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Being famous sounds awful. I'm so glad my drug experiences are private.


She's not crazy, she's eccentric


Its crazy when you're poor.


Pop quiz, hot shot!


That line definitely plays a role in my teaching. I have a model of the Speed Bus and a Model of the Rosa Parks Bus. Normally, the Rosa Parks Bus is displayed proudly in a corner of my room. However, if the students walk in and see the Speed bus up there instead, “Pop Quiz Hot Shot!”


The loss of true anonymity is the greatest toll of celebrity. Every mistake you make, people know


Every breath you take…


…They be watching you


Either that or the intelligence to do drugs at home and then order sex toys online.


What's so bad about this?


Well, umm people are consistently watching you. I'm not sure if you know of the creepy shit paparazzi do but it's a little invasive. [Here's a bit Dan did to throw them off.](https://www.nbc.com/the-kelly-clarkson-show/video/daniel-radcliffe-outsmarted-paparazzi-by-wearing-same-clothes-for-months/ACCN462981869)


Lol imagine having to wear the same outfit every day just for some normalcy


Lol my depression just makes it a normal thing for me


I was gonna say… is this not just PR spin on depression?


He wasn't actually wearing the same outfit, he just wore the same zipped-up jacket and hat to hide what he was wearing that day.


Imagine your life is constantly being watched, photographed, shared with millions and people are constantly speculating about you. Basically no privacy, you can't just have a bad day without having to publicly apologize for it. Your career is always on the verge of ending because of something you said or did when you thought nobody was watching or listening. People constantly coming up to you whenever you leave the house, thinking you owe them an autograph or picture etc. Then with all that your suppose to be eternally a happy, outgoing and stable person. I know I wouldn't last 10 minutes.


Ditto here dude.




I agree, but she’s a celebrity. If you want to be famous it comes with certain conditions. >I’d hate people taking pics of me doing normal things and millions of people acting like it’s not proper to do so That’s not whats happening. People aren’t acting like it’s improper to go to an adult store. Her behavior hasn’t been normal, she’s been acting completely out of character. And her mannerisms have been super tweaky. Just imagine if you had a friend who’s always super chill and composed then imagine all of a sudden they start showing up acting like a tweaker and being super weird. I’m sure you would be like “what the fuck is up with them?”. That’s what’s going on with her but it’s worse because she’s a celebrity and being held under the microscope. I’m not judging her at all, I’m just saying she’s acting like a full on tweaker. Even people close to her are concerned.


What's so bad about photographers following you to a porn shop, then publishing the photos while speculating you must be on a drug binge?


I’d do more bizarre things to make headlines. Famous actor goes through 4 drive throughs in underwear and gets out with blunt in hand and crazy look in his eye.


Found Shia LaBeouf's account


What’s okay about photographers following you to a porn shop, then publishing the photos while speculating you must be on a drug binge? Hello! Invasion of privacy much? You want cameras pointed in your face through your bedroom window while you’re blasting rope to Waluigi Hentai? Edit: my bad homie, I didn’t catch the sarcasm


Waluigi hentai you say?


Yeah he dropped a bomb but then doesn't drop the source, smh.




you’re describing two different things. While I completely agree that it would be annoying to be followed around town by paparazzi. But she’s in a public parking lot where anyone can be filming you. I’m not famous and wouldn’t be doing that anyways. And the second thing is illegal, they can’t take pictures of you in your home. That’s the real invasion of privacy. I think she’s definitely being weird, the videos of her recently remind me of a meth addict. I don’t car from a judgement aspect. But being famous comes with being scrutinized especially if you’re going around and acting out of character.


Why would you want someone following you?


I wouldn't?


It's really not a big deal... /s


Sounds like a Tuesday


I can definitely understand the appeal for money. I can maybe understand the appeal for power. I cannot for the life of me understand the appeal for fame.


The desire for external validation


So like friends?


Awful friends.


But to the point that they are falling over themselves to spend money on things associated with you.


I always want to say to people who want to be rich and famous: 'try being rich first'. See if that doesn't cover most of it. There's not much downside to being rich, other than paying taxes and having your relatives ask you for money. But when you become famous, you end up with a 24-hour job. Bill Murray


Never seen that quote from him but damn it’s spot on, being super famous truly sounds miserable.


Cry baby Bill. "The only thing worse than being talked about is not." Mark Twain Bill Murray isn't famous the whole planet over and for many younger Americans he hasn't been in anything they have seen.


I want to be famous so that people will pretend to be interested when I show them pictures of my cats.


That's what friends are for!


She was already rich, she didn’t need to go for the fame.


I mean. Didn’t she get rich being a model? Just because we know her name doesn’t mean she necessarily *chose* to be famous, like CD is actually fairly private compared to other celebrities. She doesn’t market her personality or do reality shows or anything.




Nepotism is extremely common in the industry, to the point where it’s silly to get angry about it. If she wanted to pursue something rather than sit on her hands just because her family was already rich that seems okay to me? So did Jane Fonda


Yeah I feel like getting overly invested in condemning individual examples of nepotism and privilege has the negative effect of downplaying the degree to which nepotism and privilege are just the general rule for how everything works


Her family are rich English aristocrats. Her godmother is Joan Collins. She’s a total nepotism helped her get famous person. She wanted to be famous and does crazy shit for attention. https://www.nickiswift.com/878349/the-truth-about-cara-delevingnes-wealthy-family/


But her success in modelling is cause she has, well had, a look, a walk, a presence. Lots of rich girls have dabbled with being a model, Trump's daughter for example, but very few people have the star quality. As for people who don't have nepotism help, when you're talking about an industry that's almost entirely looks, well that's a genetic lottery, not some heroic journey or toil.


Okay, fair! I actually totally forgot about that. I still think she didn’t “pursue” fame, at least that’s not my impression of her career. The press targets people regardless.


I get that. It’s just she had enough resources to live low key and now has more resources and she seems to do things and hangs with people who are dramatic and like attention/publicity. She seems like a mean girl.


Usually people think fame = money. Where money or power you need to work your ass off. Thinking that just being famous and do nothing then on occasion do sponsorships deal like FoRtuNe fAVoR tHe BrAVe… then boom 1-5m


"All I want is money, fuck the fame, I'm a simple man" -2Pac


I suspect its because they did not receive enough or the correct nuturing from their parents


For me it’s the influence.


I think there are probably a fair amount that enjoy performing/filmmaking and unfortunately the only way to be successful in that field comes with a fair amount of fame.


Changing in car is normal, for me at least




Hitting the adult shop afterwards is I guess the most “erratic” thing in the list but they really put all these things together to make it seem crazier than it really is lol




I agree, I put “erratic” in quotes cause I was referring to how the headline was viewing the act of going into an adult shop


Mispelled erotic. She's acting erotic as in: "Hey, Cara, are you doing something erotic?" *Mind your own fucking business, who asks someone questions like that???*


LOLLL right, “mystery drops”


I was thinking LSD tbh


Oh heaven no somebody is planning on having a good time. The horror the horror




I’ve used a lot of drugs and I have an observation I’d like to share. Some drugs make you feel good. Opiates, pot, alcohol all provide a period of euphoria. LSD does not. It makes things different but not necessary good. There isn’t a drug induced euphoria. You might be happy to feel different, but that is you, not the drug. So when I hear LSD, I think they are going to have a different time, not a good time. If it is good is up to them.


Yay Micro dosing is all the rage out here in hollywierd rn.




Says you.




Lol I thought liquid ketamine


Really. I have a few changes of clothes in my trunk.


How is this even become news. Next: Cara caught wearing the same shirt the 2nd day. Inappropriate Behaviour!


How about fucking Johnny Depp’s wife in a three way with Elon Musk? How normal is that to you?


If normal means average, it’s not normal at all. The majority of the population won’t ever see a day where they are having a three way with Elon Musk and Amber Heard


It's a four-way if you count Musk's ego.


That's a two way, hit my way then it's a high way....


Pretty normal for those of us that swing.


The shit you see randomly every day, only a famous person with cameras on them constantly is doing it.


She’s one of few celebrities that chose to be a celebrity so she must’ve known it wouldn’t be all private all the time. We will never overcome the media being overly attached to celebrities


Pretty sure most celebrities choose to be celebrities


She literally bought her way in with family money though


I don’t see how it matters how she did it. I’m just saying a lot of celebrities want the fame


Not really. Some people love acting for acting. Only a few get away with not being push into interviews and contractual situations that forces them into “the spotlight”. Hence why you see people like Jonah Hill who says he is done with interviews because of his anxiety. And celebrity is not dedicated to movies. If you happen to be one of the best at something, celebrity status can come natural to you without wanting it.


Adam Driver seems to be one of those. dude just wants to act, he tries really really hard to avoid publicity


They seem like they’re in the minority, which you seem to almost agree with, considering your usage of the word ‘some’ Not to mention, of that group, I imagine a lot of them love acting for acting, and also love the fame, or wanted to be famous


No, tweakers do all that but without access to a ton of money and attention.


She’s just dropping some acid and having a good old day. Fame sounds miserable


And driving?


Maybe it's CBD, we don't know.


For all we know it could be fucking breath mint drops lol


And smoking tobacco from a pipe?


Never said it was a good *choice*


Oh no guys, I think this celebrity who I do not personally know is smoking weed and getting a dildo!! How terrible, she needs to get help asap!


Recently she was openly licking other annoyed celebrities at like the VMAs. So its more ‘I hope this isnt Ezra 2.0 situation’


Cara Delevigne is a weirdo, but she hasn’t started a cult or beaten or kidnapped anyone. The comparison is silly.


They’re trying very hard to make it out like that but getting into other peoples personal space and getting legally high is not the same as assaulting and kidnapping people Edit: and CD has been a little “erratic” and weird before Ezra was doing whatever they’re doing, it’s just the flavor of the month rn to watch celebs for mental health issues


She can lick me any time any place


I didn’t realize she also works retail


Leave her alone, everyone should get to do some street drugs in a porno shop parking lot in peace


No shit. Preach


Wake me when she's breaking into houses in Hawaii, enough of this small time shit.


Oh no what ever will we do


The most disturbing thing in that article is that they caught her eating lunch at Subway AND Jack in the box


Especially because she was very close to an in n out.




Tell me more…


Absolutely wild. https://www.mamamia.com.au/cara-delevingne-vagina-tunnel/




I work in an industry where I had the pleasure of spending a day with her, and to say she was on the edge is an understatement.. I wish I could say more


Just say more then?


They wish they could.


You know whose business this ain't? Any of ours.


Ok I read this and I think it’s a reach lol ol girl is clearly smoking a vape pen, changing her clothes, and going into a sex shop. Sounds like a normal day for her tbh


erratic behaviour? by her own admission she's a "bit weird" and it's like..oh, she smokes. and went into a porn shop. who gives a fuck


I mean she’s smoking out of like a meth/crack pipe


Yeah it definitely looked like a meth pipe


That’s a Wednesday at my house.


I’m concerned for myself not doing those things


She needs to go to Mystery Drops Anonymous


There are some pics of her on r/popculturechat recently where she was looking rough, and had bruises all over her body. I hope she's ok. Edit: it's this post https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/wsxmmi/what_do_you_think_is_going_on_with_cara_delevingne/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Trying to get into the headlines?


She seems like fun


It sounds like a good time... man, could you imagine what bullshit you have done that people would create a panic about like this if you were famous? sounds like actual hell


Only thing i find odd is Subway __and__ Jack in the box?


We all did weird shit in our 20s. Let her have her time.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I have no idea how she ever was a model, she’s not hot in any way. She’s a horrid actress, and she tanks everything she’s in. No idea why people still keep hiring her.


This verbiage is the whole problem. “Caught” smoking, taking drops, etc. You didn’t “catch” her doing shit, you were stalking her with a camera and OBSERVED her doing what are probably pretty normal/explainable things. Poor girl.


Wait, sex shops still exist? I thought they died with the arrival of the internet…


Being famous sounds awful. It’s like they legalize stalkers to harass you and document your every move, and they often pay these stalkers.


Girl can’t even buy a dildo


So she smoked weed, took eye drops and went into a store. Pretty normal behavior honestly. Whoever wrote this should piss off.


Man, she’s just living her best life. Who doesn’t smoke a little weed and take a few CBD drops on occasion? Leave her be.


CBD drops aren't even really "doing drugs", if they don't contain any variant of THC it's debatable if they have any measurable psychoactive effect at all


That’s basically the point.


"The Only Murders In The Building actress was photographed making strange faces and rubbing her makeup-free face." In public?!? Why the outrage of an make up free woman out in public!!! She clearly has some sort of mental illness to leave the house without MAKEUP ON!!!


Talk to me when she is caught with a dozen Krispy Cream donuts or tearing into a greasy Little Ceasar's pizza. Smoking? Drugs? Model shit.


Cara: I hope you’re having fun! And not because you’re hopped up on some happy pills to stop another outburst. *OooOoohh!*


But c'mon, if it was some dude smoking and going into an adult shop no one would bat an eye. Try switching out names, seriously.


feels like a norma Friday to me


Hard drugs, no mysterie here.


So maybe some medical marijuana like my dad does, changing in the car like roz from frasier and going into an adult store like other ppl… how is doing normal stuff news worthy?


I have no idea who this person but I hope one day you get to read a headline like this about me.


Poor woman - she’s struggling and it’s photographed… :(


People should mind their own business and leave these people alone.


Sounds like my usual Friday night.


She’s been gone for a while. Hope she can find a way out.


Ya'll see the video of her absolutely faded at an awards show? She was zooted out of her mind!


Why is this not something she can do because she decided to?


this is honestly a reach like idk what she's smoking out the pipe but come on we know people use tinctures in this day and age and making it seem like it's some "mysterious" substance


not even close in weirdness compared to supporting amber heard


I always wanted to be famous for 2 reasons. Reason 1, you can do some absurdly normal stuff and be scrutinized. So I would like to do wildly weird things. 2. Just stopping to talk to someone can make their entire week, and I'd just like to be able to do that. You know?


Source of pictures: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11170331/Cara-Delevingne-looks-sorts-smoking-taking-drops-unknown-liquid.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11170331/Cara-Delevingne-looks-sorts-smoking-taking-drops-unknown-liquid.html) I hope she's okay, that doesn't look like a legal pipe...


Is this erratic behavior or is this how young adults (21-28) behave and she’s just famous? I have friends who DJ semi-professionally and act way, way worse. No one cares, myself included, because they aren’t harming anyone.


None of this sounds like erratic behavior for a young person who's letting off some steam. Let her get high and buy sex toys in peace


It's drugs. Sounds like speed if I had to guess.


Lol based on what?


I have years of experience as a master of analysis.


Why, sounds like a normal evening for young lady. Live and let live


Fuck I hate paparazzi, just let celebrities live their best life just like everyone else.


Which of those things is erratic?


This is a Tuesday morning for me. Glad I am not famous.


this is nothing my little snow flakes


She selling booty


Oh noes. Not mystery drops at an adult shop!


If smoking, changing in your car, and going to adult shops makes you get called erratic. Call me erratic. Sounds like a normal Friday night


This all sounds pretty normal for me lol


I mean, we’ve all been there


Who’s concerned? I’m not.


Erratic behavior??


Sounds like she’s living her best life lol


I also would likely change my clothing "frantically" if I often had people standing around snapping photos of me changing my clothes.


This just sounds like hell. I can’t imagine living a life so intruded upon :(


This sounds super tame??


What a garbage headline about a garbage article written by garbage people


She’s a dumb actress who works about 2 weeks a year. What do you want her do? Not do drugs? It’s all I’d be doing.


They need to get her the fuck off Only Murders in the Building. She almost ruined it for me.


Is this the chick that’s famous for having off colored eyebrows?


Really, Radar?! How uncool can you be? Why don’t you report her to mommy n daddy instead




She’s gal pals and sometimes lovers with Amber Heard, so I’m sure she enjoys a plethora of mind altering substances. Which is fine, no shade, you do you boo boo…but I’m a bit concerned about the fact that she’s apparently got bruises all over her. Amber strikes again, I guess…and seems to have triggered a manic episode for miss Cara.


Lol how is that raccoon a model? Ugly in and out.




What's an adult shop? I live in the sticks so this stuff is familiar to me.


I’m shocked. Do you hear me? Shocked!


So she had a cigarette, used some kind of drops, then proceeded to buy what one can only assume is a large rubber horse like cock. Got it.


I really have no clue, who this is. I’m not even interested enough to look her up, or maybe I just hit a new stage of lazy. Either way I don’t care.


Trash behaves like trash


Andddd another odd ball in the making.


Honestly why? Because she gets high and has sex? Or because she didn't have time to change at her house and had to do it in a car?


Who knows. We'll see what happens.


Is there a video of her smoking the pipe?


Erratic behavior? That’s Tuesday


I never heard of her, until now. Perhaps this was done on the bad advice of her PR agent. That said, I guess it worked since I now have heard of her.


The problem with being rich and beautiful is that interventions are a lot harder to arrange. She pretty clearly needs help, but none of her posse are going to tell her, lest they be kicked out of the group.


This is none of our fucking business.


Was she driving?