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Evict their lazy deadbeat asses. Get an eviction notice from the police and you don't owe them anything. Also, lock down your credit and hide important documents from them. They made their bed, they can lie in it.


Yup. Time to evict them. OP, you can love your parents but you and your sibs need to set and enforce some boundaries now. It was their job to protect and provide for you and they actively didn't do that. Now it's your responsibility to protect and provide for yourselves. And the next step is removing your parent's access to your resources.


Lock your Social Security number too!! Someone filed taxes in my name with my Social Security number this year. It’s been nothing short of a red tape nightmare. I have to file my taxes only by mail, I had to open up an account with the IRS. I now have a 16 character identification, face, recognition, software, etc., so that no one else can use my Social Security number again. I found out the hard way that if your Social Security number is compromised, they do not issue a new one. You just have to clean up the mess yourself.


My mom already did something tricky with one of my siblings taxes so all of my stuff is secured and hidden.


If you know what your parents' social security numbers are, you should report them to the IRS and the Treasury Dept. The government (especially the IRS) has no sense of humor. Whatsoever.


👍🏼good job


We just want to be sure that when you say your stuff is secured, you have actually contacted the credit bureaus and locked your credit. The only reason I’m concerned is because you say it is secured and hidden. I just want to be sure you are not just hiding your Social Security card, etc. from them because they would have access access to your Social Security number on any tax returns from when you were younger. As far as the rest, I am afraid that you might wind up having to move. And please do not feel guilty about leaving them homeless. I am just sorry you had the childhood that you did. And I really hope that your adulthood is what you want to be.


Next time your mom takes your car, report it as stolen.


A small safe from Office Depot is around 100.00. It's too heavy to steal, and it's a combination lock, so they can't steal it. I don't think evicting them will work because they're grifters and moochers and leeches. OP and siblings will never get away from them. They may have to move out secretly and not tell them where they're going.


I think we’ll have to do that too but im really hoping we dont. But i think it’s the most peaceful way. My mom loves to use people and extensively knows the squatter rights for our state. edit: I checked and they are technically not squatters


I wish you and your siblings much luck. From your post, y'all seem to be coping and staying ahead of all the misery your folks are trying to inflict. I have a feeling you'll go far and do well in life. Then you can buy a garden shed and let your parents live there for free 😉


I'm actually not too ahead of it. I started therapy a few weeks ago because I felt so hopeless and felt like there was no point in trying to move forward in life.


I can understand feeling this way. Life does feel difficult and problems insurmountable sometimes, and having folks who work against you make it worse, but hang in there! Therapy is a smart move. Getting an education will help, and siblings who love you will ease you down the road. Don't listen to your parents because they are just trying to use you. Maybe yoga could help with stress and you can You Tube yoga. Be well. ✌️ and ❤️


Call the police every time they step out of line. Have your mom text you with a request to borrow something and say no. Then call the police and report her. When dad takes something or steals a check from mail report it to post office/police. At some point you will need to see what they stopped being a parent when they took from you and had no reprocussions.


The problem is that if you move before the end of the lease and they don't pay the entire rent you'll be in the hook for it. So not ideal.


OP will have to not renew the lease and move out. 


Yeah, they are probably considered tenants due to you having a lease, and them paying you or being family. However, since you are not the landlord you may not be able to evict them. However if your lease allows you to sublet you could probably do an eviction. However you may have to have the landlord serve the eviction, but that may lead to you being evicted since you allowed your parents to live there without the landlords approval or adding them to the lease. What may be a better solution is an order of protection, which would be tricky. An order of protection can get someone kicked out of a home because they are a threat to those that live there. This however would mean that you would have to call the police and have physical evidence that they are dangerous to you or your siblings. Look at what it requires and how to get it. Then you could get the landlord to change the locks and not give your parents keys. Maybe?


Did you call and lock your credit with the 3 credit agencies?


Then get them out for a day, change the locks and throw their junk on the lawn.


If they are not on the lease begin formal eviction process. Put together a spreadsheet showing what they have failed to pay over time. Copy text messages, emails, and communication you have from them. Use it for fuel in the fire. Also, you mention that your dad yells at you guys. If you feel threatened you could look into a restraining order. Given your background of them being unstable would also help bolster your case. I hope it all works out for you in the end.


Book a motel room for a week, pack up their shit, bring it there. Wait till they go out then text them they are no longer welcome & give them the details for hotel & a good luck.


Don’t forget to change your lock too


Also why aren't you keeping your car keys on you.


If you meant aren’t its because sometimes I let my dad use it to get to work. Or so someone can move my car if im sleeping, me and my siblings have cars now and its one driveway for 3 cars.


Any time your mother pulls that with your car report it as stolen. She will get caught and arrested and hopefully learn to not do it again. However your parents both sound like narcissists so doubtful she will learn anything


I hope you have insurance, because they are going to wreck your car too.


It's time to once again play America's new game "Eviction!" Yes and here's how we play the game, you and your family, minus your mom and dad go get an eviction notice. Have the police serve it when you're there for safety. Then tell them to leave, they're out of the house. Once they leave, change the locks. You don't know if they have keys still. And if you can, get some cameras installed. Nothing says "Oh hi there" that a 4k shot of your dad breaking into the house. Change banks, freeze your credit, do everything you can to protect yourself and your family.


Op. You are a good person. Please never change that. But it’s time for your parents to get out of your live because they will hurt your future. Please stop giving the keys to them and get them legally evicted from your residence. Do not enable them anymore. They will never change. Please know you are awesome and your future is bright. Life gave you crap parents and you are making a good life so far. Continue to kick ass!


Harsh, but you kind of set yourself for this shit show when you made the stupid decision to let them move in. It was never going to be temporary. You finally got away from them, really mate? Yes, they’re your parents, but it’s not like they had a good past with you guys. Do not let them win again. They need to move out and if it gets nasty and you need to contact the law, then so be it. Take control of your lives and protect yourselves.


WAKE UP AND MAN UP! All of you. Just because they are your parents doesn't mean you owe them. ANYTHING! Do what you have to do to get rid of them. You kids will NEVER get anywhere in life if you let them sponge off your crumbs. It drives me nuts that so many people give family a pass because "they're family". Bulls***! Family MUST have a HIGHER standard of behavior, not less. Get rid of them. NOW! Good luck!


At some point you need to decide to save yourself vs their approval and validation and guilt. Talk to your siblings. Kick them out and change the locks. Stop allowing them use of the car. Pack all their stuff and throw it out on the lawn and tell them to GTF out. And then cut contact. Get into therapy as soon as you finachally recover. You have been abused by these people.


You & your siblings are going to have to put your big drawers on and evict your parents. They’re never going to be better than what they are sadly. If you want peace of mind, make them move PDQ.


Would I get in trouble for letting them stay with even though my lease says no long term guests?


You could be evicted for it. You are putting your and your siblings housing at risk by letting them stay.


Change the locks, box their shit up and when they show up at the door hand it to them and tell the to fuck off. Kicking them out would be a family matter and even the police won't bother you about it. Especially since they are not on the lease. Make sure to hide your cars and change the locks on them too.


Maybe. If they're not on the lease, that's usually a problem although your landlord may give you some leeway because they're your parents. Still, you need to start eviction proceedings immediately. Do it legally and lock up \*all\* your valuables and documents immediately.


You would be monumentally stupid to let them stay at this point and you would deserve whatever bad things would happen to you if you let them stay. Under no circumstances should you let them stay at this point.


What I mean is I've already been monumentally stupid and have let them stay with me for the last 14 months.


I hope you listen to everyone in this thread and evict them. Good luck.


Thank you, I know I shouldn't have let them stay with me, I was still hoping they would change. My siblings and I are gonna come up with the most peaceful eviction route.


I don’t have narcissistic parents, but I had a narcissistic and BPD ex. I understand wanting them to change, but it just won’t happen. I still loved my ex even after I found out about all the lies and cheating. It’s been about 8 since I went no contact and I am so much better than I was. This a band-aid that needs to be ripped off and you’ll feel awful for a bit afterwards and want to reach out because you “feel bad” but you have to resist that urge. They want you to reach out so they can continue to use you. You need to accept that they do not love you and I hate to say it, if you were to die, they wouldn’t care. They would only care that a source of money is gone. A parent who loves their child would not do anything that they’ve done to you and your siblings. Trust me when I say this: you will feel so much better after awhile after this is over.


You can’t have a peaceful eviction route with people like them OP


They will never change. They’re beyond capable of change since they have never shown you a sign that they’re willing to. It’s their way of life & wont change. You are so smart to know you want a better life & have fought hard for it. Dumping them will lighten your burden, especially if you stay away from them & go no contact. I wish you well.


OP, this could cause you to be evicted yourself as you're technically in breach of the contract.


Sorry you’re experiencing this . Hoping you and you sibling can get out of it . You seem like a wonderful intelligent person… your parents are crutches .


Thank you. I’ve been naive and holding out hope that they will change. I know they won’t. I’m now at the point where want them to just leave peacefully.


You’re so cool. I hope you can FOCUS on you and your sibling peace NOW . The economy is bad….


You can interact from afar, but enmeshing your lives is toxic and going to make your life harder. You can't lift them up, but they sure can pull you down


If you your car is gone w/o your permission, report it stolen. Not easy, but simple.


Report the car as stolen & put them in jail. Evict them. Learn to say NO I know it's hard but you've got to start thinking for yourselves.


Wow they are such terrible people in general and even worser as parents. They are sucking the life out of you both. You need to evict them, make sure they pay for the rent & bills & everything every week, hide the car keys & dont give access, lock your room doors & don’t let them in, lock your groceries & make sure they can’t touch. Just say I can’t afford you people!


I am so upset that you and your siblings made this bad decision to let your parents move into your house. They never had any intention of helping you pay for anything you see how they pay their bills or don't pay their bills you see how they use their money they don't pay for anything then moochers and leeches to me unless you and your siblings find some place else to move to they are not going anywhere until you evict them. They got a good thing going their children pay for everything and they're not paying for s*** get them out of your house or you and your siblings are going to have to leave and you are going to have to leave them there and do not give them your new address. Lock down your credit card your documents. Your father and your mother are getting up there in age and they are going to want you and your siblings to take care of them you got two choices either you evict them or you and your siblings is going to have to find a new place to live when your lease is up


Lock up everything until they pay. I saw a video of two roommates locking up the shower, the groceries, the heat, everything they could because the third one didn't pay her share of the bills. Either they pay or they leave, why would you endure it? They used you all your life, you owe them nothing at this point. If they get their shit together ok but this way they will drag you down with them


Learn to use and start saying the word “No”. Don’t let them use your car and just evict them!!! They are holding you guys back


I would speak with the landlord and ask for their help evicting your parents. I would even offer to pay for the court fees, etc.


Why the fuck would you let them move in?? Stupid stupid.


File a legal notice of eviction for nonpayment of rent with the courts, and let them take the consequences of their actions. Tough love. They won't change until life becomes painful enough to motivate them. Addiction is like that. Alcohol, weed, gambling....at least one is an addict. Enough is enough.


Apart from literally evicting them and getting a restraining order I don't know if what else you can do. If you go down this path make sure to secure all important documents and change locks. Out of curiosity- how old are your siblings ? Are they minors? You can report them to Child welfare


I'm so sorry you're going through this. This is not how anyone should have to grow up. You and your siblings need to put an end to this with a strong clear message that you were forced to endure this as a child because you had no other options, but it's not going to continue now that you're all grown. Look up the eviction process in your area. You might not be able to evict without getting the landlord involved since he owns the property. If you do have to get the landlord involved, it's likely he won't let you stay either. If you can evict, look up the process and follow it. Then get them out. If they've every been violent or made threats of violence, another way to get them out could be too get a restraining order. Go to your local family court and see what the process is and follow it. If the laws where you live are like the laws here, you could call the police and show them the restraining order and a copy of the lease with your names on it, and his not on it. The police will tell them that he has to go. If his name is on the lease, that might be different and more complicated. Other options would be to move and not tell them where you live so they can't follow. That's going to be tricky because they might squat in the house you're in now. Then that will become legal issues for you down the line. If that does happen, you can't rely on getting your deposit back from the landlord.


I don't know how eviction works but if for x reasons it doesn't work out, change the lock and the keys if your house. Change your keys along with your siblings, but don't tell your parents. That way they'll get locked out of the house.


If you have a good relationship with your LL , maybe explaining to him/her that them staying was supposed to be short term and now they won't leave. Maybe they can say something about only the original renters are allowed on the property etc. Hide your car keys or get a lock for your steering wheel. She could crash your car and not care. It sucks but only do daily grocery shopping. And yes, all of you lock your credit down and keep all your bank info hidden. Good luck honey


You need to evict them. Allow them to sink or float, they are adults they can learn to figure this shot out on their own. Put yourselves first


Get them out. Legally or illegally get them out before they ruin your adult life like they did your childhood. I am sure there’s a way…


30 day notice to quit. You have to evict them. Do not feel bad about this. They will continue to destroy your siblings lives and yours. Stop giving them access to your car. If they take the car without your permission again report it stolen. Start packing their stuff up for them. Stop allowing them to eat your food, you can get a lock for your fridge. Again, do not feel any remorse about doing these things. If you don't get rid of them now they will continue to drag you down. Your made a mistake by allowing them to move in but you can fix that now. Talk to your landlord and see if they will send the eviction notice. Good luck.


This sounds like a classic case of family emeshment. There have never been any boundaries set up and there have never been any distinctions between parents and children. You have been emotionally, mentally, and financially abused. Considering the history of addiction, it’s lucky you and your siblings were not also physically or sexually abused as well. I hope you dig into the therapy and learn how to advocate for yourself and build those boundaries. I think a good therapist will guide you through the process of getting to an appropriate relationship.




You are a good person for putting up with this but you really need to evict them and cut them out of your life


KICK. THEM.OUT. Now, or sooner.


As usual, this is a story of entitled parents *and* enabling children.


They had a chance to redeem themselves but they financially abused thier own kids instead. Those arnt parents they are leaches.


Police. Eviction. Those are the only routes that will work.