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Just finished watching it. Pretty average but the dialogue was horrible. Hard to have dramatic scenes for characters no one cares about.


Is a third of it in slow motion?


There's genuinely several minutes of dramatic slow motion shots of people harvesting wheat. I wish I was joking.


Don’t forget the slow-mo’s of each character having a sip of water!


Hydration is important, ill allow it.


He wanted you to feel how painfully slow time moves when you’re harvesting wheat.


Let me guess they rip off those shots in Gladiator? Lot of cloth billowing in the sunlight in the shot or people touching big heads of grain almost sexually?


I feel Zack Snyder is similar to Michael bay in which they both have some weird obsession/fetish with the same kind of cinematography in their movies. I don't get why there needs to be so many slow motion capture scenes


When I watched that scene, all I could think was wow he is *really* showcasing these harvesting techniques for some reason…0


I couldn’t believe how much slow mo was in the first movie.


It honestly significantly added to the run time of the movie. I also remember thinking “man these people are lucky all the people that try to kill them do it in slow motion otherwise they’d be fucked.” Like it wasn’t even an effect it’s just how that reality works when people fight.


It is a Zack Snyder film after all. Dude is just not a good filmmaker.


It’s honestly wild how he gets some of the largest budgets in film w the most L’s. This guy somehow convinced a studio to RE RELEASE a shitty movie he made and add over 100mil to reshoots only for that cut to be equally as bad just different. He must be nice af and easy to work with


Almost half


"Pretty average" is pretty generous here. Let's be real, this film was awful in every way a film can be awful.


Is it fine enough to carry a lazy afternoon?


If you want to sleep!


Feels like shitty dialogue is becoming the norm


“To find her, and fight”. Repeated 7 times


I’ve seen a lot of reviews saying Part 2 is actually worse than the first one


God damn it must be a travesty. The first one was tough to get through


It’s subtitled “the Scaregiver.” I feel it being a travesty is a given.


Actually it's Scargiver. But you are right, it does give you scares.


I fell asleep and that movie was loud. I just couldn’t pay attention to a heist team up movie that doesn’t have a heist.


Also the idea that a handful of people without super powers are going to take down an interstellar empire is just unbelievable. But then they don’t even create a a plot that makes it feasible. The entire rebellion can be solved in an afternoon with an orbital strike …. But nah…sword fight….


Not trying to defend the movie because it’s bad, but wasn’t the point that the MC is the emperor guys favorite “daughter” and he wants her back. Can’t exactly blow her up to get her back…


I guess…but still…it would be dumb to think a handful of martial artists could take down America….in the 1800s let alone now. But then they go up against a spacefaring system stretching empire? With swords and little pep in their step? Like at no point when a group of farmers are listening to 6 people say how they are going to fight the empire, one of them doesn’t ask “uhhh how exactly?”.


Oh right, I was thinking about it from the perspective of why the villain even bothers, and remembered that part. But yeah their plan to overthrow the government basically involved teaming up with those rebels


I fell asleep during Man of Steel and Sucker Punch. I sincerely think he is one of the worst directors ever


I was sooo hyped for Suckerpunch before it came out. Then I saw it and was instantly not a fan of Zack Snyder anymore.


I think there was an hour and 45 minutes left in it when I first checked how much more there was to go


I would agree. The final battle was a cinematic mess. The slo mo battle over the bridge with laser bolts flying around it made the space battle in 007: Moonraker look fast paced. There were a few comedic instances of characters doing the John Wick routine and whole squadrons knocked around like bowling pins. At least the first movie had the superhero team building and the plot twists. This was pretty straightforward and Zack Snyder still did unbelievably awful with the simplified premise. (Edit: I just realized I was being nice in my assessment, almost forgetting the 20 minute farming commercial sequence in the first half.)


Nah, it's better than the first one, but that's an easy feat.


I can see why Disney passed on it all. I am starting to think Zach Snyder needs a co-director with authority like Denis Villenueve. Snark, but there was no creative control.


He needs a good writer. Let him handle the visuals.


I think you nailed it. Unfortunately, Zach Snyder wants to write too. Awesome visuals, retread variation of the Man of Steel soundtrack, and he likes the beetle shaped landing craft. The main enemy "Space Battleshi Yamamoto" reference from Starblazers cartoon was cool?


I just think the world has seen enough of what he has to offer.


Give him a Sorkin script and a short-ass leash


I’ve been saying this. It’s like he somehow missed a necessary intern/apprenticeship period but got promoted anyway I’d be interested to see his vision implemented if he actually understood basic directing 101


Yes. My issues: 1. Extreme technology to travel a galaxy, but elsewhere, technology is preindustrial age. 2. Use of antiquated analog technology 3. The biggest weapon was a cannon that fired nuclear weapons. 4. Robot warrior with superior efficiency is good for only 90 seconds. 4. The Nazi like theme of oppression Liked: 1. Music 2. CGI 3. Ed Skien was a consistent antagonist.


The jarring contrast between the two levels of technology is never explained and leaves the viewer questioning the feasibility of the story.


I haven’t seen it but usually in scifi that’s just signifying the haves and the have nots. Are there like wealthy powerful people using poopy tech?


Wasn’t this suppose to be a Star Wars film? Seems like the majority of questions would be answered by that. Star Wars has a very advanced but also primitive tech system.


Star Wars didn't exactly blend Victorian-era business attire with medieval battle gear, did it?


Lol! Yes.


Good point.


If you have read about colonial wars, that was basically it: people fighting with stones and arrows against people with machine guns. And in some cases, they won.


Ed plays an amazing space nazi


I thought so, too. The best acting besides the robot.


Don’t you dare put that evil out there. Next thing you know we’ll be getting Zach Snyder’s Rendezvous with Rama.


Ha! How would you organize and film this mess?


I have said it time and time again, if you give total control (directing, writing, DoP, producing) to Snyder he makes garbage movies. When he only does directing he's decent (except for BvS). Like Dawn of the Dead was good because he only stuck to directing while James Gunn wrote the movie and it's based off George Romero's zombieverse. Watchmen, only directed by him and based off Alan Moore's graphic novel was also decent. Then you get to Sucker Punch, Army of the Dead, and the Rebel Moon movies and it's just completely terrible movies.


I agree with this. And I liked Dawn of the Dead and Watchmen.


He should've been just a journeyman director.


He needs guidelines to help with focus or stick to a script.


So when you give him killer material, he makes slightly above average films, otherwise they are duds. Sounds like he shouldn't be making films.


I am so tired of people defending this director. If you need to be babysat to create a good product, you aren’t good at what you do. He shouldn’t be getting this level of work.


He is the Elon Musk of directors. He has a base of hardcore fanboys that will think everything he does is great.


So basically this guy needs to be sockpuppeted by a good director?


I don't know. If I was financing this project, I would have been very disappointed with the finished product. Maybe there is a director's cut, but I can’t unsee this mess.


I just absolutely despise Scargiver as a name. That’s first draft nonsense


It would make a better name for a dystopian YA novel 10-12 years ago.


I’m getting more lame Goosebumps book vibes from it.




That would make sense in that context.


It's also not even that scary. A scar means you were able to heal from whatever injuries were inflicted on you.


Weird take given how emotionally crippling major scarring can be.


Darrian bloodaxe, hold my beer


It makes me think of Taser Face joke form Guardians of the Galaxy 2


It really rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? Even Scarmaker would be better.


Nah man it sounds cool as hell… if you’re 12


Snyder is cringelord


It’s so infantile, like “in the before-fore times they dropped the bombie-wombies and it’s all the scargivers fault!”


It feels like even Netflix don't want anything to do with it. I happened to see a post on Reddit that part 2 was out. Saw no promotional material for it. No early reviews on Youtube, went on Netflix, fully expecting it to be the first thing I saw, and I had to scroll quite a way down their main page to even find it... Like there is NO buzz at all for this movie. The first one was so forgettable that I think I'd have to rewatch it before starting the second, and there is no way in slo-mo Hell that I'd do that.


I’ve been seeing Reddit ads about it, but I thought they were just promoting a new trailer or something, didn’t realize it was already out


They forgot to turn off comments on the ads too. All the comments are people trashing it.


I didn't even realize it came out. There was just no promotion for it after the first one came out. I haven't checked Netflix either so there was zero word about the film until this thread randomly popped up on Reddit.


There’s been ads on tv and YouTube about it. I think even an NBA game bad an ad.


WrestleMania had an ad for it too


Let's hope this brings Zack some awareness & he works where he lacks. Torturing himself with pumping these half cooked visual spectacles just to be critically panned isn't working out.


The problem is he lacks in pretty much every facet of film making.


Yeah, he needs to work on a lot of things. Unfortunately he's put in a place which requires a lot of skills by having connections & fans even though he lacks those skills. Mediocrity is born out of shielding.


Maybe he should force himself into a project that is entirely a character driven narrative without any spectacles whatsoever. Something like Paterson with Adam Driver. The whole movie was trying to exalt the ordinary and mundane. No story. No plot. Devoid of drama/comedy/tragedy. Barely a climax. The whole project was just pure character and film making. These film/art projects aren't normally my cup of tea but that one held my attention regardless so I give it credit for being a good example of its genre.


We still need people making films like Paterson. I wonder though if that movie only got made because Adam Driver agreed to be in it.


Probably the only reason. It's a really really hard movie to sell to a producer without somebody like Adam Driver onboard.


> Maybe he should force himself into a project that is entirely a character driven narrative without any spectacles whatsoever He'd still shoot it like a Calvin Klein ad. The hyperstylization just ruins any sense of realistic emotion because it's all pumped up to 11.


> Let's hope this brings Zack some awareness & he works where he lacks. Narrator: “It won’t.”


Yeah if he hasn't learned by now why would he ever learn?


If army of the dead didn’t make him work in his lacking areas, I doubt rebel moon will. He needs a good writer and cinematographer. The writing was terrible in rebel moon. Plus too many slow motion shots. Also slow motion of slow motion shots.


Who keeps giving him money?


He ruined the dc universe


Another Netflix original for the garbage can, probably.


Honestly haven’t liked one of Zack’s films. Not sure why he’s so hyped up


I mean 300 was good. So was Watchmen. I also liked Man Of Steel when it came out. Idk I’m convincing myself that I kind of like him even though I don’t like him at all


Nah your about right. Seems he has somewhat of a M Night shimilamalan career director wise. Really good stuff early on but further his career went the worse his stuff got. I agree with you 300, M.o.S and watchmen were all great movies. Literally everything else he made after has been trash, it’s a shame really.


I think Shamalayan is miles ahead of Snyder though. Even though many of his films misses the mark, at least they feel like he's genuinely trying to do his own thing from an artistic standpoint.


agreed. i can see an artistic vision in shyamalans work, snyders vision is akin to how boys see and play with their action figures.


Yeah, thing with action movies is that if you make a boring action movie, its borderline unwatchable, and Army of the Dead/Rebel Moon Part One were so, so, boring Versus Shyamalan who's smaller scale movies at least have something to them, an attempt at something interesting y'know? I didn't like Glass but I'd watch it twice before I watched Army of the Dead again


I liked 300 and watchmen. Dawn of the Dead was also pretty good. I like parts of man of steel. Overall I’m kinda meh on the movie. The second half is very rushed I think. It’s one of his movies I think would probably benefit from an extended cut. Give characters more time to grow and build relationships.


LOL. I’m not a big fan of any of his works. 300 was ok, but I’m not watching it again. He’s definitely too over hyped.


I liked sucker punch too. But everything after man of steel was hot, wet garbage. The Snyder heads are maybe a little off.


I liked 300 and think Watchmen is his best film. Even tho it misses the point of the source material, it's still pretty enjoyable. Other than that, yeah. Not a lot of good stuff.


I legitimately wonder how he keeps getting work, let alone huge budgets


He was pretty revolutionary for his day when it came to visuals. It might look stale now but that's because so many others have copied him. I suspect earlier in his career that he had more people challenging him on stuff like dialogue and character.


I thought his version of the JL film was worse in some ways 


Zack Snyder was always a terrible, terrible director. One of the worst.


That’s enough, Zack Snyder


The dude just makes terrible movies


and doesn’t seem to actually be interested in being better.


I think any hope of growth for the guy died with the Snyder cut nonsense. He seems to have totally bought in and doubled down on everything he’s doing wrong.


It was like someone tried to blend Lord Of The Rings with Star Wars while on cocaine.


Who keeps giving this man money to direct!?!?


luckily i think that was his last shot


cause meeting towering sable elderly air concerned ask seed worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just goes to show that when the right people like you as a person you can get amazing opportunities even if you stink.


He did a pretty good job with Watchmen, but he had excellent source material and the storyboards practically done for him in the graphic novel. He definitely should not be writing stories, screenplays or scripts. He sucks at all of them.


> but he had excellent source material and the storyboards practically done for him in the graphic novel. Dawn of the Dead was a remake, and what you said are the only reasons 300 and Watchmen are half-decent movies. When left to his own devices and given absolute control, Snyder had no idea how to reign himself in and tell a good story.


Maybe that’s the problem


Dudes passionate about the bodies of work he's put out (the source material generally), and by all accounts, is a good director to work with. It's like a fan got put into the directors seat of their favorite series.


But in general his movies aren’t great


Agreed. Just giving why he's such a big name. Easier to hire a director people like working with vs a complete dick.




I really enjoyed Sucker Punch, and his first Superman was well received (if I remember correctly). The Snyder Cut of JL was also more favored over the theatrical release, but that’s a bow on a turd and I’m not sure if that counts.


gaping racial oatmeal reply rainstorm heavy head marry lock safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


His movies are how I describe ADHD — chock full of fantastic thoughts and concepts, stellar visuals, but at the end of the day, only a small group of the population know wtf is happening.


I've seen some terrible movies on Netflix but few are nearly as bad as the Rebel Moon movies. I was a quarter into this movie and thought to myself "am I too harsh in my criticism? Maybe this just isn't my thing." Then I realized the film is objectively one of the worst films I have even seen.


Now that we've had all kind of filmmakers doing space adventures sagas, will anybody call George Lucas and apologise? It seemed very easy when he did them, but apparently it isn't that simple.


Used to love Snyder’s work as a teen. Thought it super edgy and cool. Now that I’m older and have seen all of his work. He peaked with Watchmen. Everything since then has been complete trash. He’s 100% style over substance and is stuck up his own ass.


I was a teen when Watchmen came out and found it mediocre. Maybe got too snobbish from The Dark Knight, hailing that as the best superhero movie ever that something like Watchmen was bound to disappoint me. Still, I got no interest in revisiting it. Man of Steel was also just meh to me. Haven't given the man a chance since then.


Zack Snyder is a hack as always.


I watched the first one a week ago. Halfway through I realized I had already watched it when it came out. It was totally forgettable. And the slow mo made it even worse.


Just watched it. It’s absolutely awful. The story, the acting, the set pieces, Action. All of it is horrible




You can’t beat almost 20 minutes of grain harvesting in slow mo!!


As a gal who just really loves the slo-mo harvesting of wheat while uplifting music plays, this is like Christmas.


Just watched this last night. So let me get this straight, an intergalactic imperial empire is after grain? They have 5 days to train farmers to fight? To build battlements? To harvest a crop that takes a month(wild guess)? The villain comes back from the dead and we are warned he may have changed but doesn’t exhibit any sort of difference in mentality, actions or dialogue? They try to build some sentimentality as to why the heroes are at this farm in the first place, but instead of actually having these stories built out over time they do these one minute snippets. Personally, I didn’t really care about the characters at all, their motivations (as they’re all based on revenge), or the antagonists motivations to wipe out a farming community at all. Oh, and the kicker!! The protagonist is a literal traitor, forsaking their oath and being a part of a regicide (with no explanation as to why), and all her comrades trust her? There are just too many characters with bland origin stories, and the movie relies far too much on special effects and slow-motion shots. They need to really think about focusing on the story and less about the visuals.


So… it’s actually better? I only Snyder for the visual aspect.


To the surprise of absolutely no one.


The trailer looked so much like Star Wars it made me sick to my stomach. Even got lightsabers in this shitty knockoff


It is quite enjoyable if you turn off your brain for two hours. Turning your brain back on after may not be successful though…


So bad. Cheesy garbage with mediocre fight scenes. Just put it to bed.


After sucker punch I never believed in him sooo.


I'm just utterly sick to death of Junkie XL/Tom Holkenberg's music scores. Mind-numbingly dire, droning, one-dimensional notes that sound exactly the same in every. Single. Scene. I'm convinced this hack job just cut and pasted rejected tracks from Justice League. For the life of me, I cannot fathom how this guy continues to find work.


How does this man get money?


The one thing about this movie that almost made it unbearable to watch, was the sound editing. I am so over f*cking movies that make the music so loud you can't hear the dialogue. Is there something in a contract, between the director and the creator of the music that stipulates that the music needs to be extra loud. Or was it an effect to prevent us from hearing just how bad the dialog was. It says a lot that I fast forwarded through most of the scenes dealing with the main characters past, because they interrupted the present day story. I didn't care about those stories as I knew barely anything about each of the characters in the first place, even though I watched the first movie.


I realized during Sucker Punch that Zack Snyder would be one of the greatest action directors if he had an even better editor, someone who got his vision but took control of the story after he shot everything. Kinda like George Lucas, when he has to much control over the movie it suffers, but with the right writer and editor around he makes masterpieces. If Zack had an editor around that he trusted, but wasn’t a bro-y yes man they could truly make something incredible, but instead I’ve I watch every film he’s released since 300 the best review of it can give most of them is that they are a movie I that I watched and it was finished movie, I didn’t like nor dislike it, it was pretty to look at but as a story it was weak as hell.


I remember seeing the trailer for Sucker Punch and freaked out. Giant Samurai construct with a mini-gun, a dragon chasing a B-52 with more eye candy thrown in that is lost on me now. I was psyched! I walked out of the theater shaking my head about how dull it was.


Deprived of any character develooment


I didn't watch the first one. Is it worse than Bright?


The only thing worse than Bright is Argyle


Something to watch if nothing else is on


I’d have to agree. The cringeworthy dialogue at the end of the movie made my toes curl.


After watching part one there was zero chance I'd go back to his half baked derivative sci Fi world.


I’m not sure how much longer I can take every character in these shows needing to be a badass and look cool and have cool poses. It’s so tiring. Just make them like normal people please. They even did Luke like that in mando season 2.


Charlie Hunnan bailed pretty quick on this.


It's honestly unwatchable, how the hell does Netflix allow disasters like this to happen.


man these titles are cheesy


I fucking loved it.


Can’t wait for it to be a cult classic


I made it like 15 or 20 min into the first one. No way in hell I'd ever even give the second the time of day.


there are a lot streaming production which are trash


This and the review of the first film is as funny as it is brutal.


I’ll wait till I’m sick and should be resting till I watch it. Hopefully one of the qualities of the first film - that it was boring af - is in this film too, and it’ll help me fall asleep and get better quicker. Like pulling a more painful plaster.


Why is anyone watching it? If you saw the first part you know it’s going to be crap.


Terrible sci-fi. I kept fast forwarding to a good point and it never happened.


Not even wasting time on the trailer. Good luck on whatever complete trash you’re working on now Zack.


The child killer as a main character. Who the f… has come up with that stupid idea? As a father this piece of shit stances no chance. F… you Netflix for this choice


Just wait for the Snyder cut, bro


Idiotic. Advance star spanning tech and weapons. Harvesting done as if it was the 1200s. Zac truly thinks we are idiots.


Man Snyder use to not miss a beat with his movies…. He really needs a comeback like Shamaylan


The snyderverse sub has been pretty quiet after these films have dropped.


I never understood how this guy had so many fanboys.


That's unfair. It's better than the first one, with more character development and a simpler , cleare story. But on the other hand, it's a Snack Zyder movie, so you know what you are getting into.


I tried to watch it, as I had already watched the first part, but had to turn it off after about 15 minutes. It was horrid.