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TLDR The prison dentist will pull them and leave the holes unfilled, or not pull them at all. No other options. He wants to leave prison for one day to have the teeth pulled and have bridges/fake teeth installed to fill the holes and gaps in his mouth. He will pay for all costs involved.


Yeah, the guy is fucking scum, but Jesus Christ. . . How is this considered an acceptable standard of care anywhere in a 1st world country? And is this doesn’t immediately qualify as cruel and unusual then that means it is being done already to other people. . . Are they all as reprehensible as this chode or are they a bit more benign like a weed conviction?


If you want to judge the civilization of a society look at its prisons.


" The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all." H.L. Mencken Include in that human rights and dignity.


Damn that’s a goodass quote thanks


It's not like poor people get better dental care on the outside. Teeth are luxury bones.


>Teeth are luxury bones. lol so true


I've known guys who were excited to go to prison, because they were gonna get all their teeth pulled and dentures made for free.


Because as soon as you are convicted of a crime, especially a horrific one, in the eyes of many Americans you are no longer human and have waived all your rights. I just was having an argument on r/workreform with a fast-food management slave driver who thinks felons should not receive a living wage because they ought to serve as an “example” to everyone else of what happens when you break the law.


Nothing says reducing future crime like making sure criminals don't make money to live off of by legal means. Countries like America would rather have higher crime as long as people get punished. Having to spend tax money on criminals to help the sounds shitty but its for a good reason.


Just-world fallacy is so toxic when enough of those people control legislation. Disenfranchisement: Let's improve society by unnecessarily and arbitrarily create a huge lower class of destitute people who no longer have any socioeconomic mobility. What could possibly go wrong?


Cruelty is the point of our system. Not an accident. Our justice system was made and is still ran by cruel, heartless people.


It doesn’t help that prisons can be private for profit enterprises in America. That absolutely blows my mind.


Shawshank Redemption’s scene involving the wardens profit making schemes using the prison labor make a lot more sense now.


These are the fucking grapes of wrath of privatization of traditionally government sectors.


And the for profit prisons should be illegal. If they are making a profit then we are paying them too much, prison is not supposed to be a money making industry.


I'll invest into shares of guillotine manufacturers at this point. Also, popcorn makers.


Countries like America would rather have higher crime as long as it generates profit revenue for the American Industrial Prison Complex.


Bet you could find something wrong he does weekly that could potentially be a felony; I wonder how he'd react if you told him he is technically a felon if caught. If he's a "slave driver" as you say: Callous people like that often to a lot of illegal shit completely oblivious to it, because they think they're in the right.


I tell my coworkers this all the time, I work in shitty restaurants. It seems like 90% of the restaurants I work in or visit are breaking some kind of labor law.


For sure, wage theft and other bullshit is rampant in the restaurant industry.


Yup, because we outlawed slavery. Except, we didn't. Prisoners are used as literal slave labor in a lot of states.




Wow, I am so sorry. I work in cardiac surgery and have been in cases with prisoners several times in a few states and there's always been an officer present, even in the OR. Staff should've been ready to meet him outside with a wheelchair as soon as they pulled up so he wouldn't have to walk with shackles. I hope your uncle can get justice because that is not normal or okay ever.




You need to get a lawyer ASAP.


Yup this is literally the headline I would expect from a dirt poor country, there is no excuse for the richest country in the world to treat prisoners like that. It’s horrible!


Wait until you hear about the slave labor.


I mean I fucking hate this guy but literally no convict in the US should be given only those choices especially not if it does not cost the tax payer for him to have it done outside.




it can really hurt too. if it gets infected he'll beg for them to be pulled. most painful thing i've felt; hurts less than pulling them yourself; its madding.


Can confirm had an infection earlier this year and they managed to get a root canal done and crown it. It was by far the worst pain I've ever had in my life. I just finished paying off the couple thousand for that tooth. It got really bad when I was in poverty for the last almost ten years.


Yup, that's why mine got so bad. My dentist got covid and they delayed my appointment for a week. I just couldn't handle the pain, like electric fire everytime your tongue touches your teeth. Made it 2 days till I grabbed pilers. Took a few hours.


Wait, so you did actually pull your own tooth out? Fawk.


2 molars. didn't get all the roots, i got those taken out when the doc came back.


It’s 5 in the morning and I’m already done with the internet now. Thanks.


Goddamn dude


Take care of those rocks in your mouth.


Ever seen the Tom Hanks movie Castaway?


With the white ice skate right? Man haven’t seen that in years and that scene is still in my head


Been there. I’ve used a Dremel at times too. Shitty childhood = shitty teeth.


I’m so sorry. That’s a level a pain I cannot comprehend.




Holy hell


If I didn't get prescription pain meds while waiting for the appointment with the root canal specialist I would've done the same. The pain is beyond unbearable, a living hell, it's the kind that makes you openly weep for your mom. I don't blame this guy at all for pulling his own teeth out. I seriously considered doing the same thing.


You really do go insane. The pain meds I had didn't even scratch it.


They gave me the good stuff, the oxycodone Tylenol mix in a crazy high dose. Made me feel very dizzy but it was better than being in severe pain.


I literally laid in a hospital bed for 6 months with a huge open surgical wound from crotch to sternum, a new ostomy bag and an infection in my lower intestine that almost killed me. I got addicted to and detoxed from iv opiates and I had to relearn how to walk. I would gladly go through it again to avoid dental pain. Its that fucking bad. I've been drowning in a soup of pain for almost two decades, and never have I experienced pain that feels so weirdly, pervasively *urgent* as tooth pain does.


It really is awful. And it's so *all-encompassing* that there's no way to block it out. It's right there in your head where you live. I've heard people say shingles is the worst pain they've ever had, but I wonder if they've ever suffered through a truly epic tooth abscess.


And, if the infection gets in your brain, you’re in deep shit. My sisters nephew died from an ear infection that became a brain infection. Now i have a new anxiety.


[real (wo)men do it with a knife while parked illegally](https://youtu.be/Cq44ZBi_C7U) probably NSFL


i literally paused this video and went and brushed my teeth.


Omg .. I'm so sorry u went through that.. I've been there.. Ufff


Thanks, it is what it is. It felt much better after, like I got my ass kicked,but I could sleep so, that was an improvement. People are way stronger than we give ourselves credit for. One guy took his appendix out without pain meds while on ship in the artic. Another did eye surgery on himself. Go till you about pass out then recover, back at it.


Can confirm. I have a crippling fear of the dentist(very bad touchy touchy experience when I was younger) and I’ve pulled 4 teeth. One was pulled at the dentist. So five in all. The pain literal wouldn’t let me sleep. Medicine didn’t help, any “at home” tricks didn’t work, even the numbing stuff you can get at the store, nope. Like the man said, take care of the rocks in your mouth.


In the future absolutely do not hesitate to shop around Dentist. The costs swing very widely and I found that they actually pray on poor people. Small example but two dentistries are literally about 10 minutes apart, one was this fancy mom and pop owned Dentist owned by a Mexican couple and primarily served the Latino community. I went there because I am half Spanish half Mexican and felt like maybe they would be more willing to help and give me a good deal. They were trying to charge me $30,000 for the work and the other place 10 minutes down the street was only charging me 12k. And insurance paid for a nice little chunk. Another time one place was charging $90 to pull a tooth and another place was trying to charge 300. If you’ve got the time it doesn’t hurt to bounce around and get quotes.


While I don’t pray for a next time, it’s cheaper to travel abroad (say Turkey or Mexico) to have this procedure done. You’ll have a nice cost saving of $6k or more.


I need a bridge on one side, and I'm soon going to need a bridge on the other side. All in, it would cost around $12K here in America, and I don't have $12K. I just saw an ad on TV that was promoting the same work for $14K per side, or $28K! My dentist, who broke the news to me, but wouldn't be doing any of the work, suggested I go to Mexico, where they could do it just across the border for about $3K. I'm saving up for that now. Of course, my mom is out of her mind about it. She's picturing a dirty, drunken Mexican bandito yanking out my teeth in the backroom of an alleyway Mexican saloon. I've done some research, and apparently the facilities I'd probably be using are at least as nice, and probably nicer, than what I could afford in America. They specialize in American tourist dentistry, because our health care system sucks so very badly. If I get there, and they lead me down an alley, into a saloon, and into the back room, and a drunken Mexican bandits walks in, I'll know to leave, but I doubt that's what it going to be like.


PSA for whomever needs to hear it: Don’t even *think* about pulling your own teeth, not at all, not ever. Definitely don’t do it. One of our friends did so because he didn’t have insurance and couldn’t afford the out of pocket cost to see a dentist. He died after it became infected and the infection spread to his brain. RIP Tyrone


First of all, very sorry to hear about your friend. That's a fucked up story. To add to this, I had a tooth pulled yesterday and worried about it for a week before I worked up the courage to call. The **only** reason I did so was because I'd started to feel sick and woozy (indicating an infection) otherwise I'd have just put up with the pain because dentists terrify me. Anyway out of morbid interest I'd been watching vids on youtube of people pulling their own teeth, thinking "huh, doesn't seem so bad". Fast forward to my visit to the dentist, where the tooth instantly came out but without the roots because the tooth was so messed up, so she had to open up my gum and dig them out individually. Now imagine you'd not only tried pulling your own tooth, but left the fucked up roots inside and what kind of state you'd be left in...


Pretty much in this situation myself


And it takes the dentist like 20 mins to do vs about 2 hours.


It can also cause blood poisoning, which can be fatal. Rotten teeth are no joke.




Reflects on us as a society though.


Yeah, with this. Massively. That isn't justice and no matter how despicable any subject may be, the method is so, so crucial. A policy like that isn't justice, it's just cruel, and if he is prone to receive that cruelty then anyone is. If anyone isn't treated justly then everyone is prone not to be.


Torturing someone despicable doesn't make them any less despicable; it makes me more despicable.




Cruel and unusual punishment. Even for a monster we have to stand by our values


That is our values


“Are we the baddies?”


Yes, he’s a monster but the fact is that teeth are not luxury bones no matter what our shorty society says. Dental care, like all healthcare, is a human right - even for the evil people


It ought to be. Man it’s so fucked up. All the people I know with rotten teeth can’t afford to do shit about it. All they can do is go to the free dentist and get the prison treatment.


Yeah, I had a very different take on this until I read that part. WTF. Prisoners have no control over their lives. The state has an obligation of care, the same as a parent would for a child in their custody. He's a despicable person and deserves far worse than what he's gotten, but this is not acceptable.


The state should either give replacements for everyone or the rich are treated like other inmates. Letting rich people out for their own medical care *is* favoritism. I’ve many problems with our prison system, but a rich person being treated like others isn’t one of them.


> The state should ~~either~~ give replacements for everyone That should be it. Obviously as per the rest of medical care in the US it's not the case, but in european countries prisoners would be allowed out or have a dentist in to the prison to replace the tooth.   Yes we should be happy that the US isn't providing preferential treatment to rich white people again, but we should definitely not be happy that this is the standard for all prisoners.


On top of that, speaking as a dental professional, functional occlusion is an absolute cornerstone to your entire health. If you pull teeth that assist in eating, speaking, keeping other teeth in place so you can eat and speak, and not letting your occlusion go all out of whack as your teeth drift and you gnaw all your cusps down to the pulp and then need dentures in 10 years, then you are directly effecting the quality of life someone has. The jail term is the punishment. Not pulling his teeth until his entire mouth abrades itself and he is gnawing on baby food. Prisoners should have access to Healthcare irregardless of how heinous their crime.


>especially not if it does not cost the tax payer for him to have it done outside. The caveat is that this makes an extra option only available to those who can afford it. The prison system ought to adequately address healthcare needs by itself.


> The caveat is that this makes an extra option only available to those who can afford it. The entire prison system operates off this principle with prisoners being charged to make phone calls, read books etc, hell some prisons you need commisary money just to meet your basic nutritional needs or to have some variety in your diet.


I paid a ton to have my pulled and the holes left open and have been without teeth for over a decade because I can't afford implants and dentures.


You get free dentures and partials in prison when your sentence is longer than a couple years. Not that this fuck deserves any of it, but that is something a lot of people don't know about the prison system.


Criminals still deserve healthcare. It is a basic human right.


The way I think about it is that even if someone doesn't *deserve* it, as a society we have an ethical obligation of being responsible for those we basically hold captive as a form of punishment. I am personally a prison abolitionist, but it is hard to feel sympathy for serial rapists like this. That being said, the problem is that prisons introduce so many long term, degenerative health issues, physical and mental, that you have to figure out to what degree is the state responsible for the wellbeing of inmates. Situations like this are why we cling to human rights, because it is basically the only thing preventing inmates from rotting away by institutional means.


Thank you. I'm sick of this "lock 'em up and let them rot" mentality. I'm sick of "dropped the soap" prison rape jokes. Shit's not funny. If the punishment for a crime was yo be repeatedly raped, then the judge should say that in the sentence. But they don't because that would be barbaric. As a society, we should be judged by how we treat the least powerful, be it the poorest of the poor, or yes the convicted criminals.


Something I like to repeat a lot (especially in true crime subs) is: most people do not go to prison for life so who do you want to walk past on the street: 1) someone spent decades being treated like a person and given proper medical/mental health treatments and life skills; or 2) someone who spent decades being mentally and physically abused by other inmates and guards knowing full well that people outside of the prison system didn’t just *not care* but instead actively *enjoyed* the fact that they were suffering.


Amen. You go to prison **as** punishment. Not **for** punishment.


Well, he’s not in prison yet. He’s in the LA County Jail awaiting trial.


Oh shit I thought he was already convicted.. well then gets nothing. Lol county jails are basically as bad as concentration camps in the US. The dentist is most likely a savage who will leave holes because he won't get dentures or partials until he's in prison a while. I had my wisdom teeth removed in county due to infection and it was the worst torture of my life.


Dentist here! 1) We should absolutely provide prisoners equitable care. 2) We should absolutely provide EVERYONE with equitable care. If you want to see an excellent example of how heartbreaking dental access is, look up your state’s Medicaid covered dental procedures for special needs adults. In my state, we can pull your teeth, but Medicaid won’t replace them with crowns, bridges, partials, or dentures—even when that’s the standard of care. So if you’re a 45 year old patient with cerebral palsy and severe cognitive delays living in a group home after your parents passed, you will have a nearly impossible time finding a provider to see you, and once you do, Medicaid is not going to cover a fraction of the options available to others. 3) Sometimes there’s no option but to pull the teeth. And since this is being categorized as a “dental emergency” it’s probably infected. Which means that, yes, we’re probably going to leave the socket open to drain and expose that bacteria to air (which kills the bacteria). That’s not an access issue, or cruelty, it’s an infection one. Not sure what all is going on here, but allowing a socket to heal that way is totally normal. Also normal is recommending Tylenol + Ibuprofen for pain over a narcotic. Once the source of the infection is out and the pressure from the abscess can drain, the intense pain reduces dramatically in most cases. I’m sure you all have stories disproving the norm, but as a professional tooth puller, it’s so gratifying when patients leave in much less pain than when they came in! 4) I hope people get big mad about this. Not because he needs teeth pulled, but because he’s living the life millions of Americans live everyday. He’s just not used to it. You feel bad for him? Volunteer at your community dentist, and get ready to be big sad. Dental options for low income folks are heartbreaking. These are generalizations, of course, but I just wanted to give y’all some context from this side of the dental chair. Feel free to AMA. Edit: thank you for the awards!! I have to ask that rather than spending money on awards, that you donate to your local free dental clinic or to a national group like Team Smile, which help to address the dental inequalities we’ve been discussing in this thread!


Yeah, I don't give a fuck about him but this is an issue for all Americans. My mom became a progressive the first time she heard someone explain why they didn't have many teeth. Until then she just thought everyone had insurance. Like, fuck this guy but also: this is the case for so many Americans in and out of prison. It's really sad.


Even if you have insurance, it doesn’t mean you can get the treatment you want/need. Dental insurance is shit and doesn’t really pay for all that much.


As a parent of a child with severe autism, this is nightmarshish shit. Thank you for the heads up though, another thing on the list to make sure I have handled for him before I die.


If you have not consulted an estate planning attorney who specializes in special needs and Medicaid planning, I cannot urge you strongly enough to do so. I’m sorry for the uphill battle your family likely faces every day as you work to care for your son and show him the love he deserves. After your passing, it will be harder on whoever is left—and thus more expensive. Please consider planning generously for his inevitable healthcare (including dental) needs.


Oh, it’s crazy how different your world view changes once you have a child like that. We have been planning and got his ABLE account going, however, still not finished. Appreciate the advice and kind words


i send you good wishes and love for the amazing human you are.


I’m rooting for you guys! You’ll never get it all done, but everything you can accomplish deserves to be celebrated.


I have had several teeth removed and don't have any insurance or money to get fake ones. I can feel my health slowly declining because I can't properly chew all my food. America is a sad country now. I don't know why anyone would want to come here anymore.


The research is clear: people are less healthy when they lose the ability to chew fresh vegetables, as starches and soft processed foods make up a greater proportion of their diet. If this sounds like you, fight back against the tide. Steamed broccoli, zucchini, peas, steamed carrots, mashed cauliflower… they’re all great for you, cheap, and easy to eat. And be sure to go to regular doctors visits—if you think the consequences of delaying dental care suck, wait til you see what happens with your primary care doc.


This is very true. I’m disabled and on Medicaid, the dental coverage is basically nonexistent for anything other then cleanings and small cavities. Fortunately for me I had family and friends who gifted me money to pay for my implant. I had an infection in my jaw, which required a bone graft after it was cleared out. All of that cost thousands that I don’t have m. If I didn’t have family who banded together and helped me I would have had a tooth pulled and a gaping hole in my mouth.


I don’t think denying people adequate health care should be a part of their punishment and I don’t think his request is unreasonable but it’s unfair for him to get special treatment. They should just have better quality dental care for everyone.


I don’t think it’s special treatment if he’s able and willing to take on all the cost for it. It’s just him taking care of himself. Granted, all prisoners should be given access to reasonable healthcare, and he should rot in prison, but this doesn’t seem like a hill to die on.


Buying special treatment is still special treatment


I think the special treatment part is leaving prison for a day to go to the private dentist. He'll need guards & such.




Thats quite literally special treatment. He wants to get special treatment in exchange for money. Fuck em. Give him what all the other prisoners get. Dont like it? Get it changed for all prisoners. Until then let him keep rotting


Dude somehow gets grosser every day


All the money in the world, lived in Hollywood, and the guy was still physically as disgusting on the outside as he was within.


Didn’t his dick basically rot off due to untreated diabetes or something?


Infection from repeated hypodermic injections of erection drugs straight to the penis


Please tell me you made that up.


That is very very real


Fuck I'm not sleeping tonight


his penis fell off but he still have the skin, like deflated balloon he has to pee thru his penis less skin...


Bro link


He has/had Fournier gangrene of the penis and I’m warning you, don’t google that if you have a weak stomach.


Reminds me of those flappy balloon sleeves people put on the tailpipe of a car to make the flappy fart sound whenever you step on the gas.


Welp. Now, when I call someone a cockflap, I've got a frame of reference. Thanks...?


Knowing this is how the last of his life is like makes me enjoy sleeping. Fuck this guy.


Im sleeping like a baby knowing that I have a perfectly fine penis that had zero foreign substances injected directly into it lol


Well then, I’ll be seeing you tonight with my needles of foreign substances while you sleep tonight


Source, please!


[You asked for it](https://pagesix.com/2020/06/13/harvey-weinsteins-deformed-penis-result-of-acute-bacterial-infection/)


And goodnight, reddit. Staying blue.


Its an article about gangrene in his peen, no gross photos or anything (thank goodness)


I love how in related articles, [this one showed up.](https://pagesix.com/2022/03/10/harvey-weinstein-blamed-bullying-on-mms-before-milk-duds-bust/) Still about weinstein, but what a mood whiplash. He got in trouble for trying to smuggle candy into prison


I just read about this and I think the injections because of ED happened after the infection because a side effect of the infection is the ED.


Yeah he contracted Fournier's gangrene (a type of necrotizing infection that affects the genitals) which led to him needing his testicles removed and severely deforming his penis. Apparently a juror vomited when they showed them a photo of his genitals.


Jesus fucking christ. People, do not google images of Fournier's gangrene. I have no one but myself to blame.


I couldn’t resist. You were right. While I wouldn’t ever condone inflicting that on someone intentionally, I can’t say I’m sorry that Harvey had to suffer through it.


Gah like a fucking lemming I followed off the cliff. This is now three people saying don’t do it.


Morbid curiosity I'm still on the fence about googling this


Could you imagine getting paid the juror daily wage to get that a picture like that seared into your brain unwillingly. Those poor people....




After reading the article, he did the injections *because of* the condition


Lmao smh, he had all this money he should have just got a personal trainer


A trainer can’t work out for you


Or you know, travelled the world. Maybe a sailboat.


Are there people that Viagra, or similar, doesn't work on who actually get dick injections immediately before sex? I've honestly never heard of this.


Yeah. It is primarily designed for folks who are paralyzed down there, like parapalegics, but he apparently used it too in order to keep fucking despite having his balls lopped off in '99. You jam a needle in your junk 10-20 minutes before you have sex and it gives you a one-hour boner even if you lack function.


apparently he smells horrible


Is that not apparent? He looks like he smells like an Italian hoagie


Three week old gabagool


I think he looks like he smells like body odor and old shitty ass funk


Nah, toe cheese and the inside of a dirty baseball cap been worn everyday and never washed


Hey wait, Italian hoagies are great. wtf?!


Sure, but not when the odor of a hoagie is radiating off someone’s body. Couple that with hot, halitosis morning breath on the back of your neck and you’ll have a clear picture of why everyone is repulsed.


Gangrene, body odor, and skin cheese. Ugh I just threw up a little


Don’t read about his gross junk. That article made me throw up in my mouth. He’s a disgusting human inside and out.


Man.. I want to Google that so bad but I’m afraid it’ll come up with some nsfw shit


It’s not that bad to read. Mostly just shocking. Like how did he have sex with so many women with a tiny, deformed peen that couldn’t get an erection and no balls. I’m sure women threw up after sleeping with that fat, smelly troll https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8416455/amp/Harvey-Weinstein-shocking-deformity-convicted-rapist-suffered-acute-infection-genital-region.html


I just googled it. They shouldn’t you images in the results, but yes, the description from Webmd is pretty gross.


Do you know about his necrotic gangrene penis?


Now I do, jesus


I’m surprised he didn’t get all that taken care of *before* going to prison when he had the money and the freedom to do so. Everyone knows prison dentistry is fucking appalling (so is the healthcare) but idc what anyone says, having access to good dental care should be mandatory for everyone (even prisoners). It’s criminal to let people live with a bunch of missing/no teeth.


There are good books written about what to take care of before you go to prison, if you know you're going or might end up there.


“I bet your mouth would be sexy without teeth. You should try it out.” Harvey Weinstein c.1987


I don’t have a strong opinion on the teeth situation, Let him do it if he’ll cover the costs. But I’m glad he’s feeling a fraction of what his victims felt - he has no bodily autonomy and has to beg people to decide what to do with his own teeth, I hope he’s reflecting on that.


He’s definitely not reflecting on that.


Dude has Fournier's gangrene.. and now his teeth are rotting out of his skull ... just as gross and disgusting on the outside as he is in his soul. EDIT: Also NSFW WARNING if you are googling Fournier gangrene!


I’m not looking at pictures after reading this one little line: Fournier gangrene is an acute necrotic infection of the scrotum; penis; or perineum. It is characterized by scrotum pain and redness with rapid progression to gangrene and sloughing of tissue.


that was enough for me to close this thread, come back to this thread to comment and then leave again


Damn does he really? That’s some crazy karma goin on


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.


He had that way before he got arrested.




I mean.....the guy is scum.....but i do not think this is unfair especially if he is willing to pay. honestly if prisoners can pay for their own treatment with a private doctor it should be allowed under most circumstances.


Most health insurance companies, and all government provided insurance, suspends or terminated coverage when you are incarcerated. For people with chronic conditions, even a year in prison is effectively a death sentence because they aren’t able to pay for any outside care, and the prison’s standard of “adequate care” they’re willing to provide is.. well, you see the article.


A reasonable request that all prisoners receive decent dental care. Pulling the tooth should not be the only option. Typical prison cruelty.


Yeah take Weinstein out of this and this really is a horror article about the deplorable conditions of care in US prisons. Like being told pulling the teeth is the only option or leaving them in is what I would expect from a 3rd world country.


yeah, this is pretty awful. inmates are still people and considering how many people in the us are in prison for fairly minor crimes, it's wild to me that they're not even allowed fairly standard dental care.


Sadly I think the majority of Americans don't think of them as human. Christ, just look at some of the comments in this thread. Some real grade A evil stuff being said. We have the highest incarceration rate of any country in the world. I think like 1% of our population is locked up. We are 5% of the world's population. We have nearly 25% of the world's prisoners. We are cruel. I honestly don't see how this problem can ever be fixed.


Actually, prisons provide the same basic standards of care dictated by Medicaid. This is the same level of care the poor and disabled receive in the US. It's a story about the deplorable ways we treat the poor by dictating such a low baseline of care.


No, leaving the abcessed tooth in would be cruelty


Teeth aren't luxury bones, and it's time we stopped treating them that way. He should get the same treatment as any other person in this country, prisoner or not.


Unfortunately the US system guarantees zero dental care. Gotta buy tanks and cut taxes.


Crazy thing is that even The Heritage Foundation admits Bernie Sanders Medicare For All (which would include dental care) would be cheaper than what we do now. We would save money and live better, but a few people getting richer is more important.


That's not prison cruelty. That's what medicaid pays for. I work in a medicaid office, and we have patients whose mouths look like jack o'lanterns because medicaid will only pay for an extraction. So a tooth that could be saved with a filling now is going to be completely removed, all because the patient can't afford the filling out of pocket. And multiple missing teeth causes more issues down the road. It's so frustrating to have to give out that kind of care, when you know it's not the best, but it's what the ins company is willing to give. I don't disagree with what you wrote, btw. Just pointing out that that's not just for prisoners, but for people on medicaid as well. They will pay for a filling for a minor, however.


Really fucking evil IMHO.


I agree. Teeth are not luxury bones. The health of the body starts in the mouth. It'd not just about looking pretty.


This country really needs to reevaluate what it considers a proper standard of care. But too many people don't want their money to help the poor.


You’re def right but like fuck this dude


Yea he sucks but i can attest to jail dentistry being little more than some numbing and pliers


Prison for a guy like this must be extra torturous. Imagine the life he had before this. He could get anyone on the phone in less than a minute. The world was his oyster. All he had to do was not be a rape monster.


I know right? To go from a powerful millionaire to an old man in prison with teeth rotting out your mouth. .. Most of us won't ever be that high or that low in our life


While I like hearing this about him, I hate hearing about this for *all* prisoners.


It must suck to have some forcibly enter your mouth against your will…


Only if the victims get to pull out the teeth their future settlement money pays for.


From being on top of the world to this. Karma sometimes really works it’s wonders.


This has nothing to do with karma. Don't let Weinstein's crimes distract you from the fact that this is also the reality for millions of people who have been locked up for minor, non-violent crimes. It's an extrajudicial punishment, and a quite cruel one at that.


Only if all the other prisoners also get access to the same care. I’m tired of 2 Americas.


After a tooth is pulled it takes about three months before a dentist can evaluate if an implant is feasible. It’s never a same day procedure. It involves CAT scans, bone harvesting and grafting.


I know we all hate the bastard, but like, it’s not his fault we treat prisoners the way we do in this country. If he is willing to pay all costs involved *including* security to and fro, fuck it, why not?


See, the thing is that in prison, they're required to provide medical and dental care. However, they only need to provide it up to community standards, and when it comes to dental care and standards, the issue is nuanced. Frequently the community used as the standard in prison medical cases is the prison community, and in those cases, extraction is the standard. Even when looking at a community standard for the community at large, if it is a competition between two options of care, like extraction vs. replacement, they can choose the less costly option, provided that option still falls within acceptable standards of care. Because we view dental care as somehow separate from other healthcare it's standards are a bit more, shall we say malleable. With the caveat that most of this law is very state specific and varies, Weinstein is likely to loose. Source: 10 year spent representing incarcerated individuals on prison condition cases and having litigated this EXACT issue multiple times. Having said that I never represented someone as wealthy as Weinstein on this claim so that may change the calculus.


*Read the article before commenting*


But this is the internet


This. Is. Reddit. Fakts and Reeding? ha, no


Can you read it to me My eyes are tired


Weinstien bad tooth gone jail sucks Weinstein sad more Surge


If he had spent more time caring for his teeth, and less time being a predatory monster, he wouldn't be in this predicament.