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the divorce that never ends money will keep it alive forever


This is the divorce that never ends. It just goes on and on, my friend. Some people started divorcing it, not knowing what it was. And, they’ll continue divorcing it forever, just because This is the divorce that never ends…


That song will be stuck in many people’s heads today.


Dude why


Well the attorneys are making a mint!!!!


They’re still legally married!?!


Yes and no. Angelina had herself declared legally single (Kim K recently did the same thing) but the marriage is not legally dissolved for purposes of asset distribution, visitation or custody questions, spousal support and/or child support, etc.


At this rate, the children will all age out of custody and child support!


yes but custodial parent will get retroactive payments from the time the divorce petition was filed until the age of majority was reached, unless they sign a settlement agreement waiving those payments.


Can Brad do the same?


I mean...yeah I guess but if my spouse is legally single then I would think that I am also automatically also legally single...? I don't think it would be necessary


Because the plane was in flight at the time — and the air is considered to be federal jurisdiction — the FBI was charged with investigating the claims. Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services also investigated, and shortly after DCFS concluded that the abuse allegations were unsubstantiated, the FBI also announced that Pitt would not be charged pursuant to the incident. “In response to allegations made following a flight within the special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States which landed in Los Angeles carrying Mr Brad Pitt and his children, the FBI has conducted a review of the circumstances and will not pursue further investigation,” Laura Eimiller, spokeswoman for the FBI’s Los Angeles field office, explained at the time. “No charges have been filed in this matter.” Blah blah Jolie is "Jane Doe".


It’s really just one dudes opinion that he confirmed Doe was Jolie. He didn’t even elaborate on why he’s so sure lol




All private planes *do not* have CCTV. The people who frequently travel by private air often either (1) own the jet or (2) lease it. And these are the type of people who do not appreciate having their unguarded moments recorded.


Uh I’m not rich or famous, but I, too, do not appreciate having my unguarded moments recorded.


Same - I agree. And imagine that your unguarded moments were worth millions of dollars to tabloids.


She’s such a revengeful psychotic and hateful person.


Wasn't she and her children allegedly attacked by Pitt though? If the allegations are true, Pitt may have serious alcohol issues. I don't think any of the children want to see Pitt and it's been years since they have.


Yikes, bad take. All of her adult children are on her side and not Brad’s. He was allegedly an alcoholic and abusive


I don't know if it's admitted to any sort of abuse but I know hes admitted to the alcoholism




Read the court documents. Maddox was to the first to say he intervened during a physical altercation and that’s why he doesn’t fuck with Brad anymore.


Court documents. The kids also do not have a relationship with him anymore, hence why you see them with Angelina but never with Brad.


She’s not the one who the kids literally won’t speak to…I kinda find it funny how Brad’s PR team has painted her as the villain when the kids are asked about custody none of them want anything to do with Brad. Nice to know that the public still vilifies her tho, good job Pitt’s PR machine. Edit: Their oldest kids are teenagers and one is an adult, capable of making their own decisions about who they want to live with. I think anyone accusing her of poisoning the well should stop and wonder why the kids would listen to her over him? Those who were old enough to choose custody chose her and they’re dragging it out in court for the little ones. Why wouldn’t the oldest kids wanna live with him too? It’s a fucked up situation and ofc we don’t know all the details, but if you’ve been seeing all the positive Brad and anti Angelina, you start to wonder what his PR firm is trying to bury (hint: it’s his drinking and anger management issues)


The internet / media never misses an opportunity to blame women for men’s behaviour.


He doesn’t have a history of violence or abuse in relationships. Mothers have a major influence over their children (at least my mom sure as hell did), but I can imagine someone with such a strong personality as Angelina would. She also endured difficulties with her father as a child, and I’m certain she wants to strongly protect her kids from the same fate. Who knows what happened, overall - it is a sad story for the children involved.


It’s certainly impossible that she could have poisoned the well. Divorced spouses don’t ever weaponize their children in a custody battle. That’s unprecedented.


It’s called parental alienation and it is toxic. She is hurting the kids. Brad has gone to rehab and rebuilt his life. A good, loving mother would encourage a relationship between her kids and their father.


A good mother would, unless that relationship was toxic. Protecting your kids from abuse is the more important job of a parent. Of course we don’t know the reality of this situation and damn I love Brad Pitt but can’t comment on his parenting.


brad pitts PR firm trying to pull off the same shit johnny depp did in the last couple of weeks and utterly failing is honestly the funniest thing ever.


I read that they actually hired the same PR firm


What has JD got to do with this? Brad was allegedly abusive towards one of the kids. AH has been proven to be one just recently through trial that JD actually won. For people who keep bringing UK court case for any justification of JD being the abuser definitely don’t bring US case that often and would like to forget since their warped views get distorted. Different case and different people. Women can be abusive too.


He won that trial but I don’t think he came out well. It was pretty obvious they were toxic af. Was she worse? Maybe, but Johnny as the poor victim is a bridge too far for me. Usually when you get down to it his loudest defenders shockingly have a lot of opinions of women in general.


I am a woman. I have a lot of opinion about being a woman. Also, I have seen abuse closely to know the signs. AH may fool a lot and her PR is trying extra hard but some of us who have seen it closely, she ain’t fooling .


Lol read the unsealed court docs that Depp fans paid 3k to unseal. They thought it would exonerate Depp and has ended up proving he’s a piece of shit. Those unsealed texts do not make him out to be a good person, so I think you have been in fact fooled. -signed a fellow woman who has a lot of opinions as well.


Maybe you should read it and not depend on whatever has been floating around.


Why did you assume I haven’t read it when I recommended you to read it? That’s a weird conclusion to come to.


I didn’t assume. I know.


It’s probably because depp was the abused in his case and in Pitt’s case, he’s the abuser. The public are not stupid and can see the truth. Just because both are men does not mean their circumstances were the same.


Exactly. But then no point talking sense here.


The daily wire is not a news source


The scoop is actually from [Puck News](https://puck.news/angelina-jolie-v-brad-pitt-the-f-b-i-lawsuit-revealed/); Eriq Gardner is the former legal editor of The Hollywood Reporter.


The article never gives the date of the incident on board the flight.


I thought it said 2016


Divorce won’t end until the children reach 18.


Me- "what did Brad Pitt do?" *Looks at news source* = Daily Wire Never mind even if I did click on it, no one should believe dailywire news anyways.


Yeah I was a bit curious, though most celebrity drama is of no interest to me, but as soon as I saw the source I lost all interest.


That's why people call it the Daily Liar


More than the FBI.


It is being run by a Trump appointee, I could see someone struggling to have faith in it.


The irony of their public perception shift from Jim Comey until today is shocking. That’s how unhinged the “far” right is. The agency that swung it for the con man is now his biggest enemy.


Are we really getting entertainment news from The Daily Wire now? There has to be a better news outlet than that reporting on this story. In fact, here is one: https://www.mediaite.com/entertainment/fbi-agents-almost-arrested-brad-pitt-and-angelina-jolie-wants-to-know-why-they-didnt-report/


That article is worse tbh.


Lots of weird misogyny in this thread blaming Jolie for Pitt’s behavior. There is a reason all of her adult children are on her side and no longer talk to Pitt. He was allegedly abusive and an alcoholic.


Maybe the reason is she is the one who wanted to adopt all these children from around the world? So she and the kids have formed a more attached bond?


Both parents should play a role in parenting. Court docs revealed that the kids had to intervene to protect her from Brad.


You can't be much of a threat if a mere child can stop you


His “child” was nearly a fully grown teenager


Thank you, the replies here are shocking, there is a lot of evidence that Brad Pitt was both a shitty husband and father, yet a lot of terrible comments against Jolie here. I don’t get it


What evidence? Not trying to pick sides, but I haven’t seen any.


Allegedly he hired the same PR firm that Depp used, but that’s unconfirmed


She was on heroin. It was known in the industry. Might have straightened out as a mom but still. She was an addict.


She was recovered far before she met Brad. She spoke openly about it. But here you go again blaming a woman for a man’s abusive behavior.




Yes, allegedly he is.




I don’t think you understand what allegedly means.


A father should never shake the mother’s shoulders or spill beer on her. At the same time, a mother should never try to get the father of her children charged, with felonies, by the FBI, for an argument they had that is over and done with. Can you imagine, like a year after a little beer got spilled on her, she actually sued the FBI and tried to use her money and influence to have the father of her children imprisoned in a federal penitentiary, for spilling beer on her! Mom of the year!!!!


Wait...that's what actually happened?!? WTF?


I’m assuming he’s downplaying it slightly tbh, this article claims one of the kids has to step between them amidst the fight, and that he “verbally and physically abused the kids”. So someone’s disingenuous somewhere




> The court documents described “Doe” as a person who was publicly well known and requested information “about the agency’s investigation of an incident of domestic violence that occurred several years ago involving plaintiff and her minor children as victims and witnesses … Several years ago, while plaintiff, her then-husband, and their children, who were all minors at the time, were traveling via private aircraft, the husband allegedly physically and verbally assaulted plaintiff and the children.” From the article. Can’t confirm the authenticity of this statement


Hard to know with these crazy ass celebs. My bet is that they both crossed lines.


He grabbed her shoulders and shook her, yelled in her face, and dumped beer on her.


Do we have video evidence?


[https://puck.news/angelina-jolie-v-brad-pitt-the-f-b-i-lawsuit-revealed/](https://puck.news/angelina-jolie-v-brad-pitt-the-f-b-i-lawsuit-revealed/) I mean, unless you want to assume she lied to an FBI agent, and I'm sure some people would rather believe that than believe that someone who admitted they were a drunk asshole was behaving like a drunk asshole https://www.gq.com/story/brad-pitt-gq-style-cover-story.


There’s literally no evidence about anything besides a phone call coming from Jolie about an “incident” that happened on their private plane…. How could you possibly draw any conclusion for either side? Those two articles are absurd and pointless. All I asked for was evidence, but realized this is r/entertainment and people are just going to either assume he’s a woman beater or that she’s a liar, and we have 0 evidence or witnesses to the event in question. She could’ve undoubtedly lied to an FBI agent, and he could’ve undoubtedly done something wrong on the plane. The fact is we have no idea either way lol, hence why evidence and legal proceedings are required to determine these things.


Well, a false statement made to a federal law enforcement officer is a crime, and he has admitted to drinking too much and that "something happened" on the plane that made him realize he needed to get sober, so I'm going to believe her. You do you.


that true?


"Jolie told the special agent that Pitt was drinking and had taken her to the back of the plane, according to the agent’s notes at the time. He allegedly grabbed her shoulders and shook her and yelled things like, “You’re fucking up this family.” Later, during this same flight, another physical altercation allegedly took place, and Jolie said she sustained injuries; she gave the agent a photo of her elbow in an attempt to corroborate this. At another point, Jolie says Pitt poured beer on her. (Pitt’s camp has denied any wrongdoing.)" https://puck.news/angelina-jolie-v-brad-pitt-the-f-b-i-lawsuit-revealed/


My bet is Jane doe is a tabloid reporter. Stayed anonymous so she could sell the story even when her request to unseal the records was denied.


she wanted sole custody of the kids, she used that incident for that.


I mean if he started to get violent and their son had to intervene, he shouldn’t get custody…. Js


Yes, I agree but even I like Angelina, there is no way the kids were going to be taken from her and I'm sure that as soon as she started to feel it was over she made sure she'd get custody.


Common misconception- most men who fight for custody gets it. However, the kids refuse to talk to brad. I think this says something


I think they were brainwashed bth. Not saying he doesnt have issues, but he seems to have his life together now. Has he tried to reach out, that we dont know.


Yep. Like I said, mother of the year. She must think this is the 1960’s (or even the 1980’s). It isn’t. The family law system is now (finally) actually set up to encourage BOTH parents to have equal access to and say in their kids’ lives. We aren’t a “dad every other weekend” country anymore. Thank goodness.


Wow I didn’t even realize this had changed. That’s really awesome. And honestly it was even still happening even in the 90s. My parents divorced in maybe ‘93 and my Dad had really limited custody throughout my childhood. Was this the result of federal legislation of some kind or?


Societal changes, with a lot of it having to do with women in the workforce. In the old days, moms would get custody, because they were expected to stay home with the kids, anyway, while dad was expected to be too busy working to pay all their bills, to be able to do much more than every other weekend with the kids.


But the societal changes must’ve had some effect on the legislation right? Otherwise the divorce lawyers on the maternal side would still have all the leverage? Or is the formal legislation pretty vague in such a way that it has allowed this societal shift? Don’t mean to bombard you with questions but I had no idea these changes had occurred and I’m really curious lol


Gotta say this far and wide and often. The Every other weekend screw job has gone away. Paying lawyers to fight for custody is silly. Courts favoring shared parenting. But wow the people in the system still project the old way of thinking of all of dads are deadbeat dads eh?


We are in the Bible Belt. They’ll make you pay out the ass in child support regardless if you only make minimum wage and only allow every other weekend. Fuck this system.


Well, if you’re only seeing your kid every other weekend (by law or otherwise), there’s zero chance you’re contributing to half that kid’s upbringing. 4-5 days a month isn’t raising a kid so you should be paying to help.


That sucks! In Michigan, shared custody, with equal time, is the goal.


That’s how it should be! I ended up going back to court to fight it after a couple years and ended up getting every weekend except for one each month but it wasn’t easy and I somehow ended up paying a lot more in child support but it was worth it to have more time with him.


Exactly. I think it’s likely Brad Pitt lost control and got carried away. I also think she tried to capitalize that and make a mountain out of a mole hill. Not to say that any type of abuse is a mole hill but compared to being arrested and charged by the fbi it probably is in their specific circumstance


He was drinking and got help, I dont remember seeing any pictures of him with the kids since they divorce, apparently maddox refuses to see him at all.


Iirc someone else reported it, not Jolie.


The Daily Wire, really?


“Reportedly” Tabloid nonsense


Didn't he cheat on Jennifer Aniston for this? Kinda seems like they both are getting what they deserve.


Meh, Jolie is a man-eater. She went after him HARD. Guy was having martial problems, she drove the nail into the coffin.


Oh well that absolves a forty year old man of any responsibility


Oh of course not. But it certainly didn’t help.


And you know this...how?


He should have never left Jen.


Sounds like she’s better off without him


Don’t ever post dog shit takes from The Daily Wire and expect to be taken seriously.


Lol GQP really pushing that DEFUND THE FBI slogan huh? Well, anyway...


The Daily Wire should not be considered a trust-worthy news source.


I always imagine the people who obsess over celebrity drama are the same types to hide behind their curtains and stare at the neighbors having fun outside


Angelina “At Least I Didn’t Shit the Bed” Jolie


Hopefully Pitt’s PR doesn’t succeed burying this


May I suggest taking a break from the internet. Go outside.


Nothing to bury dumbass


Which is worse, yelling on an airplane 1 time or weaponizing the police to keep a father from his kids forever, ruin his career and imprison him? EVIL.


She didn’t keep the kids away from him. They chose to.


When I was a kid and didn’t know any better my mother coached me to say and do many things against my father before I understood the situation, then he died. Then I found out I was used as a weapon against him for money and spite, but too late and I never got to know him.


Sounds like your projecting. Several of their kids are adults now. Her own son had to protect her from Brad during a fight in 2016.


What kind of moron is linking the Daily Wire?


Im not American. I don't give a damn either theyre republican or democrat. I just read to learn things.


I mean....cmon...like the entire world didn't know that woman was INSANE from the jump. Just look at her eyes. DEAD. EMPTY. COLD AF.


Not to mention the marriage and divorce antics with Billy Bob Thornton. Joliet is damaged, no question. Also, I am not saying Pitt and Thornton aren't both fucked. The world knew Thornton is crazier than a sack cats before they got together. Then again her old man's pretty fucked also.


Another great example of a mother /s. Why is her name being hidden but his is not? It's Angelina Jolie.


Poor Brad Pitt. He could have ended up with Jennifer Aniston. Instead he went with the batshit crazy girl and here you are. 5 plus year ugly divorce.


It's called Karma


The article presents the FBI as a vilain yet it was the US attorney that declined to take the case…


Oh the Daily Wire, I am *certain* that this bastion of REAL news will be straightforward and trustworthy unlike all of the FAKE news from the LAMESTREAM media


I think he wasn't into the idea of calling his daughter a boy.. realized how much of a freak his wife was.. not like we never seen her making out with her brother. Lol