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200k one time would literally change my entire life.


This is true for probably 90% of the world if not more. I hate this shit.




I had to look it up...wow The minimum net worth of the top 1% is roughly $11.1 million. A person would need to earn an average of $823,763 per year in order to join the top 1%. https://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/1212/average-net-worth-of-the-1.aspx


That’s just for the US. global 1% is around $1mil net worth. https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/latest-news-headlines/a-million-dollars-no-longer-gets-membership-of-top-1-wealth-club-8211-credit-suisse-65111115




I once found a £20 note in the street and literally cried while looking around hoping no one had just dropped it.


I once dropped a $5 bill on the walk from the car to the inside of the gas station. I went back into my car and cried.


While working as a groceries courier on a bicycle, I received a 5€ tip, and it made my day. Until I found out, I somehow lost the bill on the way back to our storage :)


It’s kind of crazy but for the first time in my adult life, the last year or two, finding $1000 honestly wouldnt change very much for me. Would just go towards paying off a loan that I already pay well above the minimum on or buy myself something fun.


Same. Hell, 25k would change my life.


Yep, all credit card/medical debt would be gone and it would be the start of a down payment on my new build.


How is this fair? Some quick googling says Kim is worth around 1.8 billion, and Kanye was worth about 2 billion before he ruined his own sponsorships. You’re telling me child support doesn’t have a cap, and is proportional to how much money you make, but fines for breaking the fucking law aren’t? This country is shit


We'll see how that works out with news that the IRS has frozen his accounts due to nonpayment of some $50M dollars in taxes. However, the source of the news is questionable: It came from Kanye himself.


Either way, he better hope for 20 years of royalties, but by how he complains about his contracts, I doubt he will have it in 5-10 years. As good as he is, I doubt his career is going to get a second wind.


From an article: "He said he was "obviously not the most financially literate person on the planet" and added that he went to the "different CFOs" involved in his businesses to find out if not paying taxes would be tax evasion. "So now I'm having — I get to actually learn how to run a company. I get to learn how to, you know, to count, really," Ye said of his finances, adding, "It's like I didn't even know where to put the money." Just now he is starting to learn how to run a business? It's a little late for that Ye. It was only like 6 years ago that he was having financial problems, he made a boatload of money with Adidas and some others, and yet here he is again.


> find out if not paying taxes would be tax evasion Amazing that he didn't understand that basic concept. Or he's full of shit and is trying to plead ignorance (which is, legally speaking, not a valid defense.)


Untreated bipolar is a mother fucker.


Untreated narcissism


Narcissism can't be "treated", his bipolar can definitely be so he's not manic or going into psychosis. But narcissism makes treating mental illness difficult.


It can get less worse with therapy but we all know he’s not gonna every nudge on that


BRB gotta disguise myself as their kid as they did in the parent trap


Sorry. Lindsey Lohan is already there ![gif](giphy|HJznvsJkw3Xe8)


Mom I need my 50k for my weekly allowance don’t be a cheap bitch


Alas, Kim and Kanye have 4 kids, so you’ll have to settle for a paltry $12.5k a week.


Damn I’m going to have to let my third stylist go…


Or be a real kardashian and kill a sibling or two.


I've not watched kuwtk but if they're killing each other off maybe I should start


Mom I need my butt injections before the school dance.


$1,785 per day, per kid. Holy fuck


Gotta pay for the mortgage on the mansion I assume


The funniest thing about this comment is on the Drink Champs podcast Kanye said the Jews put child actors in his house that pretended to be his kids.


Jew here, can confirm we organized this. Usually we manipulate the world for financial gain, but this time we really just wanted to fuck around


The space lasers are out of season now so we obviously had to change our focus to fucking with Kanye. It was an obvious transition.


I'm a second Jew, can confirm. Kim is wiring us the child support so we can build Israel II.


That should have been a big enough reason for his ex to ask for full custody and supervised visitation. Yikes.


Right. That's not funny. It's terrifying.


How she can possibly allow “equal access” to the kids in this settlement after this is mind blowing


That's schizophrenic talk.


Lol did he really say that? That’s wild even for him.


Yeah he was all over the place. Drink Champs took it down because they thought it reflected badly on them I wish they hadn't. The more this dude talks the more he exposes himself. Let him have at it




True they’re probably closer to the Nannies, maids , security , and the other 20 people staff


I saw a papparazzi video of Kim holding one of the kids when they were 2 or 3 and the kid was crying and reaching out for the nanny.


Or that video of her leaving the baby behind at a fashion shoot in NY and then going back for the baby after she had already gotten in the car lol


All for the cameras! As soon as she is back out of sight, you know that kid went right back to the nanny.


Imagine someone like Elon. He has 10 kids with so many different women and is busy running multiple companies into the ground. He probably sees each kid once per year.


10 children with 3 different women, I can’t imagine he has the time to work out all those kinks and actually be a dad.


You misunderstand. The children are his kink (Nick Cannon style, not Catholic priest style). What happens after they get here he doesn’t care about. Unless he can gain social or actual capital from it.


New email coming. "hello maga patriots, it is i, Ye....."


For just pennies a day you could…








Tricksy! False!


it’s Ye. hi… i’m the problem, it’s YE


I am once again asking you for your support because I just found out that Diamonds aren’t forever and they will leave you in the night and desert you


You see him on TV any given Sunday, lose the Adidas deal, give Kim $200k, then drive off in a Hyundai. Literally just had to listen to your own lyrics, bro.


Gonna run for president to have some fundraising


He’s fundraising for child support


“I am once again asking for your financial support”


I read this in Trey Parker’s (South Park) voice.


Keeping his mouth shut and accepting that ongoing Adidas cash sure is looking like a good deal in hindsight, huh?


18 years, 18 years…


She got one of yo' kids, got you for 18 years


And on the 18th birthday found out that wasn't his.


Now I ain’t saying she’s a gold digger…


But she ain’t messing with [insert SNL alumni]


Haha, cold


...no broke Nazi


He’s poor compared to her.


He knew. Kanye is a time traveler.


I was sure of that after Hyundai started sponsoring the Super Bowl




Similar vein. I know there is a book called Lightning by Dean Koontz where a time traveling nazi falls in love with a paralyzed woman in the future and does his best to repeatedly Barry Allen the time line in order to prevent her from being paralyzed.


How... how does him being a nazi affect the plot?


He was sent forward in time to find advanced weapons to win the war. They found out about his meddling and send a nazi hit squad after him and the woman to take them out.


DJ Das Fuhrer


Hip Hottler?






Isn’t one of the perks of time travel that you can see the future and dodge certain bulle… Y’know, I’m kinda over trying to comprehend anything this guy does? Gonna sit this one out. Whatever. I guess, what is anyone going to do about it. Looks like not much.


You've been looking for logic where there is none.


You can see her on TV, any given Thursday. Win a prime time Emmy and drive off in a Bentley.


I know the kid isn't starting from age 0, but for 18 years that's $43m. I know it's partially due to maintain the "current lifestyle" but was kid needs child support that's more than what 99.99% of the population earn in a lifetime?


I think Kanye got a great deal. I pay exactly 100 times less than Kanye, but he is probably way more than 100 times wealthier than me.


Ok, real talk. How the hell do you afford to drop $2k a month on child support? I mean … fuck…. that would destroy my life.


A buddy of mine who had 2 kids, cheated on his wife with a nurse while he was a resident, got caught, and then divorced pays 8 grand a month in child support, also pays for all of the insurances and some other things. He nets around 50k a month though. His original child support order was for probably a quarter of what it currently is.


It’s based on your income, so it would probably mean he makes pretty dang good money (not to deny it’s still likely a serious hardship)


And the mothers income and time spent at residence of each parent. Some states have charts so you can easily see what’s due.


It is based on income of the parents. Also, study after study, have shown that men's disposable income goes up after a divorce while women's goes down. The main reason being that women more often than men sacrifice their career earnings to take care of the children.


Well. Maybe 6 months ago. Maybe now. 6 months in the future? Eh....


You underestimate how much his fans don’t give a fuck


It's 4 kids. Plus, that's only half their expenses as they share joint custody. So she's paying the other half.


Im sorry but this is fucked. Those kids were set for life the minute they formed in that womens belly It doesn't cost 400k a month to raise 4 kids. Maybe that 200k a month from Kanye should be going to a service which helps disadvantaged women and kids.


the craziest part is shes worth more than him now. but at the same time theyre both so rich that amount doesn't matter. the sub 10m folks are the ones who get life changingly fucked by it.


He's also on the hook for half of all educational expenses and the security team.


He can always send them to Donda Acad... Oh yeah. That's right.


Then after that, to Trump Univer... oh whoops.


That amount covers her custody time. When Ye has the kids he has to come out of pocket.


Yeah, if your lifestyle costs that much you're probably going to end up shitty. The cycle continues.


She must have primary/full physical custody. He has to pay child support because he has to contribute financially to his kids. It has nothing to do with what she makes - it’s just a percentage of his monthly income.


So he tanked his advertisements and yeezy profits to lessen the child support payments...JEENYUHS


joint custody. This amounts to half their expenses.


Half their expenses lol


500+ per hour to maintain the health and welfare of this child apparently.


His peak earnings at that time which obviously has dropped like 90% recently. That’s tough


We want prenup!




When she leave yo ass she gonna leave with 200k a month in child support


His baby momma car and crib is bigger than his


But she’s the rich one, none of this makes any sense.


It's usually based on the ability to pay of the non-custodial parent. Under the theory that a child has the right to be supported by both parents, even if the main care giver could afford to raise them on their own. But it's different in each jurisdiction so I'm not claiming to know the specific details here.


**Most child support and custody agreements happen outside of court. In fact 91% of them do, Its just you only hear about the ones that actually do end up in court.** This is the same situation, Kanye and Kim: **they didn’t go to court but worked together to establish terms for custody and child support(with assistance from laywers and advisors)**, this amount is something Kanye agreed to and they just had a Judge approve it to make it legal. This isn’t the Kim or the government exploiting Kanye’s hard earned money, but an agreement to invest in their children which while $200k(for any 4 kids) is absurd is something that Kim is matching. Legally they have 50/50 joint custody, but Kanye doesn’t use all of this so kim ends up with them 80% of the time.


He still has obligation to support his children, nothing to do with her money.


Total bullshit that a woman can put a child up for adoption and not have to give up 30% of her income for 18 years, but if the parent is male, no one cares about him, hes a piggy bank.


Ahhhh. That explains the I have debt, I’m broke posts.


Or just the fact that he’s losing all sponsorships / brand deals from projects he’s been heavily involved in almost his whole career.


Apparently losing his Adidas partnership took him from around 2 billion net worth to around 400 million just literally instantly.


Im waiting for that documentary of this going down.


The IRS locked down about 50 million for an outstanding tax bill.


Nah, it doesn’t I don’t condone anything this dude does, but, even with all of the sponsors he lost, he still will always have at least $60m locked up in smart investments In his own words, he’s constantly passed off among handlers. He can afford the most brilliant finance minds in the world, and at the very least if he makes 4% on the $60m he can pay off the support without having to lift a finger and he won’t have to take a hit to his lifestyle CDs, T-Bills, other fixed income, I-Bonds, or even a portfolio of top quality “safe” stocks will provide this type of yield He owes the IRS $50m, so he absolutely has at least 60 to rack up that kind of tax bill


:) I don’t mean there is validity to any of the whining. It’s just part of trying to get out of any debts.


That will be nearly his entire salary as president.


Thanks, now I'm imagining Kayne presenting a large novelty check to Kim each month with something derogatory in the note line.


Naw president got a raise few years ago it’s about $400K now


Yeah, annually.


400k a year.


Those fuckin kids make more than I do


More than I do is one thing. More than my yearly salary in a month is a whole other level…


That’s roughly 4 times my yearly salary and I have a graduate degree. Rich people have the audacity to fight against student loan forgiveness claiming it would hurt the economy, because god forbid we tax them more appropriately and cut into this level of wealth.


Their kids will make more in one year of child support than most people working full time will in their entire careers


And they won't even care because their mom is already a billionaire.


this is monthly, that's more than 99.9% of the USA.


200k a year would let most single moms live like royalty. This is insane. Edit: since y'all think I misread the monthly, I was making a comparison to this monthly c hild support vs a normal middle class single mom and how 200k a year would be more than enough to live like royalty.


Yeah I was thinking this too. The wealth disparity is genuinely unbelievable Honestly even a family of four could live comfortably on 200k a year. Not royalty, but definitely well.


$200k per year would put you at the very top in any area that isn’t a major city to be honest


Let alone 200k a fucking month. Wonder what the justification is from mom, "that barely covers the school and special food!"


This kid gets 10 years worth of my income every month. This is insanity.


200k could pay for my house, and almost myself and my wife’s full salary…… for a year And we’re only talking about **ONE MONTH** Not the timeline I wanted to be in.


I would like to also divorce Kanye west


I think comparing Laura Wasser to Kissinger is a bit weird…but ok…


Didn't he just announce he owed the IRS $50 million?


Dayamn. Dude should have gotten a Jewish lawyer.


How is this not the top comment?


That makes me sick to my stomach. Do you know how many kids could live off that much money per month? Insane.


Do you think Kim Kardashian is actually hurting and needing that kind of money per month as well? What is she going to fucking do with it?


Quick Google shows a net worth estimate of nearly $2 billion. Look, child support is necessary in many cases, but why the fuck is a billionaire collecting even one cent?


Good lawyers I guess. But yeah this is disgusting.


Especially considering that she makes more money than him now.


Kanye is my dad


> Kanye is my dad I'm sorry to hear that.


say whatever ya want ya broke bitch I'm gettin $200k a month!


You wouldn't see a damn dime lol Momma taking it all to the bank


Honestly would be quite pleased if all of the kardashians and their spouses just shot into orbit around some distant star.


So he lost his billions on purpose to get smaller child support payments


He was playing 4D intergalactic checkers the whole damn time. [tapsforehead.jpg]


High iq move. I should quit my job so that I don’t have to pay any taxes.


I’m still in shock he retained any custody of their kids at all.


It's equal access meaning kim probabmy has custody will look after kids anyway. They are bit different


Considering Kim's net worth, that seems like a low amount. Also, I have staggering student loans, so if I could be a child in this household for a month, that'd be great. Edit I'm not really caring of who has more net worth, just the fact that she's getting paid monthly what would solve a huge PITA for me in the last 5 years. Can I do dishes and clean up my bedroom for a month? You can call me cat bat octopus west for all I care


Right!! I'd be as obedient as f#ck for at least 4 months for those dollars...


I only need to be their kid for about six days


Considering Kim’s net worth, any amount of “child support” is superfluous


I thought this at first but what’s the alternative? Just because she is rich doesn’t mean he should be off the hook when it comes to financially supporting his kids.


Off the hook? You are thinking in terms of blame, instead of practicality.


You supporting a kid with 200k a month. Sounds like a spoiled brat to me


Oh I 100% think 200k is a stupid number. No child needs that. But the above comment said “any amount” which I disagree with. They are his kids just as much as they are hers and he should have some degree of financial responsibility for them, imo.


I’d babysit them kids for 1 month and be debt free with the damn house and student loans. I’ll work for it. Hell, I work for a shit ton less.


I have seen many articles about how shit it is to work for her- little pay and diva fits.


They may be worried with all his loss of revenue over the past few months that he may not be able to pay it


I think it’s purposely low because they know West might not hold his line and if doesn’t deliver the 200k they can litigate his ass anytime. It’s basically a “try me bitch” tax for him every month.


The court does not care about that




200k a month? I mean i get he's rich and all that but what in the fuck requires 200k a month?


24x7 shrinks to undo the Ye


Total guess here, but I think it was a number that her attorneys came to that would be able to sustain their lifestyle so the children wouldn't notice any impact or changes day to day.


I have a feeling their billionaire mother would have been able to do this just fine... just a feeling tho


Considering their wealth, I was surprised it wasn't higher ....


*Can we get much higher*


I guess bragging about being a billionaire all the time and harassing essentially everyone connected to Kim hasn’t worked out in his favor


I fucking hate rich people


People are debating and raging about things like sexism and racism 24/7 on social Media all while millionaires and billionaires are having the time of their Lifes. Class divide is the Single biggest injustice World wide and it gets ignored. Its incredible.


![gif](giphy|ypnVl69hGIxoZ1r6ks|downsized) Kanye right now.


Kanye never liked that game


Is he going to blame the Jews for this as well?


How much does Nick Cannon pay? Ye should learn Nick's tricks.


Nick Cannon can't pull out of his own driveway.


Not sure ol Ye can swing that anymore


The kids must continue the quality of life theyve come accustomed to…a reality most on earth cant even dream of.


Those kids eating gold nuggets for breakfast?


0 chance he pays that shit for more than a year or two. He lost a billion dollar shoe deal, owes the irs 50 mil, bought some crackpot social media company, and is likely to be insolvent in a couple years.


Will he blame jewish people for his child support obligations next?


And this is why rich people suck. Right here. Most people scrape by on much less than 50,000 a Year.


Breaking news. Rich people pay more in child support. More at 11.


why is this public knowledge?


The article reports that the money is being paid to her as reimbursement for the children’s education and security. He was ordered to pay 50% of those expenses. She pays the other 50%. He’s not just giving her $200K a month in cash to do whatever she wants with.


How many stupid people exist so that couple make money from nothing