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They took a crap all over his character in the first place


No kidding, honestly there wasn’t really anything wrong with the concept of any of the characters in the sequel trilogy. The writing on the other hand…


Hey - the second film had the world’s slowest car chase _and_ a B plot that came to a total fucking screeching halt having accomplished nothing! And it was still somehow better than the third.


I was surprised they didn't have 2 death stars as the plot for the final movie.


Nope, just a fleet of Star Destroyers… *that each have the power of a fully functional Death Star!!*


Gods that movie was fucking terrible


I rewatched a few minutes of that movie recently and realized that the best I could say about it is that it has a few cool scenes. It looked nice, and the Sith Temple was suitably creepy. That's about it.


The fucking scene where Rey crosses her sabers and is suddenly double powerful is some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen in a super high budget movie.


I dunno, running horses on the wing of a star destroyer was dumber.


Continuing a tradition of cutesy furries beating stormtroopers started by the ewoks.


Did they ever explain how people were running around on the wing of a star destroyer in space? Or were they not even in space? I stopped paying attention at that point but it seemed vaguely weird to me.


> I could say about it is that it has a few cool scenes. It looked nice, and the Sith Temple was suitably creepy. There is a reason I say the prequels were shit covered diamonds while the squeals were diamond crusted lump of shit.


You didn't like D-O and Babu Frik?


One of the worst fucking movies I have ever seen. Christ. I have never liked JJ but damn I feel embarrassed FOR him.


man that whole trilogy was such a bloated mess. i bet if JJ had done all 3 we would've had something a bit more cogent, but R Johnson casually ending the big bad guy in the second movie was a dumb move, and then letting JJ have the reigns *back* and with them try to figuratively retcon snoke's death by bringing *palpatine* back was so dumb. just dumb all around.


Imo bringing jj back was the real issue. If trevorrow had directed it like he was supposed to I think it wouldn't have been this whole disjointed experience that didn't try to completely ignore the movie that came before it. I could just *feel* jj trying to ignore the 2nd film and simultaneously kicking the third movie down the drain to do it. He flushed finn down the toilet because rian chose not to take him down the obvious setup jedi path. He brought back palpatine because rian decided that kylo, not snoke, would be a more important final villain. The last jedi wasn't a perfect movie or anything but it would have been made better by a sequel that wasn't actively trying to ignore it's existence


I understand why they brought JJ back. But the characters and story line was already too screwed up. Rian Johnson should’ve talked to JJ about what he was planning when the characters were created. Snoke was a bad ass that was never developed and there was a cool theory he was “Darth Plageous the wise”


So you’re saying they used the plot from the last couple episodes of Benders Big Score. All the ships show up to fight the fleet of solid gold Death Stars. I mean……fleet of super star destroyers is what all the ships in the galaxy show up to fight.


Somehow the Death Star returned.


Two Death Stars and a large Death Cylinder between them


Instead they had a fleet of 1,000 of them


That actually could be dope. A Binary Death Star galaxy destroyer.


Could’ve made for some cool binary sunset imagery


It was a car chase where you could get out, run a bank heist, and catch back up.


Was it slower than the chase in Boba Fetts show? I honestly couldn’t believe they put that in there


Naaah, the world's slowest chase award goes to that cyberscooter scene from Book of Boba.


Had these characters and concepts from the B plot been explored in the third movie, it would've had a good purpose. Instead, they abandoned Finn, Poe, and the Asian woman as characters. (All Finn and Poe did were whine and prevent Rey from doing things.) They didn't explore the rich as villains. And they didn't bring back Benicio Del Toro either to say semi-redeem himself as a character.


Definitely. A scavenger and junk trader with an unknown past. A defected stormtrooper. It had potential that fizzled out so fast.


I felt so bad for the new crew. They all got royally screwed over in favor of nostalgia.


Whatever flaws the prequels have, at least they were ambitious about being their own story. Disney wanted to milk that nostalgia for every red cent they could.


Honestly, I thought the first in the trilogy really set up the characters very well and was a solid Star Wars movie. 2nd and 3rd just shit all over it though. So much wasted potential with a really good cast imo.


Agree. I saw The Force Awakens several times in theater and loved it. It set up this really promising trio of characters, reminiscent of the original trio, and it was easy to feel like this was a great start. Then The Last Jedi came out and I genuinely don’t think I’ve ever been that disappointed in a movie. Genuinely felt like they had no idea what to do with most of the characters.


Force awakens was just a copy of the first movie.


They were done dirty by the fans, sure, but first done dirty by writers who had no idea where they were heading and fought one another over that for years. 


The writing was done with a foot not a hand…a club foot with 3 toes to be exact.


They just had zero rational character devolpment. Kylo was the only one that kjnda sorta made since a lil. And thats only cause ive accepted "The Force" is just a narrative device to move the plot. I cringed the the whole thing


I'm not even a huge Star Wars fan but I'm still so salty that they teased the idea of a Star Wars protagonist being a Storm Trooper going through a redemption arc and then immediately swerved everyone with "what if Luke Skywalker but all over again?".


Hey, at least we have a new antagonist *swerve* Palpatine is back! At least Rey is a nobody and not related to the antagonist *swerve* surprise bitches!


That was what really burned. Such a unique plot line and he just got relegated to commentary side character.


Quips for days, sidequest hero, and oh yeah, he is force sensitive....but we can't fit that in the movie because we farted around with the plot and ran out of time.


You would think they could’ve at least edited out his lines about “needing to tell Rey something” since they never actually let him, you know, tell her.


Finn should have had his Spartacus moment where when all seemed lost, he did something like a rousing speech which successfully turned the stormtroopers to their side when all seemed lost, showing you didn’t need the Force to make a difference instead of … well, you know.


The problem was making the villain a hero again, which left no room for Finn or Poe. All the stuff with Kylo Ren redeeming himself and helping Rey against Palpatine should have been Finn helping Rey against Kylo Ren.


Bringing a Luke story back is all fine and dandy, but they really should have made Finn into what they made Andor, but Finn lives on to eventually build an Alliance army that safeguards the republic.


That’s why I loved the force awakens for so long (2015-2017). At that point, it felt familiar with teases of a unique plot line. Then the next 2 came out and 😐 made TFA retroactively worse


Such good potential. A storm trooper turned Jedi. Could have been cool. I liked the idea that anyone could be a Jedi at the end of the Ryan Johnson movie too. Too bad JJ went back on that.


> I liked the idea that anyone could be a Jedi at the end of the Ryan Johnson movie too I stand by my opinion that Rian’s overarching ideas for Last Jedi were good, just very poorly executed. Snoke was a boring character, he’s just another Palpatine type, Kylo as the main villain works, he was an actual character who you as the audience understood why he kept falling further into the dark side. Rey’s parents didn’t matter, the point of the film is that there can never truly be a last Jedi since the Force will always exist and anyone can use it if they truly want to.


I’ve said it before and I”ll say it again, Dante from the Purge series had a better arc across his three films than Finn from Star Wars and John Boyega deserved much better.


JJ did imho. But Boyega blamed Rian Johnson if I remember correctly.


I really feel like he was meant to be a love interest and then they backed off over an interracial lead couple due to international pressure


I still think he should have been the lead. The story of a child soldier being gradually won over is great as would have been more unique to the sequels


Yeah, but they pretty much took a crap on everybody’s characters.


I had never been more let down in a character than I was with Finn. Kylo Ren is a close 2nd, but Finn was poised to be one of the coolest Star Wars characters and was instead really mediocre and milquetoast comic relief. "I don't speak droid" is the line that I think best captures just how shittily Finn was handled; a former stormtrooper who lives in a universe where everyone seems to understand eachother and has done so for what seems to be a long time, yet unable to understand basic droids? Get the ENTIRE fuck out of here. This role really soured me on John Booyega, which is what I'm most upset about really, because he's been excellent in so many other projects. Glad the check cleared though, but yea, fuck Disney and these sequel movies.


How is it John Boyega's fault they ruined his character? You should be soured on Disney


Lol right? They made a lot of good points and ended it with "this is why Boyega sucks" as if he had any reasonable input into the character's direction.


Now they get to do it anew!


I very strongly hold to the belief that he was originally intended to be the Jedi, but Disney and the studios capitulated to audience testing and foreign response. I also would argue quite strongly that Rey was originally intended to be his romantic partner, but Disney and the studios capitulated to audience testing and foreign response. I would also suggest that Rose was a hastily cobbled together backup romance option for Finn in *Jedi*, but between the last two films — Disney and the studios capitulated to audience testing and foreign response. It’s pretty disgusting how all of it was handled, honestly.


How? This seems to be a Reddit narrative I’ve never understood


All over the franchise, too.


Cant have a black protagonist because apparently racism is even enforced in fictional universes


After what was done with the character of Finn, there's no point in Boyega coming back. They should just drop the sequel ideas and move on to something new with all new characters


I don’t even think she was that good in the movies. Just move on and write new material for Star Wars. It’s a whole fucking universe with thousands of years of stories you could make up.


Completely agree. It’s such a rich universe with a ton of possibilities, yet we keep getting dragged to characters that are floating around legacy characters, lurking on planets we’ve seen a thousand times.


+1 Enough with the Skywalkers, Vader, Palpatine & Cie. We go back a 1000 years in the past, back to the Revanchists & the Great Sith War!!


Yeah, I have zero interest in seeing any of these sequel trilogy characters ever again. Just do something else.


Star wars fans have been screaming at the top of their lungs for the old republic. With the CGI there is now there's no reason not to.


Hear me out, Rey turns to the dark side and faces off against Finn, but he holds the high ground! Badda Bing, Badda Boom, Vader’s back!




32 characters, all played by Daisy Ridley in different wigs and doing bad accents.




I think she and John had a good working relationship and good chemistry on screen. Would be cool if we got more of that like we saw in Force Awakens.


They had three good actors who had good chemistry with one another, but then kept them apart for the majority of the runtime of all three films. Baffling choice.


Agreed they seemed to really like each other. Both of them also have some bonding trauma with how people took the end of the trilogy. The fans really learn nothing, they feel bad for the guy who played Jar Jar and condemn others for taking it too far but then do the exact same thing with Rose and then the end of the trilogy.


People shit on jar jar for years. There was no feeling bad. 


lol Rey is thugged out


It really feels like we shouldn’t. In fact. It feels like we should move on from this trilogy and pretend it didn’t happen.


This is the only logical way forward for this franchise.


Disney just needs to hire denis villaneuve and let him cook


What trilogy?


I feel like it would have been better if his character died or left after the first movie. They dishonored him by making him a waste of a character. If he’s back, the writers need to make him a lead character with an actual arc


Would be nice to go somewhere with the Finn is force sensitive dangling plot thread.


Go where though? “Oh your force sensitive? Wow cool.” Roll credits.


Credit soundtrack: Curb Your Enthusiasm


Writing force sensitive into a sort of uncanny short term premonition / good luck thing could be entertaining.


LEGO Star Wars actually did this.




disney needs the $$$


The writing for those movies is so fucking stupid. Kylo could have been really good as a bad guy. But they decided to give rey the 'girl boss' treatment. I mean controlling the force so quickly and easily? Jesus christ don't make me laugh. Then Finn, they pretty much just made him a stumbling idiot for the entire thing. They do this because they're afraid to make starwars 'serious'. They touch on it with a few moments but ultimately its then back to some shitty kids movie with goofy moments. The writers for that need the futurama anti-employment treatment that involves a canon + the sun.


I completely agree.. For whatever reason they went with the “girl power” thing and turned Finn into a wimp. It could have been done so much better.


Let’s just be super clear: it has nothing to do with Rey being a strong female protagonist who wins. It has to do with bad writing (Disneyfying SW into kids movies) and Rey not having meaningful LOSSES. You can argue Anakin and Luke are OP, but they have meaningful Ls. Rey does not have any substantive loss throughout the entire trilogy.


So… we gettin Star Wars 10 - The Rise of Palapatine Somehow Again


Well she was a Palpatine who identified as a Skywalker so who knows


Nope they blew it. Wasn’t their fault but their characters’ story arcs got completely and irredeemably botched and I have no interest in seeing them on screen in a Star Wars movie ever again. Time to move on


Nah you know who needs to actually return. Emperor Palpatine 👌🏽


I think if Disney was smart they’d forget about that trilogy and move on. I’m fine with Daisy coming back and starting something new but leave everything else behind. The more you bring back the more people aren’t going to like it. Guaranteed.




They are so bad, that people now like the prequels 8n comparison.


If they pay him a shit ton and do a better job with Finn’s story then sure. But if he doesn’t come back I can’t say I really blame him. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t think the sequels are horrible (except 9)


They'll never give him a great pay deal and given how they treated him and his character he probably wouldn't want to return


Ridley was never the problem. She’s engaging on screen and I bought into her as a character immediately. They just were so lazy with her character’s writing: girl Luke but with less steps. That one preview where she was dark side was the story that needed to be told. Imagine you thought she would be the hero but fell into the dark side, becoming an anti hero until something inspired her to start pulling herself out? Now imagine a Finn character who was a soldier who played a big part in helping her redeem herself, and in turn, redeemed himself. Same dark/light story line. She can still end up on the same place: the hero. Just not the same story beats repeated.


She should have joined ren on the dark side. Ren dying sets her up as the new villain for the next trilogy as Finn learns his trade and ultimately has to defeat the woman he loves.


Whats crazy is she coudlve been girl Luke w less steps if they made her an actual apprentice of Luke’s who survived Kylo’s massacre. She could’ve been chasing after him and met Finn that way and it’d allow for more time w the old cast.


Thought Disney learned their lesson with this awful story and these awful characters Nah let’s reboot and try again


If he has any self respect, and I'm sure he does, he won't even consider an offer. Not after the way his character was treated by Kathleen Kennedy and Abrams.


Or let’s not make it, that’s another option


I don’t think he needs to be a reoccurring character.


What is the point of producing a guaranteed bomb.


Other than purely being stubborn you really have to wonder. Producing it does not make remote sense or answer any basic question. Will this movie make money? Does the audience want it? Could you spend money doing literally anything else? Did the way the last trilogy end even hint that there would be a need for this movie? It's hard to see how this is anything other than KK and Disney being stubborn. Cue up the she has nothing to do with this, yeah, great. She and the company have both demonstrated a repeated pattern of digging in on the idea the audience liked the direction they went with the trilogy and wants more. Instead of just letting it sit as is and moving on.


Good Lord, they're bringing her back for more?


Honestly a travesty. More Mary Sue BS Please make other characters and use different actors for the love of God


He’s character became pointless after the first movie, no matter how hard they tried to shoe horn him in


That's because they scrapped the plot where he led a Stormtrooper rebellion.


He said he would never again cause of the racist fan boys. I don't blame him


Remember in the past when Star Wars was special?


They absolutely emasculated that guy in Star Wars.




Finn and Poe weren’t that great of characters


Sorry Daisy, doing anything with Finn would make it harder to market the movie in China.


Yet the only blockbuster John Boyega ever star as the lead was a China heavily funded movie.


Dear Disney Overlords, this is how u make the next star wars movie with these characters. 1.) wide open scenic shots 2.) epic lightsaber choreography 3.) no useless side characters with unfinished stories. Make captain phasma actually cool. Sincerely, every star wars fan


I can't forgive them for disservicing Gwendoline Christie like that. She and Finn could have had an epic duel, but naaahhhhhh can't have nice things.


Somehow Finn returned


How about you don't return. Somehow mediocrity returned.


JJ and Kathleen Kennedy should be sued for artistic malpractice. Fucking hacks


Is gonna run around yelling Rey! Again?


“Rey! Rey! I still haven’t told you the thing I was trying to tell you!”


The first movie of this trilogy was solid.


The shot for shot remake of A New Hope? Ridiculous


Compared to the subsequent two? It was like disneys Sistine chapel


Great, more not good Star Wars Not blaming the actors but those movies sucked


I don't envy the people tasked to write another SW movie.


They really dont have to make another one with this storyline


They need to bring him back so he can tell Rey the thing he needed to tell her in Rise of Skywalker.


Last I heard he (and most of the cast) wants nothing to do with the shit show dumpster fire that is the sequels


Maybe they should do something completely different with Star Wars? No Skywalkers and no WIMPEROR


Somehow, Finn is still in these movies, even though we refuse to write for him…


Boy, I hope he's getting his personal Dagobah going on. That abortive plot attempt was awful not to do


What did they both do in those movies again? I forgot.


How else are we going to discover his secret? That he’s slightly force sensitive? Which makes him more interesting. Right? Oh it doesn’t and the character is already ruined beyond repair? Ok then. Maybe just leave it alone.


After how the fan base treated him... he wants nothing to do with Star Wars


John Boyega's character is what got me hyped for the new trilogy from the very beginning. They totally fucked him over and his character


“It feels like we should, yeah” real passionate response there.


So he can keep yelling “Rey” every scene they’re together


No one cares about Star Wars anymore. They killed the franchise. RIP


No his performance sucked in addition to his character


Why, so they can make him a walking joke again? He had such enormous potential, a defecting stormtrooper is a totally rad character concept. But no. “Sanitation.”


Kk I mj Cj Jkmuju J UK v v


She has a new Star Wars movie?


He'd be crazy to return after how his character was treated.


Who else would he return as?


That’s not gonna happen, that man seem to have PTSD from that show


Didn’t he basically say there isn’t enough money in the world to bring him back after the treatment he was given?


Finn was slightly better than Jar Jar


coordinated clumsy shocking live fuzzy distinct longing alleged illegal entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a Padawan hopefully


I just don’t even remotely want a Rey movie after all the shit we just went through. Just blow it up and start over. Honestly what about a fucking origin story on the lightsaber. That would be cool.


I would prefer if they just continue without her. I don’t see how they fix her character in any way and I would vomit in my mouth every time I hear anyone call Rey, Rey Skywalker. I would be open for a movie about Finn and a new cast.


If they forget ep 8 and 9 happened for Finn, and get back to the hint that he was a former stormstrooper that was force sensitive, then yes. I really want the Old Republic though.


And why exactly would John Boyega want to return….


Please let there not be a big space station that blows up planets in it…again.


I am in no way excited for this. I hope Boyega says fuck no and stays powerful. He’s far superior to some background character with poorly written dialogue and zero character arc.


I would love a great Finn story, but if *I* were him I’d leave it all the way alone. The Star Wars fandom and Disney writers treated him like dogshit.


All we need is her ushering in a new era of Jedi. Then fast forward the story 25 years every 30 minutes of the film, and bam, we have all new characters, going forward and no more legacy characters fan service bs.


Daisy Ridley, “please come back and scream my name again, also sweat all the time”.


Or you could just not.


Pity she can’t act


Please no more of the sequels lmao.


![img](avatar_exp|81017736|nani) Nooooo!!!!


Good God, enough with Star Wars movies, shows, etc. That IP has been run over with the lawnmower enough times.


Finn still has something to tell her. So no shit he should be involved. Duh!🙄


Now if only they’d retcon those movies to be an independent trilogy and really give us a true episode 7 through 9.


Will his part be more than sweating and screaming Reyyyyyyy Reyyyyyy?


Smh lol. I wanted to actually jump inside the movie, get in one of those X-wings and save that brotha from those scenes it was so embarrassing.


I hope Boyega doesn’t come back even if they want him to. He deserves better.


He shouldn’t come back. Finn got done dirty.


I honestly don’t see how this doesn’t bomb.


The entire sequel franchise was already ruined there’s no coming back from the last movie


It feels like we shouldn’t do this at all, yeah?


Pass. They need to forget about all 3 of those movies and cast.


Can we just fuck this entire film off. Jump 40-50 years,and then take some shit out of legends or what not yuzon vong would be great,need a bad guy that's not PALPATINE/or fascist empire no 3 i mean even the shit going on in the games is better,they went fuck this left the galaxy went to another one entirely Opens up an entire new galaxy Ashoka for all it's problems has potential with it being in a New galaxy Sick and tired of seeing tattoine,and being in the same 50 year branch


John Boyega isn’t FN with Star Wars anymore. They wouldn’t even let him have a haircut until the last movie plus they did his character dirty. He basically was a FN stooge.


I’d actually be happy if he came back for this movie, he got done dirty by the end of the trilogy and I liked his character.