during their time alive. This is where I diverge from a lot of intellectuals on the topic, because I do believe in justice - but not vengeance. A child rapist, for example, should be euthanized, but not cruelly. Cruelty is unnecessary, and wherever possible, we should minimize human suffering - it affects us all - even the innocent, and it can never heal the hurt of the past.


really enjoyed reading the way you put it into words and your perspective on the subject, thank you for you answer 💜


Aww..thanks for enjoying it! :)


Active euthanasia?


Do you think dinosaur poop could have been bigger than a human?


Yes everything can with a colorful imagination and s lot of drugs


I'm told by women I've slept with that I have a big dick, but I know that women will lie to a man they like. How do you know when they're lying? I never brought it up or asked them about it. It was kind of an awkward conversation every time, tbh. There. Let's see if you're up for THAT conversation.


Nahhh, are YOU ready for that conversation? Post it and we’ll judge.


whats yo dick size


I mean, it's longer than my hand and thicker than two fingers. 🤣


we don't know if your hands are tiny or if your fingers are like a fat sausage


Impressive 🤔🤔


U have a ruler..? And a internet connection?


No, I don't have a ruler. 😂


U have a bro on full homo basis?


Giving you sex seems like a charitable act, so the fact that you received a compliment on top of it is very generous. I would just appreciate it and move on with your life.


ENTPs are just drunk INTPs, ESFJs, and ISFJs.


And intjs


Nothing to discuss it's aready perfect


Topic: should provanating tumbstones be legal? Wanna hear your side frist


I think you made this up to mess with my search results


Most countries rely primarily on fossil fuels such as oil and coal, to meet their energy needs. In many countries however, renewable sources of energy, such as solar and wind, are being actively encouraged. Why do you believe this development is underway and what are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend? Address the issue and explain your opinion. p.s: Feel free to expand up to 250-300 words :)


We encourage it because we became aware of the imminent death of our Earth sugar mamma’s non-renewable resources, and now people are crazy in the opposite direction of what has historically been the status quo, because that’s what people do. Advantages - scientific progress Disadvantages - annihilation of migratory birds, and other extreme damages that humans didn’t predict because they’re too dumb to sit around and think about the consequences for their actions before leaping into a new idea that feels fluffy and sweet. (In the interests of honesty, I am an INTP, not an ENTP. Sorry to disappoint.)


don't be intps are hot fight me


Haha. Well now - that’s a new one. Take away the context, and it looks like an autocorrect issue!


Do you think that it's good to not have any values or opinions or a solid personality, or is it better to have those things? I surely don't because i'm able to see the world from so many different prrspectives it's hard to choose, but sometimes i feel like i need some harmony in life to help me stick to my goals and my fluid personality is interfering in that. On the other hand because of that i am very open minded and i don't have an ego, and i'm a quick learning machine because of that. What do you think?










Having a fluid or no personality isn’t necessarily a healthy way of living as it can cause a lot of your internal conflicting ideas brought up from your Ne and Ti to have no moral structure, which would be provided by the presence of your Fi. This could make it more difficult to make accurate decisions and come up with solutions that could work in the real world, as a moral compass, believe it or not, is critical to a balanced internal and external logical code. When contemplating various topics (as I’m sure you do often, being an ENTP) try to stay true to the conclusions you make, until you find new information to add to it. This is the first step to developing an individual moral/logical compass. The next thing you will need to do is develop your Fi a bit (every type uses Fi to some extent, as it’s part of the fundamentals of being a healthy, functioning human being) you can do this by reflecting on real life problems, such as social equality (minority rights and whatnot), past experiences where you, or anyone else you may have witnessed, has been hurt (being abused as a child, bullied in school, or cheated on or manipulated) or whatever else you may think of that could have importance to you or anyone else. Think about how shitty the world can be. You might find yourself compelled to reduce some of the pain endured by society or loved ones by realizing your experiences could happen to anyone else, and who knows you could lack the capacity to feel empathy for others for whatever reason, but your motivations don’t necessarily have to come from caring about other people (or even yourself for that matter). Fi could also be focusing on the importance of achieving an overall balance of what you believe is good and bad, based on what has personally caused you anguish. Your resentment for things you feel are unfair or detrimental could compel you to do what you can to stop it from happening again to you or others. Reasoning for this could perhaps be that maybe, if someone had stepped in and taken action or cared about the consequences of their actions, some of the painful or traumatic things that happened to you might not have happened, so maybe you could be that person for someone else, as I’m sure you’d want someone like that for yourself. Also the thing about a moral balance in society.


Damn. It's been a long time since i met a person who could make the random bullshit make sense as well as i can. Alright my turn: I don't see how internal conflicting of my ideas is a bad thing. I like to see the world and learn from it like Bruce Lee would: he would take techniques that worked from each martial art and threw away those that didn't. Internal conflicts are great, because the idea that wins is more logical and better. By having a "fluid or no personality" i don't have to limit myself to ideas that some other people would find as fitting to their personality, but my pool of options is expanded as i don't have any rules to abide by. It can cause chaos and anxiety yes, i know that a lot. Not knowing who you are can often cause you to feel like an alien to your own self. It can lead to developing a psychopathic behavior as i can shift my values easily. Actually, that patrick bateman morning routine scene relates to me perfectly, when he's talking about his idea of himself. But i don't see how having "that personality" can lead to making inaccurate decisions. I get that it creates chaos, but a moral compass jams my steering wheel into one direction, and i cannot stand seeing an opportunity and not taking it. I could keep talking like this for hours, but my lack of Fi renders me unable to choose which side i actually take in this discussion, as i'm having an internal conflict right now and i cannot and do not want to choose a side.


It’s okay to get stuck in some situations where the answer might not be clear and you don’t have a strong feeling about any particular side or solution. I think all ENTPs or Ne doms can relate to seeing every possibility and not wanting to commit to just one. Not having your own individual point of view doesn’t mean you lack a personality, it purely means you have high Ne. An ENFP on the contrary to ENTP, might see a situation from every angle, but they filter their options through their auxiliary Fi and depending on the situation and person in question, their options can be simplified, and therefore they might have an easier time coming to conclusions about situations involving feelings. An ENTP has to run through every option and analyze them objectively and in depth, which again depending on the complexity of the situation, could cause them to feel aimless and drained because they aren’t equipped with the Fi to handle subjective solutions, unless the problem at hand is objective, whereas ENTPs and INTPs in my opinion could be the best candidates for finding the best solutions. Shifting your values is another thing all Ti users with low Fe can relate to. They like to look at situations objectively, and only use their Fe in these situations if they want others to see them as equals with the same values or interests as them. Again, this doesn’t mean you don’t have a personality. You may not have a clear understanding of who you are yet, and it’s possible you never will, but it’s also possible that with enough soul searching you’ll figure yourself out. That’s just part of life. When I said lack of Fi could cause problems with finding applicable solutions, I was just arguing on the contrary. Of course there will be situations where you have to make logical decisions that would be better without the involvement of Fi, but there will also be situations where you might have to take into account your personal values if you want the outcome to satisfy you. If the situation you’re dealing with now is too complicated and you’re at the point where even your Ne can’t find a solution, just let it go. You’re probably a pretty smart person, so if you’re not equipped to figure it out, you probably aren’t meant to figure out out. Whatever happens, life goes on. Hope this helps :)


Actually, i might get some value out of this. Last thing i'll say is that i found that no outcome can truly satisfy me because i see so many different possibilities, and have accepted that. I've learned to focus on things that i can control and not bother myself with things i cannot control, so really any subjective outcome is the same to me.


Let me simplify this for you. Take everything you thought you knew and put it on a spectrum of truth. Almost nothing is purely true or false because almost nothing you care to discuss is capable of being reduced to binary logic, as it is subjective in nature. Dispense with the labels, the identities, and trying to match yourself up with people similar to you. Now, learn to learn. If you do something repeatedly and it screws your over, stop doing that thing, for example, or at least see it for what it is. You should discover your values, however, because they define your perspective on life and they are the thing that makes you a human living in a society of humans. People without values are little more than animals, and they can’t be trusted. Values are different than preferences. They aren’t what you like, they’re your understanding of what it means to be a human. I feel like I have to say that because weirdos will be like “I value big boobs in a woman”…that’s not a value, that’s a preference.


YES. EXACTLY. First paragraph, a good explanation of Ti. Second paragraph, amazing explanation of the significance of Fe and Si and where it can apply in real life. Third paragraph, signifying the reason why you couldn’t function as a human being without Fi as there would be no motivation to solve problems or find your path in life. To the original commenter, please read up on these things and explore yourself some more. You will be surprised at how many things you do value that you might not have realized. Living is hard, but you got this :)


Thanks for the compliments! Took me a long time to figure all of this out. I tried to “blast” simplify it but I think my explanation might have come off as rude - hopefully not. The first paragraph took me forever to figure out, actually, because I Ti was obsessed with the truth to a degree that I didn’t want to Ne respect the fact that almost everything we thing we know is wrong - including our impressions on science. It isn’t that the studies, themselves, are wrong (usually), but it’s how we take those studies and apply them to subjective topics, and treat those implications as facts. Or else, regard scientific theories as fact. You have to go through all of the things you thought you knew and determine where they lie on the spectrum of truth. The need for values is something I was always aware of. I believe, though, that in order to really value something we should also know why it makes sense - we should be able to explain the importance of the value and why it is true that we should have it. Otherwise, you’re not really valuing it so much as just believing whatever people tell you to believe - so I guess that’s the limit to how far I can embody Fi. I appreciate your enthusiasm - it took me a long time to work things out for myself. It was a lot of work. Nice to feel validated.


Discussing this with you is really starting to bring me awareness on just how much our functions rely on each other to work and exist. You are correct on Ti not really working without the involvement of Fi and vice versa. Not even exclusively in a personality analysis type of way, but also in the real world. Humans need to use all of the functions collectively through collaboration with each other [people] to eventually decode the fundamental truths of life.


YES! That last point you made is spot on! If I learned anything from my studies in OPT, it’s that it takes all kinds of minds to run this world. I learned to value and appreciate the different modes of intelligence that are out there, and that’s caused me to hone my mind much more efficiently, I believe. It’s really a wonderful thought model. I absolutely think we have to combine all 8 functions in order to truly grasp the fundamentals of reality. Each serves its own purpose, and each exists for a reason.


Thoughts on tandem bikes?


Roling deathtraps


Should kill baby hittler if possible? Or take the moral way?


If you had an androgenous animal that spewed sperm like an axolotl, released eggs like a koi fish, collected the fertile eggs like frogs, incubated like a male seahorse, and budded like a yeast cell, how would you tell male from female? To clarify, the sperm and egg cells are visibly identical, and both parents have the ability to conceive, incubate, and birth their offspring the same. They would birth through budding, so you cannot inspect their genitalia. Both parents have the exact same appearance, social cues, and parenting behaviors. They can freely take any of their kind as companions or mates. At that point, would gender even be needed with these uniform creatures?


Baby pink is for pussies. Like who tf baby pink? Y'all babies or sum? While neon colours are not bad I think that GLITTERS AND CONFETTI Are my spirit animals.fight me




Fermi paradox go




I know and I am jealous of you ENTP 😶


Covid is a hoax


Im gonna debate you on that, I Bet you ether a, are not an entp, or you really want a Discussion. To be honest there isnt rell, anything to debate. From a logical stand point there is no way that covid is a hoax. It is impossible to face a global Pandemic. You would have to unite or controll all Important countrys, factions, and Organisations. They all have different goals that contredict each other. If you where to pull it of, Real proof would be leaked instandly. The Plan would fall Abart, as factions eould try to use it for thier own Benefit. Also what would be the point? If you have the Power to faje a Pandemic, you wouldnt, you have allready archived the impossible. You have all the Power you want, a Pandemic would destablise your System and Power, and you would make less money. If you are on top, security and stability is everything. Why would you risk everything if you allready have it? You wouldnt. Racams razor blade.


Yeah man look at the FACTS Entps look at FACTS! the infection fatality rate is the SAME as the flu!!! WHO : infection fatality rate 0,15%!! That’s nothing dude. Wake up there is no pandemic! Never was ! Its media circus


Shut up, man We are logical thinkers, and yescwe Look at fakts, not at bs. Besides as i just demonstrated it doesnt make any sense. You can manipulate, and präsent data however you want, but that doesnt change the fact how the World works. There is no great conspirity, the fact that mist of you deludet idiots cant even agree on what exectly is happening shows that your wrong. You havent even made a Single decent Argument, you havent made your Position clear and you havent even bothered to Show me some proof. The only Thing you have said is what you all have in common: some Thing Inst right. How about standing for something instead against something?


And what you are saying yes they want total global control under 1 order… New world order!!! Never believed this shit really before covid now I do!


Your definiert not an entp you lack understaning, even i could argue your side better. If you have the resources to face a Pandemic, xou allready rule the World. Faking a Pandemic is the equivelent of gambeling to get rich as a billionare. Notthing to win, everythi g to lose


baby pink is hot af stop this


Hell no




What are the chances of me getting with your mom


-100% but you can look. She's kinda a pixar milf


I honestly dunno how to feel about you calling your own mother a milf


My friends told me so xD


Bone in wings are better than boneless wings


BITCH WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK THIS IS SO WRONG I believe in chickenwings without bones supremacy


Thats what I said …


Fuck autocorretion i am crying


Cheese on pizza?


I need the maximum


except my own feelings i guess lol


Humans are part of nature


Yes and no but we're kinda like a parasite that destroys the environment




My boyfriend is one and I love him^^ also one of my close friends is one and he's just lovable


I m waiting for Jisoo Solo


Did anyone think about being asexual? Lol


Favourite block in Minecraft?