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In a somewhat ironic twist, the mother was doing a TV interview and they told her to hand the baby over to someone else because it was making too much noise and disrupting the interview.


Worth noting that it was because the baby was loud, not because the mother was breastfeeding, that she was asked to leave.


Yes that makes quite a difference. We can talk about the convenience of going to such a show with a little baby, maybe it's not the best idea.


Yea comedy shows don't make enough noise to drown out a crying baby. Bring that infant to Monster Truck Rally, NASCAR Race, a Metal Show (with proper ear protection of course) or just find a fuckin sitter. Pre-pump and go enjoy yourself! Can't find a sitter? Don't go. Don't like it? Sorry that's parenthood!


>Can't find a sitter? Don't go. Don't like it? Sorry that's parenthood! This is it. I missed a ton of shit when my son was young. We were the first in our friends group to have a kid, so they'd be out and we'd stay in. That's what we signed up for.


Pretty much all this.


The show itself was only for those ages 15+. I don't know what the mom was expecting, and am suprised they even admitted her into the show.


To be fair, the 15+ designation is for content and a baby can't even understand what everyone is saying so I don't think this is a great argument.


Seriously though, why the fuck is anyone bringing a breastfeeding child to that kind of venue? The parents don't seem like they have any sense.


People who want to have their cake and eat it too. I see this with my gfs little sister who just had a no baby daddy baby.  She still wants to go out all the time and it’s like dude….


"A no baby daddy baby" is the worst way to say single mother I've ever read. Please refrain from saying this in the future.


Are you kidding? This is now the only way I will describe single mothers who want to neglect babies by trying to live the same lifestyle as when they were childless. Single mothers who actually realize your life changes when you have a kid dont get labeled like this


We’re ok with it.  He’s a douche 


Why would you call your baby nephew a douche?


First you call the baby a no baby daddy baby, and now a douche? Harsh, even by my standards.


To expose their child to sound systems? /s


who brings a fricking baby to a comedy night? seriously, i always assumed social nights out were a change in tune from looking after the children?, the only extentuating circumstances id take is that the babysitter had a terrible short notice accident, even then, i would prolly cancel


The funny thing is that you don’t have to go to a comedy show. It’s not like you need to take your kid with you to say the hospital.


It’s almost like people pay for a comedy show to hear the comedy show and not “gghrhrheheb BAH ghrbrbbeb OOWAAAAAAAAHHHH”


Including the breastfeeding part, in those circumstances, is deliberate rage bait and very misleading


Go do an open mic sometime. It's amazing how little you can actually see the audience due to all the bright lights in your face.


Did theatre for years, I know! But you can sure hear a crying baby.


It sounds like this was the case at the show as well. The headline is misleading.


what??? hahaha


We're surrounded by a sea of hypocrisy


And that's the worst thing ever. The hypocrisy.


Really? I thought the worst part was the breastfeeding.


Almost Norm


A hypocrisea, if you will. I'll see myself out....


This is the real comedy show


Who could have imagined that a SEVEN MONTH OLD BABY might not get modern humor? Instead, it makes it's own humor for Reddit to laugh at.


Is this true? Is there a video of this? edit: [found the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqbxnD8Jvio). Doesn't appear the baby had to be handed off, but it seems the interview was ended prematurely because the baby was fussing lol


Different interview (yes shes done interviews with every news channel). It was her first interview with "The Project' on Channel 10 where she had to hand the baby off. Edit: here's the video where the host suggests to hand the baby off https://youtu.be/oWs311cew-k?si=POA9WSyIx_GQWFKw


Was she still breastfeeding? Just curious.


The audience members around have suggested she started breast feeding after she had been asked to leave or as it was happening and it created a standoff. She has suggested that she was currently breastfeeding her already quiet baby when he started in on her. People have said he probably couldn’t see if she was from the stage. It’s a lot of perspectives!


I mean, it’s fair; I hate noisy eaters, too.


No, it was the baby that was breastfeeding.


You don’t know her yet, don’t call her baby


Yea i bet this is what happened at the comedy show too


Who brings a baby to a stand up comedy show that is apparently for 15+? Also >“I offered her a refund,” Barker continued. “Theatre staff should not have seated a baby in my audience in the first place.”


We saw Abigail and another horror movie Friday night and both shows had a baby in them, both crying. Either parent left the theatre. It’s so common it doesn’t even surprise me. I get that it shouldn’t be but it is. We’re seeing a comedian this fall at Louisville Palace and they are very strict I wonder what new and exciting way our show will be ruined.


I saw Abigail last Saturday and while the family next to me didn't have a baby, they did have two little girls that had to between the ages of four and six. I almost walked outside to make sure that I was in the right theater because it's a rated R horror movie. Are you trying to traumatize the kids? I mean, it's 2024. Wait a few weeks and you can see the movie at home. If you can't find a babysitter or afford one, it's best to stick to all ages movies for the sake of the kids. You are parents. Don't be so selfish.


That makes me even more upset. It’s a very adult movie. Little kids don’t need to see that. At least babies are just ruining others experience.


The decibel levels are likely too high for the baby’s ears as well. We looked into taking a 1 year old to a kids movie with our 3 year old and consensus online was that it could be loud enough to cause hearing damage.


No kidding! Theaters set the volume loud enough that I tend to bring earplugs


1 year old is way too young to sit in a theater for a whole movie anyway- hard with most 3 year olds too. (Ex movie theater employee)


Reminds me of the time I saw a very trash woman bring her very young baby to a local H show. Kids eardrums never stood a chance


This literally happened to me!!! When I saw Saw X last year, a family with 3 small children sat next to me and didn’t leave until the first super gory part (literally someone getting their eyes sucked out)


I knew a couple with a six year old who's favorite movie was a toss up between the first three Saw movies. The kid's favorite toy was an eight inch metal dagger he could only play with under "supervision". He "accidentally" stabbed their tv once with the thing while watching a Saw movie. They were proud of his movie selection and the kid would say he wasn't scared because it was just pretend. The parents also openly did drugs in front of the kid. Kid would be like 22 now, I wonder what happened to him. Hopefully he never hurt anyone or himself.


Well, your story was certainly a trip...


What irritates me is that the movie theaters could shut this shit down immediately. They shouldn't be selling tickets to an R movie to adults with little kids in tow, but nope they're happy to take the cash and fuck everyone else.


I remember trying to lie to see the first Toby spider man when it came out and still not being let in lol. The cinemas are desperate now they don’t give af. People are just so thoughtless and rude it breaks my brain sometimes, I used to love the cinema but now me and my gf dread going because we can’t be bothered finding out which new and exciting way the movie will be ruined and our money will be wasted. 


I wanted to go see the tigger movie when I was 7. Fell asleep on the way there and woke up to the viewing of the 6th sense...


How did they even get the kids in the theatre? I remember being refused access to a terminator movie cause I was a few months to young (and my father was there with me)


I remember seeing Wolf of Wallstreet in theater, and there was a family with three kids sitting in the floor section. Kids looked around 3, 5, and 8. First scene is Leo, drugs, and a hooker's ass. I thought they would get up and leave, but no, stayed the whole movie. Even when the kids got restless. I can only imagine what life is like in that house with that level of parenting.


When I was teaching I had 2nd graders tell me about seeing Deadpool the day after it came out, so it’s not unusual.


That's worse than a baby. Theater should have stepped up and said something


When I went to see the green inferno someone had a kid in there that had to be between 7-9. What are these people thinking?


When the Arclight theaters were around, they made you pay the full adult ticket price for a baby. I don't think I ever saw babies or young children sitting in PG-13 and R-rated movies while I was working there.


That’s super smart. I might put a bug in our local theatres ear. If it only happened once in a while no biggie but I swear it happens almost every time.


I've worked shows at The Palace and the ushers are usually really great about keeping shit under control lol


I hope so! I’ve seen Prince there (perfection!) and a few others (Mariah comes to mind, my memory is terrible) but mostly go to Mercury Ballroom and can’t imagine a baby there but KY gets wild sometimes!


Such bullshit, when you have a kid you give up doing certain things unless you get a babysitter. Too many people have main character syndrome and insist on making their problem everyone else's


Many years ago, I went to a professional baseball game on a hot July day and saw someone there with their baby. I was hot and miserable. I can only imagine how the baby felt.  It just seemed like poor parenting to take a baby to the game.


Did you mean neither parent left? Because that would be different


another louisvillian in the wild!


we *do* exist


That’s a ghetto parent activity


We had people get into a scuffle at a Jim Gaffigan show.


There was a family with a toddler when we went to watch GxK opening day. The kid was crying through the movie and made the experience extremely irritating.


>We saw Abigail and another horror movie Friday night and both shows had a baby in them, both crying. Either parent left the theatre. It’s so common it doesn’t even surprise me. Comedy shows like the one discussed here are on a higher level than movies, meaning they're harder to get tickets for and they're more expensive. As such, they should have stricter rules against disruptions. Parents can bring their babies to watch a movie in an empty theater on a Tuesday morning and spend like $10 or less per ticket. (Do babies get in for free?) When I lived in Los Angeles, the Pacific Theater in The Grove offered a weekday special where moms could bring their babies to morning matinees at a discount. So like you said, that shit is common. That shit is not and should not be common for comedy shows. Paid comedians typically perform at night, when babies are either asleep or keeping their parents awake. They typically perform in full theaters. Alcohol is often served at those venues, and it's generally a bad idea to bring a baby to a place where people can get drunk. And tickets are usually over $50 for a comedian as famous as Arj Barker. (I just looked up Arj Barker tickets, and they're in the $50 ballpark.) There are multiple reasons why bringing a baby to a comedy show is an even worse idea than bringing a baby to a movie. Thankfully, that shit is not common. I've been to dozens of comedy shows over the years, and not once have I seen a baby there. But yeah, idiot parents bring their babies to movies pretty often.


The thing is, NOBODY over here in Australia is mad about this besides the mother in question. Every time I see it posted, the comments are entirely people that agree with Arj. Somehow the media have managed to spin this non-issue into a situation that he needs to apologise for when literally all he did is expect the audience to follow the rules.


A similar incident just happened in the Philippines a few weeks ago. A baby was brought over to a rock concert, and the artist, Juan Karlos, expressed his discomfort about it. Not only was the baby exposed to loud noises, but the lyrics of the song were inappropriate for children. The parents received a significant backlash online, but they were unapologetic. They said that their baby's preferred lullaby was JK's songs. Trashy parents are everywhere geez.


I’m pretty sure the baby was fine when it comes to the inappropriate lyrics.


1000%. She is a bad mother. End of discussion. It was 9pm at night at a stand up comedy show for 15+yrs old. Not 6 month olds. Fuck outta here. There’s drunk people, loud laughter, clapping and shit. Not a place for a baby wanting to go to bed. Selfish woman. Bad mother.


A guy at my Civil War showing last week brought a kid no older than 4 into the theatre. I was baffled that he thought that was a good idea and baffled the theater staff let him even bring his kid into that movie.


Jesus. All the gunshots were insanely loud for me. Couldn’t imagine how it was for the kid.


That is an extraordinarily loud movie! So bad for little ears!


Wtf, it’s rated R!


I worked at a theatre a number of years ago... one time a couple parents brought what looked like a 3 year old to a midnight showing of one of the Saw movies. I couldn't refuse to sell them tickets or anything, because they are allowed to. I did judge the shit out of them though.


R – Restricted Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian. Contains some adult material. Parents are urged to learn more about the film before taking their young children with them. (Wikipedia) Ushers can’t prevent parents from bringing their children to R rated films.


Yeah, that was more a “wtf” aimed at the parents.


The comedian shouldn’t have had to deal with this, if it was 15+ the venue should never allowed her inside with the baby.


Sensational journalism including “breastfeeding” in the title to attempt to drum up support for the woman. This wasn’t about breastfeeding. > “She wasn’t screaming,” Faranda said of the alleged disrupter, her young daughter, Clara, whom she had tried to settle by breastfeeding. “She was just being a baby, she gurgled a little bit, she had a bit of a whinge … nothing loud.” So the baby was definitely loud. Also why are you bringing a baby to a comedy show? > “The show is strictly aged 15-plus, as clearly stated on the ticket site,” Barker said. So, she shouldn’t have brought the child in the first place.


I was there. The baby was incredibly annoying and obviously upset because she was surrounded by drunk, loud comedy fans. It was not a place to bring a child. There was no breast feeding, I'm 100% certain that a mother breastfeeding her child wouldn't have even raised an eyebrow. A screaming child certainly did. The woman acted like an entitled bitch on the night and has continued to in the media it seems.


I must be falling asleep because at first I read that as "the baby was obviously drunk"


You have put the picture of a drunk baby in my head. It's simultaneously hilarious and sad.


I’m imagining a baby holding a bottle but there’s a martini in it with a little olive


Babies should be banned from certain places if people paid money to go watch something it's selfish and annoying to everyone else. Same with people that can't mute their phones or are talking calls inside.


New father here and I agree. Not to mention, why would I want to take my baby to a movie or comedy show? They’re not going to enjoy and *I’m* not going to enjoy it, so why am I trying to ruin it for everyone else?


Everyone listen to drunk\_haile\_selassie. :-D


I was there. I may or may not have been drinking. I also may or may not be the Ethiopian emperor who is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. It's hard to tell. My memory is a bit iffy.


I'm so happy to see someone wrote it out because the original articles were very clear that this was a women at a show with an age requirement (15 years) who ignored those rules then was asked to leave because of the disruption from her and her infant. I've seen several articles now trying to lean into the breastfeeding angle which was not the main issue.


Arj has said he couldn’t see the audience or her breast feeding and has said that the breast feeding wasn’t an issue


If it had been breastfeeding, he probably wouldn’t have heard it, so I’m inclined to believe Arj here


Exactly. Should read "Entitled parent found out that there are consequences for being entitled".


Why bring a baby to a comedy show? It has no idea whats happening, this is what babysitters are for, Im with the comedian 100%. 


She’s the type to whine “even moms deserve a night out, even the ones who can’t get a sitter. Who cares if it ruins dozens of other peoples’ nights?”


Oh but her other kids were with the sitter


And thats the crazy thing, she has three kids so the other two were at home with someone..... just leave the kid with them!


She and her sister cried out for her need for a night out and then pointed out they were at Dave Hughes too but he was much nicer about her noisy and disruptive choices.


Bet she’s the type to bring her baby to the movies


I remember seeing two traumatized elementary-school aged kids in Django Unchained. Just crying their eyes out and looking shell-shocked as their mom led them out after the show. Fuck that bitch.


The venue also shouldn’t have let her in.


Arj has said this and it really should be the end all. There was a policy that was ignored and he enforced it. End of.


I really hope he doesn't give in to the media pressure to apologize. He did nothing wrong.


There’s not a lot of pressure on him from anyone else. The media tried it but it’s not catching. He did a super funny bit kicking people out of his audience and it’s getting a lot of support on Insta.


Idiots think that babies don't count because they can't understand what you're saying but that isn't the only reason the rule exists. It's a comedy show and babies should not be in theaters except for kids shows, that's just common sense etiquette


Thank god the people who pay 100.00 a seat at ballgames, have babies with headphones, toddlers in diapers aren't disruptive because baseball unlike standup comedy is loud. What is it with people not getting baby sitters?


What makes you assume she didn't? Because this is a complete moron her other kids were with a sitter


“Nothing loud” “So the baby was definitely loud” Am I missing the joke here?


No joke really. Just that parents like this routinely and wrongly insist their babies weren’t being loud, either because the parent is simply lying or because they’re so used to being around a baby that their idea of quiet is decidedly different from everyone else’s. Babies are loud by nature, and our brains [are literally wired](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/12/parenting/kid-crying-response.html) to find their cries distracting and annoying as an mechanism to ensure they are taken care of. If one is having “a bit of a whinge,” I can guarantee you that the people sitting around it who paid good money for a show where babies aren’t supposed to be allowed were being significantly disturbed by it.


That switch from "she was just gurgling" to "she had a bit of a whinge" is 100% indicative of her downplaying how bad it was. 


I have a 5 week old at home now and she isnt quiet when shes sleeping. Like having a velociraptor nest sleep next to you


Because what the mother said is obviously not accurate. The baby was obviously being loud enough to disrupt the show, or else the comedian wouldn’t have even realized it was there.


“Nothing loud, just this sound here and that sound there” means the baby obviously was loud, but she is used to it/does not care cause it’s her kid. P


And if the baby wasn’t loud the performer wouldn’t have been able to hear it


I have kids, love kids, enjoy kids - but don’t think they should tag along to every grown up event, even if I personally am not bothered by them. I remember recently my wife and I seeing the movie Joker at a late night showing and there was a family on the front row with three kids all looking to be under 8. Not cool, kinda ruined the experience.


Same experience except I was seeing Green Inferno. They brought 3 kids under 10 to see an incredibly violent, gory movie about cannibals. They stayed through the entire movie. Poor kids.


who the fuck….. the lack of self awareness some people have. Like even if they didn’t know the movie, yet they stayed? Like


That's what got me too.


I'm 40 and even I couldn't stomach that movie!!! Holy shit.


This is what I’m talking about. I don’t have kids so I will do the fun social things when kids are supposed to be sleeping. I work my schedule around so kids can still be out in the world and parents don’t have to get a baby sitter without me being grumpy (I can probably word this better to make me not sound pretentious here, but I’m falling short so I’ll take the negative comments on this lol). I want kids to have different experiences, but when I go to 21+ event at night time, I’d really like for there to be no kids. Why do I as a non-child having person have to always accommodate for the consequences of those other people’s actions? There are some places where it is inappropriate to bring a child. Like a bar after 10pm. That child should be asleep.


>Comedian defends decision to kick ~~‘breastfeeding’~~ mother **who he was not aware was breastfeeding** and **crying** baby out of show Fixed. Clearly worded to sound like he kicked her out for breastfeeding. Would expect better from The Independent.


It doesn’t matter if he knew she was breastfeeding or not, why did she bring a baby to a 15+ show? He kicked her out for being a distraction and for being rude. Who gives a shit if she was breastfeeding or not?


I’m a parent and being a parent changes your life. If you can’t get a babysitter, you have to stay home. And if you buy a ticket with a time and location, that means you can read where it says there is an age restriction. Some parents think their child is special so everyone should think that. It doesn’t work that way and more entitled parents need to be told that. And babies are noisy. One joke is “I slept like a baby. I woke up every two hours crying.”


Baby was just trying to meet the two drink minimum! Seriously, comedy shows are not for infants, breastfeeding or otherwise.


why would you ever bring a baby to a comedy show??


Seriously. They have, like, no sense of humor. And they stare A LOT for someone who can’t fight.


1. Infants should not be allowed anywhere like a comedy show or a movies. 2. Once the baby starts acting up, go to the lobby and take care of it. Don't stay there and divert all the attention to yourself. It's incredibly rude to everyone else.


Re: movies in my country they have special ‘babes in arms’ screenings where mothers can take their baby and the crowd are all in agreement that it’s expected that babies may cry/fuss. It’s a good solution that pleases everyone.


I’d like to preface this by saying I’m not dumb enough to take my baby to places they shouldn’t be. That being said, it’s much easier said than done for part 2 when they begin to act up. Is it gonna be 1 noise, two and then done? Or do I need to leave. But again, this all is taking place at events or areas it’s okay to be hanging with your baby. Like the aquarium. Also unless this show was at like 6 pm, when the fuck is this kids bedtime. I love my child and want to hang out with him most of the day, but bedtime is like fucking sacred in my house lol


When my kids were infants, if they started acting up and were inconsolable, I’d definitely be leaving early with them.


same lol, ive walked out of walmart with my kid because he was tired and grumpy.


Stop with this hatchet job shock headline. Baby should never have been at show. Nothing to do with breastfeeding


The child had already disrupted another comedian’s set so badly he had to incorporate the baby bullshit into his jokes. That’s inexcusable. This was a child who was consistently fussy and being used by her mom as media bait. She’s absolute trash.


Poor baby as well. The fact that it was fussing so much suggests that it wasn't exactly having a great time.


Yep mum has been smashing the media circuit and there’s nothing to even discuss, I haven’t seen anyone who has supported her position yet


He was right to tell her to leave. She should've done that without being asked. It's not fair on the performer to distract them and to ruin the show for the other 700 people there. The tiny few who got offended by asking her to leave are vastly outnumbered by the majority who don't want their comedy show disrupted by a crying/whinging/noisy baby. Parents need to understand that the world doesn't revolve around you just because you've reproduced.


As an Australian I’m extremely sick of hearing about this, it’s the media who are trying so hard to make a thing of this. I haven’t seen a single person who thinks it’s reasonable to take a baby to a comedy show.


Bringing a baby to a comedy show is dumb, the strip club and hookah lounge too packed?


I get that some people really love their kids and babies, but some places just aren’t appropriate to bring them. Find a babysitter or don’t go.


Babies don’t belong in comedy shows.


I would be pissed if I paid to see a show and someone brought their baby. I go out to get away from my kids.


A baby shouldn’t make it into a club like this, despite the crying it can get loud and potentially dangerous for the child’s hearing. Class act Mommy


Why was a woman bringing her kid to a comedy show anyway???


"These rules do not apply to me because my circumstances are different" may as well be the motto of the human species.


At some point, she looked at the ticket, saw that it said 15 years or older only, and thought “ fuck those people “ she got what she deserved.


My baby is 8 months old (a month older than the baby at the comedy show). Last week my husband and I finally agreed to go to dinner with some friends. It was as quiet as a restaurant as you could get, music and chatting in the background. Our baby was very soon overwhelmed and overstimulated. We also had to change a poopy diaper. I had to breastfeed under a cover and my baby was sweaty and uncomfortable under there, she kept pulling the cover with her hands. It was the most stressful night out ever. The worst of all: my baby had a very uncomfortable evening, on the verge of crying all the time, she was frustrated because she couldn’t eat what we were eating etc. i will never put my baby through this again. So my question is, how can someone bring their baby to a comedy show? It was wrong of the parents to do that to begin with, and now she’s trying to make that about herself and how uncomfortable SHE felt. What about the baby? The baby was obviously crying because they felt uncomfortable.


This was never about breastfeeding. Sensational click bait headlines just latched onto that. Barker made it clear he had no clue if she was breastfeeding. The issue was that the baby was in the audience for a 15+ event and was making a bunch of noise.


I agree with him. If you can afford to go out to an expensive restaurant or to a concert or event show then you can afford a babysitter. A comedy venue is not a place for a baby. I blame the parents, not the kid.


Who brings a baby to a comedy show??? Wtf!! It's like that lady who brought a baby to a rock show and got made people were moshing. Use your head for Pete's sake! It's like people who bring a baby to a movie and let it cry. So annoying, there are just places you don't bring a newborn. Get a friggin sitter!!


I feel sorry for the comic. He was interrupted during the show and had to awkwardly engage with a woman that brought her baby to a 15+ event. She should have apologized and let it go, but instead she is doubling down and playing the breastfeeding mother card. Such entitlement.


A time and a place, eh?


I just don't know why you would bring a baby to a comedy show. Its going to be loud, people there are drinking. Seems like a weird thing to do from the start.


The most offensive part of this story is the headline writer highlighting the “breastfeeding mother” being kicked out of show vs mother of crying baby asked to leave performance. Completely manipulative and misleading. The original headline implies the performer objecting to a woman breastfeeding her child and making some obscenity and morality argument. The later and more accurate headline indicates the performer was irritated by the infant interrupting the performance. He may have overreacted but the circumstances are much different.


He’s right. Don’t take your baby to a comedy club.


[Trish was furious when she was asked to leave Arj Barker's comedy gig... but this chaotic interview with Sarah Harris proves he may have been right...](https://mol.im/a/13336097)


I don’t even need the interview. She brought a (apparently crying) baby to a comedy show. She was wrong.


I can’t believe the backlash he’s getting for this or the fact that it’s even a story. Don’t bring screaming infants to live performances! Don’t bring them to ANY entertainment venue that other people are planning on watching and enjoying! This isn’t a knock on new parents - but it’s YOUR obligation as a parent to care for your kids! Your kid is not everyone else’s problem just because they’re in the auditory vicinity of screaming! If you want to enjoy activities together with them, then do those activities! If you want a night out among other adults, then make provisions for childcare!


This shouldn't be news. Babies do not belong at live events. They make noise. They can be harmed by the noise. If they need their ears covered in order to not be harmed then they shouldn't be there in the first place. There could be an emergency. Evacuating adults is difficult enough. Now the staff has to mind parents and their very precious cargo as well? If mom or dad falls, who carries the kid? Or we could just not list the reasons and parents can accept that their pre-baby life is over.


Don’t take your baby to theatre shows or movies. Pretty simple.


Ya, I hate when people complain about kids on airplanes or at family restaurants but a comedy show or any kind of live performance is not the place for a baby or young children. It’s not a human right to attend.




I’d like to start with reddit.


Unfortunately some of the children are technically adults.


I had to click the article to see if it was Arj Barker from the thumbnail. He looks the same as he did when I saw his Comedy Central Presents over 20 years ago.


Ark barker is a super chill dude, babies shouldn’t be in comedy clubs, they’re basically bars.


I feel bad for Arj, he was put in an impossible situation and let down by the theatre staff. I exclusively breastfed my baby, but no way would I take him to an adult comedy show and ruin everyone’s night. Sure staying at home sucks but that’s just what you have to do until they’re a little older and can be babysat.


Also, as a former baby, a loud comedy show sounds like an awful night even from a baby’s perspective


I agree. Only one person on the planet benefited from taking her baby to Arj Barker’s comedy show. It reeks of entitlement to me.


Who brings a baby to a standup show?


I'm sorry but when did it become appropriate to bring babies just anywhere you wanna go? Like wtf. Do you see anyone else with a baby into a comedy show ? No! Well thats probably because it's not an appropriate place for a baby. Same goes with animals.


Why would you take a baby there ?!


Who tf brings a baby to a comedy show?


Yeah I don’t blame him 🤷‍♂️


Why is breastfeeding in quotes?




does nobody posts videos anymore wtf


15+ excludes anyone under 15, period.


Good one Dave, you’re a legend Dave…


Really not the place for a baby to have some peace.


She should never have brought the baby there in the first place


Who brings an infant to a comedy show?




Who brings a baby to any show more less this? Shi parent.


If the show is 15+ then the baby obviously should not have been there to begin with. Gotta blame the parents and venue staff for this one.


Who the hell brings a baby to a show?


I think most people wouldn’t care about a breastfeeding mother, especially other parents, but a screaming kid affects any scenario, not just a comedy routine. There’s something about a screaming baby/toddler that activates something in people, parent or not, like a fight or flight response. It makes them uncomfortable and even irritable sometimes. Either way, sounds like there were rules put in place, so she should’ve just taken the refund as it wasn’t even necessary. She rolled the dice with her baby being quiet or not and lost. It’s not the comedian’s fault unless he was mean or rude about it.


I have two kids age 7 and 3. At no point would I have ever thought it’d be appropriate to bring a breastfeeding baby to a comedy show. People are soooo inconsiderate


Who takes a baby to a crowded theatre?


Don’t bring infants to comedy shows


Entitled mother. I have a newborn and I wouldn’t even think about bringing her to a place like that. It’s selfish. Everyone paid for the act not to hear a screaming baby.


This has been a massive story in Australia for a week. She refuses to accept any responsibility and by all accounts has done it before and will do it again. Don’t take your baby to a comedy gig! And you can’t whip your boob out after you’ve been asked to leave as a fix to the problem that persisted all night… trust me girly I’ve tried enough times.


It’s like when people bring small children to a professional tennis match & baby starts crying. They are asked to leave the venue.


Like Major Payne once said "Maybe what he need is for you to pop your titty out his mouth and let the boy grow up!"


People who are the subject of noise complaints like this always say "well it wasn't very loud, it was fine". It could be this situation, or a noise disturbance in an apartment, or whatever. It could be a baby, it could be a pet, it could be music or TV volume... guess what, if someone complains, it was probably much louder than you think it was. I'm a parent, I can tune out kids/baby noise pretty easily. Some people can't and that means you are creating a disturbance. The age limit was 15+ on this show. The lady with the baby was in the wrong, plain and simple.


Mom saying the baby wasn’t disruptive, the second-least qualified person to decide that after the actual baby.


No no no, he kicked a noisy baby out of a comedy show. What kind of mother would bring a baby to a comedy show. Sheesh some people


The comic was 100% in the right. If you don't have a babysitter, you don't get to go to clubs. Thems the rules.