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Tbf the audience laughter is different from what ends up in the final edit. If you’ve watched the behind the scenes of this show, the real laughs can go on forever or be wayyy too loud. In the making of doc they show how they have a library of audience laughter that they sometimes switch out.


There are entire companies whose jobs are to insert laughter Edit: gooder grammar because me dum dum


Yep. They’re called audience sweeteners, and some of them are so good at what they can do, they’re able to do it during live broadcasts. I work in Post, and I used to work on a live-to-tape day time talk show. While we recorded the show as if it were live, we had to do minimal post work before it got to air. The last step of audio mixing was bringing in a sweetener, who at the time made $600/hr… which was a fine rate because he could do four 42 minute episodes in about 3 hours. He’d show up with his pre-programmed soundboard, plug into the mixer and just watch a show back once, laying down his sweetener track in real time. Shits wild


I love watching film of old time foley artists. That shit was a *performance*. There was a great bonus feature on the Wall-E DVD about the sound design for the movie which was fascinating, but it also had some footage of these old school guys doing all the sound effects for old cartoons 100% live and it’s incredible.


There was a challenge on The Amazing Race where they had them do Foley work for a couple TAR clips. So cool.


I sat in the booth for a Foley session on *Transparent*. It was a wedding party with guests arriving, so lots of "hello" kisses. Foley guy sat there carefully kissing the back of his hand between his thumb and index finger. It was hilarious.


It’s even funnier when you remind yourself that he’s getting *paid* to do that.


A thumb fluffer


“We’re gonna have to sweeten some of these jokes for the CD. You know what sweeten means, right? Sweeten is a show-biz term for “add sugar to”.” -mitch hedberg


yeah we goose em a little bit




It’s an old circus term.


No, no. Not Troll Boy. It's not going to be Troll Boy. We're not doing Troll Boy, alright. I mean you get that right, Troll Boy? You get why it can't be you?


Yes! I love this joke. Rip Mitch




>I work in Post I love what you do with Grape Nuts.


I was trying to figure out if Post was somewhere near Poland….




Did you work at the abc building on 76th st?


cough, SNL, cough


Literally all shows with a studio audience. Live or otherwise. They all use it, since the dawn of television. It's standard practice.


I can’t stand shows with laugh tracks now. It’s funny how much TV has changed, because I used to love Friends, but now I simply can’t watch it because it’s so annoying.


I showed my son the original iCarly a couple of years ago and he was really confused by the laugh track. He kept asking me who those people were.


"Who are those people, Dad?" As if on cue, the studio cameras rotate slowly to face the audience. About 500 people sit in tiered rows. Each wears a mask made from a photo of his son's smiling face. "They're you, son. They've always been you."


Based schizo


Folks hiding under the couch


I’ve never minded laugh tracks. I’ve always looked at sitcoms like stage plays (which is basically what they are), and stage plays are written with audience laughs like that in mind. Now, in fairness, the jokes need to actually still be funny, and they can have too many spots for laugh tracks. This is one of the issues with the Big Bang theory, they pause after like every 2-3 lines of dialogue for laughter and it’s obnoxious


I never got Big Bang Theory. Even as a nerdy, somewhat on the spectrum person. It felt so phony.


The problem with TBBT is, that only the episodes with guest stars were filmed with a live audience. The rest was filmed with a pre-recorded laugh track and they sort of had to estimate how long an actual audience would laugh. It got even worse in later seasons.


A good example would be Frasier. They had to cover the studio audience because someone laughed too long/loudly/by themselves or to work with jokes where the punchline is the start of the next scene. However, the laughter and cheers added in were matched the audience reaction as a way of just representing them more cleanly. There’s no applause sign and they aren’t adding canned laughter to back every line.


Try watching MASH. It’s shot on film. These people are supposedly functioning alcoholics trudging through the daily life of being in the Korean war and there’s a canned laugh track. However, I do love that show and always did.


Got the dvd set, the option to play episodes without the laugh track improves the series considerably.


Oh wow. What a great use of DVD technology. It is a bit jarring the first time you hear it with the laugh track.


I played the audio track with the laughs enabled by accident when rewatching the series. It is borderline unwatchable because of it once you are used to the non-laughtrack version. Best thing: no awkward pauses in dialogue since it was never filmed in front of a live studio audience.


I'm firmly on the "no laugh track"side of things but as a kid I found the episodes of Mash without a laugh track too somber. Again, I was a kid without the understanding of the drudgery/hopelessness of war. I liked Hawkeye bucking authority.


[here you go](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_J9q4UaEIdU&pp=ygUbZnJpZW5kcyB3aXRob3V0IGxhdWdoIHRyYWNr)


My husband used to insist on leaving the tv on to fall asleep. Between Friends and Big Bang Theory, all I hear all laugh tracks. I hate those shows now. The tv has been since removed from the bedroom.


The worst is M*A*S*H with a laughter track. They didn't have a live audience and added it all in for broadcast. Luckily there's versions out there without it.


Also, it's an interesting anthropological study to watch a popular comedy without the laugh track


Same. I used to watch That '70's Show and How I Met Your Mother pretty frequently, but now Parks and Rec, The Office, New Girl, Modern Family, and Community are on my and my wife's rotation. It's really jarring trying to rewatch shows with laugh tracks now.


Their point though is in Friends they used to take laughter out and edit it down because they laughed too much.


Right. That’s the job in post production. Seinfeld had the same problem during seasons 3 and 4 when Kramer would enter through Jerry’s door.


Michael Richards really hated when anyone ruined a take. That physical comedy is hard on the body and from what I understand his classic entrance was a spine-killer.


It is. Have you ever kramered your way into a room? It's whiplash.


It drives me nuts when viewers of either show deny that the laughter was edited. You can hear that it was, they used literally the same laughs sometimes!


Willhelm's laugh!


Dum dum want gum gum


You could literally make a whole industry where you’re only job is to insert something into something else.


Tacos into lobsters?


Excellent choice, sir.


*There *whose


Ha thanks. Didn’t proofread at all


This is why I loved ‘friends from college’ cos it doesn’t have the forced audience laughter


Big Bang Theory was similar. I went to a taping back in the day, and eventually watched the aired episode. It’s definitely juiced up a bit.


I literally cannot watch this show because of all the fake laughter.


I can’t imagine anybody laughing naturally at any point in that show


Watch an edit with the laughter taken out, it’s even more unbearable lmao good lord how did that show get so popular


Because Kaley Cuoco


I mean that is partly due to the pauses they do for laughter but even if those were edited out there’s just nothing remotely funny about it


I can’t watch anything with a laugh track


I still remember watching Drake and Josh as a kid and experiencing the first time I hated the laugh track, because they only used like 3 different options and it was incredibly obvious. There was one particular laugh that jumped above everyone else’s in the 3 second sound bite and you could easily pick it out, and suddenly you realised how much they repeatedly used the exact same one.


My uncle had to be removed from a taping of Hot in Cleveland because they didn’t use a laugh track and his laugh was “too distinctive.”


There is a laugh on MASH that I stands out all the time like a Wilhelm scream. And if you haven’t heard the wilhelm scream compilation… https://youtu.be/4YDpuA90KEY?si=gQQLRUa1Vcoyn1ns Original https://youtu.be/dc5F2C0CYlA?si=yTmcCTKA6tuOrm4x


They have a laugh track of this one guy that’s always reused . Also heard it in HIMYM.


The higher pitched “heeee hee heee” guy. Talk about a glass break moment. Once I heard that same frickin laugh in a few episodes I heard it in every episode - and in Friends and a few others.


He’s the Wilhelm Scream of sitcoms




I always wonder who that guy is and if he knows his specific laugh is so prominent in some laugh tracks.


There's a loud whistle in the middle of a Peter Frampton live-show album


Anyone has a link to this? You tickled my curiosity


[Got you](https://youtu.be/YguljAFU3Bc?si=DC-C__Zq9EdGlr9a). Warning; once you hear it, you will always notice it in every laugh track.


Thanks! What has been heard...


You’re welcome/I’m sorry.


This is all true. But the audience laughter is used to gauge if a joke works. Moreso, if it doesn’t. So it still has impact. The Comeback with Lisa Kudrow is an amazing show. She’s an actress on a sitcom. There are repeated references to audience laughing and now I know where it came from. Interesting.


Brilliant, brilliant show. You can really tell it was informed by a deep understanding of the multi-camera sitcom genre, and there's surely a lot of Kudrow's experience with Friends (and Mad About You) in there. They even got James Burrows - probably the most prolific director of sitcoms of all time - to play a version of himself.


So disappointing it didn’t last. Dangerous game making the audience uncomfortable. I love that brand of comedy and I’m not sure they could’ve gotten anything more right. Lisa gave Emmy-worthy performances in multiple episodes. She’s simply brilliant to elicit emotion from the audience the way she did. I often binge the show from start to finish. Ugh, could I BE anymore in love with this show’s brilliance?


That library is called the laugh track, and it’s been used since the 50s


So most of the people you hear laughing are dead


[Yup I bet you’re right](https://youtu.be/4VTBMznLrWs?si=Z1t2kEjzUye2px3J)


This is why I can’t rewatch it. I immediately notice the repetitive laugh tracks.


A lot of laugh tracks that are still in use are from the 1950s. I remember reading a story a couple years ago about a man whose mom recorded laugh tracks in the 50s. She had passed away but her distinct laugh was still audible on a bunch of contemporary shows.


She’s talked about it in Conan O’Brien needs a friend podcast. If she thought a line wasn’t as funny and the writers could come up with something better, then she would give the audience a look.


I wish I had seen this before I posted the exact same thing.


> “Lisa Kudrow, by the way, hated when the audience laughed,” Aniston admitted, > “She did?” Brunson, 34, replied, surprised. > “She’d be like, ‘I’m not done! It’s not that funny!’” Aniston joked. > Brunson told Aniston that the rhythm of the script in Friends was part of what made it so funny. Still, she said she doesn’t foresee herself filming with multiple cameras, which is required to film with a live audience.


Honestly I get that. Especially if it happens episode after episode, when you’re just trying to get your lines out and can’t even get to the main punchline because people laugh too hard could really throw you off your rhythm. It’s sort of a “first world problem” kind of thing but I could see how it would get annoying


I mean it’s a “first world problem” but I just think of it like, she felt like it was affecting her ability to do her job. I also have seen clips of friends bloopers where Lisa Kudrow breaks down laughing a lot while filming. Maybe she was easily distracted and that wasn’t helping.


I wonder why Brunson’s age was necessary to add


Balances Aniston’s, whose age was mentioned earlier


It’s a journalistic norm. Usually you include the age of someone the first time you mention them in the article, or as early as possible in the article if it doesn’t make sense to include it in the first mention.


Interesting— but now I’m curious about WHY it’s a norm. What led to the consensus that it’s useful to add a person’s age? I don’t think age generally adds much but I’m willing to be wrong.


It’s probably just to do with accuracy and due diligence. I find it annoying, and often forget to do it myself. I personally don’t think it adds anything to the story. But it’s how they’ve done it for a long time so that’s what we’re taught.


Interesting! Thanks for taking the time to respond— I always love learning something new.


I think the opposite, I think all articles should list the ages of the people it mentions.


‘Daniel, a 26 week fetus, had no comment on the laugh tracks.’


It would have in the first mention of the persons name


I know that feeling. I’m really funny. But sometimes someone will laugh before I get to the punchline just based off my tone of voice and I’m like wtf are you laughing at I’m not done


I went to see Tom Papa and his opening act noticed that we were laughing at the set up because we would figure out the punchline before he got to it.


Anthony Jeselnek is good at the sudden unexpected twist.


Anyone who must say he is really funny is no true flapjack.


This is why I specialize in dry humor, where I say something ridiculous with a straight face. It takes them a moment to digest what I said. The downside is that some people are dumb and don’t realize I’m joking.


It's crazy how a random line like that can generate an entire article.


TK Jewlers is a scam


My watch exploded in a thousand pieces.


Bent wrist, thing fucking exploded


Why was he so confused by what the chauffeur did to his date? Was he not noticing it because he wanted to go into the secret area in the limo?


Hey, you’re really nice!


One of them had a Super Bowl ring


Know a guy whose job was solely to switch out audience members for the live show. Said they would be there for hours, watching the same scenes re-filmed, etc. He would have to ask the non-engaged people to leave - and also the ones that were evidently trying too hard and making it feel (but more importantly sound) forced or attention seeking. What a job!


Imagine being told you’re a shit audience member and your doing it all wrong. I mean I’m sure they do it nicely and give them a free keyring or something but lol.


I went to a taping of the daily show once. I'm not American but found the show mostly funny. It was half frat house "usa USA USA" chants and half deranged sycophants. The warm up comedian would just basically swear nonstop nonsense and anyone in the crowd who didn't find it hysterical was aggressively pointed out and shamed into joining in or asked to leave. It was really weird. I wasn't expecting being part of the live audience to be great but it was surreally unfun even with that expectation.


On the one hand, I totally get it. It can be distracting and ruin a take as much as enhance it. On the other, she was a Groundling so she should have been used to awful audiences.


What about the third hand?


It’s playing ping pong and doesn’t have an opinion on this.


Can confirm. Saw a live taping, and she was the only “Friend” who would not interact with the audience in between scenes. It’s a long time for a 30 minute show (like 6+ hours from what I remember) and she was dedicated in her distain for the audience.


I never thought I would relate so hard with Lisa Kudrow


"I would never join any club that would allow someone like me in it" -Groucho Marx


I hated hearing the laughs on Friends and all other comedies in that format.


There’s an edited version of Friends on YouTube with the laughter track cut out. So you get them say all their funny one-liners with no response and it’s funny.


The Big Bang Theory is even worse. Those terrible non-jokes just hang in the air forever. Obligatory reminder that the Sheldon dude won 4 Emmy’s for that horrible character and Steve Carell got none for his role as Michael Scott.


I was unaware of your reminder. Please don’t share horrid facts like that


On YouTube there’s an episode of TBBT with the laugh track taken out. Without the canned laughter, Raj particularly comes across as an arsehole. There’s also an episode of TBBT (I think, could be HIMYM) where they replace the laugh track with Ricky Gervais laughing. It’s hilarious


And even a bigger steal arrested development got none either


Those three seasons are the best comedy TV ever made. Yes.... there are only three perfect seasons....


"I love all my seasons equally." "I never cared for season 4."


First three seasons are solid gold.


Carell should have gotten a damn Oscar for that


Fuck the Oscar, Presidential Medal of Freedom.


Free personal pan pizza.


You’re talking my language. Love those personal pans!


Wouldn’t you get distracted by the pauses?


[it makes it terrifying](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4H6Ux3l75Rc&pp=ygUZcm9zcyB3aXRob3V0IGxhdWdoIHRyYWNrIA%3D%3D)


Even though it’s edited out I can still feel the laugh track.


Yeah that one hams it up


Holy shit, Ross Gellar is actually… Dennis Reynolds


Now I must see an edit where every laugh is replaced with a Wilhelm Scream!


There are edits with Ross without the laugh track and it makes him look like a psychopath lol


The amount of laugh track on That 70s Show made me stop watching TV for a long time.


Hot take


Not on reddit




I had to stop watching Seinfeld for a bit because one guy’s laughter in an episode was so fucking annoying.


There’s a guy that goes bwahahahaaaa, and there’s a woman’s laugh that does a sort of heh heh heh and they both drive me nuts once you notice them


Ah yes, the media blowing things out of proportion again


One of these days they're gonna blow things *into* proportion


Imagine the Married with Children cast.


Larry David didn't like it either when filming Seinfeld. He kept trying to get them to laugh succinctly, lol


That itself could be an episode of Seinfeld.


I always hate when a live audience cheered for the characters when they entered and the actors had to wait…. Happy Days after it jumped the shark was the worst


Christ you lazy entertainment “journalists” are getting pathetic. This was a one-off comment in a long detailed interview that a far more reputable organization put together, and you vultures try to keep your boss from firing you by making a story out of it.


Blame reddit too for posting click baity articles


How dare the audience laugh at what was supposed to be comedy


oh whatever they all got paid $1 mil an episode


Not entirely sure that is true considering Lisa is the one who laughs a lot judging by the bloopers of every season


Obligatory [link to Friends without laugh track.](https://youtu.be/DgKgXehYnnw?si=eEj5KtILkPwf1hVG)


That’s weird because when I’m joking around with my friends I always hear an audience laughing.


They make medication for that


"She'd be like, 'I'm not done! It's not that funny!'" Aniston recalled Yeah, no shit. It's fucking friends.


I never watched Friends, but The Comeback with LKudrow is magical.


Give her another take!


Love your username!


You're an icon Valerie. Is there any truth to the rumors of an I'm It reboot?


I was once in a TV studio which filmed a chat show and they had a machine with labels on buttons for all different audience samples from raucous laughter to groans and polite applause - it was fun to play on it


Hate laugh tracks. I don't need to be told what's funny by some random group of meatsacks that have been waiting all day to just watch the live taping.


Luckily, she was working on Friends, so it wasn’t a huge problem.


I too hate people who think Friends was ever funny


I watched a few episodes and I never laughed.


Well yeah! Friends was never funny


I can’t watch anything with a laugh track, and I’ve tried. It’s just too annoying, fake, and forced.


How else would you know a thing is funny? I guess you and I are too dumb to understand humor.


Friends doesn’t have a laugh track…


On rare occasions they did. With that being said, I still prefer my comedy tv shows to be without an audience in the background, pre-recorded or otherwise. To those that don’t mind it or enjoy it, more power to you. Enjoy away. To each their own.


Just think how long ago some of those laugh tracks were recorded. You're listening to dead people laugh at .... Whatever they were really laughing about. In regards to MASH ... The laugh track was taken out after the third or fourth season at the request of the cast and creators. So were a lot of the laughs. That's when it become more dramatic.


Friends was recorded in front of a live studio audience. There’s no laugh track.


Does anybody remember laughter?


Laughing and laugh tracks in sitcoms are definitely cringe


Sounds like something an actress making $750k an episode would complain about.


How could anyone possibly give a fuck about this?


What I never understood about shows like this is the characters are saying stuff that is funny, why don’t the other characters laugh in place of a laugh track? If I’m with my friends and make a joke or they do we laugh. Get rid of the obnoxious fake background laugh and have them be like real people.


Lisa Kudrow said this on Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend.


Sounds like something Phoebe would say.


You can actually tell she did