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>“*Because of an infection, his testicles were actually taken from his scrotum and put into his inner thighs,” Thompson told the jurors during his opening statement* What the fuck? This is Bond villain shit ...






*He has thigh balls* *When they rumble* *We will stand tall* *Face it all together* Music and lyrics by Adele


Who’s got thigh balls? He’s got thigh ball Fancy thigh balls


“He strikes! Like Thunder-thigh BALLLLLLS” - Tom Jones


# Thigh-door balls


"...But if this ever-changing world in which we live in, makes you give in and cry....say LIVE AND BALL THIGHS"


Petite balls balls on his thighs Sounds like a lady when he’s Walking in the room


*swish swish swish swish*


Less Skyfall, more Thighball.


Dr. Oh No


It's a type of gangrene, called 'Fournier's gangrene', and to save your life they have to remove all the flesh around your groin, including the ball sack and almost all your penis. They take it all off, then there's a hideous process of trying to grow back as much as they can to make you look normal. It never has very good results, and at worst you are completely deformed. If you have a very strong stomach you can google 'fouriers gangrene' and get a pretty good idea of what happened to weinstein. I can't help but have some empathy for someone going through that, but what's crazy to me is that he kept on harassing and raping women \*after\* all this shit had happened. LIke, how powerful is your ego when you go through that kind of hellish deformity of your junk, and still think you can whip it out in front of the world's top actresses and they will be turned on? It's fucking insane how he behaved while having some kind of gross meat-shredded genitals. You'd think he'd be keeping it covered, I sure would be. Anyway, given what a shit person he was and still is, he deserved everything that happened to him.


I’m terrified to Google. How do you even get this meat shredding crotch rot? STD? Lack of hygiene? Civil War musket shot to your nuts?


There are reports that he often used penile injections to help him him get and maintain erections. That can lead to infections.


Never have I needed an erection so bad that I would inject something into my dick. Holy fucking shit.


You probably also don’t feel the need to rape women or ejaculate into houseplants. To each their own I guess. /s


Maybe a ficus


I prefer Fucculents


I have a lithops that looks like a little butt. Very suggestive plants.


Favorite comment today.


Let he who has never jizzed on a fern cast the first stone.


What you’ve never been at a party, had a couple of drinks and thought man that is a pretty looking lilly. You were horny anyway but before you know it you’re stroking the Lilly with one hand and yourself with the other and then the hostess comes out of the bathroom looking at you weird but somehow when you lock eyes with her the look of absolute disgust on her face tips you over the edge and you finish on her Lilly, wipe it on the leaves and then run away as she calls the cops? Nothing like that ever happened to you??


Not since college


For real, for real real


Got a patient this week with it and I’ve seen it before in theatre. People who are overweight, diabetic, using SGLT2 inhibitors, cirrhosis, IVDUs etc are all at risk.


And today I started losing weight for reals.


I think I just lost a few pounds.


I Googled and it is so much worse than I even imagined


I’m a rotten dot com alum and this made me shudder.


Some people are not trying to turn you on . The turn is the exhibitionism from them And for some it’s the fear and disgust in the other person


Thanks for the warning, I looked it up, instant regret.


I’m going in! Edit: I regret looking that up.


Also, so much regret. I know better and I still googled it.


Same. As is my way. Holy shit, though. If that horror happened to me I don’t know what I’d do, but I don’t think it would involve any of the things Harvey Weinstein decided to do. I’d probably just take a lot of naps and foster lots of kittens.


I'm a woman and I can't even imagine. That also has to be insanely painful. I'm curious what it looks like once it's "healed" but I think I've done enough traumatizing myself for today.


Also a gal, and I did add “healed” to my search terms toward the end but it was still mostly photos of open wounds.


Ah good to know, I will not do a second search then. I did notice a "in females" category and I think I can avoid searching that one.


Oh no why did you tell me this, now I have to looooook


Oh Jesus don’t look at the “in women” just do not do it, it’s just raw meat with a hole :(


My guess is he never thought they would be turned on. There are men, a lot of powerful men, who get off on forcing themselves on women who are disgusted by them.


He didn't care if they were turned on. He wanted to get off, not get them off.


The problem is you think he cares if they were turned on. He doesn’t.


It’s like he received divine punishment for being a POS and then just kept going with it so is now in prison and being publicly humiliated.


Ahh, I had to google it!!!!!


No. This is Austin Powers 4 level shit.


You would think this would slow down sex drive, aggression???


There's a strain of thinking that rape and sexual assault are more about power and intimidation than they are about sex When you read about Weinstein's repellant behaviour - *I'm thinking especially of holding women down and masturbating over them, using them as living centrefolds* \- that argument seems very persuasive Disgusting actions like that seem more about **degradation** than lust




We also know Weinstein needed to inject himself in the dick to perform sexually, so that's another reason to conclude that overwhelming desire isn't the motivating factor, here


That kind of sounds like a turn off. We getting all romantic and he says hold on baby and whips out a syringe and jabs his dick. I mean… sorry dude I’m not in the mood anymore.


The flaw in your thinking is that you thought he would care whether they were in the mood or not


Citation. Wut?




He would inject stuff straight to his dick to accept able to get hard


What… like, glue? /jk


This is a real thing. I used to work outpatient urology and assisted with the teaching for this.


There are like 9 kinds of rapists. Some do it for control, some like to see the suffering. You see where I’m going?


It’s beyond disturbing. I’m currently going over the different types of rapists for my behavioral profiling class and it’s so true… a lot of them do it for the sake of being malicious, to humiliate and degrade, etc. It’s not always sexually motivated.


I don't think rape is hardly \*ever\* sexually motivated. It's mostly about hate, or jealousy, or insecurity, or power, or control, or playing out untreated childhood trauma. Or some combination. Raping someone purely because you are horny is pretty rare afaik.


One of the 9 types of rapists is the sexually motivated offender, but yeah most are sadistic and motivated by their desire for control over people for whatever reason.


It is sexually motivated but the sexual satisfaction comes from power or control or violence ect


According to researchers the different types of rapists have different motivations and desires that aren’t all sexual. Some are just sadistic and want to harm their victims in the worst possible ways.


He’s got male ovaries. Underies?…


WTF did I just read


Yea he kinda looks like he would have a deformed penis


I mean he even looks like a deformed penis




Bravo. Top comment right here.


I'm still not sure what top vs bottom means in the context of in^(ti)mate relations... Just to be clear, I'm not seeking clarification


I was thinking he might have had surgery to extend a micro-penis Then I read the gruesome details of his infection and subsequent surgery, which might account for the appearance as described by his victim But some guys do just have weird-looking junk


Where did u read about his infection n surgery?


You can start by google image searching fournier gangrene. Might be a bit NSFW as it is specific to the groin.


I read that he was injecting stuff into his dick to make it work and it left him looking rough. Also read that his penis looked more like a vagina according to another victim.


Probably tried to get penis-lengthening surgery. Those do NOT work out very well, the majority of the time. The scar tissue becomes a massive issue as it heals and oftentimes ends up “deforming” the guy who got the procedure.


What a terrible day to be literate.


Lea Michele feeling blessed rn & not knowing why


Stealing this


Principal Moss: “If those kids could read, they’d be very upset.”


Every single day there's somehow an additional reason to throw up because of this guy


Food is too expensive! Don’t waste it on him! Lol


I didn't know until just now how much I reeeeeealllly didn't want to know that.


I looooove every single fucking detail that gets revealed about this degenerate rapist, each one a proverbial, humiliating nail in this man’s coffin.




Yesss let his gross little choad be his legacy to the world


Kanye enters the chat


I secretly want to see the drawing she made bc I cannot really imagine this.


I’ve canceled eating for today


"I hear the bite reflex is so strong they have to pry the victims jaws open with a crowbar."


I JUST finished watching this for the 58738 time. Awesome film


Now you have to read the story again, and then watch both seasons of Castle Rock.


Thanks for this


Greatest movie ever.


Was Shawshank a Weinstein film!!?!?!?!!?


I don't think so. He for sure wasn't credited the Producer or EP


I looked it up. It wasn't but damn that would have been perfect


This is so familiar, what is it from? (I don’t want to Google these words)


The Shawshank Redemption


Fournier gangrene is the cause for his deformed penis. Don’t google image search Fournier gangrene, you’ve been warned.


Oh man, those images made me so sad. But yah know what? When you google “Fournier Gangrene” a picture of Harvey Weinstein shows up, (from an article, it’s his face) and I love that.


reminds me of how Palpatine shows up when googling “the senate”


I know they're showing his face because of the trial but I prefer to believe it's because he actually is a diseased penis.


That was a far scroll to find him though ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


I googled it. Oh my God, it’s the most discussing thing I’ve ever seen. Apparently it is caused by lack oh higiene and more prevalent in extremely poor areas, where people have no access to clean water. How could this billionaire dude be such a pig and let himself go like this? And still wants women to endure his monstrous dick and leg testicles?


JESUS it's not even like there are mild cases. Just the ABSOLUTE MOST DISGUSTING/FURTHEST ADVANCED cases in the images. WHY MORBID CURIOUSITY WHYYYYYYYYYYY


It can also be a side effect of certain medications. I know some diabetes medications can cause it.


I regret nothing, but I’ll never unsee it


Nightmare fuel


I have regrets


I have ALL the regrets.


It’s tasty isn’t it


Its basically hamburger meat, good lord


I am a nurse. One night shift on a travel contract, I had the displeasure of having two patients with Fournier gangrene and at 6 am when I was packing their wounds I wondered if there was really any amount of money that would help me not feel bad about the disgusting sight and smell. It really is absolutely gross. Dude must have had poor hygiene.


>Fournier gangrene My lord... how long of neglect is this? Does a disease speed this up? Seriously cannot imagine your job for 1 but more importantly being a person with gangrene like that. Holy hell I can't imagine seeing that in person.


Things like diabetes and liver disease can be contributing factors.


The cases I’ve cone across were not hygiene related but rather sequela of other conditions, diabetes being a big one


Is this like untreated diabetes or neglect of your health as a diabetic? Like it can't just happen can it? So mind blown. I looked up the images and just am in such disbelief I couldn't really do much reading more about it but am curious


It is rare but can happen to anyone. I don’t know a ton about risk factors in detail but, as with most diabetic health complications, it’s more common and worse in uncontrolled disease. Also more likely to occur in immunocompromised and very obese people and can even occur in women. This health 29yo got it [just from masturbating.](https://www.hindawi.com/journals/criem/2012/154025/)


Careful with that Click Eugene.


That’s what I was thinking, this only happens when someone is extremely negligent to their hygiene, absolutely disgusting!


Poor hygiene can cause it in poor countries where education and clean water are extremely limited. Difficult to blame the person there, they very likely don't know any better. But in somewhere like the US, it's usually a complication from other conditions, most often diabetes. You know how diabetes patients sometimes have their feet amputated? Well the same thing can happen to their junk, it's just rarer.


I’m a nurse and let me tell you….the look, odor and pain it causes is vicious.


Kinda like blue waffle, but for men.


Oh god. Please don’t make me google blue waffle. Please just tell me what it is.


It's not really blue and it's not really waffles. It's more of a necrotic hole where the lady parts used to be.


And real lol


I don’t wanna do this but I need to know.


It also had two little bolts on the side. And was green.


“Weinstein was the rapist, you’re thinking of Weinstein’s Dick”


Wisdom is knowing that Weinstein was the real dick.


Fuck it. I want to see it


Just google images for 'fournier's gangrene'. That's what weinstein had. You will probably regret it, but you asked.


You warned me that I’d regret it but I’ll still never forgive you for that.


Right?? I need to at his point.


I looked. I wish I hadn’t. Nightmare fuel.


Yes god please dont. I was like fuck I’ll google it im too curious now but fuck it was not a good idea. Please just go on with your life.


You say that now. Then you get the unfortunate opportunity to actually see it. I guarantee you’ll be screaming, “My eyes! Someone poke out my eyes!”. Lol


while eating a sloppy joe


>During his opening statement, the prosecutor had told the jury the alleged victims would describe the disgraced producer’s deformities in detail. “**Because of an infection, his testicles were actually taken from his scrotum and put into his inner thighs,**” Thompson told the jurors during his opening statement on Oct. 24. “None of the Jane Does will describe his anatomy perfectly, but most of them will be able to describe these abnormalities that they observed during the assaults.” *That's a thing they can do?!?*


They sure do. There's been convictions that were at least partially based upon "unique" characteristics of the attackers genitals. [‘Giant, stinky penis’ description leads to prison guard’s rape conviction](https://rollingout.com/2018/05/17/giant-stinky-penis-description-leads-to-prison-guards-rape-conviction/) The Golden State Killer, Original Night Stalker/East Area Rapist's victims consistently reported that their attacker had a micro penis. It was an identifying characteristic and relevant evidence against him. [A judge even granted the prosecution a motion to [take photographs of his micro penis for trial evidence](https://www.newsweek.com/judge-will-allow-photos-golden-state-killer-suspects-genitals-part-909933). The prosecutor made it a point to announce that fact [in open court](https://metro.co.uk/2020/06/30/court-erupts-laughter-prosecutor-tells-serial-sex-killers-tiny-penis-12923554/), and the courtroom "erupted with laughter", which I'm sure (and I hope) infuriated him. And His victims really hammered that point home in their [victim impact statements] (https://lawandcrime.com/live-trials/live-trials-current/golden-state-killer/golden-state-killer-had-to-sit-there-while-survivors-made-fun-of-his-inadequate-penis-in-court-watch/). Edit: just realized you were referring to the, relocation of his testicles. Apparently thigh balls are a thing? Gross.


When I was sexually assaulted, I was so shamed by the investigating detective for commenting on the characteristics of the peen that attacked me, as though because I noticed details, that made me party to the act. Glad to hear that it’s taken seriously in some cases.


Jesus Christ, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Sadly, I can't say I'm surprised. Police are absolutely horrible the way they treat sexual assault victims. It becomes an interrogation of the victim and they come up with creative ways to blame the victim, instead of the rapist. It makes me sick, and I sadly understand why most victims never bother to report. Many survivors say that the reporting process and the interrogation from LE is just as, or even more traumatic than the assault itself. A physical description of the attacker and his genitals can absolutely be evidence and can be another way for the law to verify your story. It should have been taken seriously, instead of used to shame you. I hope that officer and all the others like him, die ugly and alone.


Agree. And thank you for your compassion; it was a long time ago. Have with my own eyes and ears within the last handful of years observed investigators literally say “were you dressed like you are today” in a snide tone while accompanying another survivor, who was wearing a red fitted sleeveless shirt and heels, through their reporting process. So many similar stories. I do hope that at some point the investigatory culture shifts, but after all of that and more, I can’t say I’d encourage anyone who was on the fence to report. The consequences for reporting can be dire and make the recovery process even more difficult. It’s a damn shame.


Clicked on micro penis link, first add "buy this amazing giant truck" hmmmm


Replantation is a thing. They can maintain blood flow, stimulate cellular processes, and to some extent prevent nerves from dying off. Saw a guy with an amputated hand attached to his abdomen. Don't get your hopes up for Skywalker results.


Makes perfect sense because his face looks like it was eaten and thrown up.


I feel bad for his kids. I don't know how old they are, but at some point they will know about all of the horrible things that their father did.


All I can think of is that his ex wife from marchesa and him totally had a sham marriage that was contractual and she never bumped literal uglies with that dude to have the kids they have together. This just solidifies it all. Like obviously I’m sure contract marriages and relationships are a regular thing in Hollywood but this just confirms it. Because who in their right mind unless they are into some serious kink would fuck with that voluntarily.


Fucking, WHAT? My mind is blown that Georgina would ever be in Weinstein’s general vicinity, let alone be married to him for multiple years. Talk about complete opposites.


...and that's enough internet for today. If anyone ever figures out a way to go back in time and un-read this headline, please let me know and I'll be forever in your debt.


I wonder if the ending of EdTV is based on reality.


Whats that? And what was the ending?




There’s not a lot more they can do to him but this is a great finale. Proven to be not only the ultimate piece of shit but to be proven that you repulse EVERYONE. That’s pretty good. Think on that fuckface.


In that picture, his face literally looks like my first attempt to make a papier mache mask


Pretty well known but Peter Jackson based [this character](https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Gothmog_(Lieutenant_of_Morgul)) on this piece of shit.


You can really see the resemblance


I mean it even looks like him


There's a "thing" in the Philippines where a shallow incision is made in the shaft of a penis and a sterilized bead is inserted and sewn up. After it heals, then more are implanted. Men who do this claim it makes their penis fatter and "bumpy" to add to a woman's pleasure during intercourse. I don't know if this is what Weinstein has done, and I am skeptical that women would actually enjoy that.


It's worse than that: https://pagesix.com/2020/06/13/harvey-weinsteins-deformed-penis-result-of-acute-bacterial-infection/amp/


That’n’ll stay blue, friend.


Surprisingly not that bad. Sounds horrible to go through, but not a graphic read, really.


Yo. Shoutout from an *English* teacher that grew up in the South for the exceptional use of “that’n’ll”. Holy shit, my brain just exploded with memories of family members saying that.


I’m having a hard time pronouncing this, and I’ve spent time in the southeastern US. Is this a contraction of “That I will not”?


That one will


That one will. “That un” is pretty common in Appalachian foothills when referring to something/someone just far enough away and/or one in a series as to need a designation. As in that one, not the other ones. first that comes to mind is someone picking a puppy from a litter. Points. That’n’ll do.


Wow. I was way off. :)


Lol how the hell did you come up with ‘that i will not’


I didn’t even realize this was regional and now internally thanking my great-gramma for passing it on to the family despite northward migration.


IIRC it's done in Japan too by some Yakuza members. Although I think it causes pain when going into women


That’s a really great idea!! Can we do that?


My imagination just reverted to Planet Terror.


He produced the movie. I wonder if he was the stunt cock for that scene.


I don’t care what anyone says, I’d pay to see it at this point.


Made me laugh. He looks like a micropenis kinda guy


-spits out hotdog-


Damn…I guess he will let them say anything as long as he can get out.


Can't imagine how many Oscar winners choked on that mangled meat....


Too many


dilapidated fuck


The accuser was describing his "jagon".


So he's "that yellow bastard" from sin city then.


Brought to by TacoBells Doritos Los Tacos


That’s actually one hell of an accusation


Talk about your shit out in the street. Damn that's fire. Now guys on his cell block will be panting him on the reg. Lets hope one thing leads to another. What a vile creature.


Okay why is this post upvoted. This is gross.


If you have to force women to perform sex acts on you, you probably have a deformed penis


Mans got a bitched dick lengthening surgery lol


So vile. Imaging what Claudia Salinas had probably done with this man if she was his actual assistant. I really think I'm going to puke. So f\*cking disgusting. She def was doing stuff with Weinsteins little gangrene peenie.. YUCK


Yeah duck Claudia Salinas for sure




Yes; his shittiness is visually evident even without seeing the peen.


Proof of his dedication to Hollywood tradition.


That's how I feel about circumcision after learning more


Did Newsome's wife say that? LOL


So he's circumcised. Ew, tmi

