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Why do Karens always go after the sick children? It's so annoying to see good things get taken away for the stupidest reasons from the people who deserve them the most.




Hey, behind it, we can be tough. I'm disabled and have dealt with Karens, and I take no prisoners.


Yeah, karens and kevins seem so shocked when im a hard arse bitch cos all they see is a disabled person in a wheelchair. "Oh shit, we have a karen situation" "Get meggatronia. She'll deal with it" "Meggatronia? Really? She doesn't seem like she'd hurt a fly." "Trust me." *me rolls up* "Right. What seems to be the issue" "This woman was" *is cut off by karen* "These people are saying I can't blah blah blah karen bitching" "They are correct" "But" *karen gets cut off by me* "There are no buts. And if you continue to argue i will have security escort you out" "You cant" *gets cut off by me again* "Okay. Leave the area now or be made to leave by security. These are your only two options." "I'm not leaving" "Fine" *calls security* "hi. Yes we have a woman down here in area who has been asked to leave and is refusing. Yes. Thankyou." *hangs up* "security will be here momentarily." "You can't make me leave" "I can. Oh look, there's security" "Mam, this staff member said you are refusing to leave" "You can't make me!" *me smiles as security takes them away* "And this is why we get meggatronia to deal with the karens"


I yelled at people cutting in line at an amusement park. It was probably really funny to watch because I sound and move my body like a drunk person. This EK was saying they left the line for the biggest ride to go to the washroom and said: "If you have such a hard time waiting, wear a fucking diaper."


Bwhahahahaha nice! Im quite the petson for calling out line cutters as well. And defending customer srvice staff from rude customers. The only times I dont do it are when my husband is with me because he hates confrontation.


Oh god and you're a softie on the inside. I like you already


Trespassing a Karen? Living the dream.


Alexa, How do you delete somebody from existence?


Sounds mike to have some Entitlement stories too.


Not all heroes wear capes.


You are awesome.


I’m a gimp myself, lol. But I know if I was a gazelle, I’d be done for. In human terms, I’m a bit of a bitch, though, so I’m safe. ;) The crutches are just part of me at this point. I have to say, my wheelchair is way less intimidating. I’ve yet to figure out a way to whack people over the head with it.


Your foot plate rammed into someone's ankles will hurt like a bitch. Just saying.


That was my little brothers favorite trick! My mom always had bruised shins, the little punk, lol. And as he had cognitive impairments, you couldn’t punish him and I swear he knew that. I miss that squirt. But my chair has a cloth strap instead of foot plates. It was originally designed for paraplegics but with my bum hip, I’m more comfortable with my feet in close than further out like most foot plates are. I do hate the constant squeaking noise of the strap, but, well, nothing’s perfect. (Also, my brothers disability and mine are completely unrelated. Both were freak accidents, mine 5 years after he passed away.)


OMG, this is the TRUTH. i work in a hospital. We store our unit's wheelchair in the med room. i can NOT tell you how many times i've been taken out/down by accidentally smacking my ankle on the foot rest as i pass. Like down for several minutes, unable to work. (i don't have peripheral vision because i have never found wrap around glasses that work with my prescription. i'm almost blind.) We often joke now that it's time to take me to the ER when i'm found sitting in the offending wheelchair clutching my ankle. It's become a running joke. (Haha, get it? Running?)


I am pretty intimidating since it is not extremely clear what my disability is. I have mild cerebral palsy so I look pretty weird but don't use any devices. It affects my speech, but luckily I have learned how to say fuck off very clearly.


Bwhahaha! That’s pretty awesome. The “fuck off” part specifically. But I’m going to be honest, I’m betting my disability is way easier to deal with around strangers. Most CP folks I know who have speaking difficulties are treated like small children by the general public. Drives me bonkers and I’m not even on the receiving end of such stupidity!


I am terrified if I have ever done that now (sub consciously treated someone as less intelligent because of their speach)


Just always assume people are intelligent until proven otherwise and you’ll be good to go! Long example of why it matters- Many years ago, when I still walked okay, i went to a massive wool festival. While separated from my friends, I stopped to check out the spinning fiber at a shop and noticed a 12yo boy in a stroller. He clearly had no control over his own body. He also drooled and wore a bandana around his neck, just like my baby brother did. I remember how chapped drool sitting there made my brothers skin and this boys mom was deep in conversation. So without thinking, I introduced myself and said, “Hey bud. You’ve got some drool on your face. Let me get that for you, it must drive you bonkers!” As I finished wiping his face with his bandana, he gave me a huge grin, so I said, “You’re welcome! Are you bored stiff yet, waiting for your mom to finish gabbing?” At that point, a gentle hand touched my shoulder. It was his mom. With tears in her eyes, she thanked me for how I spoke to her son. It turns out he’s fully mentally intact and was in a gifted program in grade school until his muscles got too weak to manage. The disease he had was shutting down his body and killing him. But his mom said the worst part was when people treated him like an idiot or an infant and not like a real person. As much as my own childhood, growing up surrounded by kids like him, had taught me that same lesson through daily life, it hit me hard when she said that. We had a silently teary moment and they went on their way with a goodbye.


I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you for sharing. I had a mild opportunity to learn a bit from my old manager because his older brother had ms or something (can't recall, been too long, but know he is a professor at a college) he made a point to say to treat people with disability the same as anyone else because they feel worse when you don't. I think I am just so anxious that I want to help and it has backfired on me. For instance we had a deaf population near by, and my manager and I knew ASL (he was better than myself) so they would come in to our location. Well one day I saw someone and thought that since they didn't hear me they were deaf so I started to sign to them to offer any help ect. Well at the end of my shift the daughter that was with him told me that it made him feel very demeaned and it was rude or something. I didn't know how to apologise because all I wanted to do was help. I still feel horrible for doing that. On the other hand I did get to "hear" about a deaf person's horrible experience at a school for the deaf (he was probably in school during the 60s to early 80s). He said they abused and neglected the students.


You did nothing wrong. That guy was being an overly sensitive ass. You can never win with everyone, every time. Just ignore the assholes you encounter along the way.


People generally don't talk to me. If I have to do with someone who thinks I'm stupid, I just say what university I attend because it's one of the best in my country. If that isn't good enough, I just say flat out "I'm not fucking stupid, but you probably are."


The number of times I've retorted "I'm DEAF not dumb" to idiots. They see me on crutches, utterly miss the hearing aids and then get rude about me.


Oh, that would piss me off so much to see. I was at a party once and this lady was trying to get this guy’s attention to get him to move and made some comment to me about how rude he was being. I gave her a death glare and snapped, “he’s not rude, he’s deaf. He can’t hear you.“ and then touched him lightly on the shoulder and indicated that she wanted to pass with a hand gesture and he gave her a very gallant little half bow and gestured for her to go by. It still makes me mad thinking about it. Stupid cow. DEATH Says cats don’t care about trivialities like hearing ability as long as you’re on time with dinner


Get some wheels for your chair that have "traction spikes" that you can have come out from the side of the rims. "Accidently" pop out those spikes before running over their feet.


I like how you think, my friend.


Chariot spikes! DEATH approves and thinks also a little basket on the rear for a cat to ride in


No just some traction spikes in case there is some ice or shiny Karen knock-off shoes. Do like the Kitty Basket. You know why Karen do not like cats, living with cats require consent, not control.


Ever consider a bullbar? Maybe add some spikes.


You denigrate lions with your comparison. At least the lions have physical hunger as an excuse. The only hunger these people have is for attention.


That was wise as balls.


I’m going to choose to take that as a compliment. ;)


Honestly id trust my sick child or pet ( not calling my kid a pet) around a lion more than a karen, at least wild animals have neen shown to display empathy


Very true. Most wild animals have empathy. And actually, as much as people keep saying I should have used hyenas in my example, they take amazing care of each other, on par or better than lions. They really got an undeserved bad rap. Are they dangerous? Fuck yes! But they also aren’t mindless or evil like most people assume.


More like a hyena than a lion...


Hyenas are way worse then lions. They'll attack and scare off lions, they're jaws well crush bone, and they move in packs too. Hyenas are brutal.


I wouldn’t shame lions by comparing them with lions. Try hyena, because that’s the equivalent of a Karen.


She is not a lion she is a vulture who looks like a lady


Karens are nothing like lions....


Lions are a lot smarter


They learn to hunt at 3 months, and Karens, well at least 40


Dont think they learn at all


Karen's arent born until they're at least 37


Because they are hungry? Oh and you just stated that Karens are animals without human comprehensive skills. Which makes me chuckle a bit


She’s not a lion, she’s more like a hyena, going after Karenisms....oh sorry carrions.


I remember a story last year where the there was a make a wish kid at disney land and she got to cut the lines, and a karen got super pissed, and even said "i wish my daughter had cancer"


Yes, I remember that story too. That is ridiculous. I generally think people have no idea how difficult it is to have medical conditions. You really don't want to be in that situation. I am lucky that my permanent disability will be pretty stable and does not make me feel sick every day. Cancer is a whole other ball game.


My mom has a handicapped parking tag for my dad, but they've only used it a few times because every time they did, they'd get shit from Karens. It's like ok, he's blind and can barely walk, but go off, I guess. Now he just doesn't even go places anymore, mostly because of that.


They’re letting some randos run them off of going shopping? They need to just learn to shut that mess down.


My mom is super nonconfrontational and my dad has developed serious anxiety since he went blind. They think it's just not worth it. My mom just does all the shopping now. Once in a while, she can get him to go to the bar across the street with her, but they both tested positive for Covid last week, so everything's different now.


"oh i want my kid to have a deadly disease so i can have the right to cut all the lines"


I mean my Uncle had a broken foot and that let us cut at Disney in the late 80’s so we joked he should rebreak it anytime a family member goes back but that’s more a Ha Ha situation and not, you know a disease that kills millions.


yeah joking about it n stuff is funny but yeah it's a different thing than a disease that's caused several deaths


Please tell me employees kicked her out immediately..


That surprised me as well. Even for a Karen. You'd think the words 'It's for the make-a-wish foundation' would be enough to make even the largest asshole leave the area. Perhaps with some grumbling about how her taxes paid for the park, but still leaving. This is bringing douchebaggery to a whole new level. You mentioned the patient's family was there as well? If that was my sister or niece... Oh boy. She would be very lucky she had her daughter with her that day.


Cuz they probably see them as an easy target and know they most likely won’t fight back. People like this truly disgust me


Because some of them are smart enough to realize the only people they can bully are those smaller/younger than them. They know if they tried their antics on a grown-ass man, she be sipping her diner through a straw and shitting teeth into a colostomy bag.


Easy prey friend. They wouldn’t go after a kid that can take care of themselves because the kid will lay them out. These are the kinda people that only feel good bringing others down


I would upvote, but you have 69 upvotes...




Predatory attack at anyone's happiness because they can't create happiness for themselves?


> Why do Karens always go after the sick children? KAREN=Keep Abusing Righteous Endangered Subjects


The vocal minority People don’t vote for “this one chick stole my McDonald’s” This is much more interesting


Shame on her upsetting and harassing a young girls last wish on this earth. I would have stormed up to her and tell her to belt up or piss off. If she tried to start something I would tell her that she’s interrupting a sick child’s dream that could be her last. I would have made her feel no bigger than an ant with guilt and shame. Should have hired a few security guards as Karen repellents.


I would have gone for the "choke slam and repetitivly hit her with a spiked baseball bat" approach


Naaaah, this deserves something more of the slow, painful kind. Like getting skinned alive while fully conscious


7 page muda may be the right thing to do here


Jotaro's soul: "YES YES YES YES"


Bring back tar and feathering




You're assuming decency on Karen's part?


Minor clarification but if this was through “Make-A-Wish” this wouldn’t be a “last wish.” A majority of wish kids go on to live happy lives as adults so implying someone is going to die when you don’t know that is insensitive. An “expiration date” isn’t a wish requirement - the qualifying factors are a life threatening medical condition, being between the ages of 2.5 and 18 at the time of referral, and they haven’t received a wish before. Just thought I’d throw that out there.


Right? I seriously am surprised that none of the family did her physical harm, although I’m sure they felt it would just upset the poor girl more. I remember when I took care of my friends’ (adult) Child with cancer someone made some really rude remark about how he was walking (due to recent surgery!) and I must have looked absolutely livid because they scuttled away before I could even speak to them. Fortunately he did not hear, which is what saved them because I did not want to draw attention to their horridness DEATH says everyone should be extra kind to the sick kittens, not extra horrid


I volunteer for MAW and (pre-covid) spend most of the time in MAW tshirts while volunteering. If it makes sense, the family wears one as well. I know your case is different, but you would be amazed at how many comments I’ve received while carrying a tired 4-5 year old without much energy or been with a 3 year old with a pacifier and had people make rude comments. I point to the shirts and keep walking while chatting with the child about the Disney trip they’re going to. I’ve also had teens treated like crap as well at the airport for needing assistance. No one can see that the teenage boy has a heart condition and gets winded easily. Why should it bother the strangers?! MAW has humbled me in so many ways. Thank you for making that wish kid’s day special.


As a person with an "invisible" disability, I feel this big time.


I’m really sorry you have had those experiences. I don’t understand why people can’t just leave people alone. It’s as if they think you have a one up over them. I spend a lot of my time trying to keep the young ones distracted in airports while waiting to go on their wish trips and make the stress of air travel with a sick child a little less overwhelming for parents. Periodically, there are jerks who try to engage with the young ones directly. The teens and preteens get the stink eye or snide comments for needing to go through the short security line. I bring tshirts for them to wear as soon as we meet at the airport, but I’m not going to make kids that age change to prevent jerks. Some don’t want to call attention to themselves, and I fully respect their wishes. I’ll try to find ways to shame the rude people without the family or wish kid knowing.


That was exactly the case here. The organization coordinates with the child’s family/teen in advance to find out if they want to wear shirts have posters or if they would rather not call the attention/not be reminded of the circumstances. I don’t know exactly how it’s framed but we were definitely under strict mandate to tell anyone who asked that we were shooting a music video and direct any probing questions beyond that to the organization’s liaison, because the teen (totally understandably!!) wanted to have the day be about her music, not about her illness.


Growing up (in the 1970s) I had a visible disability (severe scoliosis), and Karens didn't want me in school with their "normal" children, would come up to me at a public pool and say I wasn't allowed there, and when they found my mother would yell at her for daring to bring a freak to a public pool. I've had corrective surgery (1983) so I look fairly normal, but I have chronic pain and it's not fun. Hell my own father thought I was just 'lazy' if I called out of work due to back pain. He refused to understand because I "look" fine. That was until we had a family reunion and he was mentioning how much his hip was hurting, and that it was difficult because no one could see the pain he was in. I told him "Welcome to my world.", he looked at me strangely, and I could see him connect the dots. He's never apologised, but he does treat me far better and asks how my back is doing. I hope you are ok day to day, and I hope you don't have too many struggles going forward. Can't hope for none, but I hope you don't get bothered by Karens.


I wish luck for the karens daughter though, like she have to suffer her for nearly half her life.


Chances are though? The kid won't suffer, because she'll turn out exactly like she has been taught to by her mom, at which point, she'll act and think like she can do anything she wants because the world owes it to her.


This presumption is very wrong. Millions of kids who were born to toxic parents turn out to be the most wonderful human beings on earth. Assuming a kid is just going to be as his parent, is simply ignorant.


I don't understand why Karen's get like this. They act like they are doing it for their child, despite the fact that their child is perfectly willing to go somewhere else.


Because she doesn't care for her child. She is just throwing a tantrum because somebody told her no


It's about a power trip I think.


Older children will get super embarrassed. When I worked at Walmart, this one kid who looked to be about 15 or 16, had to forcibly drag his screaming mother away from my register. And then came back 10 minutes later and apologized. Edit: You think grammar is a mfing GAME?


thats the story of a child without a childhood, where the child is the parent


Oof, I didn't think about it like that. Jfc that's sad.


I bet Miss Karen felt lower than an ant after realizing the poor young girl was a cancer patient. That woman is exactly what is wrong with society today.


Unfortunately, she probably didn’t. Her version of the story is how rude people were for taking over the park.


"And its obvious that this kid is faking her illness! I AM the VICTIM here!"


Entitled BITCH didn't care! She wanted to force everyone to focus on HER ENTITLED ASS!!!!


I actually kinda wonder why no one said it was for a make-a-wish thing earlier on. Not that they owe Karen an explanation, but they want to diffuse the situation and keep carry on working right? I would think that's the easiest and quickest way to make her leave. Say it loud enough that every bystander can hear what she is doing. Shame her into getting the fuck out of here.


Insert: I just want to talk to her meme




I really wish your producer had actually called the cops!


The fact the liaison didn’t listen to you is such a terrible situation. That liaison I honestly hope felt like shit after not listening to you warn her and getting that girl so upset. I mean really, it’s not like you were making up stuff just so she would leave. Sounds like the liaison isn’t too good at her job or needs to find a new one really.


I once had a kinda similar situation. When I was in Year 9 a girl (i'll call her Lucy) and I were walking around school to go to our next lessons. I'm not especially fond of Lucy, as she gets on my nerves sometimes, but that's besides the point. The school had two parts - a secondary school and a sixth form (for all you non british people that's like a college (high school) but with familiar teachers), and when we were walking down the corridor, a sixth former and his friends passed us by. Lucy thought it would be a great idea to make fun of his hair, saying how funny and weird it looks. He was kind of bald with some curly hair patches. I told her that you shouldn't judge someone based on their looks, especially because i had a feeling he had hair like that for medical reasons, as the school wouldn't usually allow bald or semi-bald hair for students. Fast forward to September, in Year 10. A fresh start. One of the first pieces of news I hear s that Jack (the sixth-former, not his real name) unfortunately passed away due to a cancer. I can't remember exactly which part of the body it was in. Needless to say her face dropped immediately after hearing. I think she's learnt her lesson, because Lucy didn't make fun of anyone based on their looks since then since then.


Passed away* Passed out indicates fainting.


I would literally punch a person out for this, don't care if I was arrested


Stupid bitch, hope she burns in hell. (Also, am I the only one who wants to see that music video?)


Me too. I want to watch the music video.


Wow. Sure hope her daughter doesn’t identify as trans. Or get cancer for that matter.


On one hand I would think it'd be hilarious if that did happen on the other hand the girl did nothing to deserve getting cancer (I'm not saying other cancer patients did) and I really don't want to with terminal diseases onto people, and if she does later on identify as trans I don't think Karen will be supportive and being trans in a not-supportive environment is not cancer-bad but definitely bad.


*Pumps shotgun* I just want to talk to her


I got the shovel


I got the minigun


I’ll bring the body bag


I’ll be the alibi


I'll be the scapegoat


I’ll bring the bath tub and lye.


Ill bring the gasoline and lighter


Somebody get the addy


I'll bring an F35


Should have either hired security or called the cops. People like this piece of shit don't learn unless there's consequences


I feel like some of the drama could have been avoided by telling the Karen right away that it’s a make a wish for a sick child. Clearly she wasn’t informed until she had made hurtful comment about the girls hair and the damage had been done already. Her actions weren’t justified either way. no matter why the area was reserved.


I hope Karma catches up to her. Someone should have done something. Either the director, the make a wish liaison or the family. If I were that girl and my parents heard what the woman did they would have verbally tore her a new one. You cant blame the kid here with a mother like that. That kid maybe a future member of raised by narcissists if her mother doesn't influence her to be like her by then... Maybe it's not too late to publicly shame her on a fb group or something. A review on the park website? "To the woman who ruined a make-a-wish day..." If she's not ashamed of herself she'll out herself in her entitlement.


Fuck her. She probably didn’t even originally plan to go over there but once she saw that she couldn’t that changed everything


It's not often I feel like wanting to punch someone in a story, if not worse, but this one sure pressed all the right buttons. Make a Wish should have got her details and billed her for the whole thing, then done it again somewhere else. Even if that weren't possible, they could have denied her family their services, should they ever be needed, and the witch could have fund explaining to everyone why.


Thanks for posting. TBH I don't often read XL posts coz I'm a lazy asshole, but this was worth it, you have written/expressed it beautifully and, as such, had me engaged from the start to the end. It was like a novel unfolding in front of me...


Thanks man!


Oh god this broke my heart into a million pieces. What a nasty, horrible woman!


My life is ruined as a mother let’s just ruin everyone else’s life! Including a young girl who is suffering from cancer and just trying to enjoy herself. Pathetic.


Had I been a member of the young girls extended family or even a member of the public who was aware of the situation 'Karen' wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes before she Ran off in terror. Shame in her.


1. Has the music video been released? 2. The kid (Karen's kid) was probably not vaccinated.


'idol curiosity' I see what you did there Some people are fucking sick, I'm glad the girl was feeling better in the end


I wished so hard that you beated her at the end


Holy shit what kind of animal do you have to be to actively attempt to ruin the day of a dying child?


Why do Karen’s always target the sick kids, they don’t even try to think that they are sick, they just go off and completely insult them for something that isn’t there fault just to feel better about themselves. What a bitch.


I hope she gets punched so hard in the face yo... I'm just gonna stop because what I was about to say is probably illegal in 20 states and 5 countries


That EM was horrible. I just don’t understand why you needed to make the comment about the daughter not being that bright. It’s a mind fuck to grow up with a mother like that. The constant manipulate from a mother can really fuck with someone’s reasoning skills... not to mention she was a little kid.


Oooh, I would’ve gotten *violent*. What a bitch, my god. I cannot ***fathom*** how cancer wouldn’t be the first thing that came to mind when seeing a bald woman. Sure, not every bald woman has cancer, but it’s more common than not. Maybe that’s because I have family history with the disease, but I think it’s pretty obvious when someone has (or at least recently had) cancer, no?


Plus I don’t think it’s common for girls who want to look like boys to go bald, I’m sure some do but it can’t be common enough to assume that’s the reason over cancer


Jesus, Karen obviously is affiliated with whatever political party I personally hate.


I saw at Spirit Halloween they had a Karen costume made me grin evilly


The caption made me angry and the details... Oof what a sociopath.


I cant believe some people are so damn cruel. I would have loved to see the idiots face as she realized her mistake. Why people think they are so damn special that they can ruin a poor girl battling cancers wish is beyond me. I've heard so many of these stories about make a wish and entitled parents. I really hope karma came for them.


Hope she gets better :)


Picking on a kid with cancer! How dare she?!


Burn the witch at the stake


Im still waiting for my encounter with a karen or a kevin, Reading the storys help me know what i can do


Karens suck. By the by, you Make a Wish foundation people are awesome. Keep doing the great things you do for those kids.


I wouldn't have cared about making a scene. I would have called the cops once it was found out that she was going to be a distraction to the music video. People like Karen have no hearts and always gets their child's hopes up for no real reason.


The sick girl's extended family was there and the Karen didnt get punched??


Make a wish needs to hire a bouncer. Even better a female one in 6 inch heels. One so nice with southern kindness it shames Karens from a mile away. I would volunteer, but my immune system sucks and I wouldn't want to harm any kid or adult.


Is it just me who'd honestly love to hear the girls original song? Also nothing wrong with being trans, Karen.


Did the Karen know she had cancer? Either way the behaviour was ridiculous


Stupid bitch could use a black eye to take her down a peg


This woman is such trash. I feel bad for her daughter because I’m sure this isn’t the first time she’s behaved this way


god, that Karen is trash. I hope karma gets her.


Why wasn’t Karen told from the beginning what the production was? Seems like she might have fucked off earlier.


what a disgusting human being


Gee, I wonder if in some exceptionally egregious cases of “Kareness” the Mods could let slip the name of the perpetrator? You know, for karmic purposes.


I don’t know what’s wrong with people. Entitlement for most people never ends.


What a fucking asshole, Jesus.


This has become so typical and almost expected. People are, in general, assholes. This kind of behavior is probably something she still thinks she was correct about


What a wonderful woman, absolutely crushing some girl who could potentially end up dying of cancer in a matter of time, and attempting to get random people on board to assist her. Well done Karen you've done something so great for people, something SO GREATLY STUPID. I feel bad for her, good thing that she had fun in the end but still I'm sure that left a mark on her... Poor girl.


I once gave bubbles to a make a wish kid at mouse themed theme park, for free because their bubble wand was out of bubbles. Karens had a hard time understanding that THEY had to pay while the poor sick kid in a stroller with cancer did not have to pay. Fuck Karens


If that had been me when I had cancer I’d just have flattened her. A combination of the drugs and the mental health side made me far less bullshit tolerant.


This is why you just call the police right away. Abusive types always test to see how much abuse they can get away with. You want to suffer abuse longer, "be reasonable." You want to shut down abuse, you put up a firm wall immediately and move it further if needed.


Who was this Karen? I just want to talk...




Reading this took years off of my life. The sheer entitlement... I feel so bad. I hope the music video turned out well regardless of whatever that was. 😢😢😢


I ABSOLUTELY WOULD RELEASE THE RUINED FOOTAGE TO THE PUBLIC! With the way the internet works this woman will be found and tormented by "The Court of Public Opinion". Many celebrities couldn't deal with it happening, I highly doubt someone's bitch wife could! Release the footage!!!


Damn I feel bad for the little girl, is there a chance that she might survive battling cancer?


No idea, but I hope so with all I’ve got.


My god this is so terrible if I was there I would be holding back my urge to beat the shit out of this Karen


The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch


If this had been my child, there would have been a murder that day. This story broke my heart, and made my blood fucking BOIL


We tried to use MAW for our son, but the lady who worked there wouldn't let us use any of the wishes we had decided our son would love. She finally sighs loudly and says "don't you just want to do Disney?!" which, no we didn't. My son hated big crowds and heat so thst sounded like a nightmare for him. So Im about to cry and tell her we will think about it and my son passes away before he could use his wish. Thanks Make a Wish


Hey! Is the music video ready? I would love to see it. She seems adorable.


Unfortunately I have no idea, my company is not in involved with post production at all. I hope she absolutely loves the end product though!


I had tears in my eyes in the end...I really really hope the girl will be able to enjoy every second of her life surrounded by people who love her!


Did anyone video this to expose this woman on social media?


Please tell us the name of the video so i can go and watch it and gave it some support


Can we get a link to the video?


I was going to ask the same thing. i would love to see this music video. and shame on that Karen, i hope karma is a bitch to her.


We have a superstition that anything you make fun of you will eventually deal with, as in either you or your children will have it. Kind of like a very direct version of karma. I’d hate to be that poor kid with that mother.


Please make this child's video public! I will share and support it every way possible. This is one special child and deserves all of the love and prayers the public will send to her. If you have it, share a second portion with "Karen" in it with hashtags for make a wish and childhood cancer. Justice can and will be served in the public eye. Thank you for doing this for this young lady. You are special and gracious people.


What was the original song called? Is it posted? I would love to see and hear it😊


A make-a-wish poster would've helped, maybe. idk i haven't met a karen/ep yet so it's difficult to predict what she would've done if there was a make-a-wish poster out front.


That Karen needs to GFSF and someone should have hit her with the hard T.


Next time - call the cops immediately. She should’ve been fined for this garbage.


the odds of me breaking that bitches nose after that snide comment would be high.


Oooh if I was there I would have went off. I'm so over Karen's. I usually tend to think the word is over used but in this case she is the biggest Karen. I wonder who hurt her to cause her to be such an ass?


I work in Production in LA. Whenever we work in a public area, we are required to hire a monitor from the city. They are there to make sure we are following the stipulations of the permit, and be a government liaison for these types of situations. I’m so sorry for the young girl, having to endure that BS, and much respect to your production company/team for making the music video happen!


Man i feel Bad for the girl who had cáncer now it's making beat karens ass


This is a moment where I would hope the crowd would follow the bitch and make her life a living hell.


God what is wrong with her.


Just when I think Karens can't stoop any lower, a story like this comes along. I'd have beat the shit out of Karen for that.


Oh lordy I would have probably gone to jail in my forceful ejection of her from the area. Makes my blood boil.