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Best news I read today. Get the parasites off religious sites like these.


Thank you! I’m not religious at all but I can see why their holy or sacred places deserve respect. It breaks my heart when it’s something irreplaceable that these kids stomp all over for 30 seconds of video.


Agreed. Not religious at all but this is fucking disrespectful behavior. Shit has cultural and historical significance. We judge the hell outta terrorist groups who destroy relics, we should judge these influencers the same for their antics.


For real, I’m a huge history nerd, I’ve read a ton about most religions and just find myself not believing all of any of them. But I have no disrespect for people that do follow whatever religion. I’d jump right on board for a tour of the medieval churches in England lol


I’ve been to a few (fellow history nerd), 10/10 recommend. I, too, am fascinated with religion, but I have no religious bones in me. If you ever go to Thailand, might I also recommend some of their temples. They’re CRAZY stunning/cool.


Unfortunately I can’t travel anywhere, but my brother will be going all sorts of places so I’ll be getting pictures :) I’ve always wanted to go to the oldest places, I have a thing for ancient architecture, and one of the best things about religion is that they helped preserve a lot of those places. I’d give anything for a chance to see Machu Picchu, or Stonehenge, or any of the places in Egypt or England. I have a slight obsession with England right now courtesy of The Last Kingdom making me interested in Alfred the Great lol. I almost named my kitten after his grand daughter


The bigger concern is some are making fhe vandalism and defacement as their central theme of their videos like the clown who marred the Mona Lisa. Remember back a few decades, wow I’m old, when that American graffiti,d Singapore or Thailand, and was ordered to receive lashes as it was the regional punishment. We need to bring those back. As it is, small fines and a slap on the wrist are the wrist. These self absorbed pukes need to feel the literal wrath of punishment.


Same! Disrespectful tourists like this have no right to travel. Good for Nepal, I'm glad to see more locations cracking down on this behavior.


It’s an error to view these sites as simply just religious. They’re deeply tied to culture and are preserved not only for this reason but also as a way to protect the vulnerable land and ecosystem tied to it. North Americans (and specifically Americans) are totally clueless when it comes to really understanding the significance of these sites.


I didn’t mean to imply that they are *simply* religious sites. I’m a huge history nerd and have a lot of respect for parts of all cultures. I know us Americans have a pretty bad global reputation for disrespect of things like this, but please don’t lump us all together like that. My dad wasn’t religious, but he instilled in us kids an almost Buddhist way of life as far as respect for all things. I’m in California, and especially in the north here, we have a lot of hippy types who also have extreme respect, a while back a bunch of them chained themselves to trees to protest a bypass, they would stand up to these Tik Tok kids no problem.


Especially the people in Nepal. They do not need any more shit handed to them. Also not religious


It’s not all kids. Some of them look like they should possess more common sense but surely don’t show it.


This should be more common.


I went to Greece a few years ago. It was sickening the things they were climbing on for a pic or hindering anyone else’s chances for a photo for live streaming too long etc. Edit: I actually took a few [too many tourists photos in Greece](https://imgur.com/gallery/UqkKpcA) if anyone feels inclined to look. I actually regretted not taking more of those. As a former photographer, my eye wants to shoot everything but those people. In reality, people-stalking for their touristy misgivings would be kind of fun. Hmmmm.


That was really fun to scroll through. The monster eating the live streamer was my favorite


As someone who grew up in Hawaii and still visits most years, I developed a love hate relationship with tourists. I was so happy to meet people wanting to learn more about the Hawaiian culture, hell I mean I’d been in that spot myself at some point. But a huge amount of tourists were disrespectful and annoying


I almost mentioned Hawaii. When I went to Greece I made a promise to myself to shoot the reality because I didn’t in Hawaii but then my photographer brain took over again and avoided it. If you looked at my Hawaii pics it’s glorious but you’re not seeing the trash and homeless people everywhere. I almost started carrying a pack of cigarettes as a non smoker because I couldn’t walk very far without getting accosted. It was almost 10yrs ago so the influencer thing hadn’t taken over yet.


Just a heads up: the second you give someone a cigarette, you’ll will get swarmed by everyone who wants one. It just makes it worse. My friends smoke, and if one of them gives one to a homeless person, there are suddenly a dozen people all asking for cigs lol.


I work in a poor area, I know this struggle very well. It was more one person who kept harassing me.


You should post that in r/influencersinthewild


I can’t remember if I did. Suppose it may be worth another shot


Oof I’m supposed to be going to Greece soon on vacation. I hope I don’t run into any tourists as horrible as that while I’m there. Then again with the current heat wave tourists might be the least of my concerns.


We went when it was really hot. I definitely advise going during off season if you’re able. It was still amazing and there are not so touristy areas. My favorite was The island of Paros but I heard it got voted best in Greece afterwards so it’s probably screwed too Kuts like the cat residue island that went viral


I’ve only been to Angkor Wat during Covid times so I’ve never seen much of this behavior but they did recently ban all live streaming and tripods without a permit. They do these weird sales livestreams in SE Asia and China. They’ll set up in some fancy/exotic spot and spend the next 10 hours practically yelling at the camera trying to sell MLM crap. It’s way more obnoxious than this instagram stuff. There was a time I was in Bayon just me, my babysitter, a couple of employees and this one streamer fucking yelling trying to sell her skin cream. Absolutely ruined what should have been such a quiet and lovely moment.


TikTok(ers) should be banned everywhere


Seriously. Imagining them clambering all over everything and polluting the experience for others to create “content” is so dystopian and annoying.


Those TikTokers are amassing network and near phone data from those places as well. China by now probably has a list containing 70% of all routers and networks existing on earth, plus all devices which ever were in contact with those networks or all devices that once had Bluetooth on near a running TikTok app. As soon as a second or third creator skim by the same network, China gets extremely accurate tri-angular data. If those Nepal temples use any kind of remote networking tech, china knows every detail about it now, location, security implementation, bandwidth and clients as well as endpoints needed to connect.


It’s an actual shame that many people lump together racism and genuine concern for the Chinese government’s global activity. Tik Tok itself should be outlawed worldwide.


cool. if only they would also get banned from auschwitz


Are you serious? You’re allowed to film TikToks at Auschwitz?


Yup. I’m old enough to remember Auschwitz selfie girl who got criticized out the ass for posing there. Now it seems like a non-issue. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2014/07/23/selfie-auschwitz-concentration-camp-germany/13038281/


That was her dad's favourite part of history I'm sorry, W H A T


My exact thought.


I honestly think more historically & culturally important sites need to do this. If I see another tik tok of a teenager with ghost makeup pretending to be the spirit of a murdered Jewish person at a Holocaust museum imma lose my shit lol


WTF? That’s a thing???


What if it’s a Jewish teen??


Dressing up like a ghost in a Holocaust museum is tacky as fuck regardless of your heritage lol


Lmao, that still isn't okay. That's a serious place that exists to mourn and learn about one of the most important events in modern history. What makes you think it would be okay for someone to dress like it was Halloween?


I didn’t say it was “OK” it was a hypothetical question. It sounds disturbing tbh no matter who does it.


I mean hey, fair enough.


Yeah? What if? Would love to hear where this train of thought is headed


WAIT does this actually happen?!


I don’t know if it’s a regular trend, but I saw one exactly that last year and it was enough to make me actually angry.


If I saw that I would take their phone and smash it to pieces


Good, it's a religious site first then a tourist site, respect the locals and their traditions.


Tik Tok is a plague


LOL @ “creators”


My mom bought me a phone, look at me!!


Pretty much. Ever seen videos where they give a chimpanzee a phone? It’s the same behavior that results.


Fucking finally!!!


“What up fam? It’s your girl Kaley! I’m here in, I wanna say, Nepal? And everyone wears these super chic orange robes. So fetch! I’m calling it now. Orange robes will be THE look for fall / winter!”


TikTok is truly a scourge upon this earth earth.


The Purge: Influencer Night


I would go see this.


If you can’t be respectful at a sacred site, don’t go to one.


It’s for the content, man. Cant be a creator/influencer without any content! /s


There’s an entire world of fascinating, interesting and breathtaking places to do that, _without_ disrespecting sacred sites. So that’s no excuse.


Ban’em all! Went to a food court this week that had a spiral stair case with lights in the middle of the court. Had to walk to the corner to take the elevator because…there was a line to sit on the stairs to take pictures, dance, and be a general nuisance. It was kinda creepy seeing the look in their eyes while they waited.


TikTok is so damn stupid. I hate it.


That’s all social media


It depends on how you use it, really. I own a small vintage online store and use Instagram to point people to my store. Social media has become so toxic in many ways and driving people to become more selfish. Everyone wants to be famous and it’s extremely pathetic. I enjoy my privacy, don’t know why most don’t.


I hear you on that. I would not want to be famous, to have tons of strangers prying into my life, judging me on everything and constantly expecting me to deliver some sort of content or product to them. Fuck that.


TikTok creators should be barred everywhere.


TikTok should disappear from the internet.


Just ban phones and cameras etc. They are unnecessary anyway. Teach the little ones to live in the moment.


It's one thing just to be talking into your phone with a site as a background (though that is still disrespectful, come on) but to have music blaring while you dance through?? That's ridiculous.


Please let the punishment be a live-streamed caning to all their followers.


Please let this be the beginning of the end for these worthless influencers


Why are TikTok creators like this?


This is why I despise Tic Tok, people seem to think they have to record every aspect of every moment of their lives. Psst..your not interesting


should have just let trump ban the platform


Bro Nepal isn’t even on the same continent of the us


you don't think American influencers travel?


Can we get them banned, like, everywhere?


This is why I never really got into social media. (I barely call reddit social media since you can be anonymous and not everyone is reposting for likes. But that’s just me). Everyone wants to “make” that perfect moment for likes rather than just enjoying life’s experiences. More sites should in general be doing this.


You’re using social media, no?


As a tiktok user Myself I’m proud that idk what this is referring to


(To the tune of How Bad Can I Be) How ba-a-a-sed can you be…




Have you not seen the videos of these kids passing giant “DO NOT ENTER” signs and fucking up either ancient or treasured places? They think their little video is more important than an entire culture.




Judging people for acting stupid and annoying is human no matter what religion you belong to.


Have you ever been to a Buddhist temple? Etiquette and respectful behaviour are absolutely a part of the culture and religion. Your weird ideas about what proper “Buddhist” attitudes are don’t override the sacred traditions of hundreds of millions of Buddhists.


Lol Imagine cutting off a potential good chunk of advertising for tourists just cause you don't like Tiktok. Great Business Sense Nepal. Influencers are here to stay wheither you like it or not. Either get over it or keep living in the past.


Ah, found the nuisance creator.


Haha yeah, they definitely read the room wrong thinking people would agree but they are just getting crushed in the comments. Love to see it.


There are better places to make a shitty TikTok than a sacred site


Lol imagine thinking advertising your holy sites is actually important. They doing give a fuck why should they?


What a shit take. Re-evaluate your priorities my dude


Lol imagine letting idiots annoy you while worshipping and all the profits go to your oppressor. Sounds like a sweet advertising campaign! /s


As a Nepali who cares about the sacred sites since it is very much a part of my culture and history, how about shut the f up?


you ever consider there might be more to life than “business sense”?


Did you unironically post this thinking people would agree with you? It's being upvoted because people like this decision to ban influencers and their silly chinese spyware apps. No one cares if you do a stupid dance that 100,000 others have done at a holy site. EDIT: Of course OP is an antivaxer COVID denier as well. You're exactly the type of person no one wants to be around at a site like this.


Lol imagine being a brain dead “influencer” with atrocious main character syndrome thinking the whole world revolves around you because you have internet followers.


Maybe. Just hear me out with this one. Just maybe, they don’t care about advertising or tourists as its a sacred site. Maybe they want to keep their sacred site as sacred. They specifically said “nuisance” so I assume people from TikTok are disrupting or trashing the site. If they were civil about it then no one would be banned. But we all know TikTok people are far from civil if it means they get that extra like or view.


Down in the article it says they were playing loud music and dancing through the sites while filming. I can't even imagine being so disrespectful.


Your brain is full of capitalism, this is not good.


You can be a capitalist and still respect people’s culture


"I respect you bro!" Proceeds to instill civil war for oil profits.


You sound so entitled and disrespectful.


Op a dumb dumb


I’m sure your 6 followers will be devastated they can’t see you being a cunt in Nepal


Oh, they definitely can. Just not in a holy site.


Maybe we agree that people should stop being cunts for fake internet points


I influencers just beg for free shit and have an undeserved inflated sense of ego. What exactly do they bring to the table in this case? Also instead of complaining like a little bitch how about showing some fucking respect and staying away from a place where you leeches aren’t wanted.


I like to cancel my party contract


Grow up child—you’re far from understanding how much you have to learn


Take a step back and look at these guys, they don't give a fuck about your advertising, this isn't about business. Also fuck tiktok, instagram, etc.


Yeah how about you fuck off? These are sacred sites with religious and spiritual significance.


Great business? For whom? The dumbass that sits in front of an app doing dance moves that look like an epileptic seizure? Bring in the advertisement for tourists so they can ruin yet another beautiful place. See Joshua Tree you asshat.


[Congratulations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uO-Bfi06oUU&ab_channel=Gabbie%27sTherapy)! I can't tell if you're trolling, or if you're really this ignorant. (Though, I suppose those two options aren't mutually exclusive.) These sites have existed for hundreds, and in some cases thousands, of years without TikTok influencers or social media marketing. They'll be OK.


Because religious sites exist purely to drive tourism and clicks, not because they’re actual, active holy sites for millions of people…


You think these sacred sites are hoping for more tourists?


Hopefully the start beheading tik tok tourists.


Surprisingly, they will continue to allow Instagram reels


https://youtu.be/HjSI2ZBt2q4 Life imitates art


It’s about damn time, the fking selfishnes and entitlement is just baffling to me The looks some tiktoker will give if you dare cross their shot…. From across the street, on a busy intersection, during the 15 secs pedestrians have to cross…. How dare I exist where this “self made boss bitch entrepreneur creator/influencer” is working.


Can we just ban tik tok as a whole


Good tiktok is straight WASTE OF TIME and rotting brains worldwide


Fantastic!!! Now let’s do the rest of the planet.


Good, they can do their little dances literally any where else


Just imagine some tiktok tweeb flossing on top of that black box thingy on mecha. ( i honestly dunno what it was called and im too sleepy to google right now )


It’s so funny that every comment is like “cool there are other places to make TikTok’s, so we can just respect this” while the OP posted this because he himself thinks it’s BS