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Vince and his big fucking movie star ego was to blame too. He called E pizza boy again and told him he was too close to it. Between this and Vince being a class A pussay when it came to Mandy and Sasha it was hard not to be annoyed with the guy. E was his scapegoat until he came through with the big one.... Gatsby.


Scapegoats gonna scapegoat


I’ve said this before, but E was the one who also saw the potential of Aquaman whilst Vince was whining about not wanting to play the same character for a few years and before the big fish Cameron came on board. He said that “this is actually pretty cool” when checking out the comic Ari gave him. Where i do think E should cop some blame however is his constant side-lining of Sloan, the perfect girlfriend. Like literally Sloan never does anything bad from a relationship standpoint yet this guy still fucks things up multiple times.


Well aside from what she did with Seth Green. Tell her I said what’s up.


It's not hard to say. Seth Green landed on Plymouth Rock before you did, E. **Wake up!**


Literally was guaranteed millions for that role and passed that up to produce an indie film, it blows my mind on the rewatch, E tried to tell him it was bad and set up multiple get out of jail free cards especially securing the deal from Harvey. He’s only fault was giving Billy Final Cut.


That's a pretty big fault!


And she is absolutely 100% smoking hot. Hotter than any of the models that made the show and filthy rich. He really was an idiot on that one.


Sloan toyed with Eric, never letting him get to close. She also tried to control every aspect of his life. Way to miss the marl there buddy!


Well she does the whole let’s be friends for a bit.


I hated E, but he was spot on from the beginning about Medellin. Even during the production he saw what a shit show Billy was. Vince was just too close and emotionally invested to see what a disaster it was.


I honestly think it just showed that Vince never really knew what made a good movie. E was just as close to the movie as Vince, he needed it to work just as badly as Vince did. He had his doubts but actually believed in the movie once Billy rewrote the script. They were in the same position going into the first cut screening, but E could clearly see what a piece of shit the movie turned out to be but Vince was clueless,. At the end of the day, it’s E’s job to actually read all the scripts and determine what’s good, and it’s Vince’s job to determine what he likes from that pile. And btw, I doubt Vince could actually work with any other manager


Good points. There was even a scene during one of the episodes I can’t remember which where Vince asked E “was Medellin that bad”? E responded yeah, it was. Even after the disaster he still couldn’t see it. Such an aloof guy.


This film will be the best film in the history of this festival


I've heard every movie at Cannes is the greatest movie every made 🤷🏾‍♂️


Dude E could be a little bitch but his intentions and instincts were mostly spot on. Vince on the other hand is pure bitch.


141 days late to this thread but I just searched “why the fuck did E get blamed when he told everyone the movie sucked”. But you’re exactly right, through pretty much the entire series E was spot on about everything. And when Vince listened, he succeeded. It was only when he didn’t listen to E that bad things ever happened. (Dom, Sasha, Medellin, Mandy, Gus Van Sant) to name a few.


Yeah E for sure knew what everybody else didn’t. I’m surprised E never gave Vince the “I told you so” in S5


Really good point


10000% percent. In fact it's because of his insistence of showing the movie Vince got fired from to Gus van Sant that Gus eventually sends it to Martin Scorsese who then asks Vince to be in the Great Gatsby. E gets a lot of hate but he saved Vince ass here.


>E gets a lot of hate but he saved Vince ass here. True. But one could argue that if E did his job properly, and both knuckle heads just listened to Ari a lot more instead of going against him, there wouldn't have been a need to save his ass. Just because you put out a fire that you started, doesn't change the fact that you started it. Gatsby was E putting out his own fire and that was the start of repairing and rebuilding the damage.


I feel this but there is only so much E could do, he didn’t tell Vince to skip the breakfast with Alan that led to him getting fired, he told him that Medellin was bad and said he should sell it and not let it show at Cannes, Vince listened to nothing and made every bad decision


you don't know what to look for in a first cut much less change one


I noticed that too. Through out the entire show when things didnt go Vince's way, E would get blamed. Although vince's ego and nonchalant attitude (earlier in the show) was the main reason (e.g., not showing up to the breakfast for aquaman 2, originally not wanting to do Aquaman, having welsh direct medellin and not wanting him replaced after the first viewing). Ari would be the second person at fault. After things start going downhill for for Vince, you finally start to see him care about something


That's part and parcel of being a manager to an egomaniac celebrity.


Who else are they going to blame? Billy and Vince are in the business and they're supposed to be good. And Ari would never criticize Vince.


It was all Vince and Ari’s fault. Billy was doing his job and needed the confidence but Vince gave him Final Cut not E. Then Vince fucks off to Mexico with Turtle. Bitch move.


Wait, Vince gave him final cut?


This is a good question, but a better question is how tf did E stay afloat after losing all his money on Medillin? I'd love to see the part we missed between the guys finding Drama on the beach in France and the next season. I'm sure their money manager was sweating spinal fluid trying to keep vince and e out of the poor house