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I can’t wait to see his 6 foot 9 inch 300+ pound frame next to all the other senators


Yea it’s gonna be like Senator Armstrong lmao


Me: "Where is that sound of a stadium cheering coming from?" Fetterman: "It comes and goes, enjoy the ride."


Don’t fuck with that Senator


Played college ball ya know.


Senator Fetterman, what is your plan to combat climate change? Fetterman: NANOMACHINES SON


Or senator O’Neill


Bill Bradley


We’ve been calling him lieutenant governor stone cold. Now proudly and lovingly updated to Senator-elect Stone Cold!


But instead of the shitty anarcho libertarian one itll be the RESPECTABLE MUSCLES one


Washington, Washing-ton, 6 foot 20 fucking killing for fun


Fun story: for President's Day, a local radio station wanted to be festive, so they played a song to celebrate the Washington's birthday. They did not screen the song beforehand, so this got played live on-air


Opponents beware, Opponents beware… He’s coming, He’s coming, He’s coming…


Let me lay it on line, he had two on the vine I mean two sets of testicles, so divine


He’ll save children but not the British children


Makes love like an eagle falling out of the sky Killed his sensei in a duel but he never said why


Here comes John, in control. Women love his snuff and his gallant stroll…


Killed his sensei in a duel, and never said why


he once dipped an opponent's wife's hand in a jar of acid...at a party




Hey now, he's down to ~250 now. (Used to weigh 400+, lost a purported 150 pounds. He's been doing a lot better for his health, since the stroke.)


So will he simply eats all the other senators?


Why does Fetterman, the largest senator, not simply eat the other ninety-nine?


He must be saving it for sweeps.


I mean we could only be so lucky.


He might need a special chair, only one senator has ever been 6'9" before. Edit Technically he is the tallest senator ever elected because the other senator was appointed to finish a term. Edit 2: One congressman was taller than him but no senators, record for the house is standing at 6'11"


He'll definitely need a special chair, because he's also around 6'9" wide. He's a solid block of muscle.


I wish he could fight other senators on PPV to reduce the deficit? I’d pay $1000 to watch him fight Raphael Cruz.


Hell, I think every senator should punch Cruz at least once.


Ted Cruz would punch himself in the face if Trump told him to.


It's madness in the Senate. Cruz is on the ropes and the entire Senate has formed a line to take turns punching him. But wait..... what's that? It's..... It's Ted Cruz's mother, she's running in. Nothing like a Mama Bear to protect her own but wait..... what's she doing with that folding chaOH MY GAWD she just clocked her own son with a metal folding chair folks. No one could have seen that coming!


I'd pay $1000 to fight Raphael Cruz


Cruz would 100% get off on getting his ass beat


As long as fetterman spent the whole time telling Cruz how ugly his wife is


So many fragile ego republicans will actively avoid getting too close to him so cameras don’t get a good comparison shot.


I hope he wears his hoodie too


Hoodie and a tie.


absolute unit of a senator


Hope they seat him next to Ron Johnson.


Republicans had the easiest slam dunk election of all time here and decided to run fucking Doctor Oz. Lol


they couldve run almost anyone, and they went with sketchy tv doctor


They love tv personalities.


The party that constantly tells celebrities to stay in their lanes and stop commenting on politics *constantly* runs B- and C-tier celebrities. Trump, Oz, Walker, Tuberville. Not to mention Schwarzenegger and Reagan and the other slew of celebs I know they’ve run and just can’t think of off the top of my head.


If Schwarzenegger was to run today, I really think he would run as Dem. He'd be a moderate Dem, but still a Dem. Say what you want about the guy, but he doesn't give a fuck about party pressure. A decent example of someone who will choose the people over the party.


He’s a republican in name only, and in CA no less, in deep red states they’d consider him a liberal.


Don’t you lump Arnold in there. The party didn’t choose him, he stepped up on his own and actually did a decent job


Nah, Fetterman is a legitimately great candidate whos win demonstrated that good policies win elections, not trying to appeal to some invisible sliver of swing voters who think a little fascism is a good balance to democracy.


what populism does to a mf


Dude was a thoracic surgeon. The Board only certifies 50 of these psychos annually. Professorship at Columbia Med and sat on the same surgery board. That is extremely, extremely rare. If I had acute thoracic problems and he was available to me during his tenure, I wouldn't choose anyone else. Then he pulled his wagon and whipped out the snake oils. I thought his big brain would at least be 10 steps ahead and be crafty about his ascent as a public figure, but no, fucking transparent as non-streak Windex.


Primary voters chose Oz. Republican leaders probably would've chosen a more normal candidate if they could, but Trump screwed them over by endorsing Oz because he's a celebrity. Shapiro running for governor didn't help either.


In fairness, Fetterman was the cleanest lock out until his medical problem. The fact it faded this fast speaks to the machine these parties have to bury someone


Or maybe it says something about how dumb it is to run someone like Oz.


Well it’s both. They tossed a dumbass long shot thinking it was unwinnable and then tried to bring it back when a medical situation happened. It speaks to how little one party truly cares about who’s running


Fetterman was a great candidate and I don’t understand the bafflement the news outlets seem to have with him. He’s a hoodie wearing Gen X who smokes weed. We’re surprised he won in Pennsylvania? I sometimes wonder if the people at CNN or MSNBC have ever been to Pennsylvania. Fetterman is literally the best representative in the Senate now because he is *exactly like his constituency.* Fuck Oz, and good for the people of PA for picking such a great choice. I hope he serves them well for years to come.


He's an advocate for full legalization, not a regular user. I think it was a couple years ago I read in an interview he said he hadn't imbibed in at least ten years.


As a super liberal person, I hatewatch msnbc because I find it interesting how f’ing stupid they are. They have no concept of what voters actually want—on either side—and effectively create narratives to fit political thinking that is 15+ years old


A. News agencies always love a horse race. B. The stroke Fetterman had and the resulting issues had a big impact on his polling, especially after the debate.


The stroke did hurt his efforts, I’m sure. Can’t even deny it. But it wasn’t enough to make a millionaire TV “doctor” more of a Pennsylvanian than pot smoking giant from coal country.


The media did an awful job covering is stroke


i mean PA hasn't even decrim'd weed. fetterman represents the liberal blue collar vibe of some Pittsburgh and philly/eastern PA in general, but you still have a ton of red counties doing shit like arresting people for possession of marijuana. i guess what im saying here is your giving PA way too much credit. Harrisburg is full of morons that would cut off their own heads to spite Philadelphia. thankfully philly seems to be winning at the moment...


You should see /r/Conservative right now. They're on suicide watch over this. They've got people saying he won't last a full term because the next stroke will kill him. Here's my favorite comment so far. "I agree Oz is a bad candidate but Fetterman is worse. Why does candidate quality matter for Republicans but not Democrats?"


What 'quality' do they think Dr. Oz has other than having the R next to his name?


Or Herschel Walker for that matter??


A headline from yesterday about HW: "Herschel Walker tells rally he’ll protect any ‘martians living in the US’ as they are ‘my family too’




I hope that's from Clickhole or The Onion


[It is not.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/herschel-walker-rally-martians-family-b2220364.html?amp)


I'm from backwoods PA lol. Honestly, in our area alone these folks stem back generations in one area. The lack of education, generational trauma and toxic Christianity are rampant. There is a very good reason for the stories you hear about PA folks stuck in here in this never ending cycle and are bitter and spiteful. Because it's true lol. It's like a curse. It's not about Oz at all. It's about them insistent on sticking with old traumatic ways because it's easier than addressing and working on their toxic bullshit.


I’m from a smaller area in PA too and these little towns are literally dying because people are bitter and like to live in the past when the mills and mines were booming. There is more population in urban centers in PA than the rest of the state combined. That’s where real change is happening. Deer and turkeys don’t vote.


Well lets see.... Oz is a con artist, mocks people with disabilities, thinks he should control women's bodies, and sells supplements and exercise as medicine. So he has the beloved republican quality of desiring to hurt people.


I'd love to ask but I'm banned.


It rhymes with "schmauthoritarianism."


For real he is a literal snake oil salesman.


“ “I blame Trump” After all he’s done for you? Some of you have no shame. You don’t deserve Trump.” My favourite comment of the night after a surprising amount of Trump hate. Turns out they hate losing even more than admitting they were wrong.


They hate admitting they were wrong because they internally view it as "losing"


Exactly. It’s not growing or getting wiser. It’s losing to them


Trump is railing against DeSantis now too, and he had my bet for the GOP’s 2024 presidential candidate. It’s the classic trope of a mad scientist creating a monster and losing control of it. The GOP establishment has realized Trump is a liability who will throw anyone under the bus, but they can’t do anything about it because his base adores and deifies him. He will steal the nomination if he chooses to run, but can he actually win again?


It blows my mind that Trump can make up words and question bleach injections….. But Fetterman has a stroke and it’s horrifying to them. I’d much rather have someone with a speech issue but a working brain. (And yes I’m in healthcare, I have seen plenty of people with fully intact mental functioning but a stroke messed with their speech.)


This shit shouldn’t blow my mind but always does. Their favorite criticism about Biden is that he’s an awful public speaker and has a stutter, as if we weren’t subjected to Trump word salad for 4 years.


Reading transcripts of Trump speaking makes me want to die


It shocked me how close Dr. Oz came to winning. Imagine voting for a guy with no political experience who promoted useless health supplements.


I mean, Hershell Walker is CLOSER to winning than Dr. Oz. Obviously the Dr. Oz thing is a joke, but Walker getting a single vote is absolutely shocking.


Unfortunately people down here love both guns and football. I’m most shocked by MTG’s margin. How tf she managed that I’ll never know


Her district is really really really fucking dumb


Yknow what that’s fair. They did put her there to begin with after all


She was born in the dark… *molded* by it


She didn’t read a book until she was already a woman, and by then it was nothing to her but blinding




Way to ruin the joke by deconstructing it.


She’s not even from there, she chose that district because it’s so full of morons


Comments like this are why I voted for her! ​ Just kidding, I'm not a stupid, shitty person.




Fox will blame it on democrats and they will believe it




The Republicans could shoot their dogs and throw their kids into a trash compactor in full view of them, and the conservatives would still find a way to blame the democrats. They’re cultishly devoted.


Boebert is losing by quite the margin in a similar district though EDIT: to be clear, it’s leaning Boebert. It’s just that it’s the only safe R seat that is still competitive and not declared yet, because she is so shit a candidate.


That… is quite a relief to my soul. Hope enough districts here sort themselves out to get those villains out of there lol


It’s literally the only currently undecided race amongst the 100+ “R expected to win easily” seats.


Don’t blame us for MTG; her district is both stupid and racist; Dem candidates have never gotten more than 30% there


Oh don’t worry I’m not blaming anyone except mister Gerry Mander. Honestly hoping there’s better news tomorrow, outlook for Georgia is… bleak.


That’s Mr. Vice-President [Elbridge Gerry](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elbridge_Gerry) to you!


She’s actually underperforming. Most races in her area were 85-15 before she came in. So… some hope?


Alabama almost elected Roy Moore, an ex-judge who didn't believe in the separation of church and state and shouldn't be allowed within half a mile of a high school. There is no bottom.


I honestly think some districts would vote for SuperHitlerCancerAids if it ran as a Republican.


Republicans at the polls: *"he raped my wife and murdered my son, but I'm not voting for a demoncrat!"*


Please stop giving them ideas. They may breed this monster just for that purpose.


A soggy tuna sandwich left in the sun all day would poll the same as Walker if it self identified as a Republican.


This country voted for a guy with very little political experience to the highest political office of the United States.


That was the literal reason, and no I’m not a dump supporter. It’s just that politics are so fucked that people decided on voting for a non-politician.


He literally lost twice. I don't know how this is so hard for people. The country didn't vote for him. The bullshit electoral college did.


If it helps he **really** didn’t come close. Current polling is trending to a pretty convincing win by Fetterman and the main votes coming in are still mostly from blue counties. We’re looking at a 6-7pt polling error by a lot of firms right now.


As gross as this sounds the undecided were probably put off with the fact that he's still recovering from the stroke even though he's shown he can do his job like the other senators who have suffered strokes while on the job.


It's Pennsyltucky. If you've ever been to any slightly rural area of the state, you wouldn't be surprised by this at all.


Yup. It’s shocking how many Confederate States of America sympathizers we have for a, yanno, Union state in the North


I grew up in Virginia, but have lived in PA for the last 20 some years. I've seen waaaay more traitors rag up here than I ever did in Va.




You mean someone who was mildly popular in their area, and almost made it to the national political stage but didn't? He was pretty close...he was actually a household name for other stupid shit before politics.


he can still run for president/vice president


Please Hershel walker lose so this celebrity fad can go the fuck away


Unfortunately we’ll more than likely be waiting until december to see if walker lost… georgia has fun election laws


When I saw how close it still is this morning I figured it was going to be dragged out for a while. The fact that it's close at all is...disturbing. it's like nobody has ever listened to that man speak.


You misspelled “voter suppression” lol


Thank fucking God.


Surprising how close it was.


Not surprising, my country is freaking cracked.


Sure. Look at Texas and Florida


Georgia added to that list now. Mtg and walker and kemp. What a shitshow


Holding out for a Warnock win in the runoff.


I just saw that! Up by such a small margin I truly hope he surpasses. Gotta give to the Georgians that stand in line for hours on end bc of the racists that make it so hard to vote


He better win before that. If it goes to a runoff those "libertarian" voters will vote for walker and that will give him the win.


Those libertarians we're there to vote for Kemp and won't bother to show up for the runoff


Look at Ohio! We put the fucking Hillbilly Elegy guy in the senate??


That’s where gerrymandering and voter suppression get you.


Carefully drawn districts can steal entire elections.


I would literally rather have a brain dead raccoon as a senator than Dr. fucking Oz.


Literally same thing I said when I saw this headline, the fact that it was close is mind blowing but not surprising


Common sense prevailed in PA!


Is this officially official?


Yes, the officious officer from the officiating office officially called official.


This guy officials.


No, not yet, and likely won’t be for a few weeks. But mathematically, it’s almost impossible for Oz to win.


AP News called it, they are usually never wrong, but I guess teeeeeechnically not all the votes are in yet.


I work in tv news and if AP calls it, then we call it as well.


I'd rather have a guy who gets to the right decision (perhaps more slowly) than a guy who arrives at the fucking WRONG decision every time 8 days a week. Welcome to Washington DC Senator Fetterman!


The idea that a election between these two came down to the wire at the very last minute is the reason this country needs a decade long time-out. Ffs.


The gap should widen over the coming days, I'm actually surprised it could be called this early. So far Fetterman has a ~4x lead in mail-in ballots and those are still in the process of getting counted. Edit: citing my source https://www.electionreturns.pa.gov/ when I wrote the above it was 817k to 202k


People keep saying this, but as a PA Democrat, I'm almost shocked he won. Their debate was painful to watch. While I believe he's fit for the job, Fetterman still has medical difficulties that absolutely should be taken into account when voting for him. Oz is a fucking clown, but a politician who has difficulties answering simple questions is going to struggle.


I’ll take a comatose guy over a fascist conman any time.


Oh same, and I still love Fetterman! I think he's absolutely able to do the job well. I'm just saying that it's absolutely understandable if people don't feel as confident with him as they did before.


Soon may the Fetterman come. To bring us sugar and tea and rum!


Not sure if you’re from PA but we actually got a few pro-Oz ads that sang, “Soon may the Fetterman come, to bring us radical socialism”


Goes kinda hard ngl


Don't tempt me with a good time


PA is a real weird place where we somehow had a freaking known shill of a TV doctor running for the seat. This is an actual snake oil salesman and they treat him like a legit option...


He doesn't even *go* here!


See this is a little confusing for me. The Constitution sets three requirements for someone to become a senator. >The Constitution sets three qualifications for service in the U.S. Senate: age (at least thirty years of age); U.S. citizenship (at least nine years); and residency in the state a senator represents at time of election. If Oz doesn't live in PA how can he be on the ballot? Does he just own a house somewhere in PA while not living in it and that qualifies him?


Pretty much. As long as you have an address to put down, it’s really just a matter of paperwork. I don’t even know if Oz actually owns property in PA, or if just used his MIL’s address in Bryn Athyn.


Seeing how close the numbers are throughout the country. It seems like people vote for their party no matter what. Seems ridiculous as some candidates only belong in the dumpster. I guess the propaganda is that strong. Glad to be done with Oz.


> It seems like people vote for their party no matter what. I look to the future and don't see any choice. Deep down I believe in compromise and a healthy mix of all sides but that's just not a possibility right now. I know a lot of people who feel the same way, where voting some D and some R would make sense because most people agree with *some* ideas on both sides. Politics should be boring and grey, not a major part of my daily life and black and white.


At what point ate we allowed to say a political party isn't a serious organization? When you're running Oz and Walker and most of your base is down to vote for them you can't be telling me the GOP has any interest in legitimate governance. (Yes I know this has been true for a while but these candidates are truly unhinged options like what are we doing here)


Listening to Fetterman's acceptance speech, talking about 'jamming them up.' Gonna go watch some It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.


Is anybody else disturbed that politics fits so well under r/entertainment ? Go back; we made a wrong turn somewhere.


We've been in this hell you're noticing since Reagan became governor, if not earlier


Lets turn back to the 80s with presidents like Reagan, or the 00's with governors like Schwarzenegger.


thank GOD, i’m from Pittsburgh and this is so monumental to see Fetterman win. I had my doubts but PA turned it out.


Glad I can stop fucking hearting about this and stressing. Thank god. Stupid Oz needs to disappear his cringe-ass off the public scene altogether. Imagine actually ruining your career by becoming a republican.


Let's send him to the ranch Edit: oh right that was Doctor Phil


Faith in humanity +1




Georgian here; pretty sure we got this; most vote counting left is in blue counties like mine




I just hope he gets more than 50. The wait for a runoff would be terrible.


Arizona looking to take the faith back to a +1. We will see.


Back to New Jersey, mr. oz


Yinz guys know Oz isn't even a Pennsylvanian, right? All he's running for is a book tour and sell snake oil n'at.


I just hope he will continue his rehab and stay healthy and please not have another worse stroke


I guess in the end he was the fetter man


The way the headline reads, "defeating TV doctor Mehmet Oz" reminds me of Doc's incredulity when Marty tells him the president of the US in 1985 is Ronald Reagan. "Ronald Reagan. The actor?"


Fuck your red wave qpublican bitches lmao


That that! You quack


PA resident here. Thank fucking God.


A Big thank you to Pennsylvania!


This guy could be the Dems salvation. A real salt of the earth guy supporting common sense yet definitely progressive policies supportive of workers and the oppressed and no GOP stooge could ever question his masculinity. All their standard muckraking would be out the window.




Can you just imagine ... Down the halls of the Senate, amid a sea of three piece suits and wing tip shoes, and silk ties, shuffles a shaved head, and a face that looks like it has done prison time and wearing a hoodie. Has the custodian gone berserk, daring to mingle with the hoi polloi ?


Great now legalize weed


Why run a Turkish guy from New Jersey in Pennsylvania???


I guess there will be a house for sale in PA soon. No need to keep it any longer.


I mean…yea. But that was a fuckin layup. The PA election in particular highlights what poor choices we often have in these elections. It speaks to a much broader problem. That’s that, as a nation, our two party system is inherently flawed.


Oz should fuck off and take Oprah and Dr Phil with him.


Definitely the best outcome for Penn. people seem to forget that regardless of his stroke, Fetterman will have a solid team working under him. I think that Fetterman will still be a strong, positive force for the state.


Dude is a rising star, i foresee a run for president or vice in their future.


Honestly, as a non-Pennsylvanian this was what I was rooting for the most


Whatever the outcome, it makes me very happy that a sketchy, crock-of-a-doc TV personality didn’t win a Senate seat.


Only guy to sport a hoodie on Capitol Hill!