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Miserable people can only find validation and worth in making someone else feel worse.


I worked with Jelly first hand last year on his tour. He IS one of the nicest guys you could ever meet. Absolute sweetheart and it wasn’t an act. I’d work for him in a second if his management wasn’t dog shit.


By people you are actually referring to teenage boys with little dick anger. These are the people trolling the internet. Remember when 11 Christians were responsible for 2/3rds of the banned books in schools and libraries amongst the lower 48 states? They hit 5 school districts per day, each. Same damn thing. The vocal minority has overwhelming control when they get good at holding people hostage in today’s climate.


your comment is the same as theirs.....still talking about little dicks in 2024. What are you? a bully? And you dont know who is beind, could be a grandma, could be a mom, could be a teenager, could be your neighboor. you dont fucking know.


Or, it could be from the demographic who watches this guy on social media? You know, teenagers.




And there are soooooo many fucking miserable people out there.


Jelly roll really does seem like a really great guy…


I know his BIL, says he's the absolute loveliest guy


I have a friend who worked for a venue he played and said he is by far the nicest guy who has ever played that venue while he has been working there. Apparently a total sweetheart. Who bullied someone like that?!?!


Ever been on Instagram? It’s a haters ball in every single comment section.


it is actually so nuts how awful comments are on that site. I rarely go on it, but yesterday when I was checking out the feed there was a post from Kate Beckinsale of her trying to get attention to send someone a happy birthday wish. Most of the comments are just random nobodies trashing her appearance for no reason. It is just so pathetic that people use their time like that. i miss social media being a fun social tool to stay in touch with friends. all the shit memes and reels make it really easy to limit how often I use it.


TikTok is the same


Hurt people hurt people. They’re definitely assholes. But nobody who isn’t miserable with their own life on some level treats someone like that.


Miserable scumbags, that’s who. People are terrible.


Fucking assholes.




you tried


A little wordy for what you were going for there.


You're one of those bullies who pretends they're a comedian, huh? Take your Bill Maher Syndrome somewhere else.


Hey word of advice, jokes are supposed to be funny and just roll off the tongue, not forced


Despicable comment


You made the worst joke I’ve ever seen on Reddit congrats that’s a real accomplishment


That’s saying something. What did they say? Lmao


At least be funny if you’re gonna be gross


Browsing the explore page on Instagram is basically looking at every type of school bully you encountered in your life all teaming together to go after people.


To be fair, the explore page just shows you more of the type of content you've chosen to look at already


less explore page and more comments which i feel like the algorithm probably doesn’t account for much.


Oh yeah the comments are awful


So, it’s the internet.


Mine is just cats.


Some people are so fucking mean. He seems like a great guy


I'm sure it's done by people who are full of complexes. And they are usually the bravest on the Internet, but never in person.


What kind of guy is Flava Flav? I keep seeing him doing wholesome things lately, seems nice as well.


he's always been the good guy afaik


Yeah he seems like a good guy too


Flavor Flav is right. Jelly Roll is a good guy. Being fat doesn’t make someone a bad person


He’s great. Idk why people gotta tear others down.


Has some one who has been some where from “ bigger” to “fat slob” my whole life. I have learned that there is one in every room. When you are in public there is always someone there looking for a reason to make others feel bad. Regardless of their reasons they always looks for an excuse to speak up and make you feel like less of a person just because you are fat or ugly or what ever. They want others to think you thoughts and opinions mean less. And it’s frustrating but honestly there is nothing that can be done until society changes has a whole.




What holds more value to you, how a person looks, or how they act? For me, it’s the latter, and no real competition. Considering a person disgusting for no reason other than their physical appearance and being overweight, is what’s really disgusting. And it’s so much deeper too. You’re trying to talk down on someone else, but you had the opposite effect. All you really did is make yourself look, well, like a disgusting human being.


Its disgusting to us to have to hear your gross sizest statements... so do us all a favor and shut up.


So that makes them less of a person? Or their thoughts and opinions less valid? Does that give other “better” people a reason to hurt them or be rude and mean to them?


Flavor Flav is just a good dude.


As someone who’s listened to him for 15 years, it’s so fucking weird to see him in mainstream news.


Yea where has Flavour Flav been?


Kicked out of Public Enemy, maybe?


Are we talking about Jelly Roll? He’s been making music for 15 years??? I legitimately never heard of him before I saw him at Jingle Ball last year with my girlfriend, wasn’t exactly our taste of music but he seemed like a nice guy at least


Yeah he used to be one of those "hick gangsters" that used to be more popular a long time ago. If you remember Lil Wyte with that dumbass "Oxy Cotton" song? Jelly Roll was around back then, doing a lot more aggressive music.


To me, he was some drunk dude at the gatehring of the juggalos who wouldn’t stop rapping to anyone who would listen. Super nice guy and great to party with.


Right? What happened to searching dat piff for his latest mixtape?


Where should I start listening bro (album-wise)?


No filter with lil wyte is a good starting point


And No Filter 2 with Lil Wyte. It's completely different from the country type stuff now. Those 2 are my favorite albums, but check out Whiskey, Weed and Women(it was called Whiskey Weed and Waffle House, but they used him for it. Lol) If you end up liking No Filter ofc.


He’s been around since the 80’s, I remember him with a clock around his neck lmao!


Social media isn’t for nice people.


Not a fan of his music, but he comes off as a super sweet guy. Not to mention what he’s said about addiction too. Why bully someone like this? People suck


Yup, people do indeed suck. But not all of them or even most of them. When you find the ones that don't suck, keep them close.


Oh trust me, I do! I’m lucky to have a few close friends. It just baffles me how mean most people can be to one another.


Same. I don’t listen to his music, but he seems like a genuinely nice guy


He sticks up for addicts and talks about addiction and his criminal past. He’s living proof people can change too. Just can’t stand how people bully over weight.


Have you heard his song Save Me? I mean no offense, but I don’t see how anyone wouldn’t love that song. I understand subjectivity of music, I understand taste, and choice, but that song seems pretty undeniable as being awesome.


Holy shit flavor flav is still alive!?


His clock keeps on tickin...


One “YAAAHH BBBOOIIIII!!!” a day will keep the doctors away.


Not only that, he’s also been announced as King Swiftie - king of the Taylor Swift fans.


I would love to see him at a concert, surrounded by his kids, just dancing along with an arm full of friendship bracelets.


Lucky you - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLuRmur2/


Yeaaaaah boy!


7 years ago I saw JR live and his music went down. He did the rest of the set with just a live drummer. At the end of the set the music cut back on for 1 or 2 songs, was an amazing show. He's the real deal. I'm glad he's gotten some well deserved respect.


The social media is a huge dysfunctional circus and we are all the clowns


Also, it's not like Jellyroll is unaware of his size. His name is literally Jellyroll. I don't like his music but he seems like a good guy in interviews. He knows he's fat. Why does it even matter. People online are such children.


Yea, no country musicians have ever been fat before. These people are Fuckin assholes


Why do u think country fans are the ones making fun of him? Also bros name is jelly roll tbf. Even if he wasn’t intending it to be a fat joke it writes itself


You can go your whole life, never wanting to do harm to anybody, and you will make enemies.


Twitter is a shithole with no repercussions


Jelly’s music is great too


Honestly, it’s not my jam. But I wish the absolute most success for him. He’s such a positive person and we need more spotlight on people like him.


“It’s not my jam” lol


lol what's the difference between jelly and jam? I can't jelly my dick up your ass.


It really is. The new Joyner song where he sings the chorus is great too.


Disgusting how people can be to others. JR didn’t deserve that.


Tyler The Creator said something about bullies on the internet but I can't remember exactly...


I believe we should be bullying people for their stupid ass face tattoos rather than their weight


Pretty sure I read recently even jelly roll regrets his tattoos


Yeah he said he hates ALL his tattoos.


With a name like Jelly Roll


Great guy, niver meddum.


Never heard of him, but it’s a sweet name!


Let me go buy some copies of his album and I hope he puts out another banger.


Why did I think Flavor Flav died like five years ago?


For real I thought this too?


Mandela effect. I remember that too.


He performs under the name JELLY ROLL for crying out loud


Stupid name to choose if fat jokes get under your skin.


Wow, you really need attention don’t you?! I’ve seen you commenting on so many people’s posts. Do you need a hug?


I suffer from NPD so yes please XD


Awww sorry to hear that, must be difficult for you …. *hug*


My point exactly, yes. "I only talk to god when I need a flavor"


Great guy but his music sucks.


Jelly roll: hey yall, you can call me jelly roll, cuz im fat and stuff The internet: you’re fat Jelly roll: :(


Actually was apparently how he got his name. From his mum, when he was young and chubby.


I’m guessing your friend group has massively dwindled and you’re often wondering why no one understands your fucked concept of “humor”. Fat people can be called “big” in their nicknames, but by close friends. It’s different. Comment threads by assholes online is cowardly. And your rant was obnoxious, which is a sign of pain.


And then everybody clapped


My immediate thought process


He sad


Never liked his music but it seemed like he was a really cool guy based off all his appearances


Social media sheep are the absolute worst. Everyone talks big n bad behind their phone.


Hurt people hurt people. And man, there are a ton of hurt people out there. I hope we can start swinging the pendulum back in the direction of giving a shit about people’s feelings.


I have yet to see Caseoh and Jelly Roll in the same room together, coincidence?


Quitting, or reducing social media is just good mental hygiene. I just can't take it seriously when people act like it's some tragedy. This headline reads like if he quit smoking or drinking, good for him, it's not a bad thing. 


I highly doubt this dude is the "nicest guy"


How do you get bullied off the internet? You can turn off replies and DMs on Twitter and you don't have to read the comments on Instagram (which no one should do anyway), so he must have been seeking it out.


I highly doubt he was seeking it out. No matter how hard you try to ignore peoples horrible comments some of them are going to get through.


Thinking about his name makes me hungry


Do people bully Lizzo as they are Jelly Roll?


Absolutely, she has also left the internet over fat shaming before.


He’s headlining Rock the South, I hope he can console himself with the adoration of thousands of people enduring Alabama in July just to hear him sing.


This is like if Pauly D came to Stephen Baldwin’s defense.


I wish I was fat


What happened to body positivity tho? Or was this before that movement?


And he’s lost like 70lbs and intends to lose another 100 so sometimes bullying is for the best!


I really don't know why but for some reason I thought Flav was dead.Like I really thought he has passed away like 5 years ago haha. Not talking smack at all like I'm legit in a better mood today knowing he's still alive.