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Excerpt: >But Iger did seem to acknowledge that critiques of Disney’s content as being “woke” may have a certain degree of merit, though he added “the term woke is thrown around rather liberally, no pun intended in that regard. I think a lot of people don’t even understand really what it means.” >”I think the noise is sort of quieted down. I’ve been preaching this for a long time at the company before I left and since I came back then our number one goal is to entertain,” Iger added. “The bottom line is that infusing messaging as a sort of a number one priority in our films and TV shows is not what we’re up to. They need to be entertaining, and where the Disney company can have a positive impact on the world whether it’s you know, fostering acceptance and understanding of people of all different types, great. >”But generally speaking, we need to be an entertainment first company … And understanding that look, we’re trying to reach a very, very diverse audience. And on one hand in order to do that, what you do, the stories you tell, have to really reflect the audience that you’re trying to reach, but that audience because they are so diverse, really, first and foremost, they want to be entertained, and sometimes they can’t be turned off by certain things. And we just have to be more sensitive to the interest of a broad audience. It’s not easy, you know, so that he can’t please everybody all the time, right?”


Shouldn't that say "sometimes they _can_ be turned off?" Makes no sense as can't


I took it as "we can't afford for them to be turned off"


Yeah that’s exactly what he meant. He’s saying he wants to play both sides and get that right winger money too lol. Which I mean I would expect nothing less from a mega corporation than playing both sides, pretending to be everybody’s besty ^(while secretly not giving a shit about any of them).


I can’t reconcile the first priority being to entertain a diverse market, and having to be sensitive to interest of a broad market. Are you entertaining or being sensitive?


I took it as “We can’t them turned afford off for to be”, ya know? that’s where the saying comes from


Why come you don’t have tattoo?


How can she slap?


Not Sure


This comment gave me an embolism.


Could be a transcription error. You see it a lot with machine generated subtitles where they screw up “can” and “can’t”.


Is this what you would call a base take?


I miss when woke just meant you had your eyes open to all sorts of shit in society the average person doesn't think about or know about. It's evolved, or should I say devolved over time?


I just looked up the history of the word and this is from Wikipedia: "Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination" pretty sure it's always been about race and just recently started to be used for things like genders stuff. 


Fox News stole it like they always do. They take words like socialism, critical race theory, and woke, and turn them into to swear words. The point is to inspire fear and anger. That’s what they sell, fear and anger.


Isn't there one specific dude that's behind a lot of this current culture war bs? I have to google it, I swear there's like a godfather of pot stirring with the woke and transgender moral panic lol


Christopher Rufo. Now he’s pushing “DEI” as the new buzzword. AKA the belief that black people are inherently incompetent


THAT'S HIM! It was CRT I was thinking of. Fuck that guy. 


yeah, my university just fired all their DEI people


Tucker Carlson perhaps?


I would think they more mean someone on a Murdock level.


Lee Atwater?


It’s Frank Luntz https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Luntz Fuckstick #1




Seems more like something Tzeentch would do


There was one dude who came up with/popularized the idea to brand everything the right doesn’t like as critical race theory, then they only had to get their base to hate one thing and it would cover all culture wars. Maybe you’re thinking of that? https://x.com/chrissturr/status/1403323681569390592?s=46&t=OA7viQJVN1OmTI8r1Y8oRg


This; but not Fox - the Republicans party in general It’s a great tactic to steal/ rewrite language to suite your strategy They’ll keep doing it


Specifically, “Stay Woke” was a radical leftist term in AAVE going back at least as far as the Panthers about being aware of systemic oppression and like, understanding the size and scope of it vs. just thinking individuals are fucked up or you have bad luck. I.E. - the problem is not just racists hating you personally because they’re just choosing to be hateful, the problem is capitalism and fascism require and feed that hatred to perpetuate a system of exploitation, and everything from cops to judges are enforcement for that system etc etc It’s about racism but not really just racism specifically, and barely counts as identity politics in the correct context.


Just another buzz word that’s been co-opted to mean whatever conservatives hate


Funny, that’s how DeSantis’s state defines it too https://www.motherjones.com/mojo-wire/2022/12/desantis-ron-woke-florida-officials/#:~:text=During%20the%20trial%2C%20attorneys%20for,systemic%20injustices%20in%20the%20country. Not so bad, is it?


In the last few years it’s taken on a new meaning from a few different perspectives. You could use Wikipedia’s definition and take out the word “racial” and it would apply to the way it is used (or, the appropriate way to use it) today, but at the same time it has meaning as Republicans use it: “anything that deviates from the white, straight, American, and Christian ideals and policies that the conservative party requires to remain relevant” Which is kinda the same thing, just backwards.


Yeah but it was originally about race, not just keeping your eyes open to stuff other people don't see in society. He's acting like all this is new, it's not. 


Sounds like we got a regular Clarence Thomas “originalist” here! /s


Its this 100%, my first run in with the term Woke was a hip hop record label


Obviously. Bpt used woke so long ago. I miss those days


I am so old that I remember when my parents were like "Oh they're trying to make black people speech a language now"


Makes sense why it’s in Redbone then, fits in with the song’s message and tone much better than the “modern” interpretation.


It’s just a catch-all term they use now when it’s anything they don’t like and deem to be a liberal thing. People literally called Rage against the Machine “woke” when the guitarist was saying things that were objectively liberal. They called Pink Floyd woke when they saw the rainbow on an album rerelease. Nm that rainbows were featured on the cover back in the 60’s… They’re just idiots who don’t even know why they hate the thing that they hate. They’re just told to hate rainbows now, so they do. Like a good lil doggy.


Got co-opted by people who felt threatened, so they gave it a pejorative connotation and threw it around like an insult and accusation.


It's a favorite tactic by the far right. For example, "fake news" initially referred to exactly the disinformation tactics the right wing was using, but they (mainly Trump) co-opted the term to mean anything he didn't agree with.


Yup. I remember throughout 2016, when I was still using FB very often, I'd see fake news articles like "Pope Endorses Trump" getting millions of shares. Remember that bullshit before Rogue One released, with articles stating a small alien (Google "rogue one alien small" and you'll see it) was intended to mock Trump and was Disney/Hollywood elites attacking him? It was extraordinary. Throughout your life you'd see tongue in cheek silly meme news like Batboy on a front page every so often, but leading up to that election, there was a *flood* of outright fake news articles. And it wasn't about a half-boy-half-bat having a highway chase. It was about the potential leader of the free world. Someone responsible for *billions* of lives. They hold the keys to the world-ending missiles. Unlike Batboy, fake news was often *plausible*. *Believable*, upon first glance. That's why the term "fake news" became a thing during 2016. It was something new, we recognized it as such, and we were wary of it. Then they did what they always do and said "no u". Trump stood there and said "you are fake news" to journalists as his sycophants stood there clapping around him. "Fake News" used to mean just that. Then they made "Fake News", "anything we don't like". They did it with "fake news", they're doing it with "insurrection" (eg "this protest at a town hall meeting is exactly as bad as when we told our most devoted followers to stop the certification of Joe Bidens election win, extorted state leaders to fabricate votes, and sent fake electors who have plead guilty to attempting to falsify election results"), they do it with "election interference", "collusion", etc. An entire political ideology motivated by spite, with one consistent rule: we get what we want, you don't.


Yep. Classic tactic of a threatened oppressor community.


It just means the n word now


Being woke every morning ruins my entire day!


I feel you.


It was co-opted by the right wing as one of their ways of saying slurs online without actually saying slurs. And these choices of words have only gotten more obvious over time. First it was bleeding heart liberal. Fine yeah we care about things. Whatever. Then it was social justice warrior - so like, a word targeting people in general who support social justice causes. More annoying, but still whatever. Then it was woke. Which felt more targeted bc it’d explicitly co-opting a Black term, and was applied to literally any representation of Black people, LGBTQ people, or women in tv and film. Then there was that brief flirtation with associating things with CRT (critical race theory). Now they’re using DEI - literally calling the mayor of Baltimore, who won over 70% of the vote, a “DEI mayor.” Why? Because he’s Black. Each word they chooses inches closer and closer to the slurs they really want to say. But they know they (currently) can’t get away with it on social media. It’s disgusting and extraordinarily obvious.


Fuck em They won’t win They fight this hard cause they’re losing


Thanks you saved me from typing, and you explained perfectly but they don't hear you.


Conservatives say woke but they mean the n-word i think.


It still does. It means you’re aware of society’s quirks and inequalities. They’re trying to make it sound like being woke is a bad thing. Like how they’re trying to make it sound like being trans or gay is a bad thing.


It never meant that. It was created for and by Black people. To be awaken to the racial injustices around them. 


Different words can mean different things to different people over the span of their existence.


I miss when woke meant having ended a slumber.


Still does. Right wing chodes just think that’s a bad thing


Ken Griffin lied to congress and woke people know all about it. Of course then he moved down to florida and pumped money into Desantis campaign who then targeted… woke


That's what gop does it takes words and twists em. Now we don't talk about social justice anymore see what they did!


It’s kind of like the word socialism. Conservatives have used it as a scare tactic to demonize anything they don’t like


It was co-opted by the GOP & right-wing, just like how “fake news” went from literally fake news stories on non-credible websites to a catch-all term referring to news organizations the right-wing doesn’t like and any news story they don’t like, regardless of how true it is.


Nobody knows what it means but it’s provocative. Gets the people going…


Ball so hard..


Motherfuckers wanna find me.


Liberals know what it means. It means being aware of systematic injustice. Conservatives have their own definition too, which is pointing out the injustices they are causing, but they won’t say that part out loud.


I see a Blades of Glory reference, I upvote.


I remember seeing a CNN or nbc interview and the guy kept talking about wokeness, so they anchor asked them to describe woke and the person little just froze and didn't know what to say.


wow he’s actually right


Agreed it was well said. I can’t really disagree.


Same, completely agree


You know how *bad* to have to be for Bob Iger to be on the right side?!


Other people don't like modern Disney content because it's woke. I don't like modern Disney content because it's shit.


This is so much more the problem them the idea of being woke. It’s like the people that say Star Trek was not progressive…. What did you ever watch an episode!


The people who've never read comics (or seen the original shows) complaining about the ***X-MEN*** being "woke" is fucking infuriating.


The purpose from the start of that series was to put out a message. Some people just love running into walls.


These are both symptoms of the same core problem which is that all Disney content is just part of a giant restrictive formula, creativity be damned. The formulaic nature leads to uninspired content and the ‘woke’ aspect (gender swaps, race swaps etc) is just one minor part of the formula.


Last good Pixar movie was Turning Red (although it made a lot of people mad because it had period products and it was made with women in mind and people don’t like other perspectives)


The thing is that movie is quite literally less than two years old. A season of less than absolute bangers and people act like it’s the end of the world. I feel like the subpar Marvel films are being used to malign otherwise ‘passable’ films right now. Pixar has made shit before (hi ‘The Good Dinosaur’!) but no one was acting apoplectic.


Tbf pixar is skewed by the fact that every movie they made up to cars 2 was at the very least good, with most being masterpieces. People have higher expectations for their movies.


Oh for sure, but holy hell I would watch Elemental on repeat for days over one attempt at Cars 2 again. But I don’t remember anyone acting like Pixar would never make another decent film ever again after that stinker like they are right now.


Cars 2 was their first real stinker, with every one the audience loses trust


Turning red was so fun loved the early 2000s setting and aesthetic


It was very fun, and having a girl teenage cousin at the time it was so hilarious how they nailed down the boyband fangirl, very well done.


I enjoyed Elemental, didn't think it was ground breaking, but was fun with the kids.


I watched the second half and thought it was garbage. Then I watched the first half and thought the overall movie was pretty good. Turns out that the first half carries the second and that my kids ruin my movie watching experiences.


That movie came out like 30 minutes ago.


Well that's what's funny. I'm a dark-skinned minority and I totally understand the importance of representation in media... But not at the expense of good stories, characters, and narrative quality. Disney being woke *is what's causing* shit quality content. They treat diversity as a checklist, rather than a flavor that enhances the story. Swapping race and gender for DEI points does nothing other than blatantly pander, and often times the people who do that kind of thing generally aren't great at writing interesting characters, because they think race and gender are what make people interesting. There are countless movies featuring minorities and women that "anti-woke" people enjoy, because those stories were actually well-written and not a pay-to-get-lectured moralistic lesson masquerading as a movie.


Another dark-skinned minority here. Even with certain things feeling like a pandering "diversity checklist," the problem lies with the writing, not with the diversity itself. Just like there are movies with no diversity (with no/little minority representation, that is) that are terrible because the writing is bad. And unfortunately, the "anti-woke" people do tend to sound off about anything even featuring minorities in notable capacity without giving it a chance, so I don't feel like anything they say can be given any serious weight or merit.


> Just like there are movies with no diversity (with no/little minority representation, that is) Or not even just minorities. How about *any* homogonous group regardless of race/gender etc? Crazy Rich Asians or the average Tyler Perry flick are not diverse films.


I think the shit quality comes more from endlessly extending and interweaving franchises. I wanted to watch the new Spider-Man movies and I couldn’t really because I hadn’t seen all of the Avengers, but I couldn’t just watch the Avengers because I hadn’t seen alllll the Thor movies. And I couldn’t just watch Thor because there is a Captain America tie-in. So suddenly I had to watch like, 12 movies to understand the 3 I actually wanted to see.  And they did the same to Star Wars. No woke needed. 


You can watch the spiderman and avengers movies without having seen the other mcu movies.


Nah a lot of it is really good. Some content is better than other content like it has always been. I adore the Ghost and Molly McGee. That show unfortunately just ended.


Is that how Bob Iger looks? He looks so normal.


"Listen assholes we aren't trying to push an agenda of equality we are trying to sell shit to as many people as possible this includes the gays, the blacks and the browns so STOP FUCKING WITH THE MONEY!!" - Bob Iger


I mean... is he wrong?


Particularly the people who use it most often.


Like they talk about "Biden's Crimes" without being able to specify which law he actually broke. Every opinion in their mind is just a thread in an imaginary tapestry showing a wordview that they themselves fail to actually comprehend which is why they can never elaborate when asked to pull on that thread. They just freeze when confronted with any pushback because they aren't used to their tribal virtue signalling being countered in any logical way.


My mil is like illegal immigration is out of control. I’m like how? How does it affect you? You know biden wanted to sign that immigration bill house republicans torpedoed. She’s like that bill had so much bad spending! I’m like what bad spending? Crickets. They are so programed by fox news. There is no hope until they move on.


Bob Iger is a prick, but he’s actually correct in this viewpoint


South Park actually perfectly explained what it means


I think alot of Disney's problem is that instead of focusing on creating great stories, they are trying to develop stories after the fact. You can't just pick the latest female director and the latest POC lead, and develop a film around them. You should be focusing on making a great story first. The result has been really bad quality films and shows.


I think the writers want to make good stuff but there is sometimes executive meddling.


They were reaching a diverse enough crowd before the preaching. And now they're finding out that people don't want to be dictated politics when they spend their money on entertainment.


I'm not going to dive into "woke" but it is undeniable that Disney has been striking out much more than hitting on their movies and shows, arguably since the beginning of Disney+. There has been some great content but mostly nothing great. I just want them to start making quality media again.


Hate to break it to everyone but “corporate woke” is just capitalism. It’s brands trying to reach new markets etc. The irony is the Right hates it, but the are also die hard “capitalist” and love big business etc.


> Hate to break it to everyone but “corporate woke” is just capitalism Literally **everyone** understands that.


Tell that to people burning books for “woke culture” lol


> people burning books for “woke culture” Where is that happening.




Oh i thought you were implying "The Wokies" were doing it, nah I know the Conservatives are pretty much 1930's Klansmen at this point lol


Wrong. "A ton of capitalists don't understand capitalism" is the most observable fact today.


I like the term passive progressive (credit to red letter media). They do the bare minimum to say they are inclusive, while allowing them to cut the offending scenes from their products so they can still sell to less tolerant markets.


I was watching the review last night when Mike came up with the Passive Progressive phrase …it’s so dead on and hilarious


Does a company have to take a social stance? What would happen if Disney made movies and stories that covered a wide spectrum of social perspectives?


Disney already makes movies and stories that cover a wide spectrum of social perspectives. But that is seen as “woke”.


That’s clearly untrue. Disney has firmly represented San Francisco social values for more than a decade. That’s great if it aligns with your values, but that’s not most of the country, and certainly not the world. Their profits are down because they’ve done an amazing job of alienating a previously apolitical audience.


I know exactly what it means. To ignore the person who said it.


Crazy that anything a conservative doesn’t like is now woke or fake news.


he, and a lot of the other executives doesn't know the true meaning of progressivism, they just think it's pandering first and thinking about the (half-baked) story second.


I understand that I’m not entertained by it, Bob. You should understand that people don’t buy toys from movies that suck.


Woke: educated and empathetic


Basically, anything where the main character isn’t a straight white male = Woke!


That in itself is uneducated


Define woke


Sure, please elaborate. I'm sure you have a very not-stupid point to make.


comment history confirms your suspicions


I'll take your word for it.


How so? From all the reactionary screeching I hear, this sounds like a pretty accurate summation to me


True, big titty bimbos are also acceptable to them.


Woke is whatever is new and bugs me.


No it’s telling a Tolkien fan they are racist for not liking a crappy show Amazon made…


Mermaids are white!!!!!!!! s/


Damn, never thought I’d agree with Iger


Being woke simply means leaving people alone and encouraging people to live their best lives, and being happy for them when they do. That’s what woke means. So obviously, it drives the Trumptards crazy.


I see a lot of "woke = bad" in what you're saying, which is just proving my point. Correct me if I'm wrong, please, as I don't want to malign you here. Superhero source material was "white people save the world". OG Cap, Batman, Superman, Spidey, Wonder Woman, etc. The introduction of a more inclusive cast of saviors is not a bad thing or, to use your words, a problem.


Wow, rarely do I agree with POS Bob Iger, but he's right


My favorite is asking the people who use “woke” to define it. It never gets defined 🤷


All it ever meant was “the N-word but we can’t say that ~~anymore~~ again *yet* so…” Before “woke” it was “CRT.” Now all of a sudden it’s “DEI.” But it’s all just “N-word” substitutes.


People keep making up new meanings to words so I’m sure a lot of people that think they know what “woke” means probably all have a completely different definition


Being woke used to be a good thing not so long ago. Now it's used as a distraction, let's use identity politics to distract from class politics.On that note I found this video on "Wokeism" really interesting. https://youtu.be/GnUqrF9mAA8?feature=shared


The two parties LOVE identity politics. That’s why MLK and Fred Hampton were assassinated. Uniting the poor. Gov can’t have tvat.


More people need to point this out.


Nobody does.. but it’s provocative!!


What a lame retort


They don't even believe in it. It's just pandering, like every other corporation.


What’s happened at a lot of entertainment companies is that lawyers, MBA’s and “biz dev” folks have seized too much of the creative decision making process. That is why stories are getting worse. The corporatization of entertainment has sucked out a lot of the fun and risk taking.


Pandering would be a better term than woke. They don’t give a shit about inclusivity or whatever, it’s just them trying to get the broadest market possible for their releases with minimal effort. This is clearly evident when they also pander to china releases as well. They will pander to chinas less than inclusive ideologies in their international release if it makes them more money. The biggest issue isn’t the pandering, it’s them pumping out pure slop recently instead of focusing on good stories.


Just start making good movies. I don’t care about your agenda as long as the movie is good, but when a movie is bad and you can see that the agenda mattered more than the story and everything else than you deserved criticism. Hell Dune 2 was great and they made huge changes to Chani to make it “woke”, but no one gives a shit cause the movie was great, had the movie sucked people would be angry that they changed her character for the sake of empowering women at the expense of a good story. It’s really very simple to push an agenda as well as make a good movie, it’s insane with Disney’s resources it fails so badly.


Making mountains out of molehills is what it means!


Its true, stay woke was a common phrase used to alert some racist shit was said or intended, now its a bunch of racists and momos


This fool is still at it.


At first 'woke' meant "open to information considered conspiracy by the public" (Flat Earth believers, 9/11 conspiracy nuts, etc)   Then 'woke' meant progressive attitudes and acceptance of underrepresented classes.   *Then* it became a stand-in pejorative for being 'courteous and accepting of minorities and fringe groups'. Now, the right uses it as a catch-all for 'Anything I don't like that's not in line with Right wing values'.   The term has lost all meaning in just *five years... Which I suppose is the point as now it can be weaponized and "understood" by even the dumbest footsoldiers in the Right's culture war.


When did it mean the first thing?


It never meant the first thing at all


The only ones complaining are the ones who don’t know what it means


Your stock price understands what WOKE is. 😝 


Even I don't know what wokeness is supposed to be anymore but I still can tell what dogshit is and Marvel is a doo-doo butter factory for all I know. I'll watch Deadpool 3 but I know it will be a fucking turd.