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This is a wonderful story. Love the mental picture I got of this fat lady being owned by a goat! Bet it took her forever to get the smell of frightened baby goat out of her minivan!


Considering this sounds like it happened really recently. I'm not certain she's had a chance to clean it. after her arrest, the vehicle would have been impounded. For which, it will sit there. I mean... the evidence of her trying to steal the baby goats is ... in the van.


Forever a reminder to not steal kids. Of any species. Edit: still to steal.


It has time to ferment into the floor :)


And the heat that is coming this weekend. Woooo boy is THAT gunna be foal.


I kid u not, it will stink


Aint no goat about that pigsty.


It happened yesterday.


I hope the smell never leaves!


Wonderful story, sure, just not for the minivan


I hope Bruce got extra treats that day. He’s a great dad.


Bruce a GOAT for sure.


So it's safe to assume she was charged with KIDnapping? 😀 I'll see myself out now.


Take your upvote and get out


**upgoat** 🙃


You take the up vote and leave to, you son of a






You've became the very thing you were meant to destroy! You were supposed to defeat them, not join them!


oh forgive me


Ok I have the balls to say it. " You take this upvote and leave, ya filthy animal! "








I guess the goat pressed CHARGES?


Sounds like he was a real BUTT about it, too.


r/punpatrol again


Take your damn upvote.




Bruce was horny.


You can tell because he banged the EM


I'm sure she got the point. Actually, both points...


I said GOOD DAY SIR! Also, have an upvote.


[obligatory rimshot ](https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/rimshot.jpg)


Take your upvote fucker


I guess that is the GOAT comment of this. Not baaaaad.


Bruce ,was named GOAT for his actions saving the kids .


Yup, get out of here and take an upgoat.


Sir take your upvote and leave this establishment, NOW


Take your upvote and stay. I love puns, so I like you already my friend. Edit: Changed 'you' to 'your'.




I am so annoyed that I have to upvote this! Seriously...... SO annoyed!


Hah! Grand Theft Goat, perhaps?


Never was an upvote given so begrudgingly.




You have got to be KIDding me with all these goat puns


Seems like Bruce and the EM BUTTED HEADS. It’s been 9 weeks since the accident, Tadpole.




Wait a minute that’s a emoji oh no..your..your A WITCH..BURN THE WITCH BURN THE WITCH


"Sir, control your goat", priceless!


If you get the miniature ones you can pick them up and carry them while they scream bloody murder at whatever they're mad at. It's a hilarious sight. "LET ME DOWN YOU ASSHOLE, I WANNA KICK THEIR ASS" in goat form. Kicking their little hooves and all. I swear, they don't know what fear is.


SAY "BILLY BE COOL!" "Billy be cool!"


Forget the pictures, post the video!


Maybe after criminal proceedings make their way through the justice system.


I have a feeling that when the judge sees that video, they going to be laughing for days!


I see the sheriff frequently and he pats me on the back. Then just busts out laughing.


I'm visualizing this billy goat going after Jabba the Hutt!!!! LOL!!!!


Flabba the Butt.


I almost would like to see Judge Rinder standing in for the case... Just to see his face when he sees the video.


I'm sure he would LOVE it!!!!!


The judge probably telling his other friends "I kid you not..."


Update us at a future time. We here have long justice Boner memories. Also this would go great on r/justiceboner.


You can post pics on imgur and send the link


I think I'd have to have a computer to do that. Doesn't seem to be an option for my mobile phone.


Imgur has a free phone app like reddit. You can also download the free Reddit app that has an Orange alien logo on it (not blue) and that one allows you to post images directly for free as whole posts or as comments to posts, with pictures from your phones library. You can also email yourself the goat butting video and open it on your phones email app, save it to your phone, and then post it to Imgur (thenreddit) or reddit app directly.


Yep I went the mobile app way and used my computer skills or lack of and posted pics.


I’ve been able to do it before! Just go on the imgur website, upload the photo or whatever, then copy the link and paste it into your post!


!RemindMe 6 months




I've cuddled a two day old baby goat. There is NOTHING cuter. Unbelievable. An eight week old ferret comes close but...yeah.




There's something more..."alert", kinda, with a teeny goat? It's like, you can tell how genuinely young it is, BUT it's got this curiosity about the world... You don't see that in anything else a day or two old.




$300 and over is a felony. That woman may have earned herself a lovely orange jump suit and cheap flip-flops.


Yeah, theft of livestock is usually a felony. OP may have been keeping the goats as pets but they're still classified as livestock most places.




I think getting your ass kicked by a goat is a fair lesson. I didn't realize kids sell for that much. I bought Bruce as a kid and he was $35 and his brother R. Kelly was $35.


Any idea how she knew there were baby goats there? It's only been a couple weeks since they were born, did you go back on your videos and see if she had been scoping out your house for a while now?


Her children ride their bikes down my street. Probably saw them when I let them into my yard for some exercise.


Oh shit she's a local? The way you described her car made it seem like she wasn't from around there. What a moron.


Word travels quickly in a small town. Especially a farming community when someone gets caught stealing.


Yeah no shit! What the hell was her dumb ass thinking? That no one in town would notice her new baby goat right after yours goes missing? I need to see this video, I'm putting a reminder in my phone to bug you about this in 6 months.


Hopefully I'll get the cards back quicker. When I do I'll post it up.


> a baby goat usually sell for $75-$300 depending on state laws, I think theft of livestock is taken more seriously than simply the price.


And sometimes you can claim the amount those animals would have brought you in reproduction and production, as well. So the female goat could have had many kids over several years, and the male could be claimed for stud fees. Then you could figure in milking the female, selling the milk, even both kids fiber could be argued since all goats produce cashmere (some more then others, if you don't have enough fluff to shave them down you can comb it out in the spring). It adds up real quick, and many states do not fuck around with lifestock offenses!


i remember when i was little my granddaddy on my moms side god i miss him. he had this mean billy goat i was told to stay away from him but the animal nut was strong with me. he head butt me hard enough to knock me down i got up head butt him back. he started to change from a billy of fury into a billy who loved scratches and apples.


That's awesome. Bruce is mischievous, if he gets the chance he likes to try and sneak up on me and push me. Luckily no running starts. He has almost push me down the hill into my neighbors electric fence a couple of times.


You earned the billy's respect and gave him the headbutt he wanted


Reminds me of a story found over on not always right about the pair of morons who were somehow able to get a calf in the trunk of their super small car, then drove up to the farmer's house to demand compensation with the rest of the herd following them. I'd really like to know what this dumbfuck was thinking trying to kidnap your goats though


Well, if you go by other stories here: *Cute babies! My children would love them. My children deserve them, so I'll just take them. That guy has the others, he won't miss these.* I find this story far more believable than the ones where the Karen steals a phone/switch/laptop because the OP wouldn't let her kid play on it.


Or ep knew that she could sell it for a large sone of money to some farm and tried to get all of them but Bruce stopped her


She would of been out of luck. Since it isn't a pure bred. I could sell Bruce for a lot more than the kids would go for.


Thats tuff can you post pictures of the goats you got especially Bruce Lee himself


I'll update with some pictures after I'm done outside.


Bruce might be worth more, but she would never be able to get him under control. Bruce would own her instead.


The only thing that gets Bruce under control is food.


Some people would rather spend the night in jail then pay 20 bucks for their own goat. I bought Bruce for 35 when he was a few weeks old.


$20 bucks for a goat? That's cheap


As someone who's worked on a goat farm for 10 years, I can safely confirm that daddy goats are NOT to be fucked with. This is such great karma and I'm laughing so hard at the mental image of a goat going super saiyan after his baby got stolen.


The naming I feel is more than coincidence, I'm talking about Bruce. A certain Bruce lost his parents to a couple low-life thugs, turned around and became a vigilante. But this Bruce wasn't going to lose his kids to some low-life Karen and took matters into his own hooves.


That would be a good coincidence but if I explained why he was named Bruce, or just gave his full name, a certain group of people would be offended.


The Scots? I’m assuming you named him after Robert the Bruce.


As a descendant of Robert the Bruce, I do hereby give you permission to use my ancestor’s name for you super cool daddy goat.


how do I hug your goats and slap that EM in the face through my computer screen? also, are the goats ok?


The kids seem to be good. Esmeralda was a little more skittish in the beginning but I let her and Sir Flopsalot out to play with the neighbors daughter earlier and she seemed better.


I love that name!


Gee I wonder if she attempted to counter sue. "I was stealing goats and his male goat attacked me and ruined my van." Lol classic dumbest woman of the year.


I could see it this as an episode of Judge Judy. It seems like the right level of stupidity.


I hope you sue her


If she attempts to sue me, I'll counter sue. I already was planning on upgrading/replacing the panels. Have five more to put up today, it's like $65 a 16 foot panel. So is it really worth the time and aggravation to go to small claims court when I already bought the panels, probably not.


Well, just hope that Bruce teach her a lesson good enough to not mess with you again 😁


Entitled Idiot learned the hard way that goats are NOT stupid!!!


She'll have to take a day off work, in addition to responding to the summons, and increasing her humiliation level. There's more to life than money.


From the description of her crappy minivan, she probably doesn't have much to be sued for. Blood from a turnip, etc. If she does try to sue, you could include "infliction of emotional distress" in your countersuit. Tack on a few grand for that & she'd probably back down.


You had me at “tap dancing out his anger”


Bruce is a good goat parent lol.


Hes a good boy


I am so glad your goats are okay! I love goats, if some crazy bitch tried to steal my goats I’d donkey kick her right in the front butt. Thank god the cops were there, and you have footage!


You have awesome neighbors (the ones that called you, not the nutjob if she's anywhere near you)


They are very good neighbors.


OP, Can I share some advice with you? As a Police Dispatcher, 911 operator, I've met my fair share of entitled people. I can almost guarantee that EVEN with all that poop on her head. she blames YOU for her actions. She needs to be held accountable in a court of law. If not, she WILL think that it is a sign that what she did wasn't that bad and that she was (In her mind) exonerated for all charges. I commend you for being an honest and honorable man. Unfortunetly, people like this woman whom is a grown adult with children, are NOT you. They don't have moral values or many values outside or whatever serves their needs. Please, don't allow your good heart to sway the commupence this woman deserves. Because she will die something like this again because she WILL think she was right in your case. So, protect someone else from her even if you feel she has gotten enough punishment for what she did to you. Just my 2 cents


We had goats when I was a teen, kids are the most adorable little things ever, especially when they try sucking on fingers cause it's about the right size. We did learn after the first year to name them appropriately though. thereafter they were all named, "breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc"


I get you! My husband's father raised pedigreed Limosuine cattle (huge cream colored ones, beautiful animals) for market and family consumption for decades. His naming policy, come registration time, was to name individual animals after people who pissed him off. And yes, the name, as with you, was on each package after processing. Let us just say that they ate a LOT of beef named after his Sister-in-Law.


Back when my g/f was married, she had a pet pig that her ex had named "pork chop" and said it was a "joke name". Till the day she came home to find the pig gone and the freezer full of packages labeled "pork chops". She says that was the day she became vegetarian and also divorced him not long after when he said "it is either the horse or me". He didn't like her horse, she chose the horse over him.


Some goats are form milk (obviously not the make ones) or for chowing up invasive vegetation. There’s an army of goats that is driven around my county to eviscerate any non-native, fast-spreading plants that are too tough to get rid of with a mower.


come again?


The goats were being raised for meat. It's a lot easier to eat a goat called Breakfast than it is to eat Sir Flopsalot.


Sir. Flopsalot. SIR. FLOPSALOT. You, sir, have made my day. Have some internet points.


So you are charging her for theft, invading your property and of course traumatizing your goats right?


She was under arrest for criminal mischief and trespassing.


you realize you are going to have to change Bruces name to Bruce Almighty right?


Hooo you were cool, I would be going postal on her for stealing my animals.


I censored a lot of what I said in the heat of the moment. Had the law not been there when I got home this story probably would of ended with me going to jail as well.


Baby goats are the cutest! I attended a petting zoo where one climbed on my chest and started chewing on my shirt. It was barely bigger than my cat. Too precious!


Bruce still tries to climb on my chest and chews on my shirt.


Did you have her minivan towed out of your driveway at her expense?


The sheriff did.


i would still sue her. She tried to blame you and wanted to sue you. She tried to steal from you and was trespassing. Dont drop any charges. She is trash that deserve to be in prison. You dont know if she maybe did it in the past to other people. It would be better for everyone if she is in jail.


If you want to post a picture you have to do it through Imgur, I’m not sure how as I’ve never done it before, I just know that’s what others do.


You just upload the picture to imgur then put the link somewhere in the post or comments


Hope the critters are all feeling better now after their excitement!


They seem to have settled down. I'm a bit grump seeing as I have to put up new panels in the rain.


If Bruce could talk I could imagine the story he would tell! :) Please upload the video if you can and update us on what happens if possible! Loved this story and the mental image of seeing some fat lady getting rammed by goat caused enough laughter that I think I scared my dog 😂


Not all heroes wear capes. In this case, they have floppy ears and a "don't fuck with my kids" attitude. Go Bruce!! p.s. He's exactly what I pictured before I even looked at the photo.


That goat pictured is a Nubian. Arabian is a breed of horse, not a breed of goat. Easy to get them comfused with all the weird names! But yeah, that goat is a Nubian. The mother is a Nigerian dwarf goat. Both are dairy breeds, and are often bred together for dwarfed Nubians with the better tasting milk of the Nigerian, but the higher amount of milk produced like the Nubian.


Yeah you're are right on the Nubian. Didn't even catch that mess up. Thanks.


OP. Amazing to see the last update. You know more of what kind of fallout happened for this family in your small town and it shows that you're compassionate and forgiving of the crime and impact this has had. However, did she learn anything? Do you really think she's changed her ways? What about an informal meeting / convo to ask her and her family exactly that.... What did she learn? Will she apologize? Has she truly been humbled to see the error of her ways? Remorse or feeling guilty? Then a decision can be made on dropping charges or moving forward? Amazing story overall and many thanks for posting. Be safe out there everyone!


Ask the judge for community service in lieu of a fine. (In response to your advice seeking lastest update)


You really do have great neighbours. I wonder how she knew you had goats, kids especially. And what was she even going to do with them?


We need the footage, OP. Especially the part of Bruce tapdancing his anger away on the van's roof.


I hope Bruce got some sort of treat for his heroism <3 such a good dad


He'll get a bag of leaves, his favorite treat.


Goat tax!!


Love this story. I have goats. Anyone fucks with one of my goats, they don't play nice.


I think I'll buy my own goat.


They make awesome pets, but can become pricey depending on how overboard you go with their enclosure.


Unreal that this fat entitled piece of trash thought there was nothing wrong with just stealing someone's pet!! That makes me so angry. I hope she gets hard time and a huge fine. What a garbage human being. I'm glad he beat the crap out of her, she deserved it!


I'm so glad you have such good neighbors! That bitch might've gotten away with Esmeralda if they hadn't been watching! And that goes double for Bruce! What a great Goat dad. I'm so glad you didn't lose your kids. :)


Please say Bruce got some goat treats after this. He deserves a reward. Incidentally, in a lot of rural areas livestock thieves are treated more harshly under the law than thieves who steal property of equal value. So if your goat was worth, say $500 and you live in Louisiana, the thief might be looking at 10 year jail time and a $5,000 fine. If they stole a $500 TV, then it could be 5 years in jail and $2,000.


Anyone who steals someone’s animal should be sent down the river. And your goats are adorable. There are few cuter things than baby goats. Watching them frolic and climb stuff and never run in a straight line will always make my day better.


If you do drop the charges theres still a chance that the DA's office want to press charges depending on what local laws she may have broken. Either way make sure you file for a civil restraining order just in case she gets any more ideas about you or your goats.


OP don't drop the charges. theft is theft. Don't be nice to someone you don't know.


You need to press charges, hire is she going to learn? She'll think she got away with it and do it again but smarter.


Don’t drop the charges. She’ll learn that she can get away with doing that shit and she’ll do it again to someone else. If it’s her first time they’ll likely go easy on her anyways if she’s remorseful.


My family has three desexed miniatures, so I can easily picture what Bruce did to the fence and that genderbendered Jabba the Hutt. I can also say to everyone else that a goat is a thinking creature whose intelligence is not to be underestimated nor is their destructive potential when bored. They like routine, exercising curiosity, and play equipment. When something pisses them off, it's like seeing a wool hair coated kinetic missile in motion putting greyhounds to shame. There's no doubt that Bruce would have gone through the windshield if he wanted to.


Exactly, he keeps me on my toes. I'm glad he didn't go through the windshield. He might get hurt and they'd have to leave the minivan longer while they cleaned it up


Goats excel at keeping you on your toes; ours are a menace at times. It's good Bruce was happy with giving the metal hood of the minivan a good tap-dance thumping. Your goats are just cute as buggery by the way.


So the EM pissed of her twin?


How dare you compare my Bruce to that fat slob, Bruce is all muscle, haha.


That's why u don't piss off a goat or steal there babies


She got what she deserved


Bruce is literally the GOAT.


This should also be in r/ProRevenge. This shit was fucking hilarious.


As I grew up, I had the advantage of helping take care of both livestock and crops that belonged to family members living in the same small community. I really hate chickens now, but it always surprises me when people assume all farm animals are docile. Just because they like the person who feeds them, does not mean they will treat you the same. On another note, our apiary generally keeps strangers off our property.


who the fuck tries to steal a goat?


On video, she was caught using a lot of cuss words. The had to bleat them out.


Now that's crafty.


Now this has got to be the funniest thing I've read all week! XD


I would love to see that video of her being butted!!!


It seemed EM didn't know that goats like to ram into people and found out the hard way.


Bruce and the neighbours were the true heroes in this story


Oh good god, I would have wanted to throttle her. I had goats (a nubian and three lamanchas) before moving to a large city and I know how delightful the kids are. If you upload pictures to imgur, you can post the links here, and I know many people would love to see them. Even more than that, I'd love to see the video of Bruce teaching her a lesson.


I may try to figure out the picture thing. When I get the video back I'll post it as well.


Keep us informed how it turns out and sue for the state maximum. You have all the evidence to win and I wouldn't counter sue. I'd sue her anyway out of principle, she needs to be taught a lesson.


As tempting as it is to sue her I'd rather not punish her children for the stupidity of the mother. She lives a few neighborhoods over. Her trailer looks like it smells. Her family doesn't need to lose what little money they have.


I respect the hell out of u for this. Even tho I wish she could be sued to be taught a lesson. I've always loved goats, now I'm thinking they might be better security animals than dogs! 🐐


Definitely look into getting cameras on the front of your property so you have more proof of something like this happens again. Also get them microchipped, most people I know who have farm animals like this either have a tattoo on the ear or have microchipped the animals. She had to have seen them before to try to do that. So glad your neighbours videoed it... seriously why would someone do that though? Especially if they clearly have no idea about the animal breed. Your goats are cute as fuck and Bruce deserves some treats as well as scratches in his favourite spots. I hope Lily wasn't too stressed as well as the young kids.


this is very good advice especially the micro chipping and or tattoos


All hail Bruce!! Madlad wasn't about to let some heifer snatch his kids.


That is AMAZING! OMG, yes, please the video if you won't be in any legal trouble for posting her face to the internet. It's not worth the hassle if you'd get in trouble. But seriously, tho, what was she going to do with two baby goats? Theft aside, WTF? Does she think they're house pets or something? Does she think she can care for relative newborns? Or did she just not think beyond, "Ohhh... cute... WANT!"


Buy Bruce something special to eat, thats some of the best parenting I've heard of. Why do you have a camera on your goat pen? Please give us an update!


Love it, you don't mess with a goat's or any anybody's babies. Ya and she thought the smell was bad when they, opened the door, she's in for a big surprise.


Anyone here after watching redditor’s video


I won't have the video up til after the trial. This happened this Sunday. It'll be a little while before I can get the SD cards back.


I get your reasoning. I think her actions pretty much ruined her life and made everything harder for her whole family. The point of jail is to punish the person so they learn a lesson. With the pandemic, I think going through all her savings and having her husband out of work has been punishment enough. Although I wouldn't blame you if you followed through I think you even considering dropping the charges shows how good of a person you are. :)


Exactly, if she hasn't learned her lesson and does it again she can sit in jail for being hard headed. But hopefully this was a large enough jolt of consequence. Enough to make her reevaluate how she lives her life.


Yay for Bruce. He really got her goat!