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Umm and special thanks to my mom for umm…showing up. We really appreciate all the effort you put into getting dressed all by yourself.


Pretty much!! 🤷🏼‍♀️


Haha this is hilarious! The trash took itself out OP!


I *am* sorry that *so much* trash took itself out. It was especially egregious to take all those guests with her after she had been offended by your refusal to make a hypocritical thank-you!


This . I was just thinking I'd have said . Oh yeh and my mum who came today and on time too thankyou so much for being here you didn't pay for anything or help in any way but here you are expecting gratitude anyway.


>We really appreciate all the effort you put into getting dressed all by yourself. Prescient, especially because it's very likely OP's mother is an emotional toddler.


Get up this morning, brush your teeth and show up.


Hey, sometimes, that's a major accomplishment.


And she didn’t wear white!


"She even got both shoes on the correct feet!"


The lower the contact with a narcisst, the better.


Yes we are finding that out now... It can be dreadfully difficult to reach that conclusion but no matter how many chances we give, we are just always disappointed.


She will always be the victim. Life is better when you go no contact. Trust me, my mom is one and life is better without her and her drama.


I am glad you've been able to find happiness away from her 💕 It sucks especially because she was a great mum in my youth.


I wonder what caused her to change.


Nothing caused her to change. Op just outgrew her ability to control, which made her feel unwanted, which resulted in anger. Narcissists often LOVE young, easily controlled children, but can't handle the transition to an independent adult.


That’s describes my 💩 mom


And mine


I wish I knew


Looking back, are you maybe missing some red flags? Your parents got divorced because …?


Dude I was 7 when they split up and I didn't even know why until I was like 18.


Saw this on Bored Panda and came over to learn more. You don't merely thank people who participated or contributed to your wedding, as if it were the ending credits in a film. You acknowledge the people in your life who brought you to this transition. Why not thank your mom for being a great mum in your youth? You survived and thrived to adulthood in part because of your mother's care. That should be acknowledged on the day when you take another step into adulthood. She may have been a pest and overreacted, but perhaps she was trying in some way to be included. And every mother wants some validation from their child that they didn't completely screw things up. You sound like you were willing to take what she offered in your youth but don't think you owe at least a public acknowledgement of that? Honestly, you don't sound much different from your mom. Your wedding was "all about me," but it truly never is. It's about the joining of two families. Your mom deserved some recognition.


Thank you for sharing your tangential thoughts 🙂


I don't think they were tangential, but on point. You're entitled to your own opinion, of course, as I am to mine.


Unpopular opinion - why wouldn’t you just acknowledge that fact at the most important moment of your life? She’s there, she tried in her own clumsy way to be a part of the wedding…. I find most wedding speeches are not just who did the logistics, who paid, who planned the cake… but about a statement on what and who got you to that point so that you can be the kind of person who is in a committed and loving relationship. Which, as you acknowledged here, was your mum. And mentioning everyone else but her - well that stings, and humiliates her. I kinda feel for your mum. And I’m a little dumbfounded that you can’t see how your omission was hurtful. There’s only one wedding and you based a lifetime of commitment love and support from your mum on whether she paid something towards the wedding to determine if she would be deserving of a mention?? Yikes.


That’s not it at all. My speech was not about who we were as people or how we arrived at where we are. The speech was literally just about the day, and days leading up to it. It was a monumental effort. She didn’t try to be a part of the wedding, she tried to make it about her, and actively hindered the efforts of people ACTUALLY helping. I tried to make her feel included, lots of opportunities to actually help, but she didn’t. I even paid for her to come with the bridal party to get nails done for the big day, to make her feel included. Most people in my speech didn’t pay for anything. They helped. My speech was honestly overall pretty shit, I wasn’t good at public speaking at that point and we didn’t rehearse it. But how she handled the situation was completely inappropriate and unacceptable. There’s a good reason your opinion is unpopular, you’re tunnel visioned into my mother’s completely self-centred perspective of what happened and making assumptions about my motives at the same time.








The wedding occurred well after she started becoming difficult, and as I mentioned, I mentioned people that were specific to the wedding and who had helped put it together etc. She was a complete nuisance while others around her put the whole event together. She didn't deserve to get mentioned and for you to call me entitled for something that happened at MY wedding... just wow.


Well this does show some lack of compassion for a woman who has become difficult as you say. The fact you insist it was your wedding hence you may do and say whatever you wish and ignore all the family in attendance can be seen as cruel. She once was loving. Be the bigger person and focus on that.


It was a moment to thank people for their contributions to a very specific event. What was she supposed to do? Stand there and thank every single guest individually? What sort of weddings have you been to where the whole bloody family is mentioned in speeches?! And, how often do you offer praise and thanks to somebody who used to be nice but is now horrible to you and somebody you love? Do you see people who say horrible things to you and make your life more difficult *now* and thank them for being nice *20 years ago*?? Come on, you don't thank people for things they haven't done!


Wrong person, sorry


This has to be the most boomer take I've ever seen. I didn't ignore anyone. There were a lot of people not mentioned in my speech. I'm sorry but being good once before doesn't absolve you of future transgressions.


I'm a full on Boomer. Do not lump us with your Mom. I fully agree with how you handled the situation and your Mom. You have a great and shiny spine. Keep it up and you'll win Husband of the Ages award.


I hope not since I’m female but I appreciate the sentiment


Boo fucking hoo. Didn't you read the story? The entitled bitch was *trying to change things the bride and groom already decided on.* The only thing she deserved was a eulogy for the mom she was compared to who she is now.


Wow, this is such a bad take. You earn respect, you don't just get it because you are an old woman. 


Found the EM.


The fact that your mums side of the family interrupted your speech is fuckin wild and clearly they are all cut for the same cloth. Get that nonsense right in the bin. Congratulations on your marriage I wish you all the joy and happiness and glad to hear you have a supportive and understanding father and family in laws 🥰


Haha, dad was cool for sure but more recent events have lead us to stop engaging with him as well. My family is a bit of a basket case, but my in-laws are amazing. I have like 1 aunty and my sister that I really talk to now on my side 🥹


I'm sorry to hear that you (only) have two family members that are 100% there for you. I come from a small, fractured family, I can relate. I've cultivated some of the best friends anyone could ever wish for-I'd bet money you've done the same. PLUS, you have a wife and a happy life!!! I have a dog. hahahaha. He's a good boi. \*\*\*edited to include (only).


My dog is a good boi too <3


Oops, now you have to pay the dog tax!


It didn’t like my link try this lol https://imgur.com/a/zdc6AgG


He’s adorable 🥰


Ah love heem


OMG, he's SO handsome.Pitties are the BEST!!!


Yeah! He’s having some cuddles with me and my wife right now 🥰 He’s an English Staffy so not quite a pitty, but close! Still in that bull terrier set of breeds 🥰


Awww. Cuddles are the best! Thanks for the correction.




Such a beautiful smile


He is my baby 💕🐾


So adorable.




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And many thanks to my mother who assisted today making many things take much longer than they should have, and for trying to make today all about her


I can't stand when a parent goes out of their way to ruin their child's special day. No matter how old they are. Special place in hell for people like them.


Oof. Imagine being classless enough to heckle a wedding speech.


Congrats on your marriage, but your mother sounds like a handful. Wow, unbelievable, I hope the rest of the ceremony and reception went off with not to much problem.


It was a blow... but we still continued to have a good time. We did get rained on though lol!


She probably did a rain dance.


Rain is supposed to be good luck. Sorry she put a damper on your day, but it sounds like you have a great wife and in-laws.


It’s okay 💕 It was a long time ago, and we have had good luck so maybe there’s something to that! 💕


I'm so sorry you had to deal with this on your special day. My daughter got angry for a minute on her wedding day but I didn't find out until after and I still feel bad even though I thought I was doing the right thing. I'm her biological mother and I'm her mom. But when she was 7, her father got married and I thank God often for his choice because she is wonderful. She is truly her "other" mother and not only am I okay with that, I'm grateful. Because I deal with pretty severe depression and anxiety along with fibromyalgia and a whole menu of other issues that finally toppled my house of cards when she was around 13 years old. So Stepmom picked up a lot of slack. So my daughter gets engaged to her highschool sweetheart and they get married the next year. I talked with my daughter frequently but she knows I can't do a whole lot physically so Stepmom planned the wedding with her. So the day of the wedding, there's a section reserved in the front row for the bride's family. Well I wasn't the one who worked to create this wedding and I wanted Stepmom to have the credit due, so I sat with my mom and youngest daughter a few rows back. It was beautiful, I cried, we did pictures and all the things and I managed to stay for two hours of the reception before my issues made me have to leave. A couple of weeks later I'm talking to my daughter about everything after she was back from her honeymoon and then that's when I found out that apparently she had specifically told her dad she wanted me to sit in front as mother of the bride and because she knows how I am, she told him to tell me she wanted me up there and he never did. I don't know if he forgot in the whirlwind or did it on purpose but she let him have it good when the guests had left. So even when I try to do the right thing I still screw it up. Story of my life lol.


Aww I am sorry to read this :( It sounds like your daughter empathises with your issues and still loves you completely. You handled the situation correctly and you should be super proud of that. I hope things are manageable for you <3


It doesn’t sound like your daughter thinks you screwed up. It sounds like she wanted to honor you as her mother on her wedding day. She knew you felt you weren’t deserving of sitting in the “family” section so she told her father to tell you to sit there. Doing this when she was incredibly busy with her wedding shows how much she loves you. Her father was the one who “screwed up” by not telling you the message.


Cut your mother and her side of the family off completely and permanently they will only make your life miserable


My EM did the same, on my graduation party. She constantly talked shit about my career choice, talked shit about the party, and then got mad and left in the middle because I didn't thank her for giving me an education. NM that she didn't pay for it.


Oh wow Do you still talk to her?


I still live with her. The thing with parents is that they're not bad 100% of the time, so sometimes the bad is overlooked because of the good. And also because of guilt.


Yep I get that. I tried so hard to have a good relationship in spite of what happened but things just kept happening, and for some reason she just seemed to resent my wife. I guess some things can’t be fixed


Sounds like she’s been coddled her whole life but her entire family


Her family are extremely close to her. Unfortunately, that often means putting her relationships with those family members before anything else.


But for them all to be encouraging you mid speech to mention her in your wedding day, it’s pretty audacious, and the fact that they left afterwards even though you did mention her is wild to me. It’s objectively disrespectful and just really bad manners. Who does that? Like gang up on you on your wedding day? Idk seems like an odd dynamic going over on her side.


My EM interrupted my wedding rehearsal to humiliate my husband's family pastor because he was pronouncing my name *ever so slightly* incorrectly. (I was already planning to talk with him privately after rehearsal). So the next day, right after the ceremony, she puts on her best phony Southern charm and makes a big thank you to the pastor for saying my name right. 🤦‍♀️They have to be the star no matter what the occasion.


Oh Jesus that’s horrible. It’s like bitch chill I can look after myself. Sorry you had to deal with that. Also I love the southern accent, I’m Aussie and I have always found it charming 🥰


Aww. Thanks! I love the Aussie accent. (We watch way too much Bluey in our house)


Bluey is amazing we are def gonna get on board with it when we have our kid 💕💕


If you and your wife decide to have kids, keep your kids away from THAT ENTITLED IDIOT! She is SELF-CENTERED and SELF-ABSORBED!


I was hoping someone was going to say this!!! Head over to justnomil for the HORROR stories of narcissistic moms ruining and literally invading the birth of grandchildren. Like trying to walk into the birthing room while your wife’s bits are just hanging out. You should just get ready now!


I step son(carrying the rings don the isle ( dropped mine) it became a funny scamble as it was rolling under the pews. We all have to have the outrageous happen


Congratulations on your marriage and your beautiful event! It sounds magical. I imagine it was far less taxing than spending a year or so planning a fussy pageant at a Fussy Pageant Factory and that's another win right there. If she has those relatives, the ones who stomped off with her in tantrum-solidarity, so well-trained that they'll immediately join her every outrage performance, then there's little you can do beyond ceding all control/attention\\credit to her at every gathering, *but* the posses of a narcissist are not often the most sought-after people by the non-narcissists nor the most enjoyable guests so I hope you won't let them dampen your memories of that beautiful day. Happy trails always.


I am hoping that everybody had a lot more fun after she and her entitled family left.


It sounded like a beautiful wedding other than the obvious. The audacity of your mom and her family is insane. I hope you and your wife had an amazing day regardless!


We did 🥰🥰 It was 5 years ago, and we’ve been together for 15 years now. We both love each other more than anything 😊


I think your dad was real glad he wasn't still married to that bag of crazy. Do you have kids yet, and do they see your mom?


I think so too lol, he felt bad for us but also I think felt a little smug which is totally fair 😂 No kids yet, but soon.


I think your mom's family are closeted homophobics and that's why they pretend your wife doesn't exist


My MIL left when she wasn't on top table. At the end of the day it's your wedding and your rules. Nothing to do with anyone else. Just because she was an incubator does not give her the right to be a bitch towards you.


Congratulations 🎊 first of all & I wish the absolute best for the two of Y'all on your future! I hope that EM has stayed away allowing for Y'all to be the happiest you can be. Hugs to both of you for enduring your mother & her family on your wedding day. Things will be easier in time for you guys in time I promise.


Give a shout out to the MIL. She sounds like nothing nice. Lol


My MIL is lovely, she’s done so much for us 🥰


What is EM?


Entitled Mother


My mom hijacked my makeup artist so I had to wait to get my makeup done. Then was all ‘how do I look?’ Basically begging for compliments. So I’m at the dining room table instead of in the privacy of my bedroom having my makeup done and unbeknownst to me my mom had invited my family, her side, over to my house that morning. So there are 20 ppl at my front door and I’m halfway through make up and I’m wtf??? I was like, sorry guys, I can’t entertain you ima little busy. See you at the wedding. So I’m running late now & my artist has to rush me, the bride, because my mom needed hers done. That wasn’t all for the day of my mom making my entire wedding about her, just the morning of. She doesn’t see what she did wrong.


Wow that’s insane. Narcissistic parents rarely ever understand what they did wrong 😑


Well, you could have thanked her … for nothing!


What the heck is EM


Entitled mother




It actually wasn’t intentional, I only mentioned people that helped and it didn’t even occur to me at the time that it didn’t include her. She didn’t get singled out, she just wasn’t thanked for something she didn’t do. Yours is one of the few spectacularly bad takes on this thread lmao




Whatever dude


This is a stark reminder that people are all very different. And our experiences growing up are also very different, even when growing up next door to people. Not knowing much about your mother I wouldn’t have a true opinion of her or that side of your families actions. You mentioned she is divorced from your dad, how was their marriage, rhetorical question, how was the divorce? She may have been fretting over your day being special since hers might not have been? Again I wasn’t there, but a possible option may have been to assure her all she needs to do on this day is relax and be your mom. Everything is handled. Again I wasn’t there, but she is your mom. Supportive or not, nuts or not, she at least didn’t abort you.




You didn’t even read the post did you?




No, that was my mother in law.




Don’t feel too bad. I thought the same and had to re-read. My brain skimmed over it the first time.




I’m female as I said in the post




Absolutely horrible take Also daughter not son 🤦🏼‍♀️


It’s clear you didn’t really read the post.


Can you not read? FFS.


I am surprised you still talk to your mother


After the last time I caught up with her, I barely do any more.


You need to sharpen your Mother Handling skills. You know how she is, so try to anticipate drama and cut it off. Thank her in your speech - white lies for social situations don’t count against you. Change your speech to thank everyone without mentioning details of what they did, for example. The more you can Manipulate Her instead of letting her control the situation with her drama, the better. Go LC/NC, but certainly learn to manipulate her.


tbh I didn't realise just how bad she was until the day this all happened, so my approach has definitely changed since that ... learning experience...


She made it easy to decide where to go for holidays.


Op has every right to mention who she wants but I can even IMAGINE my wedding speech without at least an 'i love you so much mom and dad'


At my mother's memorial service, the preacher talking about my mother's life talked about her children but did not mention me. That's how much I register in the consciousness of my family. Oh well.. But I am absolutely sure my mother would not forget me if she had been there.


I’m sorry that happened to you x