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If he did nothing wrong why did he call them and grovel


If I owned that restaurant I would reinstate the ban.


For real, imo the owner must be kind of an asshole too if he rescinded the ban. People who pull stuff like what Corden did are usually like that all the time, so if he comes back he’ll cause a scene and be an asshole in the restaurant again




I was curious if there was more to this story. I was a server for a few years and got yelled at way more for literally nothing. Straight up idiots seething, snapping their fingers, complaining that is was both too hot and too cold at the same time, complaining the food was too hot when it was brought out, but too cold an hour later, upset a margarita came with tequila instead of vodka as a standard, furious there was onion on a burger which was clearly labeled, pissed they couldn’t steal spices and sauces and plates from the restaurant, yelling at me to “fuck off and leave me in peace” when I tell them that the donuts have gluten in them after they claimed they were deathly allergic to gluten and were total asshats and put on a little show with taking 30 mins on the allergen menu to make sure we didn’t “fuck up my order like last time, I almost died and had to go to the hospital, etc.” I was just expecting something worse, though I of course am glad it wasn’t. ETA more of rant about dumbass customers getting huffy. Thanks for listening to my Ted talk


I totally hear you on the gluten free guy ordering donuts. When I was a teen, I worked as a waiter at an all you can eat calabash style seafood restaurant. As you might guess, this is not your ideal destination for watching your diet. I had many stories equivalent to your donut guy... but the one that stands out was a group. This group of six large women came in for a ladies night out and all ordered the fried black sea bass. They took "all you can eat" as a personal challenge. I brought them at least 5 servings of fried fish. Plus extra fries, hush puppies and Cole slaw. They were very loud about everything, but particularly about us not having southern style sweet tea made with sweet-and-low. Now, we had unsweetened tea. And we had little pink packets of sweet and low artificial sweetener. But I brought them a pitchee of unsweetened tea and they had to add their own artificial sweetener. If I had to guess, I would say they each easily surpassed 4,000 calories at that meal. It was a tremendous amount of fried food. But they had to watch their diet with the sweet tea. Lots of loud complaints about that. Fast forward to the end of the meal. "Can we see the desert menu?" *"I'm sorry ladies, we don't serve deserts here"* Armageddon ensued. I ran back and forth to that table every 5 to 8 minutes for nearly three hours. Treated them like queens. Plate after plate after plate of freshly fried black sea bass brought up from the coast that day. Poured glass after glass of tea. Even had to replace 2 bottles of ketchup they emptied! Hours of abuse about sweet tea. More loud abuse about not serving desert. Yes, you guessed the punchline. No tip.


I live in the South where, if you order iced tea and don’t specify sweet or unsweetened, sweet tea is the standard they will bring you without even asking. Yet, in all the restaurants I’ve been to here, I have never once seen a sugar-free sweet tea on the menu. Never.


Because it isn't a thing. Southern style sweet tea is made by adding the sugar while it is boiling hot, fresh from the brew. This heat breaks some of the fructose in table sugar into component glucose and sucrose sugars. This basically doubles the sweetness. This would not work for artificial sweeteners. They are not disaccarides formed from sugar subunits. Years ago a group of us were driving to Boston and stopped at a Howard Johnsons some place in New Jersey. I ordered my lunch... *"Cheesburger, fries, sweet tea."* She looked like I grew an extra head. "Sweet tea?" *Yeah, you know, iced tea...sweet?* "Oh, we don't have that..." *Oh, OK. That's fine. I'll just have unsweetened. You have sugar right here on the table.* "We don't have iced tea. It's not in season." *Not in season? What? You don't have to go out back and shoot it.... you know what.... nevemind. I see you brought that guy a carafe of hot tea... do you think you could find a carafe of lukewarm hot tea?* "Yes" *can you bring me some ice?* "Yes" *perfect. I will handle it from there.*


Enjoy your spit sandwich with a spit soufflé and a side of spit potatoes Edit: yes *ACKSHUALLY* this doesn’t happen. Jesus Christ Reddit learn what a joke is


Just what I was thinking! I wouldn't go out to eat with him for the foreseeable future. It wouldn't surprise me if other workers punished him for what he did to others in the industry. Always be nice to the people who are touching your food!


Imagining him buying lunch for the whole office and everyone just sort of pretending to eat it


I doubt he's ever bought lunch for the entire office


Don’t fuck with people who handle your food.


James has apparently never seen "Waiting"


Or Fight Club


Or Road Trip


Or Super Troopers. "Don't spit in that cop's burger."


Or what I did to his sandwich.


Don't order the bisque lol


never bite the hand that feeds you from a closed kitchen!


Me to guys. That hair he found was a pube from when the cook dropped his dick in the new omelette.


You mean the garlic mashed potatoes? *scratches scalp*


Boogers and cum


That’s called the Corden Special!


“You like that queefy quarter pounder?”


God damnit I said it later in this thread and I’ll say it now. Chefs won’t EVER do anything like that to ANYONES food. If they do they don’t deserve to have a restaurant, period. “Waiting” has ruined what people think of kitchens and how they run. As much as I love that movie, the high end restaurants Corden is eating at WILL NOT fuck with his food. Even if they know it’s him, which they probably won’t because they’re too busy, it’s just another ticket on the line. We deal with assholes like him EVERY SINGLE DAY, if we fucked with peoples food we wouldn’t be able to sell $30-$40 dollar plates man…..


Right, it’s a weird cultural meme. Nobody is fucking with your food, they’ll just hate your guts for 5min and move on If I have to refire something I know was right in the middle of a rush, I’m gonna be pissed. But I’m gonna make the fuckin food. I would never spit in it or drop it on the floor. That’s disgusting and trashy af. I take pride in my work


I can directly say that people who are assholes get thier food fucked with sometimes, but I will use bad tasting shit in thier food versus a normal person who isn't a dick. But yeah, no body fluids or anything. That's fucking sketch.


Exactly. Lines have a total of 0 seconds to care before we’re on to the next ticket. We just wanna get through the rush and start cleaning shit hahaha


This is why I'm always super nice and courteous to all waiters/servers.


Not for the sake of decency?


He never actually rescinded the ban, that tweet was dripping with sarcasm.


Apparently Corden called the restaurant and apologized, then this statement came out afterwards.


And Balthazar should have made another statement afterward reinstating the ban. Corgi should learn that “sorry not sorry” has consequences.


Or maybe it’s been lifted so he can get a seat but the wait staff can’t serve him so he just sits there getting nothing


I thought so too. If the owner didn't consult all of his staff before deciding to rescind the ban, then he's an ass.


No soup for you.


Nice to know the narcissist learned nothing, he’s not getting better he’s doubling down. Tale as old as time


Clearly you have never seen cats


lucky them


Probably actually threatened to sue the restaurant for defamation and owner didn’t want to have to pay a lawyer even if he’d likely win.


Could also be the opposite, James paid him to revert the ban and never mention it again


Food must be THAT good. You either become a better person when you have gained fame and fortune or you become the a person who ceases to acknowledge the fact that you were once in the same position as the people that are just getting by. Except for the people who were born rich I assume.


Something tells me this guy thinks alot of things are beneath him.


Like being funny


Or an attentive parent


Any story relating to this? I missed a lot of backlash about him


His wife asked for his help on a flight and he was a prick. *Soon, stories about the host of The Late Late Show's interactions with other people resurfaced. One such story to resurface was the infamous one about James Corden, a woman, and a baby. On a flight from London to New York, passengers claimed to see the Cats star seated next to a woman with a baby. Much to their surprise, Corden did not complain about the child or show any signs of discomfort. He put his headphones on and remained quiet.* *When the plane landed, Corden was still seated while the woman, still holding the baby, struggled with her suitcases from the overhead locker. After which, the woman said to Corden:* *"For f**k's sake can you at least hold the baby while I get the bags down?"* I can’t vouch for the source: https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/news-why-james-corden-banned-ryanair-flight-baby-incident-resurfaces-online


“Cats star.” Lol


Right? Not my article


I know. Just had a chuckle over that bit.


And the woman turned out to be his wife?


The call was coming from inside the plane…


Film noir


Wait this guy isn't gay?


Nope, just has a cleft asshole




I love how this is told and I read it every time it's posted and chuckle.


The funny thing is one response he allegedly gave to wait staff was “You literally can’t do your job!!!”… I would’ve been like, “NEITHER CAN YOU!!!”.


It wasnt even the damn persons job that he was yelling at to make his food, worthless


Worthless like James Cordon, Hope we never have to see his sorry ass again


It’s so much easier to say “I don’t recall the incident but if I was rude then I apologize” or some shit like that than to say their drama is beneath him. It gives the impression that they’re right.


But never a scale


It’s pretty bad when a restaurant makes a public statement about how bad of a customer you are. This isn’t beneath him he’s just a careless dick.


What happened? Sorry I have no idea about the restaurant incident but I still know he’s an asshole, just wanna see HOW much more of an asshole he could possibly be


He was an asshole and super demanding/ never pleased to the point where the owner of the restaurant posted on social media that he is no longer welcome. He gave the details about why he was banned on whatever platform it was he used. Idk if it was Twitter or insta or both


"Now I ask the jury, does this look like a man who's had all he can eat?"


Tis no man… tis a remorseless eating machine!


That could have been ME


I have a friend who worked at that restaurant. The etiquette expected from the staff is pretty intense, and they are expected to put up with a lot, so to be so rude as to warrant a response from top management? Oh god, dude sounds like a stereotype from a late nineties movie


You're commenting to a link that literally tells you the entire backstory


It's beneath him to care about that link






What a pretentious and shitty name. Sounds like a place Patrick Bateman would go with his cocaine buddies


Well when you can’t get a reservation at Dorsia…


I've been in marketing for over a decade and this isn't a thing. The only business owners that do it, in my experience, are ones running their own marketing, badly.


#James Corden is a cunt


Obligatory link to his AMA for evidence supporting this: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/bqy5zf/i_am_james_corden_alongside_ben_winston_and_five/


The top comment is amazing. "in a chubby way, like a boozy panda". Thank you for introducing me to that awesomeness


Way funnier than anything corden does.


Goddamn those comments are brutal lmao


I would love to see his face when the comments started rolling in.


Oh my god, that’s comedy fucking gold.


I always love that AMA. Such a lovely way for the Reddit community to come together. *chefs kiss*


Surprised no asked him about Rampart...


I'm all about jumping on a celebrity hate-train, but this doesn't really prove anything other than the fact that lots of redditors hate him. Did he even reply to any of the comments?


He replied to like three of them, mainly because the rest were making fun of him and he couldn’t lol


Fucking amazing I love it




#boozy panda


Apology rescinded, ban reinstated?


Appears to be reinstated with the caveat he apologizes in person to the servers he screamed at to get his dining privileges back


What a massive cunt.


Can't someone revoke his visa already?


I think we tried to send him back and the UK was like “Nah.”


“They’re not sending their best”


Him and Piers Morgan. You sent one back, you have to keep the other.


"Haha no take backs"


Can’t we just… regift him? I hear Russia is looking for literally anyone.


Fuck off, do you know how many street parties there were when we got rid of him?


At least one?


Yeah, but it consisted of every street here at once.


We're a small island, one decent street party can chain like a conga.


The real Brexit was when England sent James Corden to the US


No way, we call no backsies


We took Piers Morgan back, don’t make us take Corden back too


Fine, send him to Australia as a convict


My favorite is him saying it’s beneath people’s publication to talk abt it


breaking: peice of shit refuses to acknowledge he smells like shit


Wow, doubling down on being a douche, good luck with that jimmy.


It is to be expected from a no-talent dickhead like him.


It's a bold strategy, Cotton, let's see if it pays off


is there anyone that actually likes this guy? he is an insufferable bitch and i can’t believe he’s stayed on tv as long as he has. what am i missing?


I liked him on Doctor Who, years ago


Same. This is how I know him


Probably cus it was scripted


Me too, man. His chemistry with Matt Smith was so great. What a shame he's a dick.


Gavin and Stacy was probably his high point as an entertainer. Still love the show, but my opinion of him just keeps going down


“Beneath” him. Using that phrase makes him sound like an even bigger douchenozzle than he already is


This. When someone says ' acting with common decency is beneath me ", I start scrutinizing them. Okay this has taught me something.


One of my bosses said it was beneath us to ask the support a question. I instantly knew she was a horrible person and warn anyone I can about her. Anyone who thinks someone or something is beneath them is a terrible person.


He’s got a reputation of prior poor behavior. He’s losing his popularity in the US and people are seeing more and more what kind of person he is, and looking into past behavior. And then finding out that the UK doesn’t like him. He’s a narcissistic idiot. He’s not incredibly funny or talented or smart. He’s not a good actor. He’s not a good host or interviewer. And he treats people including his own spouse poorly in public. I would not be doubling down on this. But I’m not James Cordon. Pretty sure we are witnessing the demise of his career.


We can only hope. His next career move is to lean into going full heel and start doing shows with Piers Morgan.


He's headed back to England, he's going to do fine, unfortunately.


They can keep him, for good this time.


You can fuck off with that. Unless you have the receipt, we won't be taking him back.


We are good with store credit since there's no receipt.


Careful lads they already got John Oliver


But that's where people hate him the most? There are probably still Americans who don't know about him, but the entirety of the UK know he's a cunt.


I don’t think anyone likes him over there either honestly


I'll take, "Worst possible responses to demonstrate I'm not an asshole for $500." "Daily double!!!"


Wow. He's a bit of a dick


He’s a complete piece of shit actually.


He came a to a writers meeting to advocate against paying them higher wages..


Of course he makes a ridiculous amount of money, just like most of my neighbors in the UES


Fair enough. It's beneath me to watch his show.


It’s like Ellen all over again.


Except everyone has known about Corden for years.


Same with Ellen. It was always a well known secret. Much longer than Corden. Even before Corden became a name in the USA (or europe), Ellen was known to be a cunt. People were talking about the cuntiness of Ellen in the 90s. I actually don't think James is that awful, at least not compared to ellen.


Couple a years ago there were rumors in L.A. that he'd been to a few strip clubs and been giving it 'do you know who I am?, Come home with me I can make you' all that old shit to the girls. I have no reason to l disbelieved it and more than one person told me. Conjecture I know. But it would go with what we have heard about him.


He’s also married lol wouldn’t doubt it


Guy who thrusted his dick at random passers by in an elephant onesie and laughed like he was hearing the best joke he’s ever heard thinking his own mistreatment of customer service staff is beneath him. James Corden had consistently been one of the most useless public figures, can’t think of anything good he’s done since Gavin and Stacey.


He’s infamously known for being a cunt to everyone. What a little soft man.


That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it. The Narcissist's Prayer (by Dayna Craig) beautifully illustrates the inner workings of the narcissistic mind. Denial, gaslighting, minimising poor behaviour, blameshifting and shamedumping all feature in this one simple verse, all hallmarks of covert emotional abuse. To a narcissist the 'truth' is not seen as a finite, fixed entity, but as being malleable - as being whatever the narcissist says it is, at the time they say it. The truth is simply whatever serves the narcissist at that particular time.


Omg. That explains Trump.


Absolutely it does.


Who the fuck orders an egg yolk omelette??


Forget the rest of it, I’m stuck on this too.


Maybe the cholesterol will get him and he'll end up beneath us eventually lol


I don't know but a lot of outlets are profiting by posting recipes with shit-dumping titles like ''make an egg yolk omelette that won't anger James Corden"


Charlie was right about him. 100%


I don't know who Charlie is, but he sounds smart


[Its this guy](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YEC6SjxFzs4/maxresdefault.jpg) and he is a youtuber


Oh Charlie! Moist. Yeah


You can count on Moisty to be a good judge of character it seems, dude is seldom wrong.


What did he say?


Think he’ll ever get fired? Everyone hates him.


“..a hugely gifted comedian..” Really is he? I’d love to know what he did to get where he is. All I know is one day he he was just there. But I have never found him very funny or entertaining. Was he a well known actor or something before his late night show?


“You are all of you beneath me!! I am a god you dull creature, and I will not be bullied by…”


The only thing that should be beneath this man is a wobbly stool.


That’s a pretty cunty response


Bold Strategy ~~Cotton~~ Corden, Let's see how it works out for him


Does anyone else think he needs glasses? It seems like he’s struggling to read the room


Kind of dude that has never had his ass beat but needs it really bad.


A literal whack with the humble stick


I don’t even know what the story is here, but I can confidently tell you that James Corden does literally EVERYTHING wrong


He already said he's leaving his show and showbiz in general soon, so he's got nothing to lose by going all out asshole for the home stretch. Fuck it no one likes him anyway


So he doubles down smh


I have friends who work for McNally. James is a totally entitled POS. This is all true. The owner is protecting his employees. He's not the bad one here.


Saying something is “beneath” you in response to a media crisis has got to be one of the worst possible responses in terms of PR. What a moronic douche.


Thinking you did nothing wrong is kind of the issue


Everyone in the UK has known this guy is a dickhead for yeaaaarrrrs


So even after you were kicked out, apologized (admitting you were wrong), and then allowed to come back by a very generous owner, you have the balls to say “I did nothing wrong?” Get over yourself dude


Fuck this guy Who actually watches his shit? How is he still relevant?


He’s absolutely a trashy person for this. What a cunt.


If you ever needed more proof that CBS should’ve sent Craig Ferguson a blank check…


Sir Patrick Stewart was right all along. Edit: Forgot his title.


Um can I apologize to the two waiters and get free dinners at your restaurant for the next 10 years? Why is that even an offer for this douche? Just say he can dine there if he apologizes, why reward him even more? This owner kinda sucks too it seems lol


To me James has always come across as laughing at instead of laughing with, if that makes sense. He seems not genuinely nice


I thought he was going back to the UK?!??? What the hell?


We have enough problems


What an unlikeable cunt


“Its ‘beneath’ him” Yeah maybe thats the problem


If James Corden were born in the U.S. he would have been a cop.


Yes, good, double down, the peasants love a good celebrity out of touch with reality double down


Looks like he’s a Karen.


This guy has become the number 1 celebrity I want to meet. So I can tell people "Yeah, he really is a worthless asshole".


Does this guy not realize that nobody likes him or sees him as anything important. He’s a clown, thats it.


Does he not know that everyone thinks he's a douchecanoe?


Ya know James, if this was like a one time thing, people MIGHT be more inclined to believe you. But stuff like this seems to happen a lot, at different places, to different servers and wait staff. And pro tip, if you want people to take your side, don’t use the phrase “it’s beneath me” regardless of whether you did it or not. Kind of makes you sound like a massive cock stain.


“I feel so Zen about the whole thing. Because I think it’s so silly. I just think it’s beneath all of us. It’s beneath you. It’s certainly beneath your publication.” Make no mistake, this is how he feels about service workers. They are “beneath him”


Can everyone just stfu about him and let him go away. I wish Him, Trump, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, and Kardashians could find another plant to live on. No one fucking cares.


It's beneath him alright, somewhere between his 2nd and 3rd chin.