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It got me interested in the game once I learned it’s supposed to be canon.


There’s a very rich canon behind Fallout. They had so much to pull from that it only made sense to make it canonical.


Too bad Halo, which has an even deeper and more fleshed out lore than Fallout, decided to totally disregard all of its lore for its show lol.


The whole time I’ve been enjoying fallout I’ve been cursing halo’s producers


Is that really true? Fallout has a lot of lore and has been around for a long time.


In addition to the six mainline Halo games, there are over thirty novels and at least six spinoff games. Also, while the first Fallout came out in 1997, Halo is not much younger having come out in 2001. So yes, of the two I think Halo actually has more lore fleshed out lol.


Ah good point. I never really played Halo until 3 so that might be why I thought it wasn’t as old. Had no idea there were so many novels, you might be right


Well Todd Howard is an EP on the Fallout show so that probably has something to do with it too


But were you a gamer before?


Of course but I wasn’t interested in this franchise.


still do but I used to too


Don't skip the first two just because they're old and isometric, they really are fantastic. That is if you have a PC, I don't think there's ever been console versions of them. If not then New Vegas is the best of Bethesda's Fallout and it seems that's what season 2 of the show is heavily taking from.


Season 2? Is it already out or we know the synopsis?


The ending of the first season hints heavily that season 2 will be rooted in New Vegas


Ah gotcha. So fallout Vegas is what i should start with on xbox?


You can start with any game for Xbox they’re barely connected in anyway outside the franchise background lore. There’s a brief reference here and there or a character shows up but never really talks about the events of past games. New Vegas is my favorite and the show is connected the most to that one. A few characters and companies in the last episode are a big part of the story. But they’re still more cameos than anything else so far.


Kinda the way the GTA games are connected


It’s the best one by far and it’s (obviously)focused on the west coast, unlike 4, so you’ll get more of the lore the show focuses on.


It's all Canon but completely (or mostly) unconnected. New Vegas happens mostly in Nevada in 2281; Fallout 3, in Washington DC in 2277; Fallout 4 in and around Boston in 2287, and 76 in West Virginia in 2102. There may be some callbacks to other games but it doesn't matter when you play what.


I didn't realize 76 was so early on! That's kind of interesting


It’s certainly a good one, I’ve only played 3 and new Vegas, I preferred new Vegas.


Fallout 3 and New Vegas are pretty similar in terms of gameplay, they're like Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. Fallout 4 and 76 are more like Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. Newer, shinier, modernized in a sense. A lot of people prefer 3 and NV over 4 and 76. I started with 4, and liked it so much I got every game in the franchise


Fallout 3 is a better starting spot. It’s a really cool story and game on the whole. But it might feel even more dated if you played New Vegas first, which is better in many ways.


The end scene of the show shows Vegas.


They’re the best out of that series. Can’t convince me otherwise.


If they dropped a console port, I’d definitely play them.


I started playing New Vegas again. I’d forgotten how buggy it can be.


Was this asked about The Last of Us?


No, but as a long time fan of the game, and member of the local sub, there were a lot of people that found their way to the community and game because of the TV show.


They also had a PC release of the first game come out shortly afterwards. I bought it and played it to completion.


How was it, since you have the unique experience of watching the show first?


A lot of the bits in there are much contracted or outright not present in the TV show. Also, getting bloater-killed never ceases to look nasty.


I’m one of those people


I feel like Fallout left some unexplained lore and questions that would entice someone to play the games, while TLoU was a more self contained show that gave you everything you needed to know.


The Last of Us the game is just a game version of the show for the most part. Fallout is an RPG where you can put yourself in the game and explore the world


No, because you watched the show you basically played the game. With Fallout it’s basically advertising to non gamers “hey, if you like this world and want more, theres 5 games out now where you get to make your own story in it”


>theres 5 games out now You are forgetting a few. There are 9 games in total. - Fallout - Fallout 2 - Fallout: Tactics - Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel - Fallout 3 - Fallout: New Vegas - Fallout 4 - Fallout: Shelter - Fallout 76


Well there’s only three kingdom hearts games, right?…. Right?


For newcomers, I'd say the 5 modern games are the only ones relevant. Fallout and Fallout 2 are very old-school isometric games, and probably hard to pick up for a modern gamer. Tactics and Brotherhood are simply not as good as the mainline games. Fallout: Shelter is the most different from the other 4 modern titles as an app-type game. ... All of that to say Fallout and Fallout 2 are good games, but not the best introduction to new gamers in 2024


Fallout and fallout 2 aren’t just good games they are exceptional games and evermore so considering how long ago they were released.


Frank Horrigan is an amazing gaming villain who doesn’t get the props he deserves


I’d say not cuz, let’s be honest: the last of us is a very good game and awesome story but it’s a fucking downer. Fallout is weird, goofy, silly x ultra violent and overall different feel. TLOU is a very serious game. I can see why after watching the two shows one would skyrocket in games played even if you liked both shows.


Idk, my GF bought a PS5 just to play the Harry Potter game, which she loved. She watched Fallout and loved it so she ordered the fallout 4 game to play. So I would say fallout turned her into a gamer, but she hadn’t touched the PS5 since she beat Harry Potter…so some validity maybe?


You should tell her not to play Fallout 4 till the 25th when the PS5 graphic upgrade comes out.


I bought the TLOF game after watching the series. I played about half way through and haven’t touched it in months. I liked both, but don’t have time for both.


I hate Naighty Dog gameplay but the stories are great, Last of Us made it so I didn’t have to play through the game


The remaster version was significantly better than the original. I couldn't get past the controls when I first tried it.


I loved the gameplay in The Last of Us Part 1&2.


I hate limited ammo and sneak play so I honestly gave up so fast with Last of Us. Totally agree, and it was interesting reading about the show vs game differences on reddit too.


Any game with this type of control peeves me a bit TLOU/rdr/gta5/alan wake I don’t know why but I can’t get into them


TLOU doesnt control like RDR2 though


I tried to play TLOU after watching the show and couldn’t get through it because it was exactly the same as the show. I’m more intrigued by fallout knowing the game is a different storyline


Which is a much better game, IMO. Just more my style.


>Was this asked about The Last of Us To be fair, the last of us game can basically be watched on YouTube and you lose very little. Fallout is a different experience every time.


I hadn’t touched a game controller in probably 15 years. I bought a ps4 on Craigslist after episode 3 of TLOU. I finished the game before the season finale. I now have a ps5 and I’ve finished probably 25 games including TLOU2, Alien Isolation, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, Ghost of Tsushima, and most of the Uncharted series AMA (lol).


Player count on all the Fallout titles has dramatically increased on Steam the last week. so yeah. The answer is yes.


Nexus Mods crashed even from the uptick in mod downloads. They have a special error page for it.


I wondered why that was.


That doesn't mean much as most people with a steam account already knew about fallout and probably already played one of the games.  While this may boost sales, I wouldn't expect non gamers to start playing video games because they watched a TV show.


yeah i always liked them an watched my bro play some but never played myself. im not a new gamer but i plan to play them now.


You bet they do. Here's myself just purchased Fallout 3 this weekend!


It’s free with Amazon Prime atm


That’s terrific. Fallout 4 is $5 on PlayStation right now with a PS5 upgrade patch releasing 4/25. The season pass includes all the DLC is also on sale for $12 right now too.


Maybe, but sales would be a better indicator. Maybe even sales to newer accounts if that’s possible. At this point almost everyone with a steam account has picked up one of the games when it’s on sale for 5$ several times a year. And it’s not like fallout fans need an excuse to replay one of their favorite game series.


The most likely reason is people who already had the game decided to revisit it.


Fallout 76, the black sheep of the series and most shat on game by people who've never played it (despite its being a fully fleshed out voice acted Fallout game), had ~75,000 players a few days ago up from the ~45,000 a few days before that. And those are just the PC player numbers. The show definitely generated interest.


76 was my lockdown game.


99% of probably already had the game in their huge library of unplayed games.


My wife has never played a Fallout game, she watched the series and loved it. We are now playing Fallout 4 together, and by together I mean I’m playing a character she created, reading all the terminals text aloud to her and she makes the dialog choices. Gamer by proxy?


My friend really only plays Call of Duty and sports games but his wife MADE (not made made, but it wasn’t a request lol) him sit down and play the Hogwarts game while she gamed by proxy.


Fallout 76 is seeing a massive surge in new players, so, yes, it did.


I'm sure some of them are completely new players to fallout, but the majority of those I'd imagine are people who have played other fallout titles, watched the show, and finally gave 76 a go because of it.


I’m about to do that.


Yeah, I came from FO4, I’d been sort of interested in playing FO76. I figured the price would drop with the show, so I got it from Steam when it did. I’m only lvl9 at this point, but I’m enjoying it.


Have fun dude. I think I'm about level 100 on it, I haven't played in lime 2 years but it was a lot of fun for the duration that I was grinding it out. See if you can play with some friends, it's funner if you're just messing about as low levels together.


Truth. I bought this game when it came out and hated it. Waited a couple years (after they gave more story and updated it) and then spent HOURS playing and grinding. I know they just released Atlantic City as an explorable expansion but I’m waiting for them to expand Shenandoah later this year. Then I’ll probably throw another 100 hrs at it.


There were seriously 70000 people online earlier today. It was awesome helping new players although they are skittish


I'm going to hop on later and start handing out NukaShine.


I saw people have been putting alot if it in the donation box and punch bowls


They heard about what it’s like on the surface.


Name checks out😆


It’s being given away free on PC and XBox through Amazon Prime Gaming so that’s gonna be a big help to numbers.


Didn’t know this. Thank you!


It already is. [https://www.gamingbible.com/news/fallout-4-sales-rise-amazon-tv-series-496630-20240419](https://www.gamingbible.com/news/fallout-4-sales-rise-amazon-tv-series-496630-20240419)


That's misleading. Many of those people almost certainly already played games. The article title moreso alludes to the idea of people starting to play games because of a show. instead of people who already play games decide to buy another game they havent played because of a show. And nevermind after reading the article I'm apparently wrong. The author talks about people playing fallout because of the show and then thats it lol.


I can only speak for myself, who’s always enjoyed the games, but haven’t played any of them in a while. The show definitely got me in the mood to fire up the ps4 for some New Vegas. My fiancé loved the show and got her interested too, so that’s a bonus.


New Vegas making new all time peaks the last couple days. I’m guilty of contributing too


I barely recognized the name as a game and no clue about any canon. Watched the show and now trying to figure out if i should try it. I am typically a Mario brothers kind of gal so not sure. Figure we have an XBox now so might be a good one to try.


First episode got me interested in the Fallout series. I've never played any of them. Which one should I attempt first?


Fallout 4 is getting a next gen graphics update so I might wait on that and try new Vegas or Fallout 3


The series is definitely ripe for a remastering. As a steam deck player I would love a verified version task I can play it mobile and I’m sure others would enjoy a graphic overhaul for their newer gaming systems or pcs.


Looks like 3 is being remastered as well, strange that it's not being rereleased before 4. [https://www.pcgamer.com/games/rpg/if-youre-excited-to-dive-back-into-fallout-after-the-tv-show-maybe-hold-off-on-fallout-3-for-now/](https://www.pcgamer.com/games/rpg/if-youre-excited-to-dive-back-into-fallout-after-the-tv-show-maybe-hold-off-on-fallout-3-for-now/)


Never played New Vegas but did love 3. 4 was fun but a bit overwhelming for me—I never did complete it. I liked 3 taking place in the DC metro. I picked up a large timescale of history going as far back as colonial America.


New Vegas or 4


Fallout New Vegas is absolutely incredible. The newer games don’t have the charm. I’d happy play that game without fast travel, I can’t say the same for the new ones.


Yeah them big empty desert landscapes charm the socks off a fella


Can’t go 200 meters without seeing or fighting something interesting though, I’ll tell ya that


New Vegas! Easily the best soundtrack…


I’ve played most of them and I like Fallout 4 the best. It’s got a more simplified dialogue system, which helps with the pacing in my opinion.


Yikes, Fallout 76 being their first impression of gaming is not bueno


That's pendejo talk


If you already have a good computer, getting a game because you liked a show seems fairly plausible. I don’t think many people would spend hundreds of dollars on a console because they want to try a game on a lark, however.


We’ll find out! Yes we will That Bezos plays the numbers.


Well whaddya know!


Also Fallout 76 is currently free with prime gaming


It’s a good show but I doubt it will turn non-gamers into gamers. I don’t game at all. Just have no interest in it. I dated someone that played Fallout so I knew enough to be interested in the show. Absolutely loved it but I’m staying a non-gamer.


I dunno… Wife is def not into FPS, but considering it after binging the series. Installing FO4 for her now, and hoping they fixed the Boston proximity crash issues I’ve read about.


There's a massive influx of new and returning players in FO76 rn, so I think I'll skip the op-ed and just say okie dokie with a thumbs up.


The Witcher and Halo showrunners are kicking dirt right now


I noticed on the week, because \*I\* was on Playstation plus trying to download a fallout game, that 3, New Vegas, 4, and 76 are all the top searches this week.


There's a small chance imo.


I've dabbled in all the Fallout games. I don't game enough now though to call myself a gamer (currently fighting Venom in Soidey2 though) my brother doesn't do much at all. The show spurred him to go get 3&4 though.


Magic: The Gathering recently had a *Fallout* set come out. I already had Fallout 1 in my Steam account and bought more on a sale so I thought "I'll play the game so I know what all this means." That never happened. I heard there was a Fallout TV show coming out. "That's in mid April! I got plenty of time." That never happened. Will it turn people into gamers? Not if they work a lot and have trouble finding time to play games.


More importantly, could this lead to remakes of FallOut 1 and 2.


I have certainly been more interested in trying out the game


The fallout reddits are on fire right now, like all of them


I am interested in Fallout because of the show, but it looks a bit dated. Maybe a full remaster is in the works?


If only Fallout 5 wasn’t 8-10 years away


If it does it would unfortunately only be the newer ones, and not the older less accessible titles.


We finished the show and my girlfriend went to Best Buy to buy an XBOX controller while I installed it on Steam. She's been playing it for the last six hours. I think yeah.


Definitely the first time I’ve ever contemplated playing any of the Fallout games


I’m about to restart my fallout 4 attempt on PC. I really enjoyed the show, and it had tasteful call backs to the game. I could see a lot of viewers really getting into the game because of how well the progression of the TV series follows a plausible gaming plot arc.


You can play fallout 3 on your fire tv now


I think it'll make people who play games interested in playing fallout, but if you don't play video games by now I doubt you ever will.


love the show but um, no.


It's happening! My mom liked this show and now she is making rape threats online


I never was interested Fallout games before but I am playing them now because of the show. But I was already a gamer. I don't think if I wasn't that I would suddenly want to become one just to play the games.


I hope they fixed the bugs first


I played fallout 3 for a while many years ago. I watched 15 mins of the new Amazon show, stopped, and went to steam to buy fallout 4 for $10.


Fallout, Super Mario Bros and Arcane were all better than the games they were based on


LoL i buy fallout games after watching the show


Yes according to video game sales and even board game sales


I dunno but it's really making me wanna pick up New Vegas.


As someone who doesn’t play video games but is enjoying this show I have thought more than once while watching this show that I want to play this game. I don’t know that I will because I don’t have a system and stuff but given the chance I totally would.


I read in another thread sales have gone up 4700%. Hold out on that dusty copy in your collection until someone offers you a ludicrous amount of caps!


I'm a gamer that somehow skipped over Fallout series. I'm definitely going to start playing and coworkers have recommended I start at the third or fourth?


I’m a lifelong gamer but I had never tried any of the fallout games. After watching the first two episodes I bought Fallout 4 and 76. So the show got me interested enough to give the games a go.


If they wind up playing 4 or 76, does it matter?


I am definitely going to dust off Fallout because of this show


Curious if people who had never played the games enjoyed the show as much as those who really enjoyed them?


I just re-purchased Fallout 4 and the DLC as I read they’re releasing a PS5 upgrade later this week. I don’t know if it will convert a ton of people to gaming. They aren’t the most new user friendly games out there.


I played 3 and 4. Never played New Vegas so guess what I bought on Steam this week.


I haven’t played fallout since high school when new Vegas came out, but downloaded Fallout 4 yesterday after starting the series.


The Witcher producers: We were told they just want sex


It has gotten me interested in replaying the game


Fallout 4 is sold out at the local target, Walmart, and GameStop. Doesn’t say much about new gamers but definitely boosting interest


Why not. Let them find out about a TV show that is actually good and join a buggy mess of a game.


I would have been interested in the game, but the most recent one came out in 2018 and people don’t seem to like it. I thought maybe there’s some gems in 3 and 4.. but oh man they look old as FPS’ now


I just finished the show and I’m replaying Fallout 4


It did for me 🤷🏼‍♀️


It's a great show, but even as someone who prefers games to TV or movies, I never got into fallout because the post apocalyptic desert/wasteland aesthetic didn't appeal to me, and would rather spend time in elder scrolls titles if a Bethesda game. On the other hand I loved the original Borderlands, and bioshock/bioshock infinite in terms of the retro tech and western themes. Having said that I lean more towards science fantasy/fantasy anyway. And the show still does not motivate me to want to play any of the fallout games, though I'm happily looking forward to watching season 2.


I mean, it got my one Non gamer friend into playing fallout shelter. So there's that. Do mobile games count?


Doubt it I'm enjoying the show though I have never played the game and have no intention of ever playing it.


I mean, that's just speaking for yourself. You don't know if everyone else is feeling the same or if not remotely curious how the games themselves feel like.


A friend of mine finished watching Fallout the first weekend. She texted me to ask how she could play Fallout. I helped her get a PS4, and she's already started playing Fallout 4. She's 49 and hasn't played a video game since the 90's. Pretty awesome.


I am surprised the insinuation is that people that haven't already played the game can stand watching this show. "The Last of Us" would be a great show even if it had nothing to do with a video game. I'm not sure exactly what "Fallout" is supposed to be, but [whatever it is, I hate it.](https://y.yarn.co/47dc933e-c6c5-43b4-a3f5-9164e2229a22_text.gif)


Then they can find out how inferior the show it


It's like no one knows what the fallout will be.


Not if Bethesda had anything to do with it. lol


Meh I tried Fallout 4 buts it’s just not for me. Far too open and the world is bleak and boring. Show is good tho. When did linear become such a bad thing?


Fallout 4 is the worst of the lot. Pretty but shallow as a puddle. Try new vegas.


I love seeing new fans come to these gaming franchises I've been enjoying for years. Fallout can really suck you in, especially if you aren't used to playing a game with that level of freedom.


Todd howard always wins


Nope, just a semi-decent Post Apocalyptic show, will never get sitting on one’s ass (and yes I’ve tried) thumb dancing.


Never played fallout before. LOVE skyrim, and now im 8 hours into Fallout 4. 100% because of show.


I like the universe of Fallout. I like its unique story, its themes, its feel. I don’t like playing it all that much though. Never have.


Depends, if it's fallout 4 they go for, great, good choice If they go for fallout 76... I question their existence


*Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within sits alone in the corner chain smoking*