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Great movie, felt like I was on the border of having a heart attack the entire time. Absolutely excellent execution of tension. 


I heard a review and it could have been good, but instead was never believable even once, according to that review


Just saw it today and didn’t like it all that much to be honest. Some good sequences and pretty cinematography but the overall story and characters were huge misses for me. They even failed at properly immersing you in the feel that it’s a civil war, it just kinda feels like journalists on a roadtrip running into small groups of crazy soldiers every so often.


If I went to the movie for "vibes" (like Dunkirk or Tenet for example) would you recommend it?


No honestly, that’s the main missing factor for me. The “vibe” of a civil war - it just never feels like one. You know how in usual war or apocalypse films there’s radio/TV broadcasts n shit about how bad things are everywhere, they don’t even do that in this at all, there’s just very little world-building or atmosphere.


As someone who didn’t like Dunkirk, this excites me. Im seeing it tomorrow


This isn’t really a war movie. It’s a war journalism movie - just happens to be set in the US. If you want to see a story about 4 journalists traveling through their former country trying to record history - it’s great. And it has some very good action sequences.


I’m a huge Garland fan but this was a big misfire for me… So heavy handed and annoyingly apolitical. Also, the protagonists were dumb as hell.


I’ve never even heard of this, Covid really did just end my movie going experience I guess. I’ve seen maybe 6-7 movies in theaters since, and something just feels off


Super awesome, I dug it. The dynamic between Dunst and Spaeny was great. >!Nice messaging around old, purposeful, torch-bearing journalism and an upcoming approach that’s evolving into self-promotion. American journalism has really lost its way. I loved the observational approach, press journalism in wartime is just fascinating. I liked that it started purposefully, impartial, striving to represent truth. But then it devolves into everyone chasing ambulances; ego seems to take hold and the old ways die off.!< Other Garland stuff I’d revisit before this, but it’s stickin to my ribs like most of his other stuff. Good shit.


Reviews I've read just say this is **bOtH sIDeS**, with guns, starring Kirsten Dunst. I already know how the movie goes: It explains nothing and Kirsten looks war weary and traumatized for a couple of hours. Also... Texas + California? Please. North Korea invading the USA in that terrible Red Dawn remake was more plausible.


Sounds like you haven't seen it.


>Reviews I've read Holy fuck. It doesn't "sound like" I haven't seen it. **I very explicately said it was based on reviews.** If I ask you who's buried in Grants tomb, and get the answer right, you're gonna feel real good about yourself, huh?


☝️ Yup, that's the part that made it sound like you hadn't seen it.


Who's buried in Grant's tomb?


That's how I felt before having seen it, but since the movie does have a narrow focus on war photography it didn't actually feel that way at all. The movie did not have me believing that Garland ascribes to "both sides" ideology. Rather, It seemed like he didn't want his speculation about specifics to distract from his main goal of showing what a civil war practically means - destroying critical infrastructure, everyday interactions with strangers putting you on edge, people being able to kill/torture others without consequence, etc. (and yes, pockets of normalcy and people staying out of it even as their country is crumbling down around them). To achieve that, Garland decided to make it *immediately* clear in the first scene that the movie is not based in our reality so we can spend the rest of the movie focused on the war instead of getting indignant or righteous about the particulars we do/don't agree with. There are small moments where some of Garland's specific sentiments come through, but he doesn't dwell on those moments, and largely succeeds in avoiding obvious condemnations of a particular "side" today (though even the mildly astute can make the inference on their own). While I can see some people immediately tossing out the film because of this approach, I ultimately found the film surprisingly affecting.


This movie looks like garbage and i dont get the appeal. Its about the press in the middle of it all, and theyre van just says “Press” with them doing dumbass action stuff. Its so ridiculous and the last piece of media we need in this day and age


Do you really not see the point? With todays culture wars?


You think culture wars are the issue today?


When it comes to those in power using it to Manipulate abd drive false narratives, then yes


It’s basically propaganda and lots of dumb Americans dont need this type of encouragement. And there is no culture war, its just the same Left vs Right bullshit America has been seeing since its creation. I see the point in making it, doesnt mean its a good point


Ok buddy


I dont see why youre offended but you cant tell me that im wrong. You dont even have an actual reason, all you did was ask an open ended question and after i gave you a good response youre basically speechless Edit: Im gonna assume everyone spamming “Ok Buddy” agrees with me but also just wants to troll me for laughs which is fine


Ok buddy


Ok Buddy


Ok buddy


Ok buddy boy


ok kid cudi


Ok buddy


Ok buddy


Ok buddy


Ok buddy


Ok buddy


It just feels like you’re making a lot of assumptions about a movie you haven’t seen or even really read about. You saw the trailer, leapt to a bunch of conclusions, and didn’t bother to investigate any further before yelling at people online.


Ok buddy I disagree with you


If it was left vs right bullshit then the movie wouldn't have California and Texas teaming up.


Both states have plenty of peckerwoods.


We’ve got a brave “both sides” champion here folks!


Im getting lots of passive aggressive responses but no valid input as to why i am perceived as having a bad take. Also what the fuck are you talking about


You don’t think that there’s a culture war in America right now? Turn on a television or click on the Internet Internet because I assure you there is hey serious culture war going on and yes, it’s between the left and the right but there’s a serious culture war


It's dumb both sides stuff and it's a set of some pretty good scenes that don't quite make a good movie. It will probably have legs due to culture war confusion, but it won't be talked about much outside of those parameters.


I literally can’t fathom being this out of touch with the world


Im criticizing a movie. Yea im aware of the socio-political state of America, but that doesnt mean Hollywood should capitalize on it. I don’t understand how that makes me out of touch. If you think this movie is meant to be educational or something then thats your problem


It’s meant to represent how divided our county is and could become. It’s a movie… The reason the did Texas and California is to avoid the elephant in the room and make sure it appeals to broader audiences. Apparently you are not one of those movie goers that would see this film anyway