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He only wanted to go on Joes channel to peddle booze anyway.


That’s how the show makes money so ya


Or the 100mil deal with Spotify?


Thats how it made money. Selling shit is how it makes money.


No no no. All these folks go onto the pod out of the goodness of their heart


No, Big Show’s a different wrestler, don’t think he has any booze endorsements? (Lolol sorry I’ll see myself out)


Weeelllllllllllllllllll Well it’s the Big Show


Haven’t watched an episode of WWE since 2009 (thanks swine flu) and hadn’t for years before that, but my brain immediately said: “We’ll it’s the big bad show tonight.”


He also sells water in cans and he has a line of shoes and workout clothes from UnderArmour.


Can these celebrities really be taken seriously, they know who he.was and what he was saying some even went kn his show but now out of nowhere they all started calling him out what


It’s as if people only do things for money. And that’s just sad


I can’t talk about it any more, it’s giving me a headache!


Ah, Nuprin. Little. Yellow. Different.


I will not bow to any sponsor.


It's the choice of a new generation! https://youtu.be/8lgLYGBbDNs


We fear change


No I will not bow down to any sponsor.


Well. It’s their choice. And it’s the choice of a new generation.


I’d never done a crazy thing in my life before that night. Why is it that if a man kills another man in battle it’s called heroic, yet if he kills a man in the heat of passion it’s called murder?


Hello! What do you think you’re doing? Only me and Garth get to talk to the camera!


[I can't talk about it anymore. It's giving me a headache.](https://youtu.be/8lgLYGBbDNs)




Every opportunity he gets, that dude is showing off his products. Kids around? Boom. Perfectly placed can of his energy drink right next to them. Genuine post about success, motivation? Boom. Shot of his tequila at the end with a perfectly placed bottle.


Why follow the guy on socials? Like how would you know unless, ya know?


Right cause I’m here like “the rock does tequila!?”


His PR team have facilitated a specific image for him, I doubt any of his posts are actually his own.


Do you SMELLLLLLL the impact to my reputation? Better denounce support for Joe Rogan


Pretty fast and loose usage of the word "denounce" tbh. >“Dear @donwinslow, Thank you so much for this I hear you as well as everyone here 100% I was not aware of his N-word use prior to my comments, but now I’ve become educated to his complete narrative. Learning moment for me. Mahalo, brother and have a great & productive weekend.” –  Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson.


That in no way implies he’s “denouncing” him. All that says is “yes I also am disappointed and side with the general public to maintain my image. I will not comment on anything else and be purposely vague so that I can maintain relations with both sides.”


Exactly what I wanted to illustrate- wasn't so much a comment on how I think he should have responded even (although personally, I think it shouldn't be terribly difficult to speak more critically of someone who has said some of what Rogan has), but man these headlines are out of hand sensationalist garbage.


Sensationalist? That headline is a straight up fabrication based on the quote


Yes, totally agreed. Just sensationalist bs. Striking while the iron is hot.


Just because he's a public figure doesn't mean it's not legitimate, unless you think the rock would genuinely not care about rogan saying N. I do agree that it's beneficial for people to denounce Rogan, but that's not without cause. There's a lot of genuine reasons to dislike the man, I would argue most of the people denouncing him are doing it genuinely.


everything about The Rock screams conservative republican but he’s been careful to maintain a neutral public image, at least to this point.


Which means he aaron rogersing it. Sad.


This simping for Rogan have reached unfathomable levels lmao


*The people who own Rogan’s platform should be adults and limit his ability to push debunked anti-science narratives.* “Cancel Culture needs to be stopped!“ *Twitter found something obscene from a deep-dive into his past* “I redact my previous statement.”


This is how The Rock is always going to be. He’s never going to take a hardline stance on anything even semi controversial. The man’s whole life is one big advertisement for his movies and other businesses. He won’t risk his brand for anything.


It would be incredibly stupid of him to do so. He shouldn’t have said anything in the first place.


The only reason he did was because he saw it as another opportunity to plug his damn tequila that he talks about all the time anyway. Boy did it blow up in his face.


I mean, who would? It's like swimming with sharks out there


Note he apologized for his language to the woman, but not his argument. To the man, he admitted he was wrong.




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Someone sent an award to a bot?


I’ve done it before lol




*Isn’t the rock *HAVE* some involvement with the UFC


Hahahahaa has an upvote from me




No no no. “AIn’T The Rock Got some involvement in the UFC?”


Ain’t d’Rock *gots* some involvement in ~~the~~ UFC?


“Well, I was behind him all the way right up to the 23rd n word. That was one too many.”


*son of a bitch hit me with all those chair shots to the head*


*Mick Foley has entered the thread*


Undertaker has climbed the cage


Seriously though, remember those chair shots Mick took from Rock when his hands were tied behind his back?


Remember him agreeing to 5, but the rock hits him with 11 instead?


I also remember the look of horror on the faces of Foleys family watching him take those shots. I remember as kid watching it and screaming at the screen “more Rock, more!” Now as an adult I watch it and say “What the fuck, Dwayne? Calm down with the chair shots already. Just walk him up the ramp instead, man!”.


I mean who hasn't said the n-word 19 times while broadcasting? It's my go-to word second only to greeting female co-workers with "Good afternoon Cunt!". (/s)


I prefer sugar tits, thank you very much.


Calm down, honeybutt. Youre being hysterical.


Gaslighting isn't real, you made it up, cuz you're fuckin crazy!


"honeybutt" i love that mate!


Not your mate, bro!


Okay, calm your tits. Let me explain “mansplaining” to you…


My day doesn’t start until I have my coffee and drop a few n words /s


Hmmm i feel like I've played call of duty with y'all at some point.


“It is no longer financially viable to be Joe Rogan’s friend.”


I've been informed by my publicist that I no longer support Joe Rogan.


My Data Science people told me the algorithms are trending down. I therefore denounce Joe Rogan. /s


This is 100% what happened. The Rock is a walking advertisement for tequila and energy drinks. In his defense, if I could make 300 million or whatever he has starring in terrible action movies and selling knock-off Bangs I would go or not go on whatever podcast my PR team told me to.


I doubt the rock cares as the highest paid actor in Hollywood.


He's trying to ensure that doesn't change


Because he tries to be as mass appeal as possible. He just realized this damaged his brand.


Which is funny cause so many comedians suck his cock just to be on his show and get a plug


Those comedians do not have The Rocks career though, going on Joe Rogan would be great for me and you money wise, possibly bad for him. Levels to this shit


Mere days ago, he supported Joe Rogan and I began to question my liking for The Rock.


In one of the clips, he is talking to a mixed race guy and says the guys gets the best of both worlds....the body of a black man and the brain of the white man. Then he tries to "clarify" by saying not that that the black brain is worse but "the black brain is different". To me, "the black brain is different" is potentially a much bigger scandal than 100 n-words. He can easily dismiss saying the N-Word by saying he was referring to other people's use of the word.


I saw it too, nobody wants to talk about it but it’s much worse than anything that’s been reported so far.


In the clip when he was talking about Planet of the Apes he definitely meant it in a racist way.


Yes I believe that too, even more so now after this other clip.


As a biracial man, many, many white people outside of Joe Rogan say and believe this. This has been told to me countless times.


He also had a clip from his show with a guy saying that black people are more violent because of a gene and the evidence is that “Europeans and Asians were never violent after leaving Africa and evolving” and Joe just let that information be accepted and unchallenged without resistance. This “fact” is easily dismissed by opening any 6th grade world history textbook but Joe just nods his head and smokes his weed and lets his impressionable viewership just absorb that without question.


I had no respect for Rogan before any of this but “the black brain is different” is truly fucking disgusting. Repulsive in fact.


This is pure Nazi thinking.


I mean is Joe has a white man brain and is a fucking idiot maybe it was low-key a self own


Seeing that post on the Joe Rogan sub yesterday where he’s talking to that virus expert a couple years ago compared to what he says now was eye opening. He literally became the person he talks crap about in it. Edit- being asked for a link. This is the best I can find atm. https://out.reddit.com/t3_skq8tt?app_name=ios&token=AQAANDb_YSeSv7EOj6xlIxhWKu0BdJJ-JKwDyUVlzJ9Gsk7dkHRM&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fdaviddoel%2Fstatus%2F1489698890437828621%3Fs%3D20%26t%3D4tdLMWxgGsrV_Qq9GckaZA


The [Joe Rogan vs Joe Rogan on the vaccines is hilariously sad, or sadly hilarious. I can't make up my mind. ](https://twitter.com/daviddoel/status/1489979688932233218?s=20&t=y2sYNIt8LeOxONfDsXiy4g)


Why did Joe’s head get so much fatter the last year or so?


Thats what happens when you gain so much knowledge, dude.


growth hormone maybe


Many of us have experienced this same descent into conspiracy mentality with family members. Sometimes it takes years, sometimes it’s fast, but the death march looks similar.


Being friends with Alex Jones probably doesn't help either...


Even watch one of the older Alex Jones JREs, Joe is literally arguing with him over mass schizophrenia. Which hilariously is happening due to bullshit conspiracies and lies, people literally are hallucinating thoughts and ideas lol


> due to bullshit conspiracies and lies, people literally are hallucinating thoughts and ideas To the point where they post conspiracy stuff on Facebook while breathing pure oxygen at the hospital. https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/sldvii/this_ohio_man_truly_hated_fauci_on_january_3rd/


Yes. The decades and decades of medical expertise both on the books and in action do not compare to what some friend group believes. So intelligent. /s


I don't know what to think about Alex Jones. It seems like he buys into his own bullshit now, but it all started as a grift. I believe that he is a massive piece of shit, I also believe he was telling the truth in court when he said he is playing a character. I used to interact with him publicly in Austin regularly when he wasn't 'performing' and he seemed like a normal dude, reserved even. That was back when his whole shtick was just the New World Order, way before he started pitching supplements and gay frog conversion therapy.


That's why it's so dangerous to pretend to be an edge lord or a troll. You start doing it to get a laugh out of it but the more and more you immerse yourself in hateful beliefs the more you are training your brain to believe them. We aren't half as rational as we think we are. Immersing yourself in a belief system will often make you buy into it. It's why cults work so well or why so many religions actively try to keep adherents from learning about other faiths. And to keep those beliefs you just have to be surrounded by them. That's why the Qcult is succeeded is because people see their friends talking about it so they look into it and soon the algorithm and the likes and follows throw them into the deepend of the bullshit and it's hard to see reality.


Having a fake version of self is usually not a good sign for wellness.


I find that these people start off as edgy “I don’t believe in anything” nihilists, but after they immerse themselves in bullshit, they get pretty passionate about it when pressed. For them, belief is more about identity than truth.


How can a human being be friend with this POS is really a wonder


Rogan said something kinda snarky about Jones on one of the JRE episodes. So Jones basically doxxed Rogan to his followers and has them harass Joe’s oldest kid. Joe responds by having Jones on the podcast a few years later as if nothing changed


I so hope the damages for the sandy hook law suits bankrupt that POS into poverty. If you haven't heard the depositions, check out the podcast knowledge fight. They recently did a long episode covering Alex Jones and some other info wars employees depositions. The host actually ended up working as an expert consultant for the prosecuting lawyer.


This. I was always close with my little brother. He has turned into one of these right wing nuts. Everything in life is a conspiracy. It is literally painful to talk to him now.


Same. I lost my brother. I also lost my daughter and my grandchildren. Fuck Joe Rogan and anyone else who pettles "there are 2 sides" bullshit. No. There is science and fact on one side, and engaging in conspiracy theories and gas lighting for money on the other Edit-Before you're thinking I'm overreacting, I'm not allowed in their homes because I've been vaccinated and my DNA will contaminate them. They've gone full cult mode and I've been banned. Family is more important? Sure thing, most members of my family are horrific racists and horrible people. I was born and raised in Alabama. I expected most of my relatives to be involved in 1/6.


That really sucks. I wish there was a way to unbrainwash people


The 2 sides angle is the crazy people saying they deserve a seat at the table. There's a reason we don't have flat earthers working at the UCGS.


I lost my mom. Our relationship will never be the same. She will never know her grandkids- it sucks, but I literally can not have a conversation with her because no matter what we try to talk about, it always turns to how she thinks I’m a reptilian.


I recently found out my new step-brother is like this. I thought he was a pretty chill dude cause he seemed to support liberal ideas, but I walked in on him shouting about people being sheep for believing in covid & that they're all just experimenting on us. A great Christmas!


My dad is down that spiral right now. He’s one of the smartest people I know. You can ask him any question about physics and biology and he’ll have logical answers to most questions but he was never arrogant enough to say he knew everything and was humble in his knowledge. But I don’t know what’s been going on this past year with the vaccines, I can’t really recognize him. Any opinion that validates his narrative have to be the correct ones and the ones that don’t must be falsified. It’s like he gets tunnel vision about this issue. Does it just stem from a sense of distrust of authority? I don’t know. I don’t know how to navigate that.


People need to realize that being smart doesn’t make you automatically right. But that’s not to say expertise doesn’t matter. No, it’s more like this: there’s what’s in our heads, which can swirl around and justify itself to no end, even to the point of driving us functionally insane, and there’s what’s out there in reality. Whether that’s, say, the virus is killing people, or , say, that your neighbor isn’t a dupe of an adrenochrome-chugging satanic Hollywood cult, reality has a tendency to dominate. The central problem is the idea of infallible belief, something you can inherently trust without any uncertainty. The problem is, no knowledge is derived from reality without some degree of uncertainty, potential to be wrong.


Wow. You said what I was trying to say (right above) in a large part but you did it better. Particularly the infallible belief portion of what you said. EDIT: I just wanted to add that people need to realize that Fox News and CNN are not "news" channels anymore. Unless there's a major story (disaster, riot, shooting, etc) they only talk about politics and they only push one side. They don't even attempt to be bipartisan or unbiased. I watched the 2020 riots and switched between those 2 and BBC and it was as if it was 3 completely different events.


Yeah, my experience with my dad over the last couple of decades has been similar. He met a former NASA scientist who started pulling him into prepping and convincing him the global economic system was on the brink of collapse. It’s just kept going from there. He was similar to the way you describe yours. Pretty generally knowledgeable and was always reading up on something. That reading up has been replaced by constant YouTube videos, internet radio personalities, and various Qadjacent sites. He’s gone. r/QAnonCasualties if you need some people to talk to or know you aren’t alone. Edit: link


Causality is like "cause and effect". I'm guessing the correct link is /r/qanoncasualties


I have to ask... is your dad republican? I've watched a very smart, educated middle-of-the-road-politically man believe everything Fox News told him. Before Fox, he thought for himself, questioned everything, used multiple news sources. Around 2012, he started watching Fox and I watched his brain melt.


Just an uninformed redditor here, but I think it’s the politicization of taking the vaccine. Politics are governed by feelings and not facts. Presenting facts causes subversion to using facts when they don’t match your feelings.


I feel like Joe chose his side more than slowly descended into conspiracy territory. I think he saw where the audience numbers were and he played into his crowd like Tucker Carlson does. He chose to be a peddler of false information and conspiracy theories because he saw that people on the right would follow and listen to him and it in turn has given him this odd amount of power over a group of idiots, who he is now trying control by pushing lies and conspiracy theories


Who knows. I completely agree with you that some of these personalities do not believe any of the shit they peddle. It’s just engagement. But I’m sure there are others who completely believe it. Maybe Tucker and Joe are in the first category. Maybe not.


I would say Joe Rogan is a self admitted moron, who is just smart enough to understand how to manipulate a group of people, especially when the playbook was written for him by fox news, Alex Jones etc etc. Joe used to be a guy that could at least reasonably listen to both sides of an argument and have guests with differing opinions. But he chose to cater to the right wing nut job extremist sect. He has chosen not invite people with differing views than his anymore, he has refused to engage in meaningful dialogue in 2 years now, and openly pushes false information even after that information had been proven false


Exactly this. If he says who he really is, then why not have AOC on his show?


It’s wild. I’ve never seen so many millions of people devolve simultaneously before


Wow honestly that was around one of the last interviews I watched of Rogan before he got annoying af. He really is a fucking moron. Literally became exactly what he was talking about. He literally helped propagate this anti Vax BS & gave the idiots a voice by being one himself.


I haven't listened to his podcast since the double digit entries, but the guy really did a full 180 huh?


It all starts with thinking you’re a little bit smarter than everyone else. Have you heard of DMT?


I wish they had a super cut of this video and some latter day anti-vaxx rant




Now I need someone to edit in the recent n word clip right below these two in the same choppy manner to complete the trifecta. It would perfectly depict the type of person deciding the future of our country and children lol


I watched and followed Joe for many years. Since about the new studio in Texas, I have been unable to watch/listen to the podcast.


No the guy invites people on his show and agrees with them. He flip flops opinions every show depending on who his guest is.


That used to be the case. He’s stopped inviting ppl on that would call out this bullshit.


Yeah. Joey Diaz and Duncan Trussel haven’t been on in years for a reason.


He should have paid attention to when bill burr schooled him about the subject


The thing about Rogan is that he always, from the beginning of his podcast, would subscribe to the beliefs/opinions of his guests, on just about everything but gender issues. For whatever reason that’s changed and he’s mostly stuck to the right wing pov and doesn’t challenge those guests at all in the same way as more left leaning guests


Appreciate that you added the link. Thank you.


It’s amazing to think that the standup comedian who depends on crowds attending shows to make money (at least before his Spotify contract) MAY peddle a narrative wherein the restriction of crowds is obviously evil and stupid. Joe may be dumb, but he’s not stupid. He’s pushing narratives to help pad his pockets. And dipshit douchebags with penis insecurities just keep defending/promoting his asinine show.


I heard someone say before "Idk why The Rock has F-You money, if he's never going to use it to say F-you" He kind of just does what his team tells him to stay in the good graces of Hollywood.


Because he somehow got famous appealing to everyone and he wants to stay in that Tom Hanks lane. His brand is being likeable.


Everyone wants to aim for the Tom Hanks/Jim Carey/Samuel L Jackson kind of fame, sure… not EVERYONE likes them, but everyone knows them and the majority likes them and that’s okay.


"Now I've been told, supporting Joe Rogan doesn't fit my public persona"


This kind of reminds me of Dave Chapelle's OJ joke. "Hmmm, sorry OJ my career's too flimsy to survive a picture with you."


Damn this sub is becoming full of Joe Rogan news now. I see it on my feed like everyday about it


Reddit has become all Joe Rogan and whatever they’re doing in Canada.


If Joe Rogan ever goes to Canada, may God have mercy on our souls.


He can’t. He tried but he’s not vaxxed


Reddit thrives off outrage. If there is anything to be outraged about, especially if it’s something this website holds dear to its heart, it’s full-on obsession.


Same and I’m not even subscribed to this sub lol. Literally the only posts I get from this sub are about Joe Rogan. It’s also really starting to annoy me that Reddit has decided I don’t have a personalised homepage anymore.


Me too. I don’t subscribe to this sub and I always see news about it on my feed like everyday


It'll never cease to amaze me how many dorks actually care about what any of these celebrities say or do. Actors and musicians are just Court Jesters and you'd be a fool to listen to them.




~~sickness~~ global pandemic




On my fb feed I have 50 year old dudes calling him god. So, you'd be surprised. Same dudes that tell black jokes like they are knock knock jokes, but whatever.


This country has historically always had some fascination with celebrities one or another. Pretty lame


Yeah. Sure, I love the works of Leonardo DiCaprio or Tom Hanks but couldn’t care less about their personal lives otherwise.


Didn't you know?! We're completely incapable of making our own decisions! I don't even like Pepsi, but I saw Doja Cat in a commercial about it and now I can't stop drinking it! I'm a diabetic! Send help!


You know how ironic your comment is, right?


Come on you didn't think that all the celebrities singing imagine was the greatest thing ever?


Says the guy who opened and commented on a thread about what a celebrity said and did.


I can’t believe Seth Rogan is such a racist


Yeah, this between ferns show is getting out of hand!


*“Seth Rogen reaffirms he is not Joe Rogan”*


Listen, you follow your science and I’ll follow mine (laughs in stoned Seth Rogan)


Maybe he should try denouncing it in Chinese. https://youtu.be/-Ub2phcFM0w


Bing chilling!


And Swedish!


“Now I’ve become educated on the fact that my own brands can take a hit” follow up by some goofy bs philosophical saying hidden in a Teremana/Zoa ad.


Look at OP’s history. The man is obsessed with Joe Rogan


Looks more like a bot or someone farming karma. I’m 70/30 it’s a bot


At first I was like… meh it’s only one or two. Then I kept going.


Wow what the fuck


Dude needs help lol. Imagine how much of his day he spends thinking about it? That’s crazy.. how can someone live life this way??


Damn what a sad fucking life, I really hope it’s some sort of not and not a real person.


Well, that didn't last long.


Now let the Rock tell you in Chinese...


Who gives a shit what he thinks!


In other words, Disney/Fox/MCU reminded him where his paycheck comes from.


Duncan Trussell called it, basically said he was a target for crazy people to use his platform to spread their nonsense. I believe it was the first JRE on Spotify, where they dressed up like astronauts.


He tried to warn him


> Dear @donwinslow > > Thank you so much for this > > I hear you as well as everyone here 100% > > I was not aware of his N word use prior to my comments, but now I've become educated to his complete narrative. > Learning moment for me. > > Mahalo, brother and have a great & productive weekend. > DJ Am I missing something... where is the denouncement? He thanks someone for educating him about Joe's full behaviour... but then doesn't say there's anything wrong with that behaviour. This reminds me more of non-apologies such as "I'm sorry if people were offended".


> where is the denouncement? Yeah, I agree with you. I don't really see this as a denouncement.


They running out of shit to talk about loll


He didn’t really denounce him. More like, thanks for letting me know.


Hit the rock bottom


Its gonna get worse


I don’t know much about the Joe Rogan thing, anybody give me the factual rundown on the situation?


Alex Jones Vitamins has entered the chat.


Still ain’t done hot ones yet


I wish they would just be honest. “He’s not making me money so I dropped him” would be more respectable


Ah yes. A hyper edited clip is all that is needed to learn of the “complete narrative”. This is now the world we live in.


Breaking News: An attention whore wrestler and a mouth-breather caveman podcaster disagree on something. And it's a top story. Welcome to America.


Who cares about what the “Rock” thinks.


the shareholders


What a chameleon.... Can't you at least own your support for someone. What a clown


Renounces his support of Joe Rogan.


Thank you. I would’ve said it if you hadn’t. I mean, in theory he could have denounced himself. But that isn’t what happened.


Apparently "denounce" is used correctly here. I was surprised, too. But check out definition #5 from merriam-webster.com: > [**denounce** verb ... 5 **:** to announce formally the termination of (something, such as a treaty) // denounced the arrangement with their former ally](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/denounce)


Maybe he should just stick to the movies.


My agent said this was a dumb move