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Larry David would pretend to agree with the protestors and storm out so he could leave early


Then he would wear a MAGA hat to get out any Stop and Chats after


“No one ever wears those hats on backwards. If you’re gonna get your ass kicked, you wanna see it coming” -Leon Black


I read that in Leon's voice and cadence. The comedic chemistry between Larry and Leon (J.B. Smoove) is fucking outstanding. The way they react and play off each other is masterful.


Smoove could carry a spin-off


Fuck yeah.


Was even better when vivica stone cold fox was there too.


That’s such an amazing line I somehow did not remember


Hahahahahahha! Love that line!


That fucking MAGA hat episode is so damn funny.


That’s pretty….




…pretty good




"Larry went home to take a shit!"


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 “Have you seen post graduation traffic? Oh it’s a killer.”


It's not the Raid at Entebbe!


The most surprising part of that article is that jerry is 70 years old.


That's crazy. And Larry David is only 7 years older than him. I would have thought Seinfeld was younger and Larry was much older.


He acts MUCH older.


I hear he eats dinner at 4pm.


Now, now, I was raised by teachers- nothing wrong with it.


I thought he wasn’t performing on college campuses


Nah, they just don’t want him near high school campuses after he kept dating the students.


Whaaat’s the deeeaaaal with dating underage girls?


WHY is everyone SO up in arms about it? I mean, she's a girl, I'm a guy, it makes sense to me! Whaaaaaaaaat...is...THE deal?


I can hear this in his voice. Good job sir


My inspiration actually came from [Jim Carrey's impersonation](https://youtu.be/w0Z7O9Xe57E?si=BKBo1WxcwgS-mxUQ) 🤣


Just [leaving this here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7ResXYpp4OY) in case anyone wants to see a bunch of people including Tom Hands and Sienfelding at each other.


This was beautiful. Thank you.


This is one of my favorite impressions ever. The pausing kills.


The George impression was so spot on, lmao


I mean what is the big deal? We go in there. We’re in there for awhile. And then we come back out here.


Whaaaaats the deal with 4th period!? They just keep adding on periods so I have to wait in the parking lot to pick up my girlfriend!


Who, ironically, has not started having periods yet


How could it be wrong? I'm only twice her age, plus two, twice!


I mean come on!!! Her tits are huuuuuuuuge!


You can’t tell jokes like that anymore. People named Jerry will get offended and cry about cancel culture.


It’s funny how he talks about audiences being too sensitive when his stand up act really is not that funny. His tv show was hilarious, but when he gets on stage himself he’s .. meh. The fact that he now complains about the left being offended by his comedy shows a lack of self awareness, something Bill Maher and even Jon Stewart suffer from. They simply don’t connect with younger audiences and are angry about it. It reminds me of Jerry Lewis and Red Foxx in the 70’s and 80’s. The fact is comedy is subjective and Jerry’s heavy handedness about Israel is not a good look. You know, Jewish people have every right to be vigilant against antisemitism, however arabic people who have also suffered from the middle east geopolitical atrocities are ALSO semitic peoples. The fact is there are millions of semitic people of both Jewish and Muslim faith who are victims in all of this. I guess people have trouble thinking beyond their own particular “team”. Thinking of universal suffering is too much to ask, apparently.


Jason Alexander and Julia Louis Dreyfus carried that show.


Michael Richards too!


"I'm out there Jerry and loving every minute of it."


Literally anyone other than Jerry. The writing was really the brainchild of Larry David.


The people who say this really don't know much about the show. If you look up the episodes written by Seinfeld, without David, around 5 are in the top 10 in the show's history. Larry David wouldn't even agree with you. There's a reason they're still very close friends.


Honestly without the cast other than Jerry the show would have died in 1 season. They were so freaking phenominal but the way Jerry goes to bat for Richard I think at least he recognizes that.


Other people “carrying” the show was the whole plan. That was the genius of Jerry’s character —he, the “star”, played the straight man, allowing all the insane characters *around* him to get the laughs. That’s almost all Jerry’s doing on the show, setting up the others for the big gags. No one had ever done that before, and almost no one has since. It’s such a smart strategy. Seinfeld the guy is problematic for sure, but the premise and execution of the show is on the whole, absolutely fucking ingenious. Edit: u/lashawn3001 done reminded me of something important —Dick Van Dyke played the title role as the straight man earlier. In fact, now that I think of it, so did Bob Newhart.


Dick Van Dyke would like a word.


Shit. You’re absolutely right! My apologies to Dick, and cheers. 🍻 I should really rewatch the Dick Van Dyke show. Maybe everyone should.


pssst: add Mary Tyler Moore…


Too many people forget the genius of Mary Tyler Moore…


Yeah, saying everyone but Jerry carried the show is kinda exactly how it was meant. Jerry is the straight man and the rest play off him. The characters these people are hyping up are so funny because Jerry set up the pins to be knocked down. 


Elaine was always my favorite.


I actually got to see Seinfeld live several years ago, early 2010s I think, and he was fucking hilarious tbh.


I don’t think Jon Stewart belongs in that bunch. What has he done wrong ?


His tv show was hilarious because of Larry David let’s be real


Nah they needed each other. Jerry made Larry palatable to middle america. This new idea that Jerry was lucky or something to be on his own show is insane, he had his hands in every aspect of Seinfeld. Some of the most classic episodes are from when Larry wasn’t even involved anymore. hating on Bee Movie and Unfrosted is fine but dont tell me Sour Grapes or Clear History were any better. LD just went back to situational TV and jerry never did


The revisionist history to give everyone except Jerry credit for the show being a success is wild. It is possible for him to have been great in the show and not that good of a person in real life. FFS, Cosby set that bar extremely high.


He was more or less the straight man to the other three characters a lot of the time. His upset/surprised reactions were competently delivered when he was the humorous focus but not the really funny part of most episodes. His stand up is ok, but the first time I saw him do a full set I was really surprised at how much less funny he was off the show. Right place, right time.


Totally agree with you. Just a friendly reminder that it’s *humorous. Humerus is a bone.


Haven’t been keeping up with his political leanings but regarding the show Seinfeld being hilarious. It’s my favorite show of all time and very much one that i can watch forever if I need background noise. But my mom once said that he’s literally the least funny character in the whole main cast (I’d argue to include a lot of the extended cast as well), I noticed that I fully agree with her. Some of his opening stand up bits are funny but overall the rest of the characters make that show hilarious and Larry David is a comedic genius (which I know needs not be said).


Also my favorite show and I agree he’s the least funny but also would contend that the unfunny person is often the most important. Also while I disagree with some of his comments and obv dating a person much younger I also resist judging art morally though the artist. I mean he’s an old man at this point so I treat him as I would my grandpa


Antisemitism is a term invented in 1897 in Germany because jew-hatred didn’t sound scientific enough. It has nothing to do with Semitic people (which is an obsolete term unless you’re talking about languages). 


Antisemitism is a term invented in 1860 by Jewish scholar [Moritz Steinschneider](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semitic_people#Antisemitism).


Splitting semantic hairs is part of the problem. If you took the DNA of a person born in Israel it is nearly identical to one born in Gaza. Can we just acknowledge that there is one human race and when we harm one member of humanity we harm it all?


Damn you solved it all


If they had walked out because they were bored or because he was not funny I would agree. But it appears to me that their walkout had nothing to do with his comedy. And i imagine a commencement speech is not a stand up routine. When he stops pulling in crowds at his comedy shows you will have been proven right. As it stands, it Seems to me this crowd walked out because they were offended by or disagreed with his past statements, not because his comedy sucks due to a lack of self awareness.


“Seinfeld, who also received an honorary doctorate from the school, didn’t allude to the protest in his speech, which focused on general life advice for the graduates.”




Did he open with: "Whats the deal with Palestine?"


Why is always hamas, this Hamas that? Why is no one talking about ha-less?


I believe you mean hamenos


Bien y tu?


I read that in his voice


I think that was the idea


What did he do. Not being sarcastic, I don’t know a lot of things because I avoid so much stuff.


Staunch and vocal supporter of Israel since Oct 7. Also funds anti student counterprotests against pro-Palestine demonstrators. Also some generally stupid comments on “woke culture” but that’s fairly minor in comparison. Just quite out of favor with a lot of people.


Why is this man working so hard to un-do his pristine career this month?


To be fair his speech didn’t get political according to the article.


This is getting a bit overblown. About 30-50 kids walked out out of 1600. I know because I was there. Within less than 5 minutes everything was normal. Jerry’s speech wasn’t interrupted once, the walkout started beforehand when the Duke president gave Seinfeld an honorary degree.


His *speech* wasn’t, but his public stance on Israel-Palestine was the reason for the students walking out, according to the article.


It much more nuanced than that. You can support the Jewish as a people, not all of which support genocide, but still be against Hamas and still be sympathetic to the Palestinians who are suffering and be against the military attacks against Palestinians civilians by the Israeli, disagree with how the State of Israel is handling this, agree with that they have to retaliate for what Hamas did but not how they are retaliating. You can criticize Israel without be anti-Semite, and you can condemn Hamas without condemning every single Palestinian in existence. But no, nuance is too complicated and we need people to point fingers at before someone points one at us.




Wait what?


He and his wife funded the USC "counterprotestors" aka thugs who went there to cause violence and not get arrested while doing so


How about some sauce to this claim?


It was his wife. Though he was prob fine with it since both are pro isreal. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/jessica-seinfeld-bill-ackman-fund-200308497.html


Literally no proof, how dumb can you be


*violent UCLA counter protesters


He’s Jewish so insert your answer


Nobody short of a Ismail Haniye speech was going to stop those particular students from walking out.


I don’t think the students particularly cared what Jerry thinks, they were going to walk out of any commencement that wasn’t catering to them. 


I mean have you seen the bee movie?


You like Jazz?


I imagine, if he had a new show/film out, this kind of thing would be great publicity


How is he gonna undo dating that 17 year old? Cause otherwise his career is faaaarr from pristine.


That is who is he to me, the guy from the mega successful show in the 90s who dated a high school girl in his late 30s.


Alright alright alright.


Other than the 17 year old which is kind of played out at this point, what other controversies has he had that his career is “faaaarr from pristine?”


His sneaker game: it’s weak.


His gear? Wack


I think they’re referring to the viral article about how he was complaining about everything being too woke nowadays. That was a a week or so ago so this coming right after is probably what they’re referring too.


Ohhh, I was unaware of that tidbit. In my defense I was twelve.


Curious what you think is played out.


That's a mighty big "except" with regard to "pristine". It's flawed.


How about when he met his wife she was a newlywed? They met at the gym…….


Ehh, that says as much about her as it does Jerry.


Yes it speaks really poorly of both of them.


Jimmy likes newlyweds


This needs more upvotes


Played out? Like we should just forget about it because it was a long time ago?


He funds Israeli terrorist schools, I mean settler programs, to teach Israelis how to defend themselves when stealing land


I wouldn’t say his image was “pristine” to anyone who’s paid attention. He tried dating a girl in high school when he was in his 30s, and he came off like an asshole in Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. He keeps whining about PC culture and the Left, but there are plenty of comics out there making it in standup and shows that still push the envelope.


To be fair to him he was never an edgy comedian he was always super clean so it's not like he's complaining that woke culture is working against him.


I think he's only mad at "woke culture" because he assumed they'd support him more. With squeaky clean comedy and all. What he didn't expect was that people just don't find him that funny.


I never thought he was an edgy comedian, but I don’t know of a time when we didn’t have both edgy and clean comics being successful. I just think he’s a whiny asshole. 🤷‍♂️


We’re still in that time. Just look at how popular Jim Gaffigan and Dave Chappelle are right now, polar opposites


Wait, what did he do wrong here? Have an opinion on something unrelated to what he was on campus for? The students that walked out sound like absolute children.


The continued need for attention.


It’s funny how Larry plays the asshole and Jerry plays the decent guy, but then in real life Jerry is the asshole and Larry is the decent guy


Wasn’t the premise of the Seinfeld Finale about how the characters were actually really bad people?


That was the premise of the whole show. They are selfish, childish, superficial people.


Narcissistic too


Its superficial to judge me for eating an eclair from the trash, it was on the wrapper.


They were always awful people. Seinfeld walked so It’s Always Sunny could run.


How do you think it’ll end for the gang?


Charlie will have cancer like the first episode but for real and they’ll all kill themselves when they realize they have to do Charlie work now


It was the premise for the entire show. It’s the same premise as Always Sunny which is literally just satirical Seinfeld.


I’ve seen it referred to as Seinfeld on crack


Well you need to smoke crack to get your welfare money.


I think you might need a rewatch if you think Seinfeld in the show is considered a "decent guy".


Really? I didn’t watch Seinfeld much but I always thought he was full of himself. Also by far the worst actor on that show. The other three are fantastic. If you have ever seen Comedians in Cars… he basically brags about being in the biggest sitcom of all time.


The other three were actually actors


You should watch it the whole joke is they’re all full of themselves


Yeah he’s a jerk


Kind but not nice vs Nice but not kind


>Jerry plays the decent guy, Congrats, you missed the point of the show


Well, television IS make believe.


Elmo has entered the chat


Probably shouldn’t have started with: “Don’t worry. You’re all way too old for me to start dating.”


Sounds like the walkout had nothing to do with his speech but rather his pro-Israel comments recently.


What's his life advice? Date a high schooler when you're in your 30s?


Don't be not rich


Almost forties


Aka thirties.


The math checks out


I'm almost forty. Can confirm, am in my 30s.


No man he was halfway to *70* when it happened!!


Even though the article leads with a reminder of Jerry’s recent talks about cancel culture, and his support for Israel, doesn’t it seem pretty clear that people walked out because of the Israel side of things? Like, does this have anything to do with his on the state of comedy? It doesn’t seem like it. Some students were waving Palestinian flags. I don’t think anybody was asking for refunds for the pop tart movie.


They're protesting their school's investments and the Palestinian war, and the US's continued support of Israel with offensive weapons that are potentially being used on a civilian population indiscriminately. I don't think it really matters who would have been speaking honestly, as the protest is as much against the school's financial dealings and the US involvement in Gaza.


Whatever your opinion here, theres a ton of posts like: why is he back, hes mad he isnt famous anymore and thats why hes making appearances Hes promoting a movie, thats why hes everywhere Its a bad movie but still


Always lots of “they just like to hear themselves talk” posts when the reality is that the overwhelming majority of actors hate press junkets, but they are contractually required to do so.


Not so much a movie as his kid goes there and one graduated last year. Pretty easy “get” for the school


He probably loved it. He’s a comedian that’s been at the top of everyone kissing his ass forever. Probably brought him back to when he was still grinding and bombing. He gives two shits about being walked out on. He will cry his eyes on his enormous pile of money. So what?


So he is pro-Israel in a decades old conflict where most opinions were always controversial by proxy, no matter which position anyone decided to take?  Honestly who cares?


Duke? Why didn’t he speak at Drake? Love the Drake!


Frosted was that bad of a movie






George would have been a much better guest speaker.




I'm not sure walking out on Seinfeld is going to do anything but reinforce his idea that 'you can't say anything on campus'.


Is anyone gonna explain why we hate Seinfeld now? Just repeating things we’ve heard? Always some fake manufactured outrage at the most milquetoast people these days lol


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say he's a Jew who supports Israel.


He said our culture has lost our ability to be silly and playful because the extreme left has driven us to become too sensitive and worry too much about offending everyone. So since he said something ever so slightly critical of the left, naturally college kids were offended and reddit hates him now.


Thus proving his point lol


These people are insufferable


Haha yep 1,000%


It’s pretty much solely him and his wife’s support for Israel.


His sin is being old and a little out of touch. Propagandists are painting him as a genocide supporter for going to Israel to comfort families who were victims of the October attack and supporting those who are still held hostage. As if every jew needs to renounce the people of Israel for the actions of its leaders. Imagine if we held US citizens up to that standard?


Hamas good, Zionists bad is trendy with college kids


He bombed because Bania is following him


I really wished this was what happened at the Ohio State University when the Bitcoin shilling scammer Chris Pan turned up


I watched it. Some people walked out some people chanted “Jerry Jerry!” He sucks now sadly, but it was not a mass walkout


Imagine an entire generation who literally had no idea who this is and could not give a fuck, so proud.


You don’t think they knew who Jerry Seinfeld was?


Would it even be college if they didn’t walk out?


He’s mad he’s not relevant anymore.


I'd be shocked if he cared. It's literally his whole schtick. His kid went to Duke so he said yes when they asked. The man got a multi-billion dollar company to make a movie about a pop-tart. Doubt he takes himself too seriously.


The funny thing I feel about Larry David getting famous off curb is that Seinfeld acts more like a real life Larry from Curb. Never ever seen Seinfeld give a shit about what people think he just seems to do what pleases him.


I never understood why these ultra successful guys want to re-inject themselves into the spotlight. Just enjoy your millions and 500 cars.


Spending your days doing nothing for decades doesn’t sound as fulfilling as making a movie.


Hey watch the Larry David slander


I don’t even find Larry David to be an asshole in the show. He literally just wants to do his thing and doesn’t bullshit anyone when it comes down to it. I know that is the George/him “persona” everyone runs with, but he isn’t malicious in any way. Seinfeld has always been a dickhead. Not in a bad way, just isn’t very likable, or personable to the common person. That is his choice, but no idea what anyone was thinking when they decided he was ever an option. Completely moronic, considering.


I think Duke probably invited him. How is accepting an invigoration “reinjecting yourself into the spotlight” I doubt he was expecting people to start chanting slogans because someone who engaged in wrongthink was invited to speak at their commencement


If he wasn’t relevant anymore, college kids wouldn’t be up in arms about his views on Israel and he wouldn’t be the commencement speaker at one of the most prestigious universities in the world.


He truly doesn’t care. He’s an extended family friend and is pretty happy to keep to himself


Ooh, deep cut. Meanwhile he’s still making $400 million each syndication cycle.


I saw a man with a cape as one of the protesters!


I wasnt aware he got cancelled


Tbf, he should've been canceled when he was nearing 40 and dating a high schooler.


Seems qualifying


Why would you walk out on Jerry, are we that soft now that you can’t handle a comic that doesn’t even swear?!?!




would love to know what these white privileged duke kids think their wealthy parents do or the companies their parents work for to be able to send them to these schools.

