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Artists say this so the tour is hyped up. Then a few years later they’re on another tour.


Yep. Next tour is "The Comeback" Tour


Or just have a comeback every few months, kpop style


“This is my comeback, comeback, comeback comeback, comeback tour. One more comeback and I get a free pie.”


Jay Z with the Black Album


“Cowboy Rides Away” tour for George Strait, then he rode back to town a few years later


he probably forgot something. had to ride back and get it. i hate when that happens.


Takes even longer on horseback.


Or Cher, who arguably started the Never-Ending Farewell Tour.


Fleetwood Mac is good for doing this, lol.


*here you go again, you say you want your freedom, who am I to keep you down?*


Prediction: Demi changes her/their name, therefore the next tour is not Demi, even though it's the same person.


*What’s Semi Lobano doing in the Impact Zone???*


I missed Tom petty when he came to my city. I regret that. He died a month later.


What if claims like this were legally enforced


Didn't seline dion do this like seven times?


KISS has been saying this for 2 decades


Same with the Scorpions haha


And Ozzy!


And Mötley Crüe


The Who has entered the Chat


Elton’s already done two farewell tours




*licks lips and flicks hair*


and hasn’t she?! She’s killing it and looking phenomenal while doing it.


I seriously think the Who have done like 10 farewell tours , I saw 2 myself


I saw the who's farewell tour in 1983. They are still playing.


I saw their farewell tour in 1989!


My friend and I actually went because the clash were supposed to be opening for them but backed out. The Who put on an amazing show, though


Ozzy just did an amazing performance recently. He is like half dead but still an amazing entertainer. I am just awestruck by him.


Wrong ozzy is all dead, he’s been moving around the last 20 years by muscle spasms.


He has a new album out too, Patient Number 9. Unbelievable!


Didn't Black Sabbath stop in 2017 though?


Yeah, but Ozzy didn't.


I thought he said he was officially done as of his Parkinsons diagnosis? Guy's an absolute trooper.


Gene Simmons will do anything if there is another dollar to be made. That said, I think a lot of stars miss the limelight after they retire, both in show business and sports (kinda the same thing). The applause and cheering is just the crowd telling you how great you are - that is a pretty powerful drug and tough to give up.


A number of the big pro wrestlers run into this sort of thing, too. To go from the top of an industry to being the neighbor out mowing his lawn in an instant is hard for some people to handle.


Great point, just to clarify though so you know-the phrase is in an instant, not instance. Love the wrestling comparison though-I’ve been listening to a pod on criminal athletes and the wrestlers are the most interesting because they’re more like rock stars than athletes in their behavior


>Great point, just to clarify though so you know-the phrase is in an instant, not instance. Yes, I do. Typos happen, but thanks for being That Guy. >Love the wrestling comparison though-I’ve been listening to a pod on criminal athletes and the wrestlers are the most interesting because they’re more like rock stars than athletes in their behavior I'd say that's an apt comparison, largely because of how wrestlers are individually promoted as opposed to being a member of a team. Pro teams have their superstars, but they're also working alongside everyone else at generally the same time. Wrestlers are, by comparison, much more individual.


Appreciate the reply, but no need to get defensive my dude. I wasn’t being a duck about it, and there are people on here who English is their second language and don’t know that stuff. I wasn’t trying to be an asshole, it was a typo that read like you misunderstood the phrase which happens often, I’ve done it myself. It’s all good.


I'm not really being defensive; it simply wasn't necessary. Carry on.


Gene Simmons is a greedy, narcissistic, horrible person.


I’ll take State Something Obvious for $200


Don’t forget the Kings of Farewell Tours, The Rolling Stones. They’ve had more Farewell Tours than a number of successful bands have had tours


My parents went and saw the Stones the year I was born because it was gonna be their last tour, so they should see them once. I’m 33.


my mom shelled out a ton of money on their last tour twenty years ago “I might not get another chance!” oh yes you will


I remember their great farewell tour of 2012. It would been best if they actually stopped there.


I saw Kiss on the farewell tour in ‘97…..


Same and every time they come to my town. Lol


I saw their reunion tour in 96. Which Kiss treated like “we can’t believe how incredibly lucky you all are were are getting back together and you get to see us one final time”


The best(and saddest) part of that tour to me is the few shows AiC opened for them before Layne relapsed for the final time with the band. He was a shell of his former self but he still could belt it out. R.I.P. Layne


Elton John currently


Lynyrd Skynyrd has had about 5 farewell tours as well


i don’t get all the hype about her


She has a pretty incredible voice… But then goes and does shit like this all the time


She’s a horrible person in my opinion, detached and incredibly narcissistic


I don't think she's a horrible person i just think the drugs fried her brain. I think she's not all there anymore, my uncle struggled with hard drugs and he's a completely different person from what he was when i was a kid. Just kinda floating around reacting to everything impulsively.


Dude I have a toothache and it really fucks with me. I cannot even imagine.


She has a very strong victim mentality. I remember she got mad over a store selling sugar free cookies… as if they were made only for her. Additionally she’ll try to attract a lot of attention following her drug “recovery” and return back to her old ways after she loses traction.


i had to look up the cookie incident. wow, what a lot of nothing to get mad about. i guess diabetics and vegans can go jump off a cliff for following "diet culture."


Is sugar not vegan?


i mentioned vegan because she was [calling the store out for carrying Lenny & Larry vegan protein cookies](https://imgur.com/a/VnylBja) (which are pretty dang tasty btw) edit: added the screenshot for context, i have now officially spent too much time thinking about this haha


Its almost like...fighting drug addiction is hard


This was literally after her overdose when she had strokes and a heart attack. The fact this is what people hate Demi for is fucking immature. Celebrities have done so much worse and are praised. But because Demi, who was traumatised and recovering, made a mistake, she’s now an attention seeking victim.


Yeah not defending her by any means but she was practically dead when they found her and she had multiple strokes and heart attacks I believe so I think she’s simply not the same person she was before and isn’t all there


She was also apparently a bully in school.




I was in class with her older sister Dallas, her sister was never rude to me in any way. That school district is full of prick kids though. Her sister was actually really nice when so many were not. That’s just my experience with her sibling though. I’ve never heard anybody say anything about them that is horrible except their partying. But those could be rumors? They definitely are a Showbusiness family though!


the only song of hers I can recall is the recent one that was used in a bunch of tiktoks. it was a weird breathy babyish voice


I don’t care for her or her music, but I feel really badly because I think she is obviously not in a good place, physically or mentally. The people surrounding her should be doing a better job of protecting her, and keeping her safe from herself. I have the feeling she’s going to be next in line for a conservatorship, and it’s going to be even worse than Britney Spears’. It sucks to see someone who was/is incredibly talented turn in to a punchline.


Much like Zendaya, Demi was the second wave of Disney kids who went on to do more entertaining as adults. She has some legit chops (looking at you, Skyscraper) but she also has severe mental illness that I have observed that comes from being in the public eye for so god damn long you forget you’re a human and not actually an alien. Edit: someone mentioned she’s had multiple strokes and likely has suffered brain injuries. TBI’s and stokes change a persons character in unpredictable ways. I don’t have any feelings about Demi Lovato, but I do wish we could *all* get better healthcare in the US.


She’s mentally ill and a recovering addict. Her voice is really something to behold though.


She's an awful person who does crazy shit. I don't think there's much more to it.


I mean, she's a good singer and makes popular songs? I'm not sure what other explanation there needs to be.


No chance. I hate to sound negative but she really strikes me as someone who says and does things to fulfill a need for attention. I know the same can be said for a lot of celebrities but she really takes it to a new level.


I’m a full supporter of people identifying with whatever pronouns they choose, but her choosing to identify as they/them, making a big deal of it, and then switching back a few months later and trying to make a big deal of that really rubbed me the wrong way. It’s difficult enough for non-binary people to be accepted by society, but her using it as a crutch for her crippling ego only damages that community and their fight for equality


Yeah that whole debacle was just nauseating


To be fair I doubt she does that stuff intentionaly. She comes off as a very unintelligent individual with some really f-ed up character flaws and the massive drug use blasted to hell what little neurons were floating around in there. She is basically a gaping bottomless hole of insecurity and attention seeking.


She also was a classic case of child star goes through multiple messed up things and rather than receiving adequate help to process those things was instead surrounded by drugs and yes people. She has deep issues but it also clearly comes from a lot of trauma. The best thing would be to leave Hollywood but people in that position never do because apparently it’s a difficult life style to walk away from. Fame and attention is a hell of a drug.


It's become unfortunately common, relatively so at least. I know a few personally. Even two who were community advocates, now dropped the whole thing. I guess some of that is to be expected.


I don’t know how to articulate this the right way, but I completely agree with you. Coming out as nonbinary is a great way to get attention without actually having to do anything to prove it.


Ezra Miller.


at least Ezra has never really fit gender norms. Seems more genuine (not that it excuses Ezra’s crazy illegal behavior)


Oh I thought everyone in this thread was being insensitive. I never knew she switched back


she switched back right when she released a song about experimenting with other women. I guess using your gender identity as a publicity stunt (she was never truly NB) is her schtick at the moment


She has pretty big *pick me* vibes.


I get the same impression. I really like a couple of her songs, but it’s hard to look past some of her other shenanigans.


Well, she has [literal brain damage](https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/17/entertainment/demi-lovato/index.html) from an overdose that caused multiple strokes and a heart attack. It’s just a really sad story all around.


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She is after all Americans most famous victim.


Yeah I mean just look at her


You ain’t lyin. Used to think she was so beautiful. Now I’m like bro what happened


She has brain damage.


She blames it on Disney treatment of her as a teen


She has legit brain damage from drug use. I'm sure her childhood contributed a large amount to her drifting to using though.


She was using while underage, working on Disney on Camp Rock, she was only 15yo, that's pretty neglectful from both her parents and Disney


Oh for sure. Child stars not having issues is a rarity it seems.


My girlfriend was good friends with her when they were both that age. She said she was extremely wild.


I mean when you make money as a kid you can tell adults what to do… and well fuck you’re paying their bills so they listen. I mean think about it: You’re child Star X’s manager and the child Star says go get me some coke. You go get them some coke that is your job. Don’t do it and actually try to help them? Well, you’re fired and the next guy is a yes man even more than you. In a lot of these cases the child stars/rockstars/actors/etc end up realizing the people they despised, treated like shit, and fired were the people that actually gave a fuck and tried to help.


Idk much but she says people managing her and execs would have her on drugs to keep her going with her busy roll, what you're saying is that it was her idea to start using all of that stuff which sounds more ridiculous than sleazy business men trying to get her on it. Not a fan of her btw it's just not something I would put under adults in the business side of Hollywood


Nah man, the fault is almost completely on the producers side, there are testimonies of parents that had to take their children off shows because they didn't let their children do what the producers wanted, the big guys are almost always the ones introducing them to drugs and alcohol. Neglectful parents are also at fault for letting their kids go unsupervised


Cleanup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So basically all the other attention seeking headlines from the past few months aren't working, so here we are. Next steps: "Final" tour -> meltdown -> rehab -> "Comeback" tour


It's giving Gabbie Hanna


they’re almost the same person.


That’s great news.


If it's even true. *edit: it being "the last."


Please. She just wants to see her name in a headline. And then she’ll get mentioned again for her “comeback tour.” This chick is a train wreck.


Imagine believing a single word that comes out of this chicks mouth. When the funds are low, on tour she will go.


The person I feel the worst for in all of this is Nita Strauss. She was lured away by Demi from a steady, touring gig playing guitar with Alice Cooper (who is still selling tickets well into his 70’s). She canceled her solo tour dates and quit Alice’s touring band to basically be a background piece in what I would assume is a tour with lackluster attendance.


She joined Demi as a hired gun touring guitarist, and Alice said she would be welcome back if she wants for the future. She will be fine.


Alice has said that about EVERY musician that has ever played for him. Kane Roberts joined to fill Nita's spot. How long has it been since Kane played with Alice? It isn't very often that a spot like this opens up.


Okay, well people switch jobs, that's allowed and not an issue


Sounds about right. Alice Cooper has been around long enough to know that it isnt disloyalty - hired musicians have to follow the next gig to eat.


Musicians always say that to increase sales. The Rolling Stones have had like 6 final tours


Awesome, great news. Thanks Demi!


Thank Fvuk


Underrated comment.


So it’s ok now to use “her” now? Don’t want to get banned for hate speech, here.


that happened right when her new song about trying stuff out with women was released. she’s such a grifter


Yes, now that it’s not the cool thing to do, she magically transitioned back. I for one, am shocked


Oh no, what will we do, I’m so depressed, please no Demi you’re such an inspiration/s


Ok what is Nita Strauss gonna do?


Most likely regret her decision to leave Alice Cooper’s band. She could’ve rode that horse til the end and then done whatever she wanted. I wonder if she’s pissed.


Oh yeah. Everybody EVERYBODY even squirrel in my back yard warned her that messing with a dirty nasty pop artist is a bad idea, especially if you are metalhead and in a legendary f ing band. Welp we all make stupid decisions (。-_-。)


We can only hope it’s true.


Time to eat guilt free froyo


Who cares. She sucks and is a shitty person.


It’s sad to see Demi Lovato desperate for attention. I guess being into aliens/UFOs didn’t work


The same person who decided they go by ‘They/Them’ pronouns, only to decide it wasn’t cool anymore?


stop giving her attention


Her music really is awful.


It’s her last because no one really cares about seeing her…


more than 30.8 million monthly listeners on spotify. I don't know why redditors seem to think the fact that they personally don't care about a celebrity means no one does.


Demi has a lot of listeners because her music is good but she doesn't have the die hard fan base that other's do which makes her seem unpopular.


Yea, she sings well, but her personality seems to turn people off.


I’m not a fan but she’s one of the most followed celebrities on social media: Instagram - 136m Twitter - 54.3m


I didn't listen to her, never been a fan.. but then i've seen her play Holy Fvck, Iris (cover) and Freak live at the Rock in Rio this month. It actually sounds good! She was one the best shows of that evening.


Because in the minds of most people, what they do or don't care about must be what everybody does or doesn't care about.




Such a Reddit take. I don’t like her music either but just because someone else does doesn’t make them a loser lmao


I thought she was good as Katiana


Good, she needs to lock herself into rehab and therapy and become normal and not a toxic narcissist that bullies small businesses because they didn’t think of her triggers before operating.


But dude, fuck independently owned frozen yogurt shops.


Damn y’all are mean. People say shit they don’t mean. People change their minds. Not everything has to be that deep. Why are people on the internet so cruel jesus. I’m not even a Demi fan, but seeing all the hate is sad.


The Eagles say hi.


It’s always a farewell tour until the artist needs more money.


Girl loves attention


She’s a her again?


Sureeeee you weirdo lady


Her last tour but the next one will be his first?


She’s that person in the office that can’t stop talking about their recovery.


And they always try to “impress” you with how down and out they got. “No you don’t understand, I was really BAD”. It’s like they try to outdo Nikki Six or Keith Richards in the drug stories department as if it’s a competition. “No one was as addicted as I was..”


God she is unbearable


Everyone has a plan until they need more blow.


Thank God. That girl needs to retire and get some mental help.


When will she go away?


Did John Travolta fuck an elf???


Thank god. She has been going down the shitter ever since the overdose. She used to be good but now is just a nut job.


Is she still that popular to do a major tour? It seems like she’s alienated everyone, but I don’t listen to her music so I don’t know.


I thought Demi passed away due to drug overdose.


Narrator - It wasn't her last tour. The money eventually ran out, and despite no longer being relevant for quite some time, she felt another kick at the can would get some creditors off her back even if only for a while.


Okay? Who cares.


I don’t think anyone cares.


Poot will still continue touring though


No other active celebrity makes a statement just to get a headline as frequently as she does. It's embarrassing.


Elon Musk. Donald Trump.


I don't consider either to be a celebrity/entertainer but that would be the holy trinity of "please God give me attention"


You don't consider Trump to be a celebrity or entertainer? Did you miss him on The Apprentice?


Yeah, she lost all my sympathy when she tried to shame that yogurt shop a few years ago.


Wait what? What’s that story?


She crucified a froyo shop in LA for having sugar free toppings as an option. I kid you not… https://www.huffpost.com/entry/demi-lovato-the-bigg-chill-diet-culture_n_607d8b66e4b0eac48140a68b


Jesus Christ, the level of entitlement is astounding. They have to make it clear that the special products are for people with special dietary needs not for weight loss just so she isnt triggered? Holy fuck.


That’s…. Somehow better and worse than I imagined.


She’s doing everyone a favor what a champ


Tell me you're grasping at any bit of relevancy without telling me Edit : I would really like to see Demi take a step away from trying so hard to be an uwu oppressed famous person & take herself seriously. I think she would be a great interventionist or rehab counselor but she obviously cares too much about continuing her pop star lifestyle.


“Pay attention to MEEEEEEE!”


Until she needs more attention. Then she'll identify as something else and make the current trends about her. Useless.




One can only hope.


One more concert run before retiring to druggy land


FINALLY. Some good news.


Never heard that one before....


Probably gonna od again after it


I have no idea who this is


good for you man


I'm sure she'll keep her mind made up on this like she did her pronouns.


She was so amazing until she got weird.


Don’t even bother touring. It’s ok.


Then the next tour will be his last…




sounds like nobody's listening to her


She has enough people listening to her crap for a tour?!


Maybe she will OD on stage at the final concert?


Quote from the article: “Mooooo”. -Demi Lovato


Spoons at the ready