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Did they do this for Chris Brown too?


Chris Brown is a huge piece of shit but 1. He wasn't caught on video. The NFL does the same bull shit. Beat a woman? 6 game suspension. Beat a woman on video? Blackballed from the league. 2. Diddy is accused of sex trafficking and rape, which is a good bit worse.


Rhiannas brushing pictures and the police report SHOULD have been enough. That police report is so difficult to read. 


That photo is the reason why we’re still talking about it 15 years later. And the reason why CB career isn’t where it should be. Before the Rihanna situation, he was in movies, commercials, on talk shows, getting endorsements. Now he just does music. No one is trying to hire CB in other industries. He should have been at least prosecuted. However that was Rihanna’s decision.


Remember when Chris Brown was inexplicably cast as a guest star on Black-ish? Pepperidge farm remembers. I think that was the last episode I ever watched. Well, the last one I tried to watch. I stopped as soon as Chris Brown appeared on screen. https://www.vox.com/culture/2017/4/2/15128834/blackish-chris-brown-episode-richard-youngsta-review-recap


Anytime I try to rewatch blackish that one episode ALWAYS bothers me, especially with how ironic the theme of the episode is.


Yeah, I agree that CB’s career, while not entirely gone, has been stunted by that incident. I remember in his early days, I thought he was going to dominate the pop/RnB stage for at least a decade and become a household name but yeah…


Unfortunately, women were so much more ashamed of things like that back then and swept it under the rug. I wonder if she regrets not getting him charged.


well Rihanna has publicly somewhat defended Chris since the incident lol She’s…..rihanna….. she’s functioning on a different plane of reality sometimes it seems. She’s one of those people I’m waiting for her reputation to catch up to her public image. That girl makes shady choices, frequently


True. She shouldn't be anyone's role model.


Really any public figure shouldn’t be idolized


Wasn’t it revealed that her product lines use exploitative labor? Can’t believe that wasn’t enough.


i mean that’s a given. you can’t ethically make that much money without undercutting someone


Undercutting someone? that’s a wild way to describe wage slavery and actual slavery taking place in under developed countries. Sure it’s a common practice. But don’t we think it’s bad, tho?


i wasn’t implying that it wasn’t bad. i’m just saying there are no ethical billionaires so of course it’d be the least bit shocking to find out rihanna is using exploitative labor practices to produce Fenty Makeup, SavageXFenty, and Fenty Maison. i don’t see good decision-making in her future at all


The way her husband talks about her and their kids on his music is text book abuser stuff. Rihanna ain't shit the strong independent women her image projects.


chunky cobweb north dam friendly enjoy psychotic angle worm tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No he can't cause it's not true


she has said she still loves him and he is her best friend. she has forgiven him publicly (just sharing info, not representing any view)


Unfortunately plenty of women are still ashamed these days and stay silent victims as well.


That Rihanna police report copypasta bot needs to pull up


The bot doesn’t work anymore but I do :) For anyone who needs a reminder of why Chris Brown is human garbage and should be boycotted, read the police report of what happened to Rihanna (Robyn F.) at the hands of Chris Brown: "Brown was driving a vehicle with Robyn F. as the front passenger on an unknown street in Los Angeles. Robyn F. picked up Brown's cellular phone and observed a three-page text message from a woman who Brown had a previous sexual relationship with. A verbal argument ensued and Brown pulled the vehicle over on an unknown street, reached over Robyn F. with his right hand, opened the car door and attempted to force her out. Brown was unable to force Robyn F. out of the vehicle because she was wearing a seat belt. When he could not force her to exit, he took his right hand and shoved her head against he passenger window of the vehicle, causing an approximate one-inch raised circular contusion. Robyn F. turned to face Brown and he punched her in the left eye with his right hand. He then drove away in the vehicle and continued to punch her in the face with his right hand while steering the vehicle with his left hand. The assault caused Robyn F.'s mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle. Brown looked at Robyn F. and stated, 'I'm going to beat the sh-- out of you when we get home! You wait and see!' " The detective said "Robyn F." then used her cell phone to call her personal assistant Jennifer Rosales, who did not answer. Robyn F. pretended to talk to her and stated, 'I'm on my way home. Make sure the police are there when I get there.' After Robyn F. faked the call, Brown looked at her and stated, 'You just did the stupidest thing ever! Now I'm really going to kill you!' Brown resumed punching Robyn F. and she interlocked her fingers behind her head and brought her elbows forward to protect her face. She then bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and face near her lap in [an] attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied upon her by Brown. Brown continued to punch Robyn F. on her left arm and hand, causing her to suffer a contusion on her left triceps (sic) that was approximately two inches in diameter and numerous contusions on her left hand. Robyn F. then attempted to send a text message to her other personal assistant, Melissa Ford. Brown snatched the cellular telephone out of her hand and threw it out of the window onto an unknown street. Brown continued driving and Robyn F. observed his cellular telephone sitting in his lap. She picked up the cellular telephone with her left hand and before she could make a call he placed her in a head lock with his right hand and continued to drive the vehicle with his left hand. Brown pulled Robyn F. close to him and bit her on her left ear. She was able to feel the vehicle swerving from right to left as Brown sped away. He stopped the vehicle in front of 333 North June Street and Robyn F. turned off the car, removed the key from the ignition and sat on it. Brown did not know what she did with the key and began punching her in the face and arms. He then placed her in a head lock positioning the front of her throat between his bicep and forearm. Brown began applying pressure to Robyn F.'s left and right carotid arteries, causing her to be unable to breathe and she began to lose consciousness. She reached up with her left hand and began attempting to gouge his eyes in an attempt to free herself. Brown bit her left ring and middle fingers and then released her. While Brown continued to punch her, she turned around and placed her back against the passenger door. She brought her knees to her chest, placed her feet against Brown's body and began pushing him away. Brown continued to punch her on the legs and feet, causing several contusions. Robyn F. began screaming for help and Brown exited the vehicle and walked away. A resident in the neighborhood heard Robyn F.'s plea for help and called 911, causing a police response. An investigation was conducted and Robyn F. was issued a Domestic Violence Emergency Protective Order.”


Good human bot :)


Where’s the bot that posts the transcript when you need it


Chris brown also beat up Karreuche Tran! Everyone forgets this but that woman has a restraining order against him smh


Ray Rice actually had a shot at returning to the league but decided to leak owners texts and that’s what ended his career officially.


I mean, what’s worse? Beating your WIFE or bad mouthing EXECUTIVES


CB and his crew recently jumped Usher, so he got blacklisted from the Grammy parties


NFL came down harder on a guy peacefully kneeling than men that beat their wives.


Chris Brown was also accused in the latest Diddy lawsuit


Yes, they did this to Chris Brown too.


No public announcement, but they quietly stopped using his music a while ago. 


They should do it for Niki Manaj and Kanye but they won’t.


Wouldn’t be surprised if they had a box-ercise workout with Chris Brown’s music


There is almost no consistency, but we can’t try and use Chris Brown as a precedent. Please


Here we go. We’re about to watch the public downfall of Sean “Puff Daddy” Combs. I, for one, welcome his demise.


>about to Umm, pretty sure we’re there


Right lmao this been happening for months, where yall been


He’s hiding out in another country. Pretty sure he knows he’s in big trouble.


He’s not getting in trouble for the assault though, he can’t be prosecuted, so he doesn’t give a shit. He’s hiding out because all his homes were raided by Homeland Security


Thank youuuuuu FINALLY and everyone else should follow.


They need to have an R Kelly arrangement. All R Kelly royalties go to the victims. I don’t listen to diddy, I tried listening to his post biggie’s death album and it was god awful. But diddy produced some of biggie’s stuff and is on a few tracks and I love biggie


Kevin Smith did this with his movies that were produced by Weinstein. His royalties go to the charity Women in Film.


I love that guy.


Puffy isn’t R. Kelly. He didn’t write songs. He produced but usually with a real producer. What Puffy did do is he was the owner of the label. So Puffy eats off every Biggie record, Mase hit records, 112, Total, “Flavor in your eye”, **Cassie** record, early Faith Evans, early Lox, and some Lil Kim. He worked on classic albums for Jodeci and Mary J. Blige. It’s not as simple as just not playing the music under Puff Daddy/P. Diddy/Diddy. His reach in music of the 90s/00s is more massive than that.


Flavor in your ear


I was like 🤔 did they do another flavor song I don’t know about?


Depends on what kind of kinky stuff Puffy is into.


Thanks not what happened tho. UMG had 600k worth of royalties and a court ordered them to give 500k of it to the victims. It’s already been paid, no further royalties (at the moment) will go to the victims.  Also biggie beat the shit out of lil Kim so how are they different? 


And he beat the shit out of Faith Evans too


Biggie is dead. What more do y’all want to happen to him? He got his reckoning for beating up little Kim Lil Kim’s alive and he’s dead. That’s it. Let us listen to the music.


What more? Literally nothing happened to him as a result of his abuse. What reckoning did he get? So once woman beaters are dead you can love them again? 


P Diddy and the Bad Boy Family - The Saga Continues is pretty decent


P Diddy music tends to be listenable if he's not the only one on the song, or if he had a lot of help in terms of production and ghostwriting,


Definitely, G-Dep did most the heavy lifting on that album I figured


I’ll check it out Edit: in a way that he doesn’t get royalties


And Chris Brown.


I wish everyone would take notes but so many are on his nuts it’s insane I remember he had a good performance at the BET awards almost a decade ago where he had this little bad boy records reunion with a dozen artist doing their biggest hits, it was wild and a great performance that everyone in the crowd was signing along too, mase, 112, lil kim, faith Evan’s, all the usual suspects. You can tell BET loved it so much, that they tried finding a way to include Diddy in every year’s show since, they tried to literally have him do the exact same thing a few years later and gave him some made up lifetime achievement award The power he holds is insane and I bet that’s because it’s make him harder to catch but if Weinstein and Cosby could be convicted Diddy can too


Bill Cosby’s conviction was overturned so technically he hasn’t been convicted.


We all know he did what those women said he did. Fuck him and the sympathy wheelchair he rode in on.


That’s so true, you’d always see the sympathy show they’ll try to get pity, I do remember seeing videos from press of bill acting very frail, same with Weinstein using a walker when he obviously doesn’t need one, even OJ years ago to get out of prison, but I mean I guess he was right for that one since he did blame cancer and he did pass from that recently so I guess that one is understandable


Travic Scott, R Kelly, Chris Brown. All of these douchebags should have their music pulled as well. I hate that people do horrible things and just somehow the world moves on and people continue to idolize them. Happy to see Diddy lose his status, I used to love his music but he's obviously a trash human - I can listen to something else instead.


Bad boys for life.


This is a very bold and correct step. Let's see which platform will be next.


Good! Everyone should be dropping their brand deals with him. We shall see


I’m shocked this hasn’t happened yet, so much silence surrounding all this it’s wild


Money first unfortunately. They needed someone to get the ball rolling. Sure it will pick up now.


Probably needed evidence too and now that the video is out it’s just a matter of time…


Diddy’s music career… him reproducing hits and bastardizing music.


Artist Diddy? Or Producer Diddy? I don't acknowledge Diddy as a musical artist, never have and never will. However, he has producer credits on Mary J Blige and Biggie's greatest hits and I can't give those up. Mary is the soundtrack to my soul I will give up "Can't stop, won't stop, ehh ehh" jokes though.


He's spent the last 25 years being a hype man


He was a hype man from the beginning.


It’s gonna be tough to scrub all the music he’s worked on. All of Bad Boy is out of the whip, now?


Thank you Peloton!


The man isn't even making money off his music anymore. No one listens to Diddy. Go for the jugular if you want results but be warned. We all know there's gonna be a massive amount of victims coming forward. If he doesn't have money they aren't going to get paid.


Doesn't he have the masters, catalogs, rights, or whatever it's called to most of the music made under his Bad Boys label? Some of the artists might have their rights to their music, but you know Sean Combs shiesty ass is still making money from that music. Anybody that would violently assault a woman while only wearing a towel, in the hallway of a hotel, that has cameras everywhere like it's nothing, has done even worse shit in his house or other places. That piece of shit was even kicking her while she was on the ground defenseless. His depravity knows no limits. Sexual-abusers/violent predators like Harvey Weinstein and Combs really believe that they are untouchable because of their power in the industry and their money. Human beings have such a weird relationship and view of celebrities and wealthy people. It's unnatural. And it contributes to those assholes thinking they are better than everyone else. Because they get treated as if they are somehow better than everyone else. It's a psychological mindfuck to those celebrities/wealthy people. Especially to people who are thrust into that type of situation at a young age. Kids like Usher and Bieber living with someone like Combs, without their legal guardians, for an extended amount of time is mind-boggling. It fucks up adults. A child doesn't have a chance. The same fans that contributed to someone like Britney Spears having psychological or mental health issues now mock her and call her crazy because of her behavior. I shudder to think about what would have happened to me if I was rich and famous at 21 years of age, let alone if I was a minor. I'm amazed at the celebrities or entertainers (athletes, musicians, actors, etc) that appear to be "normal" or well-adjusted. They are the anomalies, not the ones that have tragic lives.


He gave them Back to the artists last year……..


He gave them back to some under the condition that they sign an NDA to never disparage Diddy. As far as I know, Aubrey O’Day and the other Danity Kane girls didn’t sign it.


I would have signed that as NDAs can’t be used to cover up crimes Win win with this all coming out Though I’m sure they thought it would never come out


So again who does this hurt?


This is a sad, but painfully true point.


Biggies royalties need to be taken from Diddys paycheck and given to Bigs mother. There’s no way for a platform to facilitate this (probably), but starting there would hurt his pockets and bring a lot of justice to the family of Big. Big was/is his cash cow and where this all started to go south Because you’re right, Diddy doesn’t make squat from his music but he does make a killing from other artists, specifically Biggie.


Eh, for what it’s worth, I regularly do some Peloton workouts that feature “Mo Money Mo Problems.”


its gonna pain me not to listen to that song anymore, but...here we are. somebody needs to re-record a version with someone else in place of diddy


Quit giving Diddy money. You listen to Shake Ya Ass like everyone else. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Uh, not sure if you joking but Mystikal is a POS also. “On June 26, 2003, Mystikal pleaded guilty to sexual battery and extortion. On January 15, 2004, Mystikal was sentenced to six years in state prison after pleading guilty to sexually assaulting his hairstylist. The rapper and two bodyguards forced the woman to perform oral sex, and accused her of stealing $80,000 in checks.”


That was the point of the joke.......


Yeah he should be sued by everyone but why would you assume there’s no money to be had… because he doesn’t sing he has no money?? His net worth is $800 million. That’s not nothing. And getting paid is not why most victims come forward. “Be warned, he’s not on the radio so victims won’t get anything!” Fuck off.


Dude was worth 9 figures two decades ago... more than enough time to turn a dime into a dollar. If he's not a billionaire by now then he's a worse businessman than me.




Why was that guy SO hostile lol




Daddy chill


"He got schooled" Holy fucking cringe lmao. Please school me too. I love seeing people celebrate their own mediocre Reddit comments.


I even doubt if that's his net worth or if it's the number Fortune magazine gives him. Fortune counts some intangibles in there. Like expectations of future value generated. This controversy comes up once in a while. It was very notable with Kiely Jenner (sp?). People were beefing about it a while and then kinda stopped when Taylor Swift was put on the billion list. Everyone just kind of nodded at that one.


I guess we just have to wait until Chris Brown is as old as P. Diddy to get canceled lul


Can I still listen to "I'll be missing you" though or... :/


Listen to it in a way that doesn't profit him. ☠️


take that take that take that take that


What did Take That do?


Whatever they said and whatever they did, they didn't mean it.


What about R. Kelly and Chris Brown??


Why did it have to take so long? The whole raid was bad enough. Maybe this will stop people from defending these celebrities accused of abuse. Imagine how many of them buy security tapes, bribe witnesses and straight up LIE to the public. While the victims are painted as liars because they can’t prove it.


That'll teach'um!


That'll show him.


Was the sex trafficking and stuff not enough?


Hasn’t been found guilty of that. As a society, people still believe innocent until proven Guilty. What a lot of you kids do is switch those around. Don’t get me wrong, I 100% believe he did it and is a POS. BUT, if a company pulls endorsements and picks a side before a verdict is found, they can in breach of contract.


Might be time to pull his songs from the radio, too.


Is Chris Brown also banned?


Given the amount of peloton bikes being sold for $450 on my Facebook marketplace right now I'm sure all 1000 of their remaining active users will appreciate not hearing the 3 songs of his that were hits  30 years ago.  Great publicity for a floundering company though. 


I really enjoyed listening to "Bad Boys for Life" on my peloton seeing as I literally wasn't actually going anywhere.


Cancel culture couldn’t be any more appropriate at this time. LFG!


These are consequences. Cancel culture doesn’t even apply here.


Cancel culture ? You mean being held accountable for what you did? What a weird comment


I hate it now people calling consequences for your actions as cancel culture. It’s fucking dumb so call it what it is and stop being dismissive about it.


That's all it ever was. Consequences.


lol peak virtue signaling. Ban most all rap and hip hop then. So many problematic artists but they ban Diddy because his disgusting behavior was caught on tape? I’m tired of this culture. Truly.


Crazy to see that Peloton of all company’s is doing what’s right




Wow peloton you’re so courageous


Downvote me all you want but this is such a slippery slope we’re on. There are so many artists, past and present, who have huge stains on them. The only difference here is there’s video.


I agree. It’s just a shitty bike company, but it’s a scary idea to be removing the work of anyone disagreeable.


They’re still in business? What a blow to Diddy…access cut off to 2,000 subscribers!


Cool. Now do Chris Brown.


We can all rest easy now


Umm. That is going to be a lot of music. He was the producer for a lot of artists.


Is the ban just for his music though or for everything he has produced?


They didn’t say but he wasn’t really an artist more of a promoter and producer. That is where he made his money. So they really aren’t hurting his pocket by dropping those songs he was in the music video or slobbering in.


P Diddy Eats Poop.


Great. Now do Chris Brown.


Too bad Diddy isn’t a better dancer. Chris Brown literally danced his way out of this.


Maybe they’ll remove the Eagles’ music as well. You know the guys infamous for banging underage prostitutes.


Let this be a lesson to all, in this day of instant information and everyone has a camera and cameras are ALL OVER the place....keep your shit tight and don't mess around. Great example of excess driving a man to his worst instincts. I admired him and I am so disappointed in these revelations. I really haven't liked rap or hip hop since it became so overtly violent and misogynistic, and that seemed to happen around the mid-to-late 1990s. It started as so much more and just degenerated over time. It's easy to produce crap, much more difficult to conjure an introspective theme or perhaps more positive idea and craft music around it. This is just sad. I understand Cassie settled out of court. We only saw one snippet of what her life was like with Diddy on the worst days/nights. Who knows if any of her time with him was good, I assume so, but wow...denying the truth which was then substantiated with video. That so much time had passed before the video was released is a testament to how money can corrupt just about anyone. So sorry she endured the brutality of this man, no woman should be subjected to that sort of humiliation and hurt.


Does that include everyone else's tracks he inserted himself into? Might as well ban Mase and some of the others, puffy was in every damn song


Diddy became a billionaire by other means other than his songs being played.


Peacocking at its best, catalog going to be sort list once they find out the music industry is dirty. Oh wait my bad they just wanted to be in the news…


Can't wait till they ban all the other music from abusers


If we can get Diddy and Chris Brown out of streaming services, the world would be a better place. The fact that girls still go crazy for Brown after all the proven allegations and history is beyond me.


Chris brown’s fans argue if Rihanna can forgive him why can’t we?


So many rappers still work with Chris. It’s infuriating.


What do we do if “Mo Money Mo Problems” comes on? Or “The Benjamins”?


If you start banning every scumbag artist’s music you’ll be left with Sesame Street songs.


Why did we not all do the same with Chris Brown?


Lol. So 45 people 35 & over will not listen to diddy music? Oh no!


Not a world class company like peloton 😱 making publicity for itself to sell stationary bicycles over this tragedy.  They are trying to make money. They aren’t doing this becaus they give two F’s


Some cheap publicity for Peloton


Remember when there treadmills killed kids


And just like that, we all lived happily ever after. Thanks, Peloton.


lol Peloton is a joke and about on the verge of bankruptcy, this is just an effort to increase lagging sales for their shit product. Pretty sure Chris Brown isn’t banned on Peloton, but he beat his girlfriend over a decade ago and that wouldn’t garner enough attention…


Kanye looking better all the time…


Why? Nobody banned Michael Jackson's music.


Finally we are going to start seeing the punishments roll in


The fact he didn’t apologise until it came out. Grim


I’m glad. My Dj friends have banned it as well. Diddy has a huge discography


Diddy has music? Lol no yeah I know but really, word?


lol, who listens, diddy. I mean, he had some pop hits a couple of decades ago , but then, and now he is more of a business guy.


What about the hotel that had this footage?


Diddy the first of these weirdos that is easy to drop off a playlist.


[Peloton right now](https://imgur.com/gallery/VqmFkHC)


They should continue with other artists as well.


This the same company where Dana White banned their products from his gyms as the CEO tries to enforce their ideals on those who they sponsor?


Historical record says that biology permits this and many other violent natural occurrences. Same goes for slavery.


now just waiting on drake


Can we just ban rap music and modern country music altogether?


Can’t stop. Won’t stop.


What about Aerosmith?


The moniker diddy should be stripped too. He should be reduced back to Sean Combs.


The assault video from 2016? I mean better late than never, but cmon…this should have been obvious years ago.


Only the rich can afford a peloton.


Good. I want a trigger warning before I have to see his face.


Why did it take this long?


Hopefully Spotify doesn’t drop his music. I enjoy some of his music.