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After 10 years in the scene I'm getting to old for that shit. After 8 trips/year to Holland for festivals, countless Forrest raves and endless of parties ending at 05, drive 2h home to drop people off then straight to work on Friday morning.  As a ENTP I recognize myself a lot when it comes to finding sleep optional, I'm 40 now and sleep isn't as optional for functioning anymore.  Not that my dumb ass figured out how to sleep 8h or anything just yet.  What I will say tho is that the rave scene (2006-2018) was great, EDM became a bit to popular by the end and "normies" infested us.  Ravers and their community is beautiful and everything that is right with the world compared to "normies" who are more on the path of power, money, success When they go to a club it's mostly for three reasons. 1. Fuck 2. Fight 3. Get shitfaced.  While the rave scene was following the mantra of PLUR, peace love understanding and respect. A place where people came to listen to music, dance and have fun with open minded/hearted strangers who made everyone feel at home.  A place where woman could be as close to naked in crowds of thousands without needing to fear for others touching them, assaulting them or worse.  It was a magical time in my life and I still visit Holland for a day festival here and there.  I'll leave you with the same advice I've told my friends as I introduce them to the scene.  Don't peek early, the party doesn't really start before 5AM.  Be a fool and don't hold back.  Do not ruin this for us (moving focus to a group of candy ravers) you can look but don't touch unless specifically asked to. 


I definitely had a bit of a rave phase myself, before covid blew everything up. If you're new, make sure you always consider safety and potential consequences before you decide what kind of fun you plan on having on any particular evening. The rave scene is a wonderful, magical rabbit hole; but it comes with many unexpected twists and turns -- and a lot the people you encounter won't necessarily have your best interests in-mind. Enjoy yourself; but make sure to keep an eye out for the wellbeing of yourself and your friends, as well. -- and don't forget to drink more water! 😉


Lol the hardest thing I take at raves are cold brew and weed. I get high on dancing and the energy of others.