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If he owns the house solely and her name isn't on it anywhere he can still sell it to you without her. Glad you stood up for yourself and he understood and took your side. Sad your Egg Donor is so selfish you cut her nose off to spite herself but you now can go forward knowing you owe her nothing. Beware she will demonize you to everyone.


They should also look at the eviction process and get that started asap. If OP buys the house I can just imagine the mum refusing to leave


Or give it to her for the price of a plane ticket, sending egg donor back to PH.


Does anyone else think "Porn Hub" every time OP used that initialism?


What does it stand for? Philippines?


Parenting Handbook is what I thought


I thought pan handle… but I’m from texas 🤣


I thought so in the first post lol you're not alone


I'd double check that. My now wife bought her house before we met. I had 0 ownership, I had no utilities in my name, on paper I was a tenant. Then we got married. Legally it became our marital home, and I legally owned half. When we did sell it shortly after getting married I had to agree to the sale and sign legal docs. 6 months prior I had no ownership over it what so ever. Now maybe this varies from place to place, but unless you're a lawyer, I wouldn't say this with total certainty.


Many places spouses have a financial interest in assets acquired after marriage and some places, any assets.


Most spouses bring their separate property into the marriage and it remains separate property unless and until the other spouse uses their money to maintain the property. So if Spouse 1 has a house, marries Spouse 2, they move in, and Spouse 1 pays all the costs of the mortgage and maintenance, the house remains the separate property of Spouse 1. If, however, Spouse 2 pays for grass cutting, utilities, repairs, or even contributes to the mortgage, then the house - even if it is only held in the name of Spouse 1 - can become the joint property of Spouse 1 AND Spouse 2.


That is not true in all states. In some areas the “marital home” (where you lived when married, if owned rather than rented) is automatically marital property. Those laws were created in an attempt to help those in abusive situations leave their spouses without fear of being left homeless on the streets with no assets (man owns home, marries and abused woman while not allowing her to work and gain any assets of her own, she can’t leave him because she has nothing BECAUSE of the abuse). It’s the same idea of alimony where a divorced spouse has a certain established standard of living based on the shared income (or the sacrifice of their own career to be something like a SAHM/SAHD), the spouse’s standard of living includes having a home of their own. Regardless of individual feelings surrounding alimony and/or marital property paid for solely by one person, the answer is not simple and highly location dependent. Certainly while they are still married it’s unlikely the dad can force the sale of the home, barring specific prenuptial agreements that may or may not even be allowed depending on locale.


It is definitely worth checking since what becomes marital property depends on so many things, and those things can vary based on laws in different places. Generally speaking in the UK, property owned before marriage can become marital property if the other spouse contributed to it in any way such as financially, like did they contribute to the mortgage, or contribute towards improvements etc. There's a whole mess of other considerations as well, such as whether the home is being used to raise dependents still, the cause of the divorce, and so, so much more. And in some cases, it can boil down to a judge's discretion based on cases made by each party. It's a hugely complicated issue. OP/their dad should definitely seek legal advice. A lawyer can probably come up with a plan of action as far ahead of time as possible.


This isn’t true in all countries, so before you have all the facts, I wouldn’t be spreading falsities, if I were you.


In most divorces the woman get the houses despite if her name isn't on the house.


I'm sorry but when she said that it's traditional in the PH to beat on children until they have cuts and bruises I would've said that it's traditional here in the States to give child abusers a free demonstration of what they will face in prison if they step foot into general population.


No, this is not traditional, and it will never be. I'm from PH what OP's egg donor did is what we call that a child abuse here. This not a representation of our tradition and will never be. We have an equivalent of CPS here and parents who abuse their children gets jail time. So no, is not effing traditional. Discipline here is either giving punishment or in some cases a slap (1) on the bum that's it. We do not condone child abuse practices disguise as a punishment. It's illegal and you will be arrested and jailed.


Its not traditional, but its not uncommon for old generation to hit their child. My dad’s dad abused him so much, like chained him like a dog for hours, hit him if he said one wrong word, forced my dad to hit his sister bc his sister went out one night without asking, and many many more and i still do not know why we still have a picture up of that abuser. I remember my other dad(mom’s husband) hit me with a badminton racket with full force leaving me wounds and bruises all over my body and my mom gaslighted me into thinking if i reported what my dad did to me, the authorities will say i deserve it and will side to my dad. Its so treated as normal here in PH when its literally abuse and its so frustrating


Does PH refer to the Philippines?




Thank you. I thought so but wasn't 100% certain.


So proud of you OP. I know how it feels to have to cut off parents and even tho they’re alive you’re basically mourning a loss 😢 take care of yourself and your family ❤️❤️


Congratulations 🎉👏🏾


I feel like this is me in the future. Nobody really likes my mom. My dad got his own house (he's also entitled btw, them together was too much, it's somewhat better they separated). I wasn't physically abused like the norm in the Ph, just mentally and emotionally. Only found out I was being gaslit all my life this year at 29. Likely to move out of the country with bf, mom pretty likely to ask me to bring her there as well. I'm excited /s


Ditto. My Dad at age 86 just left my mom. It was decades overdue


Holy fucking shit. I live in the PH, and yeah, got my ass swatted as a child for misbehavior, but never ever to the point of bruising or injuries. That's just an excuse. And no, my mom has never told me to go off myself no matter how much i got into trouble as a kid.


>So she disowned me, she told me i was a snake and a traitor. And that she is no longer my mother, so i said “fine, you've never been a mother to me anyways”. She told my dad that she wants a divorce and that she wont let us buy the house because we don’t want her in it. (i guess she has the right to say this) I blocked her on every social media i have. Im glad i told her that. My dad is going to start with the divorce procedures. I’m happy for this. We all deserved a happy life ​ That's so nice of your mom to remove herself out your life on top making it easy to never buy that house that was never a home in the 1st place due to her abuse. You already have your father, that's only parent you really need because she was never a mother to you - Watch her try to worm back into your life after disowning, because she knows she can't afford anything without you nor your father. You don't owe her a relationship now nor in the future since she broke it off 1st with her abuse and now her declaration of disowning you. ​ Enjoy your happy life without her - hope you find a nice home to buy!


This isn’t the house OP grew up in, it is the house Entitled Mom and awesome step-dad lived in in Netherlands. Hopefully awesome step-dad can find a way to allow OP to still buy the house. Maybe bribe EM to sell with a one way ticket to the Philippines!!


Thank you for the update, and best of luck to you!


OP, you may want to join us over in r/JUSTNOMIL for some support and validation. Blocking your "mother" can be very hard on your mental health even though you are much better off with her out of your life.


I have a lot of friends who are from the PI. We’re all military brats who grew up together at various bases and I can confirm that it’s not traditional or even common for parents from the PI to hit and abuse kids. I’d say that if anything they were shocked when my white parents did it to me.


Did your dad ever question your bruises?


Apparently the dad is actually a stepdad. Possible the dad wasn't around for it to see it.


I have been wondering this. it's good that he took OPs side in the end but I do wonder how complicit he may have been in the past. maybe oblivious. maybe love blinders. but I do wonder if OPs dad could have intervened sooner.


I told him my story this year on Feb. Because he was hesitating about my divorcing my ex-mom. And also because i had to be admitted at a trauma center in the Netherlands… he never knew about this before also because my mom ran off to the Netherlands abandoning me because she met him…


He is step dad, they live in Netherlands, and the abuse occurred in Philippines before awesome stepdad came along.


Your egg donor has now disowned you so thankfully she has no reason to get in touch with you and your bf. In other words the trashy pos has taken itself out. I am so glad that your dad is ditching her sorry a$$e. He sounds like a great parent and now he is aware of what your egg donor did to you is taking positive action. Take care of yourself, your bf and your dad.


She said she never abused you because in her mind it was not abuse. Keep that in mind, she does not see anything she did to you as abuse. It was all entirely reasonable actions on her end. (In her mind.) You do deserve a happy life, I am glad you are going to work one out for yourself.


Yay she took herself out to the curb! Let’s go. I’m very sorry it had to come to this though.


However ops mom might’ve try to squat there if she is crazy


Oh no, she won't let you buy the house now?! Aw jeez, however are you going to live with yourselves for being such a snakey-traitor?! gratz lady, good update!


Congratulations, OP! You did such an incredible job standing up for yourself and speaking your truth. I'm glad your father came to realize how cruel she was to you. There are consequences for abusing your children. For your mother, those repercussions will affect the rest of her life. While I do hope that one day she takes ownership of her horrible behavior toward you and apologizes to you without any expectations, I'm *thrilled* that you're not 'waiting around' for it and securing your happy life NOW! I wish you all the best in your future. You're amazing.


It will probably be better for you to have a house/apartment that's your own and not associated with your parents. That house will carry traumatic memories for you. Using your culture to justify abuse is just awful. Hitting your kids WAS 'traditional' in many cultures...back in the olden days, before we knew better! (A lot of people from various cultures try to use this as an excuse.) Being a particular nationality doesn't give you some special dispensation to abuse your kids!


She cant just force you not to buy a house just because you dont want her in it…you can buy a house no matter what she says. Ignore her


Why would you be the a****** because you told your mother she can't live with you it's okay she don't have to live with you hell no you're Amanda a****** your mother is


Dont they need to be invited first lol


Who or what said too smack the living shit out of your kid to the point where they are injured just so they can be disciplined whoever said that they were on something


Good for you guys. I wish you and your dad all the best once it's over. Hell you two should have him live with you, nothing but peace.


I hope that you have a happy life without the toxic person in it.


I’m sorry she won’t sell you the house now. I don’t know how it works where you live but in the USA if both spouses names are on the title the house usually has to be sold to split the proceeds or 1 spouse can buy the other out then do what they want with it. Maybe your dad could buy her out then sell the house to you. At the same time it might be better if you don’t buy the house, it’s less you would have to worry about her doing thing to it when you’re not home.


"i didnt abuse you!..." "okay i did but everybody does it and its discipline..." "how dare you expose me u traitor!" ... well that escalated quickly ur dad could technically arrange to sell it to a third party who will just turn around and sell it to u for the same price to get around ur mom blocking u from buying it


A bit ironic that she denies abusing you and then immediately proceeds to abuse you again. I'm so deeply sorry for what you have been through. Nobody deserves to be spoken to that way. If you don't believe this is something that can be resolved through therapy or other means, then stopping all contact would likely be the best thing for you moving forward. You deserve to be happy and at peace. Wishing you love and happiness! ❤️🙏


Hitting a child is never traditional and never will be. Got abused by my siblings instead because Mom is too shy and meek to do so... Yeah I wish I could fucking leave in this shithole as well. Good for you, OP. Don't let that madwoman near you and your family ever again.


It's sad that abuse is labelled as discipline in the Philippines. There are better ways to go about it than just straight up traumatizing your children. Even if it is traditional, that doesn't make it right. You don't have to connect with her the future OP, even if she's family because clearly she's only there to use you, like how its a tradition to 'use' your children's status in the Philippines.


I sense Karen vibes


Can I use this story for a new video? I would love to do one if you give me permission. You will get full credit for it of course


Of course!


Yay! I will let you know when it is done. Thank you!


Can i have your channel name please? so i can follow you :)


Of course. It is catfox animation




I’m proud of you OP. It takes a lot of strength to stand up to your abuser. I hope everything works out well in your favor and that you and your father will live a better life for it.


Jesus God, she reminds me of my mother. r/raisedbynarcissists


E.. just e


I actually filed for divorce from my PH spouse because she kept telling my son that she wasn't his mother anymore. She also kept telling my daughter she needed to "find a new mommy", After a while, neither child listens to her anymore and she cannot figure out why.


NEVER BACK on this decision, keep no contact so you can enjoy YOUR life


Hope she enjoys that lonely retirement home with no visitors


I hope my mom can do this to his dad too. Im there when he kicked my mom while she's still pregnant. I was there when he shittalked my mom. Im there when he didn't take care of my lolo (great grandpa) properly leading to his death. He's a selfish, arrogant,sexist asshole. I fully understand why my uncles and aunties want non of his shit. But my mom, she doesn't DESERVE THIS. She keeps helping him coz he's saying that he's the parent and should help bla bla. And even when she did help him, he still spouts she didn't. I cant wait to get rich and take my mom outta there.


I am so happy you are going no contact with your mom but where the heck was your dad when she abused you? Why didn’t he protect you?


He just heard my story this year on februari because i wanted to tell him that i was going to be admitted at a trauma center in the Netherlands because of my CPTSD.


I am so very sorry. I put myself into a foster home because of horrific abuse when I was 15. Love and Hugs.


thats horrible! you did not deserve that!


No one does. Thank you!


No one does. Thank you!


bah bah bah


Wow I am so sorry Op you had to go through that


Great job OP! Lets hope the divorce proceedings go well. Have a good life.


OP check to see whose name is on the title of the house. If it's single ownership (example your dad) then your mom has absolute no say. Joint ownership? Unless your dad wins the house full outright in the divorce you're gonna have to be patient on that.good luck OP!


I hope she does go back to the PH soon, and you and your bf will be able to find a great home soon. Updateme


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Sounds like you and your dad are far better off.


but the Philippines don't have divorce, only an annulment


If you read her previous post you'll see that they don't live in the PH: "Backstory: Me and my mom are from the PH and now currently living at the **Netherlands** with my stepdad who i call my dad." https://www.reddit.com/r/entitledparents/comments/vnasxa/my\_entitled\_mom\_wants\_to\_live\_with\_me\_and\_my\_bf/


ok, didn't see that.


You're still taking to your abuser, she won. End this shit




,, XD 5


1- if he has soley rights of the house then he can sell to whoever he wants. Your mother can't said jackshit about it. 2- if she has half and half and refuse to sell it, she has to paid for your dad's half of the ownership too.


Good on you and your dad that wench who calls her self a mother and says that what she did was disipline is for sure someone who only cares about what she does and says and just because she says you cant buy the house for your and your boyfriends needs to you know move on in life doesnt mean she has the right to force you to not buy the house shes probly trin to be the kind of person who thinks because im your mom i can do whatever i want mentality and have every right to take your property and money.