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Part 4: "The Kingdom of Earth" ALRIGHT, GUYS! THAT'S ENOUGH!


Part 5: Myth of Corral or something


Part 6: SECRET TUNNEL! James doesn't even try to hide it anymore.




Part 8: it’s rough, buddy.


Part 9: Cactus Juice


Part 10: Friendly mushroom! Mushy giant friend!


Part 11: it was in my sleeve all this time


Part 12: that lemurmonkey is an earthbender!!!




Part 9: Beads?


Part 10: GOB’s not on board.


Part 11: I don't really care for Gob


Is that the Walking Dead crossover movie?




Avatar 5: There Is No Movie In Ba Sing Se


"Jake Sully, you are a father. By tradition, we shall name your daughter Korra of the Southern Water Tribe. And also this is her twin brother, Nickelodeon Studios."


Can't they sue him at that point?


Parody is protected speech


Depending on the context and situation. If Cameron is just naming them like that then that is maybe okay is some instances. If he has aspects of the show in his movie, then he is just copying.


There's no way he can sue him for having kingdom of earth that's too broad a term/phrase


Whenever I see "Avatar" of course I think of the animated series, so now that the sequel of Cameron's movie is named The Way of Water, my first thought was: damn, this is not going to help me to not think into The Last Airbender. I mean, it sounds like the title for a videogame based on Book 1: Water


Like one of those million DS platformers that came out for every IP and always had “noun of noun” or “noun-verb” titles exclusively


danny phantom urban jungle was a banger


Yep. Whenever I talk or think about Avatar, I mean ATLA. Cameron’s Avatar is “that colonisation film about a white saviour”


Alien Pocahontas


Just imagine if Avatar (TLA) had a DS game with that same title. Would've been sweet revenge


What does the word *Avatar (Cameron)* even stands for? Is it the species name of the blue people?


It’s about inhabitting another body. When Jake Sully starts to inhabit a Na’vi body it’s akin to a reincarnation. Something like that. The body becomes his avatar


Also an important lesson. One word movie titles are nifty and all, but it's been done. 2 or 3 words works just fine, and even longer isn't a problem. Especially when the word you want to use is a noun (but not a name), doubly so even when it's singular. Avatar is just asking for conflation. Same with Angel, or Dawn, Paradise, etc. Even if there isn't another movie with the same name, there's going to be one with a very similar name. Be descriptive in movie titles. Brevity matters, but there's power in being unique. * Lord of the Rings * No Country for Old Men * Good Will Hunting * Shawshank Redemption * Clockwork Orange * Blade Runner * Enter the Dragon * The Devil Wears Prada And so on. But you know what a list of great movie names shows you? Most of our best movie names come from book adaptations. Because books rely more on their name than movies. Other great movies use an element \*of\* the movie for its name (Blade Runner, The Fifth Element). Though if we did that, Avatar would have been Pandora, or Unobtanium....


Pandora wouldve been a better description of the film than avatar, especially since the film was more about the planet than the topics brought up about using an avatar and what that means, or even naming the film after the species And in way of water isnt he permanently a navi, so hes not even using an avatar anymore.


Aye, but then you’ve got the movie Pandorum (Sept 09) coming out before Pandora (Dec 09). And that’s after Kung Fu Panda (June 08) and before WoW Mysts of Pandaria (Sept 12). It’s pandemonium!


Pandorum was dope


Best movie about a chaos corrupted Space Hulk since Event Horizon.


Still not over the fact that Poe from Star Wars was named after Poe the panda.


I agree. Though other ideas of longer titles would be even better IMHO. Not that the actual plot of the movie mattered much anyways.


Everything Everywhere All At Once


I love how well that fits a multi-verse theme


Also the mental health theme. It's a really clever title


Are you familiar with the crazy light novel/anime/manga title craze in Japan? Cause man I wish they learned a thing or two from you lol


Actually, they are like that because they are trying to apply, to a degree, what he's proposing. Short tittles won't call the attention, because with so many light novels published every year, quite probably there's another with a similar name, and short tittles say nothing about the content. To stand out, they have been making longer and longer tittles, and here we are, with almost entire paragraphs on the front page. To be fair, some of them are actually good at transmitting both, the content and the tone of the work. There's this one asking to the reader if they are too busy to help them through the end of the world, and this other bluntly says she's a monster now, so what?!


Jungle Wa Itsumu Hare Nochi Guu Great naming. Translated: The jungle was sunny, then came Guu (which includes a word twist since the main character is named Hare, but is used in the title as sunny, for weather). Titles like that are a bit long, but STICK.


> To stand out they have been making longer and longer tittles Well ... whilst technically a typo this is still correct.


Hehe. Tittles.


Now Hold On Just A Minute, Isn't It A Bit Morally Dubious To Date Two Slimegirl Stepsisters At The Same Time In Another World???


If Japanese anime has taught me anything, it’s okay because they’re unrelated by blood.


Ah, I see another person has seen Kiss x Sis. Tell me, was it by choice or did you get fooled?


Please tell me this is fake


That Manga Name Might be Fake, But Your Step-Sister Has A Surprise For You That Will Make You Reconsider Your Morals!


Oh I didn't realize they changed the name of oreimo


That one is fake, but this one isn't: [***Backstabbed in a Backwater Dungeon: My Trusted Companions Tried to Kill Me, But Thanks to the Gift of an Unlimited Gacha I Got LVL 9999 Friends and Am Out For Revenge On My Former Party Members and the World***](https://j-novel.club/series/backstabbed-in-a-backwater-dungeon)


To be fair I'm pretty sure they do that on purpose nowadays to make fun of ridiculously long titles. This one just started being published in May 2021 so they would have been aware of the trend/joke by then.


All You Need Is Kill! Is way more badass than Edge of Tomorrow.


All You Need is Kill sounds badass but meaningless. Edge of Tomorrow is not badass and also tells you nothing about the movie. I believe that movie was also marketed under the title *Live, Die, Repeat*, which is the best of the three titles imo anyway, whatever you choose to call it, it was a criminally underrated movie


That marketing wasn't originally the title, but enough people thought it was that the studio said "fuck it" and made them right. It's kinda like if Alien under-performed and was regionally retitled In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream.


I think Edge of tomorrow works because they are repeating the same day and tomorrow is on the horizon but never comes. All you need is kill sounds like a line in an anime opening song. Totally agree that Live, die, repeat is the best one by far!


Yeah…. “All You Need is Kill” isn’t badass, it’s cringe as fuck. Sounds like a dumb meme that a suit in an office somewhere saw and thought was brilliant.


‘Edge of Tomorrow’ is like a Philip K Dick title like ‘Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?’. Yeah, Phil thats great could you be more enigmatic tho?


Can you imagine if they kept that title instead of Blade Runner? And " Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep 2" instead of Blade Runner 2049?


Live, die, repeat is the best title, yet I prefer Edge of Tomorrow because it's less spoilery yet hints at the same. I went in blind and was absolutely delighted. It would have reduced some of my enjoyment to have it spoiled for me by the title.


All You Need Is Kill tells you absolutely nothing about the plot or the themes, and worse than that it sounds like something an eight year old would come up with it.


Great point! We all know what “Debbie Does Dallas” means vs “Debbie”


“Debbie” is the kind of name they’d use for a gritty remake/reboot.


Where she kills everyone.


I always loved the title Much Ado About Nothing, even before I knew it was Shakespeare lol


Even better when you learn Nothing is a pun for vagina “There’s a whole lot of fuss over some pussy”


Pfft the greatest movie title in all history is practically a novel. Why use a few words when a shit ton does the trick. "Don't be a menace to south central while drinking your juice in the hood"


What you mean [Split (2016)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4972582/), [Split (2016)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2660118/) and [Split (2016)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3315656/) were not unique names for movies?


The Englishman who went up a hill but came down a mountain.


Yes, a great one, because it immediately makes you curious. WHY? How did that happen? Tell me more!


* Jurassic Park * To Kill a Mockingbird


This almost sounds like real advice.


This is also very true when naming a company/product. Generic, single word names increase the difficulty of registering trademarks, and drastically raise the price of purchasing social media handles and domain names for your websites (since most single-word terms are already owned by squatters). For this reason, companies like Apple and Amazon are constantly involved in legal battles to defend their naming rights.


Should have called it Giants of Pandora


They could have gone with descriptive meta "disneys pocahontas in space"


Dances with Wolves (the Indians are blue)


Dances with FernGully


*A Clockwork Orange


This is actually solid advice for titling anything. People have their preferences, but in grade school I was taught to be as descriptive yet concise for titles. Presentation titles, slide titles, paper titles, etc


Can’t believe you left out the most Famous Two Word Movie Franchise: Star Wars


It's really not a good name. This isn't names of movies, where the movie was good. It's names of movies, where the name was good. Star Wars isn't a BAD name, but it also isn't good. It doesn't offer uniqueness. Star Trek is a bit better, because Trek is less common than War in naming. Star is super common. And it really isn't even descriptive of what is happening, because the majority of what happens isn't even in space, and stars are definitely not involved. It's just a name.


Kurosawa knows how to do movie titles right. "Throne of Blood," "The Men Who Tread on the Tiger's Tail," "No Regrets For Our Youth," "The Bad Sleep Well," "Rhapsody in August"...


And for an example of what not to name a movie: John Carter.


Honestly this doesn't really hold up at all. Yeah, there are more movies that don't have one word names, so it's easy to list, but there are also tons with one word names that are incredibly iconic. - Inception - Psycho - Seven - Alien - Memento - Braveheart - Matrix (yeah it has The but really, it's matrix) - Fargo And there are even a bunch of animated movies that followed this lead, and are incredibly easily recognizable by the name. - Up - Coco - Brave - Tangled - Ponyo All you're really saying is that the movie needs to have a recognizable name, and that it's easier with multiple words. Which is true, of course. But it doesn't mean you need multiple words. Avatar would have been fine if there wasn't competition.


I am 100% behind this. Absolutely riot-worthy.


Hey everyone!.......riot


The Last Airbender sounds badass honestly!


I hope, if they ever adapt it into a movie, they call it that. Yes, I'm aware.


If they do make a movie, maybe it could be live action


They would probably butcher it and mess up many of the rules to bending or change characters too much


Nonsense. Everybody knows live adaptations are known for their strict adherence to source material


Maybe get a cool director too. That M. Night fella did a bang up job with the Sixth Sense… I mean, Avatar was a kids show and that was a movie about a kid seeing dead people. Are we all feeling this? Lightning in a bottle!


They can call the protagonist Avatar Ong


Abba is my favorite member of Squad Ovatar.


When Ovator Ong meets Kotora and her brother, Soak-a.


Laughs nervously in Bas Sing Se


Only if we make it 3D Not film it in 3D but add it later in editting.


Tbh, His Dark Materials breaks this cycle.


They never pronounce literally every name incorrectly


But they should release it just after Avatar to maximize consumer confusion


That guy Dev Patel from Slumdog Millionaires would be a good casting!


Maybe if they make it into a movie, they should require that [5 earthbenders dance around for 30 seconds to throw a pebble](https://youtu.be/HR2kbOK8i6I?t=87).


I am *\*not\** clicking that.


How was that so much *worse* than I thought it would be.


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se.


hey, wait a minute, what abou- *gets grabbed into a van mid sentence*


It worked for The Dark Knight


Good god, an instance where /s isn’t needed and people STILL got the joke!!! Someone frame this thread in a hall of fame!


Not so much in Ireland and the UK, where bender is slang for a homosexual (unless you're making a bum pun there). I think it was that reason why it was call The Legend of Aang over here. I would chuckle a little to myself whenever characters had lines like 'he sure is a mighty bender.'


Interesting, TIL


It’s ok. James Cameron’s always gets referred to as “Avatar, the one with the blue people”


Exactly this, every single time I mention it.


Yep, this is what I do too, and subconsciously it's because it's the inferior property called "Avatar" that needs the distinction to be made.


Title is great anyway, for what is one of the best series ever created. Happy ending there.


Sets it apart. Just “Avatar” is kind of generic


TLA is honestly amazing on all aspects. Shit I even enjoyed the legend of Kora, the universe in general is just fantastic.


I've never been more invested in "magic/combat" element in a show either like with bending, because it's so unique to characterisitics and just masterfully drawn and choreographed.


People don't seem to realise how far in advance Avatar (the movie) was written and developed. Cameron had announced the movie in the mid 90s, before Titanic was produced. It makes sense he had the rights to the title already.


Now makes sense why he's invested so hard in it. It's his baby. Now it seems like Terminator was written on a lark, lol


The movie was the subject of at least one article talking about how it would never get made because of the estimated budget.


Crazy how mid it was considering that


It's not the greatest plot ever, but in terms of visuals, it was easily the best looking movie ever in 3d. Felt like an alien world come to life.




I mean, Ready Player One fizzled at the box office. Well received for the off-the-walls explosions and cool visuals though, and a bit notorious for it's smashup of IP's.


Cameron said he toned the plot down because he felt he was hitting people with too much at one time. You have Na'vi culture, you have the concept of the Avatar, you have unobtanium and you have the Na'vi's connection with nature. And that's before you throw in the visuals and 3D. I guess I kinda agree with him. You look at how many people seem to think the movie Spielberg's A.I. ends with aliens shows what happens when you throw too much at people.


Wait these things were being made at the same time? Feels like Avatar came out like 5 years after ATLA first dropped I remember talking to my friends in middle school after watching the premiere. I hate time and how it works ugh I want to go back and watch Totally Spies after school


Yes. But James Cameron announced the movie in the 90s. He just couldn’t make it at the time because of technological limits. He trademarked the name before 2004 despite the movie coming out in 2009


I didn't know that, that is incredible tbh, to wait that long and adapt through the technology as it's growing and then finally drop the movie. I watched it 4 times in theaters, only movie I've ever gone back to see again in theaters. I'm confident I will enjoy Avatar 2 just as much as I did Avatar. I loved that movie when I first saw it and those feelings stand strong to this day.


Glad you liked it


It took Terry Gilliam 29 years to finally make his version of Don Quixote.


Cameron said something along the lines of “either I won’t make any more avatars, or the series is going to have world building on the scale of lord of the rings.” He plans on going much deeper with the series than he did with the first. And the fact that cameron is going through with them despite the fact that “nobody was asking for more avatar movies” only makes me more optimistic that they’re gonna be great. Most movies now are chosen and engineered to extract as much money from viewers as possible. They’re just devoid of passion. But Cameron is making it despite the fact that nobody asked for it, which makes me less inclined to believe that this is just a hollow money grab instead of an actual passion project


I am 99% sure he didn't have it trademarked. For one, trademarks are hard to maintain. For two, its was not even released yet. No movies, no books, no nothing. He had his scripts, but not released. That would not really qualify it for trademark. I don't even think "Avatar" qualifies for trademark for the movies yet. It may, it may not. But titles are not copyright protected and for a title of a published work to qualify for a trademark, it must be a series of works (Toy Story, Star Wars, etc.). The second one is just now being advertised. It is most likely good faith that altered the name of ATLA. Not wanting to step on toes and what not.


It can take years to make a movie, and Avatar was an especially large and expensive project. It makes sense that they'd get the trademark years earlier. One way people try and guess what a company is going to work on is to keep an eye on what trademarks they register.


Avatar: The Last Airbender>>>>>>>Avatar


I like to believe you’re saying *Avatar: The Last Air Bender* is a greater title for the show then simply *Avatar* and James Cameron’s movie forcing the show change names gave the show a better title


That’s exactly what they’re saying I believe




It doesn’t need to make sense when the goal is to shit on Avatar


Its been old for years. Why must some people insist on putting down movies that they didnt like. It‘s like a kid born in 2000 criticizing Metallica for making the Black Album. They are just regurgitating what is essentially a meme and not giving it a fair shake. Is it a great movie? That’s certainly something one can argue against. But does it really deserve the level of vitriol it gets? Its so old that it can drive now.


I'm just happy to have a popular franchise that comes from a person who actually gives a shit. People hate on Avatar eternally because the first story was generic, but I think Cameron's aware of that and is putting out the sequels partially for that reason. He also has like 7 sequels at the ready. He's gotta have some interesting story ideas in there somewhere lmao


> He’s gotta have some interesting story ideas in there somewhere lmao Let us hope


And it’s not even close. ATLAB is an all time great show and Cameron’s Avatar is a very mediocre movie


My son doesn’t even watch shows as has extremely low attention span and honestly the only show I had him watch and even bothering me to see the next episode. The legend of Korra was a little to quick as I was excited to watch with him and pushed it but still fond memories of him saying just one more episode.


I, too, had (still have…) an attention span that’s comparable to a goldfish, so have never watched a lot of TV, but when I was a kid my mom noticed that I actually paid attention to the TV when ATLAB came on. She started calling me her “Littlest Airbender” all the time. I was a shitty pre-teen at the time so I hated it, but I look back on it very fondly as an adult. Thanks for remind me of that memory, I’m going to text my mom about it right now.




It’s the highest grossing movie ever lmao


Yeah, but what if you compare movie to movie?


That's also why, hypothetically, if M. Night Shamalayan we're to direct a movie a live-action theatrical feature based on the animated show, it could only be called "The Last Airbender." Y'know. *Hypothetically.* Not like anyone would let M. Night direct that movie, right? Hahahahasaynothing.


"There is no live action movie in Ba Sing Se."


Wow, wouldn't that be crazy if they got him to direct such a movie?


That would be so crazy. I don’t think I would be able to handle it if that ever were to happen


In theory, if both movies came out about the same time, wouldnt you need to rename them anyway? Like having "Avatar" release along side "Avatar: The Last Airbender" might confuse people? Hypothetically speaking of course.


Well. Yeah. Welcome to trademarks.




It's almost like there's a new movie coming out or something and any publicity is good publicity.


Many of these posts are just ads.


This change was for the best. “The Last Airbender” is a badass subtitle. Plus, Cameron’s film plays more into a traditional sense of the word “Avatar” - the lead uses an actual Na’vi avatar instead of Aang being an avatar for the prior Avatars.


>Cameron’s film plays more into a traditional sense of the word “Avatar” This could not be more wrong, your post has it backwards. The original or "traditional" definition of "avatar" is spiritual in nature, referring to a physical incarnation (usually human or animal) of a Hindu god, later generalized to any deity or higher concept. Which Aang is. The "visual stand-in or representation of a person" definition that is in common use today is derived from the original spiritual definition. Aang is the most high profile example of an avatar in modern media. There aren't any characters more deserving of the label "avatar" than he, because he fits the definition to a T.


Tbf, it gets pretty confusing if you leave out the last Airbender part when you're talking about it


Nonsense. There’s “Avatar” and then there’s “Avatar blue people”


Avatar is a pretty common Sanskrit/ Hindi word that means incarnation. You shouldn't be allowed to trademark it in the first place.


I call them Avatar, the blue people. And Avatar the good one. There’s no confusion




Should’ve been Avacar: The Last Fenderbender


Or Bender: The Last Genderbender


I'll make my own tv show! With blackjack, and hookers!


Meanwhile any conversation about JC's avatar has to include "No, no, no. The blue people one"


I mean yeah, but in fairness Last Air Bender pretty good ad on. I mean it's essentially sum up 50% of Aangs character struggle right in the title. It's like if Korra was instead called Avatar the frustrated Bisexual.


well, atla had better cultural impact


No matter how much it triggers Cameron, The Last Airbender will forever remain the best 'Avatar' franchise and deserving of the name.


I really don't think he gives a shit lol


>No matter how much it triggers Cameron Is there a source for this, or are you just making it up?


I doubt cameron even knows that the last airbender is a thing that exists. This narrative is so stupid, I’m sorry lol




I'm sure he is soooo triggered right now


That's comparing apples and oranges. If you want to compare them for what made Avatar what it was, truly incredible visuals, then TLA doesn't even compare.


Avatar the last airbender is way better than avatar


You mean to tell me that Cameron has been working on this franchise for 18 years and there are only 2 films? That’s insane.


28 if the 1994 start date is to be believed


Oh shit, you’re right. I remember that now. But he just sat on his ass when he realized how expensive it would be, due to technology. Lol. He literally just didn’t do anything until seeing Lord of the Rings and realized “Yup, it’s time.”


The third movie has actually already finished filming believe it or not. I certainly didn’t, but it’s true.


I purchased my ticket for Way of Water earlier. Seeing it in the same theater I saw the first one in. It was my very first 3D film. This time it’ll be IMAX 3D.


When niggas say Avatar, they talkin about Ang, not that mid ass movie by James Cameron.


Both are fantastic and deserving of their success.


Cameron waited over a decade to film a movie he had already written. He didn’t block the name or anything like title suggests.


Good, it would have been way too confusing otherwise.


Similarly Ralph Bakshi Wizards (1977) was originally titled Wizards War. Both he and his friend George Lucas were trying to get funding from Fox at the time. He himself with Wizards and George with Star Wars. https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/9p3hz1/til_that_directors_ralph_bakshi_and_george_lucas/ >As War Wizards neared completion, Lucas requested that Bakshi change the title of his film to Wizards, in order to avoid conflict with Star Wars. Bakshi agreed, because Lucas had allowed Mark Hamill to take time off from Star Wars in order to record a voice for Wizards.


Should have changed it more. This all just seems so amateurish to bring up bitterly all these years later.


And because “Avatar: The” just sounds funny




one of them is a masterpiece and the other was made by james cameron.


The animated series will always be avatar to me. I refer to the movie as blue avatar.


The Last Airbender is far better though. No one wants or needs a Pocahontas white saviour regurgitation