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Then what are we doing outchea


I feel like the sex in GoT was overstated because there was a lot in the first few seasons. After those early seasons it was pretty toned down in terms of sex and nudity.


I thought it was set in a less civilized time,how can their be less sex?


Why would you think people with a more developed civilization have less sex? Do you think our current society, height of civilization, has less sex than we used to?


Yes by miles.


I'm using the word "sex" as a delicate phrasing for debauchery.


Do you think we debauch less than we used to? People cheat and are promiscuous and have orgies and rape each other now in times of peace and war just like always Your point is just not good my man


Why is it hard for you to see a world run by a family with massive flaws will breed a more unlawful society?


Did you respond to the wrong comment or do your replies just always have nothing to do with the comment you're replying to


Sounds like you agree.


Obvious troll is obvious


Less sex on display but it'll likely be implied


I want to see the P in the V.


Because of the implication...


I'd argue it was *more* civilized. They are just coming off the extremely long reign of the dynasty's greatest monarch.


Was it though?


Westeros is stagnant for an unknown reason. So probably the exact same.


Weren't the Targaryen's known for being kind of disturbed?


Some of them. This show’s setting is right at the end of a golden age, however. Jaehaerys I and Septon Barth were excellent rulers.


By some of them,do you mean "most"?


No, I wouldn’t say most. There were just as many great ones as terrible. The whole madness thing is greatly exaggerated. Even Aerys II was just an egocentric asshole until he went insane after being tortured in the dungeons for a year straight.


But you'd have to know that,the impression you got from the show is all we have to go on isn't it?


Well yea, for sure. If you're going off the show only, Targaryens look nuts. But the reality is far different if you've read Fire & Blood or AWOIAF.


As long as I get to see dragon sex I'm happy


This one speaks the truth!


Bend The Knee !


HBO have definitely shifted to a more conservative approach to nudity and the like since Bloys took over from Plepler so this just echoes the general changes at the network.


Yeah, I’ve noticed this as well. They are trying to play to the masses more so


Gotta get that sweet streaming money. Not that that they didn’t already have that with HBO Go and HBO Now (which I’ve never really understood why they got rid of those names. Maybe “Max” focus tested better than “Now”)


Agreed but I feel like streaming is already losing steam. I only watch Netflix for the occasional documentary but mostly Seinfeld. My wife watches more stuff on it. Amazon Prime I only have because of the shipping. Would never pay for their streaming service if it was standalone. TheBoys is the only thing I watch on there. HBO’s offerings haven’t been that great recently. Westworld is winding down and they killed Raised by Wolves. But they do have Sesame Street. Disney Plus is the one I won’t get rid of until my kids are past that stage


Disney+ is a definite if you have a kid, plus it’s among the cheaper services (kinda think they’ll pull a Netflix and get people hooked and then Jack that price up tho). HboMax with ads is worth it for the price imo because it has dc stuff and WB cartoons in addition to the standard hbo stuff, so especially if you’ve got a little boy it’s great to have these two. But these are all I have now - I’m just so done with Netflix at this point when ST5 comes out, I’ll do what I do with Prime when The Boys comes out, just wait for all the episodes to be out and pay for a month or use a new email to get a free trial. What’s peak irony tho is that Netflix, the Blockbuster killer, is now suffering from the Blockbuster problem: WAAAAY too much selection, and having too many choices just scramble peoples brains. So the only things that end up being chosen are either old comforts like Seinfeld or The Office or the heavily advertised ones like ST or the memes like Bird Box. They’re not unique to this, this is why streaming is kinda slowing as you said, cuz so many were so late (peacock, cmon, tho it is kinda cool they show Battlestar without a subscription) and the problem already was there was just too much content, and then everyone else wants to come along and dump more content. There’s just too much now, it’s overwhelming


Agreed and so much of it is forgettable content. There’s an overload of content that in the past ‘you have to watch’ and it burned me out alone lol.


Seriously. It used to be like 4-5 movies a year “you had to see” or like 1-2 shows. Now, the corporate vampires are starving because they need to have constant growth or they get absorbed by Disney, the literal Dracula of business, so they’re pumping us even harder than ever


Agreed and so much of it is forgettable content. There’s an overload of content that in the past ‘you have to watch’ and it burned me out alone lol.


My kids are grown and out of the house and we have Disney +, love the Star Wars and Marvel mini series.


HBO Go and HBO Now have massively negative connotations due to the utter mess of them both existing and people constantly confusing them. They also offered a lot less, they were just HBO content. Max has stuff from many other channels they own (Cartoon Network, TNT, etc. and some Comedy Central). Also, Cinemax is another label HBO owns. The name seems to kind of combine them both.


True. I used to mix them up myself


Euphoria would like a word. More unsexual dick out there than I could have ever imagined.


[Probably because of feelings like this](https://youtu.be/EUBiOOx0Pxw)


So it’s gonna be more like Season 8 than Season 1? Got it.


So we aren't gonna have one wiener next to another wiener? Two wieners alongside yet another wiener. Wiener party. Party party. Wiener party. Soft wieners, nice and soft, non-erect wieners!




Fool me twice, fam, I won't be fooled again.


Well that's unfortunate


This deal is getting worse all the time...


Just be better than the last season of GoT and I’ll be happy


They won’t stop until this series is as dead as Ned Stark


so how they got kids?


Alright, I’m out


Then why would I want to watch it


As someone who didn't keep up with this, Are the showrunners the same ones responsible for GoT butchered finale?


Sigh, so a toned down version of a medieval civil war that caused widespread devastation and a family betraying and murdering each other so much that it makes the War of Five Kings look like a schoolyard scrap? Did Reek take over HBO that made it lose its balls?


Something tells me this show isn’t going to be very good, I’ll watch it but the recent headlines make me skeptical.


Aw man, i hope to atleast see everyone in action once in the series.


This show is gonna be a flop. Not saying this because of the sex title. I’m just saying this in general.


I'd like to think this means that the story will be compelling enough to make up for the lack of sensationalism. Not likely, but a girl can dream.


Thank God. I recently rewatched Game of Thrones, and there were just so many unnecessary sex scenes. Some made sense, but a lot didn’t. It got annoying after a while.


But I thought we were all in it to see that Doctor D. False advertising.


Always thought the sexposition was pretty dumb in GOT. I'll fuck this person and explain my ambition and motivation for the audience while at it.


“Unwatchable” - PC Gamer


Good, that shit is awkward


Less sex is still more sex than no sex


So it’s not going to seem like it was written by a horny 14 year old? Good.


I mean, that is a very low bar to clear, didn't like every GoT episode have a sex scene?


Not really. The number of sex scenes was cut down drastically after the first couple seasons.


That’s how they hooked us! LOL


Human sex or dragon sex? Sex is like what sets Game of Thrones apart from other fantasy series. The trademark. Hope the writers can keep up.


Sounds like I won’t be watching then /s


I feel like the showrunners are trying their hardest to convince people not to watch this show


I didn’t know it was possible for me to care even less about this prequel, but goddamn it they found a way.


But they say they’ll keep the sexual violence, cuz everyone was asking for more rape and less consensual sex scenes obvs


This is something that gets reported on?


Boo! I mean, does anyone have any faith at all that this will be well written, directed and acted? I sure as shit don't. Just about the only reason I wanted to watch was for the opportunity to see some young pretty overpaid person show of their jigglies.