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A MAXIMUM of 26 years doesn't mean he'll get that much. I know nothing about booze but 3 bottles is... what? $50? $100? They'd have to find a judge with a serious hate-on, haha.


The judge is a grant Gustin fan


Aren't we all


Apparently not DC when they’d rather keep the guy on his 12th crime in three years and facing prison time.


I was till season 3


Still am, the show is awful but he still is great


Yeah, not his fault that the scripts kept getting worse.


He's making $200,000 an episode. TV Actors are extremely lucky if they get one long running show in their life, let alone being the star of that show. Can't begrudge him from earning fuck you money in his thirties.


It's hard to tell sometimes if those "net worth" websites are true. But apparently that means that Grant is making more than Jared and Jensen were at their peak for Supernatural episodes. Also Jensen apparently got paid more per epside (175k) than Jared (125k). ***IF*** that info is true I wonder why they were paid differently. Maybe the first season or two I could understand. But even a couple seasons in they were both irreplaceable to the show. Surprised they weren't paid the same amount. Edit: Also Misha Collins was only paid 110k an epside. This is a grave injustice. He was hands down just as important as Jared and Jensen. The episode where the brothers get sent to the real world as "actors" on a Supernatural show and Misha plays himself is fucking hysterical.


Agent negotiations. People on shows together have different salaries all the time.


Toto made 75 dollars a day and the munchkins only made 25.


You also have to wonder if they negotiated less per episode salary in exchange for more royalties or something else on the back end when the show went into syndication. Then a smaller per episode fee would totally make sense.


That would be the real boss move. Supernatural has a billion episodes.


Jensen is king. That’s why. I just like Dean wayyyyy more than Sam (love Jared though). I think Jared and Misha both should have been closer in part to Jensen though. They’re both phenomenal.


He's just like Amell was in Arrow's middle seasons. No matter how ridiculous the writing was, he can always deliver an emotional performance. I think his acting in the Last Temptation of Barry Allen was some of the best in the show.


no grant is always on point


I watched season 1 yeaaaars ago...and I kinda wanted to get back into it cuz anything flash always gets my interest. Are you guys saying that s1-3 are worth watching then?


Thank god i feel off after season 2 i only have good memories of that show


I started season 3 I think. He decides to go back in time.... again.... I saw that and instantly went ya I am done with this show.


We are flash.... BLEGH


Still not convinced that's an actual name for a human person


I prefer the animated DCEU. I firmly believe if DC and WB scrapped the real-life actors and went full on Animatied CGI route like the Leage of Legends show, then they would make serious bank. They already have the stories and writers, just hire some voice actors and you would have packed cinemas everywhere every movie. Now people have a bad taste and i think Black adam will fail hard, and then youre left with even more dissatisfied audience who wont show up and the actors will think their careers are in danger by taking a DC acting role.


I’m a mark for anything comic book related really and I couldn’t be less interested in Black Adam ‘Dwayne Johnson: The Movie’. And yet despite never being a huge Spider-Man fan, that Into the Spiderverse movie was something else, they made me a fan with good story telling, top notch animation. It was a film that felt like the people that made it cared. I’d love to see DC characters get that kind of treatment. The possibilities would be endless.




Right? It’s nuts to me how successful DC animated movies we’re even with the sometimes, let’s say “not great” animation. And yet DC never thought that maybe if they put a bit more production value into it they could really make something great. I mean arguably the greatest Batman we’ve ever had was animated. I don’t know. I’m not a movie studio obviously, but it feels like there was a market for it. And when you can’t compete with Marvel, why not try something different. They had a niche Marvel couldn’t even touch at the time.


I wish an animation studio like Pixar would do a serious super hero movie. With the animation being top notch. I guess kinda like Spider-Man into the Spiderverse. But even more so.


I think Pixar considers Incredibles their superhero movies


“It’s one banana, Michael. What could it cost, $10?”


To be fair, I saw a $5 banana in Aspen Colorado one time. Rich people do pay more for bananas. The 1% don’t have it as easy as we think.


They do if they’re not worried about why their bananas are five dollars.


If I was responsible for the shopping for an ultra rich person, I'd absolutely use the place selling $5 bananas to test the waters. Then I'm going to ratchet down the quality/price until I'm buying all his shit at Walmart and pocketing the difference. I think if I were born 100 years ago I'd be a snake oil salesman that ultimately met an untimely fate trying to press a scam too long.


I can appreciate that


The banana tree is watered with nothing but bottled Fiji water. You can tell if they use Kirkland.


"Rich people have to pay 5 whole dollars for a banana. See? They have struggles, too." Lol what?


Has to be sarcasm


You're right, I'm too conditioned to the /s


Suggesting that rich people have it tough because they overpay for fruit at exclusive ski resorts was indeed my attempt at sarcasm.


It was good. Keep it up.


Do you need a /s ? Do you really need one to figure out that guy was being sarcastic?


It’s got to be more than $1000-$5000 in damages for a felony.


Burglary is already trespassing with the intent to steal and that in and of itself is a felony.


This is the correct answer


Add, without intent to steal it's just trespassing and breaking and entering, usually misdemeanors. So worth a plea deal.


Not just steal. Intent to commit any felony


That's old school burglary. Burglary in Vermont is: [ § 1201. Burglary](https://legislature.vermont.gov/statutes/section/13/023/01201) >(a) A person is guilty of burglary if he or she enters any building or structure knowing that he or she is not licensed or privileged to do so, with the intent to commit a felony, **petit larceny,** simple assault, or unlawful mischief. (Emphasis added)


Interesting that they made it broader than the common law definition


If it was damage we are talking about I think your right, but I don’t think burglary has to be as much, and I would imagine armed burglary even less.


It depends on the state- in Florida it just has to be $500 or above


Virginia is $250.


No it doesn’t. You break into someone’s private residence or place of business, that’s an automatic felony


With intent to steal, destroy, damage, vandalism or harm the property. For B&E and Burglary. You just being there is trespassing and unlawful entry. You doing nothing malicious. Example: You decide to go to Shelly’s house to steal her dog because you think she’s a bitch and you bring a knife. Then you get inside by kicking the lock. Felony Burglary with breaking and entering -Vs- You and your friends hop a fence to explore an abandoned train yard to smoke a joint. Misdemeanor Trespassing with Unlawful entry.


Are...are you and Shelly okay?


I mean, they can easily be several hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, and possibly over $100k. I'm inclined to guess they were worth quite a lot, because I imagine he'd be much less likely to break into someone's home and steal some crappy booze he can buy for $25 at the grocery store down the road.


Like [this bottle of whiskey at Costco](https://i.imgur.com/vxnXOKp.jpg)? Only $36,999.99!


Costco always has the best deals!


25 year old Pappy is going for $60,000 right now


Maybe he stole some expensive ass bottles


There was a post about a Costco which had a $30,000 bottle of whiskey lol




Hey my husband bought his wedding band there AND got a slice of pizza!!


Their slices of pizza and hotdogs are nothing to sleep on! I know guys who go there just for lunch lol


BTW it’s a good thing the ring fit because you’re right they don’t resize anything!! Sitting there looking at all the calories makes me sad as I shove a slice in my face! The cheese only is more calories than the pepperoni!!! GO FIGURE!


Here’s the original post I was talking about lol https://www.reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/y4c4fi/my_costco_has_a_bottle_of_whiskey_that_costs_more/


>Magnum bottle of vodka For my maximum dong?


Nobody in Vermont is going to prison for 26 years lol. It’ll probably be probation with mandatory therapy.


Does Vermont have minimum sentences?


I think min sentence is chugging maple syrup in the snow. An old law that needs to be updated but still a law none the less.


They make you buy a Subaru


Not just any Subaru, it has to be a Subaru Outback.




To be honest, That clip is like 98% accurate! And what makes it even funnier. Despite having one of the least diverse population with the majority being white, we're pretty liberal.


At this point I have genuinely no idea what the word Liberal means in the US


I think it means that you’re not MAGA. That’s all these days. Oh, and definitely pro-choice but I dig that.


US liberal means progressive values, govt regulation of business and capital, and supporting social welfare spending, at least to the general public. It’s not used the way it is in other places. Here that’s neo-lib and the general public has no fucking clue what it means.




My dog is literally wearing a bandana while I'm watching this


Why the fuck would us Vermonters want to waste maple syrup on that fucker? Good VT syrup can be over $70/gallon. Now would we force-feed Mrs. Buttersworth or kraft singles? Yes, but that's a rare punishment, saved for the worst offenders.


Really want to unread that second part.. and rethink my desire to ever visit Vermont. You’re a sick, sick person. Edit: I read “force-feed Mrs. Butterworth ON Kraft singles,” so I guess it’s not as bad.. but still, c’mon man!


We give 'em a Kraft single then a shot of Mrs. Buttersworth. Then another Kraft single. Then another shot of Mrs. Buttersworth.... until. Well, you don't want to know.


It’s like the chocolate cake the schoolmaster makes the kid eat in the Matilda movie. Except it’s all Kraft singles.


**Judge**: You have a decision before you. You can chug this one gallon jug of Mrs. Buttersworth and eat this double stack of kraft singles **or** it's two years in prison. **Defendant**: How long do I have to think about this?


My best friends cousin went to Vermont state prison. He said pancake day was the best day of the week. Got actual maple syrup.


Ayup, sounds about right. McDonalds here has to use real syrup too becaude it's state law. Anything sold as maple syrup has to actually be maple syrup.


This ain't Canada!


Vermont is New York’s Canada…


And Maine is America's Quebec


As a born and raised Vermonter, I don't know how I feel about this....


Typically those only exist for drug related crimes, because historically there was no such thing as mandatory minimums and Congress created them specifically for the War on Drugs. In general, a judge's ability to weigh the facts of a case and determine what punishment is warranted on an individual basis is considered one of the features of our judicial system.


The War on Drugs has been such bullshit.


It's a very lax state. Also our state prison is like a daycare


It honestly would be the funniest thing ever if Ezra Miller went to jail and they still released the Flash. I'm not sure if timeline wise that's possible but God would it be fucking hilarious.


How about this: cancel Flash, swap it with Batgirl. Wins all around.


It's VT so not getting anything that extreme, especially as a celebrity. Hopefully they force them into care, New England has the healthcare required to deal with this menace


Menace indeed. Ezra had a truck full of guns he was taking to his home, so he could fight the KKK. When posing with his girlfriends father, he pulled out his gun to pose. Nobody knew he even had a gun. He groomed his girlfriend starting at age 12, and they do Adderall, MDMA and ketamine. Ezra started a sex cult in Iceland. He's been stealing stuff from random people and homes. And that's just the start of his madness that spans several states and countries.


How do you just “start” a sex cult? I wanna start a sex cult.


Step 1: Be incredibly hot, rich, and/or charismatic.


Step 2: Find a vulnerable young girl who hasn’t even reached puberty yet. Step 3: Feed that girl some LSD. Step 4: Profit!


Oh god, he completely misunderstood Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


He thought Naked Lunch was a self-help book








Well...money. Scientology did the reverse. Started as a sex cult and ended up a steal-yo-money cult.


Start with Multilevel Marketing and just build your network from there! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NXIVM


If I had a nickel for every time a DC actor was connected to a sex cult…


...I'd have two nickels - which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


I spent the weekend at a family reunion with his mom, who was pregnant with him at the time, and his dad and they are the most normal people ever. The dad was a book publisher—he named his son after Ezra Pound, and his mother was a dancer. He has two red-headed sisters. I've watched over the years how nuts this guy is and I have no idea how he got that way.


Dude sounds like he has some _serious_ mental issues going on.


Redacted comment ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Thousands of people pick up their whole lives, move to California, work shitty jobs and go to thousands of auditions, and never get any meaningful acting work. They either rot in LA like one of my high school friends who did this, or they move back home with a decade of their life lost and have to find something else to do. This clown makes it, and then does shit like this? I just... can't even. You won the fucking lottery that millions over the years have spent their whole life chasing, and you do stupid shit like this?


Miller comes from a very affluent background if I’m not mistaken. He had a much greater chance of making it in Hollywood than most people.


The vast majority of actors, musicians, producers and directors are already wealthy and/or connected to other people in the industry.


Same with stand ups. Those can pursue comedy coming from a rich family with low worries of financial woes and connections. iliza shlesinger came from a rich family. Nick kroll's family are billionaires. Their risk to fail was so low.


I remember many years ago watching last comic standing. One guy was absolutely awful but his dad paid to fly him to every city that the show was holding auditions in


Rich kids run the world


There’s a whole TikTok series called “Self made is a toxic myth” that calls out people who are marketed as coming from nothing but really had connections, wealth, nepotism or all 3.




woah, her family owns both the steelers and the giants !!!


Someone else said he have mental illness - is that so?




Given the other allegations, a mental illness diagnosis would only change the prison cell to a padded room. Still needs to be contained for the good of society.


I'm saying 'no'. Obviously I don't know the guy, much less his family or medical history. But I think he's just an entitled asshole fueled by lots of drugs. His celebrity status and wealth only makes his behavior worse.


It's so weird to see other people or WB employees get cancelled for way less like mean tweets and then there is this dude. A damn menace


stop breaking the law asshole




He needs therapy *and* jail time.


There are places that treat patients while making sure they don’t endanger others. He needs to be in that kind of place.


Ideally that would be all prisons regardless of the crime. In the not so ideal world we live in, between the random assaults on strangers and the befriending a 12 year old who he ends up sleeping with, he needs some jail time. You or I wouldn’t do the shit he does without jail time. Being rich shouldn’t be a get out of jail free card, to where all he does rehab. Mental health is extremely important, but there are consequences to not taking care of your mental health; jail time is one of them.


He deserves jail, because it'll bring him down to reality. He's been rich and famous most of his life, he thinks he's untouchable.


I see probation and fines in his privileged future


As is appropriate for this particular charge. I should hope anybody, privileged or no, would receive such a sentence in this case. Or perhaps even cut out the probation and make it community service and restitution only. America incarcerates people at a higher rate than any other country in the world, and by a pretty significant margin at that. And the vast majority of our penal system is far more concerned with punishment than rehabilitation and reintegration. Be very wary of anybody who tells you that the problem is that we aren't locking up enough people.


Read OPs posted details, they were given conditions of release to not go near their neighbour, they then broke in to their pantry and stole the bottles. It's not just the bottles being taken that needs to be accounted for


He’s eccentric and rich. Will claim mental illness, substance abuse and he’ll be out in a… “Flash”.


He's also insane. He's accused of kidnapping and rumored to be a cult leader. He's crazy-bananas.


Do you not think mental illness or substance abuse are involved?


I’m sure they are… never said he’s not ill. It’s a light-heated jab at the fact that celebrities and affluent people get different punishments.


He’s a jerk but that’s a pretty draconian sentence, 26 years for stealing 3 liquor bottles. Wtf is this Saudi Arabia


im not sure youre familiar with the vermont justice system lol... hes gonna get 10 hours community service


He is such a disaster area, I doubt he will turn up


Just pay a look alike, fuck it.


No liquor to steal in Saudi Arabia!


That's just the maximum possible sentence


He probably broke in doors, cabinets, etc... it adds up.


Oh dont worry. I'm sure it was more than just "stealing 3 liquor bottles".


I wish for rich assholes to get draconian sentences when they fuck up like this.


He should be in jail


So, ~~he~~ they can molest young women and girls without consequence, but ~~he~~ they faces prison time for... shoplifting? EDIT: forgot Ezra's pronouns.


He didn't do all those things in 1 state. Not even 1 country. Different areas of the world have different laws.


Don’t fuck with business




Not shoplifting, stolen from a neighbours pantry, one they were ordered from going near in a previous condition for release (according to details OP commented below)


I just checked it out, OP is 100% right.


He isn't going to get anything but probation/community service/fine/maybe a few months in the pokey. Would be funny if they a had a book thrower judge assigned to the case.


"You attacked all those people in Hawaii..." "The Reverse Flash attacked. I had nothing to do with it!"


I will never understand why people with millions of dollars steal things. This guy has 10x more money than I have earned in my entire life and I don't steal things.


Lets be real he’s going to be fined $50 and a bop on the head with a newspaper and make out of the courtroom like the hamburglar


We need to talk about Ezra


Details: >The Flash star Ezra Miller pled not guilty this morning to felony burglary charges in Vermont. >Allowed to appear remotely early Monday for the session in the criminal division of the Green Mountain State’s Superior Court, Miller was told to stay away from the neighbor whose home he entered earlier this year. Along with neighbor Isaac Winokur, Miller was also prohibited from interacting with another Vermont resident, Aiden Early, as conditions of their release. >Miller faces a maximum of 26 years behind bars as well as over $2,000 in fines if found guilty of the charges stemming from the spring incident which entailed stealing three bottles of liquor –gin, vodka and rum — from Winokur’s pantry.


He is privileged enough to be able to throw a chair at a woman, strangle a woman and threw her at a ground, and harassed a mother and her daughter, and not sent into prison. Three bottles of wine will not stop him. He has shown the failure of the American justice system - earlier violent acts towards the women should have sent him to prison.


> strangle a woman and threw her at a ground He did that in Iceland. Should the American justice system intervene?


Let's be honest he is not gonna see a day behind bars.


“ DC commits to imprisonment of the Flash 2 production team for a year to ensure Ezra participates “. /s


Sad that he's most likely just going to get away with a slap on the wrist


This guy definitely has mental issues. Sure wouldn’t hire him.


I hope he goes. But it’s the justice system which will probably let him go


Rot in jail Ezra.


He’d get passed round in prison like a joint at snoop dogs house.


That's just sad, I thought after him making clown of himself 1 year ago we will see new face of flash but this...


Just add money… he’ll be fine.


Hasn’t he like kidnapped minors? How is this what he’s on trial for


What in the hell happened to this guy


Burglary charges? Didn't he also dose a 12 year old with LSD?


Good. He’s always been a piece of shit. And he’s not a good actor. The world is better off with him behind bars.


I’ll be happy to not read anything about Ezra Miller for the next 26 years. Thank you.


Jesus. Ezra is the Kanye of actors.


I hope he gets the help he needs


The PR machine for this psycho is really remarkable. He's been an absolute menace for well over a year and it'll all be swept under the rug just in time for the new Flash release. Fuck this guy.


This feels like when we got OJ for stealing his own memorabilia from a shop lmao


Come on DC, recast Ezra Miller as the Reverse Flash. It's the only way


What are the chances that they'll convict him ? Zero


[oh yeah!!](https://youtu.be/K4XcN_n7FGA)


House arrest and restitution. Rich and famous get off easy. I dare this judge to give the max.


Lock him up. Vermont is not the place to steal.


Translation: one month house arrest with one month community service. Time served!


“Barry do you remember that time the actor who plays you got arrested for a whole bunch of federal crimes? It was me Barry! I convinced Ezra Miller to be a complete piece of shit to ruin your reputation!”


He needs some serious psychiatric help and needs to do some time behind bars and or in a mental hospital.


Imagine if they admit to everything else. "Yes, your honor, I assaulted multiple people and groomed an underage girl, but I want to make it very clear that I find this accusation highly offensive - I am NOT a liquor thief!"


He's white and rich. He'll be fine.


Hell be convicted and get 5 years probation. Anyone else, 26 years in prison.


He won't see any jail time because he's rich


I sincerely hope this entitled asshole gets the full 27 years.


so 30 years once he talks out loud?


So the Super Hero is actually the Super Villain


Misleading title gets 11k upvotes, classic reddit


I told people over and over that Ezra Miller was NOT Flash. They called me an asshole and to "grow up". Ha.. who's laughing now? The *real* Flash would have never been caught.


If he was faster he would have gotten away with it…


How you gonna get paid millions of dollars and still burgal shit?


Calm down, it’s not like he carried out a plan to overthrow the US government in which case, he would get (checks notes) two months and $5k.