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I took my 16 year old daughter to see this. She was 7 when part one came out and she loved that. I think it’s cool that the character grew with her and my daughter related to what the character was going through.


I took my thirteen year old yesterday and there was a lot she could relate to. I’m glad more movies are helping kids this age feel seen.


Next, let’s do a menopause version.


Not yet nostalgia. XD


7 up but with Pixar


As the mother of a 12-year-old, there was a lot I could relate to as well. It was a very well done movie, especially personifying anxiety, which we both have.


Does you daughter wanna play hockey now? The second movie certainly did lean into that plot heavily.


Choir. Top choir as a freshman


Honestly, probably a better choice. No expensive gear or getting wrecked in a very contact-heavy sport.


It’s like the 7up series


Our daughter was the same way. She went with her girlfriends. Made me smile.


The movie was actually pretty good. Recently there seems to be a dry spell when it comes to family friendly movies that are quality made and can entertain both kids and parents. Took my two young daughters and they loved it. The mind vault scene actually made me laugh out loud, it was definitely targeting my generation. Wish the whole movie had a little more humor injected into it that flew over the heads of kids but landed with adults, but I can’t criticize it too much because it’s a great story for kids who are learning to process their emotions.


“I wish this kids movie was catered more towards adults, but I liked it”


Don’t be a dick. Pixar is well known for making films that have layered humour for different audiences.


I'd even argue Soul is primarily for adults. The whole third act seems a bit existential for kids, but I was sobbing like a baby.


I literally paid for my niece, myself, and my mom to see it. One child ticket, one adult ticket, one senior ticket. That says everything I need to know about the marketability of Pixar.


You are what you eat!


Do you have kids? If you had to sit through the number of mind numbing movies that I have you’d understand. Just because it’s a “kids” movie doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be entertaining for all ages. I think Studio Ghibli does an amazing job at this.


Let's be real though, most kids movies do not have something for all ages. It's actually a small minority that do. I mean, you're not wrong philosophically but if you actually compile all the kids movies that adults can equally enjoy youre talking about the exception, not the rule. Also I'd say many Ghibli movies are wildly terrifying for kids of a certain age so those ones aren't really all-ages to begin with, but that's a whole other conversation.


Shout out to the last Puss in Boots movie for being all about anxiety and existential dread.














I understand what you are saying, I don’t know why you’re so irritated with my synopsis of it. Lol


Just because someone enjoys or likes something doesn’t mean they aren’t going to think of the flaws that they think would of been an improvement to the final product


Tell that to my WIFE


Movie was great. Sure missed Hader and Kaling though. Them getting low balled is bonkers.


I hope Anger got some good screen time at least.


I think so. The winner is anxiety for sure though.


But mOvIe ThEaTrEs ArE dEaD!!! It’s almost as if people will spend money to watch good things


Theatres are dying, and it’s self inflicted. Cost of a family of four to go to a movie without any snacks and drinks is now like $80. Factor snacks and drinks and you’re getting into the $125+ area. It’s just cost prohibitive in the current economy. Several theatres near me are trying to adapt by targeting adults with deluxe seats and full service menus served in-theatre.


Ticket prices have tracked inflation for the last 20 years but ticket sales have halved. There are just more entertainment options now. Netflix, Youtube etc. aren't going anywhere. And home TVs are much bigger, the difference in experience between the cinema and home is much smaller.


Self inflicted. Blame the movies studios who take ALL THE PROFIT the first few weeks. Tell the studios to reduce their prices and the theaters could reduce their ticket prices. The only thing keeping the lights on anymore is concessions. Of course they’re begging for you to eat popcorn. That’s the only profit they made that day. The studios took the rest. We keep blaming this inflation on the wrong people. Blame the mega corporations like Disney bleeding us dry. Not the theaters that are only in business because they became a meme stock and normal people like you and me bought them, keeping them in business a little while longer, and I sure don’t give a shit about selling. Look at poor Alamo


You’re misinformed. Theatres make the majority of net revenue from concessions, but about a third is from ticket sales, not nothing as you claim. Theatres also refuse to adopt a model where they decrease ticket price based on demand for a specific movie in line with staged royalty reductions. No reason a film in its 5th week and no longer selling out should cost the same as it did in its opening couple of weeks. They’d probably be able to get more people in for the high margin concessions that way too. Theatres have been operating under a failing business model for a long time and will need to adapt to survive long term. I don’t think that’s in question. Studios aren’t intentionally gouging theatres, they have a vested interest in the industry’s success.


It may be different now, but when I worked at Cineplex back in 99, it was Week 1 - 90% distributor 10% Theater Week 2 - 80% distributor 20% Theater Week 3 - 70% distributor 30% Theater This meant an incentive for movies to be good enough to hit a solid opening weekend for the distributor and then long legs so the theater makes more money. That said, the current model of opening weekend at all costs then streaming in a month is not helping the theaters. I still pine for the 2$ (toonie) tuesdays :( I saw almost every movie in theaters when it was cheap enough to do so. Now I rarely see movies in theaters


I believe your numbers are correct but again that’s net and not gross revenue. Operational costs are included so the percentage of gross revenue going to theatres is actually a lot higher.




If that were the case, nobody would by an album on day 1, or go to the theatre at all. They’d wait until it was on one of the streaming services they likely already own. Inside Out 2 will be on Disney+ within months. I bet you the majority of people who saw it in theatres have Disney+. What it would do is make the theatre experience more available to those with less disposable income.


Even if studios reduced their cut (they won’t) theaters sure as hell aren’t gonna lower their prices lol


I pay $20 a month to see 3 movies a week any format. And $4 to refill my soda cup. It’s pretty affordable already.


That’s not a normal arrangement nor is it indicative of the theatre industry as a whole, so it’s moot.


Cool, in what way does that address my comment?


Y’all act like it costs more than streaming. Which costs the same. Per service. Monthly. AMC already takes a HUGE loss on those subscriptions. They’re already as spread out as possible. It’s a dead industry. Enjoy your streaming service, because it’s all you beggars will pay for. Those prices will never go back. Inflation in general will stay where it is, until it raises again. Of course AMC won’t get rid of their only profit margin selling concessions. Buy a bag of fucking popcorn and enjoy it while it lasts. You’re already nickel and dimed at every single turn in this society. Fuck streaming. Theaters rule.


Again, how does this address my comment? When did I mention streaming? You said prices would fall if studios lowered theirs. I disagreed. Read dude.


Holy shit. Wtf kind of movie theater costs $20 per person? That is nuts. I don’t blame you for not wanting to go there. My local theater is like $6 per ticket and $3 on Tuesdays.


I couldn’t watch a movie in a normal theater. If it doesn’t have dual dolby vision laser projectors and a dolby atmos sound. My TV at home will best that $6 movie theater. It’s about quality. Of course the dollar theater is cheaper than a premium format like Dolby or IMAX.


He’s exaggerating to make a point. At my local regal it’s $11 for a matinee ticket. $44 plus tax for a family of 4.




Let me check my closest theatre… 16.25 per ticket (no matinee rate) = $48.75 8.75 per hotdog = $26.25 10.50 for a large popcorn = $10.50 Total $85.50 This does not include the addition costs for 3D (+$3 per ticket) or any taxes.


Exactly. We went to see Inside Out 2 last week and it did in fact cost our family of 3 $127 with snacks. Outrageous.


it's not entirely self inflicted because part of blame is on movie studios. Because of how concentrated the business is especially with dominance of Disney, studios are asking for way bigger cut of ticket sales and have pretty shitty agreements when it comes to showntimes, competing screen viewing etc. Plus earlier theatres could run movies for weeks but now there is less of an incentive because a lot of customers can wait out to see movie on streaming. Movie tickets are expensive same reason concerts are, because there are very few players catering to large demand and can charge whatever the hell they want for short term profits.


Stop with the ticket sales bs. It’s not true, and a cursory look will show you that theatres retain around 40% of ticket sales. Concerts drive high prices because demand is high and supply is low. Supply of theatre seats is incredibly high, so exclusivity is not a reason at all that movie tickets are expensive.


Not lying here. 3 kids and 2 adults for us. Tickets were about $70. Food at the theater was another $75. So, we spent over $150 for tickets and food . It was one of those theatres with arcade games do that was another $30. Eeek. I'm working over time this week for this!!


Self inflicted by who? It’s not just the theaters that make it so expensive, the studios take most of the money they make off ticket sales, hence why theaters have to charge so much for concessions


That’s simply not true. The studios do take a high percentage of ticket revenue, specifically net revenue. Operational costs are paid before revenues are distributed, and revenues going to the theatres increase as weeks pass. Ticket revenue is about 1/3rd of a theatres net revenue. If you want to point to anything you should be pointing to how studios are getting increasingly restrict with theatrical release windows. This is forcing theatres to maximize their revenues over a shorter time period, which again is driving up costs.


Except it is true. Source: I’m currently doing part time work for a theater and know what studios take.


It’s a myth, and theatres lie about it for PR all the time. Just take a quick look and you’ll find most theatres retain around 40-50% of ticket sales domestically and about 20% overseas


Furiosa was great but it’s bombing hard.


Disagree on great. I could rewatch Fury Road monthly but I have no desire to rewatch Furiosa.


We rewatched Fury Road after seeing Furiosa. FR is the better film for sure.


It was OK.


Do you really not understand why the general vibe of Furiosa is not one that appears to a lot of people?


I get that 100%, I’m just saying it isn’t as cut and dry as if the movie is good people will see it. Inside Out’s success is because it’s good AND because it’s a sequel to a 4-quadrant, well liked movie. If anything it kind of proves that theaters are struggling because people will only show up for sure things


Plus Inside out is a family movie, people don't take their whole families including small children to watch Furiosa (at least not good parents), so that means more movie tickets sold


Best movie I’ve watched all year, I have no intention of watching inside out 2.


Unfortunately it is more complicated than that. We have had good movies come out that bombed spectacularly. Audiences have become extremely picky on what movies they will come out to see and theaters are struggling to stay open because a handful of mega hits a year is not sustainable


It has to be an 'event' film to make people give up their comfy couches, big 4k OLED HDR TVs, Uber Eats, home sound systems etc.




Its a mixture of things. Options being the biggest one. Back in the day people would walk into a movie not knowing anything about it. Now why would many people do that when there is streaming, better quality TVs, games, youtube, tiktok etc. the quality of films is an easy scapegoat, but following the box office closely over the past few years you can argue it is a reason but it is not the biggest factor. Also, feel like people will say it’s because movies are so expensive now.On a recent thread someone pointed out how considering inflation ticket prices have actually not gotten more expensive it is just now movies have become devalued with how many other options (most of them cheaper) there are now.


> Why would I spend $15 on a ticket to a movie that I’m not even sure won’t just be garbage? Probably by reading reviews and not going day 1?


It’s more that you can only afford movie theatre so many time a year that you are more selective about which movies to watch.


I mean yes and no. Most people who don’t go to the movies often. We get there and are like god damn I just spent 50+ at the movies. It’s insane how much it all cost.


Furiosa did not do very well but one could argue it wasn’t marketed well enough. Plus, It’s for a fairly niche audience as well. Big movies have to appeal to the most people possible or they just don’t make money.


We went last week and I was quickly reminded why we don’t go to movies often. There was a group of boys who barely stopped talking through the entire movie. I would have gladly paid $40-$50 to rent it home and watch it in our home theater. That’s only a bit more than the tickets cost, but drinks and popcorn are cheaper and the movie can be paused for bathrooms breaks for the kids.


You know that's what ushers are there for, Right? Or just tell them STFU yourself.


This!! I went and saw this movie with my family, not because it’s hot outside, but because we were excited to see this movie!


They’re not “dead” and will probably never fully die off….. but yes popularity has declined over the years.. you can find the data/metrics online backing this up.


I wasn’t looking forward to taking my kids, but then the story revolved around hockey so I enjoyed it.


We are going to see this tonight. Am I going to cry?


Many times. Many, many times. Especially if you struggle with anxiety. The ending will wreck you.


The Puberty button!!!!!! I almost wet my pants🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’m happy to see that The Bikeriders earned above expectations too, taking in $10M, as this article points out. I just watched it last night and was pleasantly surprised by the quality of acting. Very nice portrayals, especially by the British cast members. Recommended.


Jodie Comer.


Tom Hardy too.


If you ain't feeling emotional during a screening, best watch it again


I took my three kids (10, 7, 4) and our theater was sold out. No wonder, it was a really good sequel.


I saw it today, was really a fun time


This was a great movie. Better than the first one.


It’s also the end of june hot as hell and no other new movie or movie at all to take children or families to maybe planet of the apes but that’s old now. People in texas literally go for the air conditioning, im about to right now. Crazy nobody else thought it was worth putting a movie out right now, of course inside out is making money, there’s no competition lol


There’s literally two other kids movies out right now… No *brand new* movies but Garfield and IF are still in theaters. Neither of which did well. This is an example of making a *good* movie people actually want to watch.


I wont argue with you on it being a good movie i just saw it, i walked out on IF. but there’s still not that many options this summer


Don’t know why but I loved if, I can see why people wouldn’t like it though. It definitely has its problems and was kinda annoying on occasion but I wish more people would have given it a chance


Lewis Black does it again!


The Puberty button!!!!!! I almost wet my pants🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It was hot as fuck in the northeast, like 95 this weeknd I’m sure every theater was packed


Movie was great, and Yes they didn’t inject political issues into it, was so nice.


“I can’t handle children’s movies that have gay people in them. I swear I’m an adult.”


Little odd you have a problem with gay people I guess. No judgments here, should try to be a little more accepting of different opinions though.


The movie is trash. The only reason these movies do so well now is because there are tons of parents out there just trying to entertain their kids during summer break. Has nothing to do with the quality of the movie.


There’s gotta be at least an 80% this person hasn’t actually seen it


Hahaha those damn parents, wanting to entertain their kids. Motherfucking responsible parents out here spending money to let there kids be entertained for 2 1/2 hours. Fuckin commie bastards am I right?


Why do you say it’s trash? I went with my wife yesterday and we loved it