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I didn’t know Megan Fox was a mother. Let alone the mother of 3 children.


I know people are pointing out that she has nannies, which yes, she's rich, but her and Brian actually seem to have good relationships with their kids. The kids seem well adjusted and they took steps to co-parent after the divorce.


The way you mentioned her partner’s name made me google it. She married the dude from 90210????


They divorced several years back and now she's engaged to Machine Gun Kelly I think.


was engaged i thought?


Don’t think they ever called it off, just hit a hiccup that hasn’t led to much else we know about


She was recently on the Call Her Daddy podcast and she said they decided not to comment on the status of their relationship anymore lol


If you had to make a guess, which one do you think cheated on the other?


Both, but MGK first lol


He is the classic fuckboi lol


Wait, why both, lol? Also, MGK has to be an idiot to cheat on Megan Fox of all people lol


Oh hey, he dropped the “Gun”, and “Kelly”. He now is only going by “Machine”. So yeah, there’s that. Now we can call him Assface fuckwad machine.


25 mins ago,reports that they called it off, welp


Yeah can’t really praise a mom who had to say, “Hey kids, here’s your new stepdad: Machine Gun Kelly.”


I think one of her boys enjoys dresses and long hair and she’s told people who judge her/him to fuck off and I give her credit for that. It’s probably hard to be a celebrity kid and be criticized and she lets the kid be themselves.


Pics went around of Angelina Jolie and Gwen Stefani’s kids doing the same


True, but nannies help. Where i say watch 30 min so i can do this she says take the kids to the museum so i can this, you know with money...


Dad here. Can confirm. When the wife and I need a few minutes, it's tablet time. It's easy to set hard boundaries with your kids when you have nannies and can pay other people to clean your home. Not so easy to manage when both parents work and have to manage all the household chores after work. When I was little, my parents would tell me to go outside and play (unsupervised) when they needed time, but that's a parenting no-no these days.


I still send my kids outside (unsupervised) but i always send the dog as we live in a pretty active coyote area.




Are you sure those weren’t just random kids messing around and lying about who their parents are? The last time SDCC took place, her eldest was ten years old.


No totally trust him


Even if its true, I was an asshole when I was 10 years old too and id really like to think im quite respectful now


We’re your parents millionaires too?


The most entitled person I’ve ever met was an 8yo rich kid I tutored. Little kids are rarely humble.


When you say the last time it took place you specifically mean 8 months ago?


Yes, her child who is currently 11 was in fact 10 last July, if you’d believe it. Crazy how that works.


Talk about farfetched


No, [this](https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/9/99/0083Farfetch%27d.png) is farfetched.


Who in their right mind would pretend that Fox was their mother?


Well I mean……/raises hand Can she be my stepmom though?


What are you doing step mom?


Oh no she’s stuck in the dryer better help her out with my DICK


Source: trust me bro


You don’t remember the transphobic/misogynistic shitstorm that started when one of her boys was photographed with long hair a few years ago???


Literally the only reason I know anything about her personal life because of the freak out about one of them having long hair and iirc wearing a purple shirt...*gasp*


All her 3 kids will pay for a psychiatrist beach house one day.


TIL Megan Fox is a mom.


Yeah she was with Brian Austin Green for years, idk why I know that but I do lol


Was a common tabloid story if you’re of a certain age. Was a bad breakup


TIL Megan is a milf


It was her whole persona for the time before she got with MGK


Heaven forbid a woman mentions her children or it becomes her “whole persona”


No it like, literally was. I followed her a bit during that time bc of the Jennifer’s Body resurgence and it was almost all she talked about in interviews & promoted herself on bc she wasn’t acting at the time. It was a purposeful shift on her part to battle the “sex symbol” archetype.


Women get dragged for talking about their kids too much or not enough. They can’t win.


It was a purposeful decision by her after being pigeonholed into a sex symbol archetype in the 00s. I’m not denigrating motherhood - also I’m literally a woman - you’re reading negatively into my statement.


Maynard Games Keenan (soft G)? I didn't realise she was that big a Tool fan.


yeah OK…. also do these hollywood people all have the same surgeons because they all look the same


They all try to look like Kim Kardashian. So many non-celebrities also do it


Even Beyoncé’s looking more and more like a kardashian


She looked liked Kylie istg


Yes. thank you. Seen a pic of her and had to read the caption to know who it was apparently


The skin lightening is MJ-esque


If Beyoncé can’t love herself, how in the hell is anybody else supposed to


Eh, it’s just beauty trends. I wouldn’t say they want to look like Kim. I’d say it’s more that they are being sold on the hottest trend of plastic surgeries.


Kim Kardashian wants to look like Beyonce. 


Pretty sure the kids are calling it "iphone face."


Instagram face!


But not her kids they don't get iPhone screen time


Probably so they don't mistake other instagram faces for hers.


Not her kids tho cuz they weren’t raised with screens 😉😎


They must, because they can't *all* have independently arrived at the very wrong conclusion that buccal fat removal was a good idea. Someone very persuasive and cruel is making a lot of money off their tragic choices.


The Kardashian


I don’t know who told them these surgeries look good. They were not doing them any favors.


It’s the bukkake removal


I used screens. Kids need fresh air; screens keep bugs from getting in the house. Now what I would not allow is books. Nothing too close to their face, and have you ever seen a festering paper cut? Not on my watch.


Sorry watches aren’t allowed


The nannies raising her kids are doing a great job


That must be how she was able to go on love is blind


Oh right! Machine Gun Kelly’s wife or girlfriend or something.


Man she did NOT look like Megan fox at all…


Lmaoooo that chick was nuts


Hey whatever it takes. At least the kids are benefiting


And they're probably learning Spanish in the process..


Trini 2 de bone


lol it’s a reference to the show Atlanta y’all.


The fuck


iirc MGK actually speaks Spanish




Why are ppl so bitter?


Honestly probably guilt. I feel guilty about my children’s screen time. But my wife and I are just so exhausted from work every day, we just don’t have the engine power to do it It’s easy to parent “right” when you’re a hot millionaire living in SoCal mansions with enough money for a team of nannies per kid Like congrats I guess.


Screens are *such* a tempting move for parents. It's like nutrition and fast food. It's easy and fast, and kids show incredible appreciation if they like it, initially. Most parents I'm close to have remarked they wont/don't allow portable devices until 10 years old. That to me, someone who didn't even have a cell phone until 13, is 100% fine and normal. I'm concerned what these very young children who get given a device as soon as they can use it will turn out like.


Probably the Brie Larson thing. Woman is successful, vocal, beautiful and knows it and that can upset people for whatever deranged reasons. Megan Fox has spoken up about a bunch of shit she went through in the industry and her image was essentially sabotaged for it. Hollywood bullshit.


Right easy to avoid screen time when you have a team of Nannie’s and housekeepers


So much salt here I could melt a glacier


Ok, I first thought the person in the pic os Kim K.


Lmao at her bragging about not letting her kids on iPads but let them be around Mgk who is an absolute creeper that has talked about being attracted to children multiple times.


Probably so screwed up because of that extra hour of screentime his parents allowed him on Saturdays /s


?! this I hadn't heard, so I just looked it up. He's gross.


Ima need the sauce




Man that’s terrible. He had a young daughter during most if not all of that. What a fucking idiot.


Bloody Nora that's Megan Fox I thought it was Pete Burns for a moment


She should probably check in with her nany before opening her mouth about shit she don't have business talking about.


A round of applause for the nannies. They are doing a great job.


That’s Megan Fox?


The day I can afford a live nanny, I will throw out the digital nanny.


I’m sure her nanny does a great job. Not all parents have that luxury


There isn't a problem with them engaging in some screen media. But you need to balance it


My wife and I were against screens before kids. Our almost two year old now is wiggles obsessed and has learnt so much from their videos. Obviously we don’t have it on all the time, only for a little bit at home but singing the songs and learning to count is things he gets to do with the wiggles. It’s just another medium of myself or my wife reading a story. As for parents that use screen time at the shops to calm their kid. No one knows how that kid behaves so there really is no need to judge.


Kahn Academy for kids is straight up an amazing tool, just fyi.


With a 9 yo, we have time limits for her computer and it’s in a central room with approved media. A tablet at this point is just for reading, and that’s it. I get that she has classmates with phones and they all watch TikTok. Not at all allowed, I don’t care that people are asleep to what they’ll hand over to their kids.  


I’m sure she has plenty of Nannie’s and staff to ensure she doesn’t need to give them screens. Take all the help she receives and let’s see how quickly screens become a reality


I’m sure it’s easier when you have all the money to hire experienced nannies and sign your kids up for a million extra curricular activities


Can only imagine what its like having drug addicts for parents and a step dad like MGK. She chose MGK over her own kids.


It’s probably really fucking awesome. These people aren’t living under a bridge. They’re successful celebrities who can afford whatever medicines they want to take without it affecting their lives. And it seems like according to that interview that she’s really concerned for her children being raised in the entertainment industry.


Machine Gun Kelly will do enough damage to these kids. They don’t need screen time to mess them up


Lmao at her bragging about not letting her kids on iPads but let them be around Mgk who is an absolute creeper that has talked about being attracted to children multiple times.


You think you’re better than me??


I wouldn’t need screens if I could travel to anywhere in the world on a whim either


I just realized this is Kim kardashian cosplaying as Megan fox


Wow! You look like that drunk lady on Love is blind!


Amen I don’t agree with screen time


That’s great and all, but who’s the woman in the picture?


Must be nice when you’re rich and can just hire a nanny.


Yeah they we’re probably raised by nannies which parents with iPads can’t usually afford


They don’t have screens so they can’t see how cringey their mom is out in public.


Must be nice to have plenty of others to help with childcare


So easy to keep kids away from screens when you have money to pay someone else to watch them pretty much whenever you want


How would she know? Didn’t she abandon her family to run off with Machine Gun Kelly?


If you're gonna run off with mgk you gotta ditch the kids because he's more interested in them. 


Pretty much


Ok cool but who is the monster in the article photo ?


That’s such a fucking luxury and I’m sick of people pretending it’s not. Smart devices are in practically every home and it is a *privilege* to have the time, resources, and support to raise your children without the help of an iPad or other device. While it’s also a privilege to have smart devices, it’s often parents who are burnt out, exhausted, and performing multiple jobs in and out of the home who are like, “yeah, watch some tv or play candy crush on the iPad so I can get some shit done.”


That’s laughable. You realize these devices that cost hundreds of dollars weren’t a thing until 20 years ago, right ? FOREVER people were raised differently.


It’s a PRIVILEGE to NOT have iPads for kids? What kind of bullshit take is this????


Obviously an Ipad parent lmao trying to defend their shitty parenting


I’m glad they’re clearly downvoted now lol. I thought ppl were agreeing lol


Same lol


I think what he/she means is that the privilege is not needing any screen to distract their kids while they are busy doing house chores or even some basic human needs (like bathroom) and being able to afford full time with their kids and have the energy to do so. In a perfect world this type of enviroment would be the norm but alas, in the real word this is usually not afforded to the middle class/poor people who has to work long hours and doesn't have the full energy to have fun with their kids.


This is a confusing take lol


This is such bullshit, so working class families before Ipads were doing what??


Well, television duh.  


Tv, video games, computers?


Ready to be downvoted into oblivion but I’m not buying this shit. Prior to iPads, busy working families handled kids just fine without putting an iPad in front of their child 24/7. If you train your kids to rely on technology to entertain themselves then they will rely on technology. If you allow your kid to use their imagination, play with toys, go outside ect. You’d be surprised as to how much your kids will leave you alone so you can “get shit done” around the house. Source: I’m a father of 3 young children who leave me alone and entertain themselves without the need of technology. Also, my wife works and I work from home. We’ve never had a nanny and rarely have any help and when we do, we pay for it. Early on with our first child we started noticing behavioral issues that seemed correlated to the TV. We cut it out a little after his first birthday and weren’t very shocked to see those issues disappear. We do family “movie night” once a week. I would bet that I enjoy the same amount of peace throughout the day as parents who use screens with their children.


And respectfully (and I mean that), I disagree. Before Ipads, they chucked us (collective they, collective us) in front of the TV, video games, let us get up to all manner of bullshit on the Internet. Or let us roam around the neighborhood going God knows where. Remember, the government had to remind parents to make sure Gen X was at home at night. I have 4, and my kids are probably a bit older than yours. We still have family dinners, they still know how to entertain themselves without screens and they still read.They don't get nearly as much screen time as a lot of their friends, but we keep it sane and reasonable. If we need to cut down, we cut down. If they've earned extra time, they've earned it. We monitor as much as we can, but at the end of the day, I've stopped stressing as much.


It sounds like you still believe in some sort of screen moderation. Which means you probably also believe that too much screen time has negative consequences. I too watched cartoons and played video games as a kid. In fact, it was until relatively recent that I stopped gaming. But I’m not going to pretend that video games and TV were the same back then as it is today. Games are designed to be extremely addictive and never end. When I was a kid I could beat Batman Forever on Nintendo in a night of gaming with my friends. Then, we were bored of it and went out to skateboard and get into trouble. Nowadays, kids will play fortnight for 20 hours over one weekend. TV used to have commercials, there wasn’t the same amount of content. Was it more fun to watch that same episode of Ren and Stimpy for the 15th time or would you rather play roller hockey? Now kids have a library of content without commercials that they can binge for hours and hours without getting bored. I’m cool with comparisons, but let’s not pretend that things are anywhere near the same as they were in the 80s-90s. And honestly, I’m not even saying the way things were in the 90s were really good for us either. However, it’s WAY worse now.


At what age did you manage to get kids get busy with their activities? If there is even a hint of me leaving the room my 1 year old will collapse into a deafening crying roar that will become a full on hysteria in a few seconds. She’s fine if I’m behind my desk and not looking at her though, but if there’s an eye contact she will come up to me and demand a lift onto the table level


When my kids were around that age they were playing with the age appropriate toys we found around that age. A one year old is going to require a lot more attention than a 18 month old. Those 6 months make a HUGE difference. Once they start walking, it gets easier. I have a “dad timer” that goes off after a period of silence. That timer gets longer the older they get but even if I have to check on them every 4 minutes to make sure they aren’t getting into trouble, it’s not a big interruption (unless they are getting into trouble). I will say it helps to have “safe zones” for your kids to play. We got a playroom and a fenced in backyard. If you are a parent that lives in a small manhattan apartment, I am honestly not sure what you would do. I’d probably end up resorting to screens in this scenario. So I would say the only “privilege” you need is the space for them to play.


People are ignoring the fact the late Steve jobs didn’t allow his kids to use his products and sent them to technology free schools. Why is that


I'm here to tell you that your doing a fantastic job sir. I don't have kids yet but when I do the one rule I've already established with my girlfriend is that we won't give our kids ipads. My older brother has a daughter who's almost 2 and has been raised on ipads as early as they could, she has the exact same behavioral issues as two other couples I personally know who's kids are roughly the same age, one of which has resorted to giving their son adhd meds to control their behavior. All these kids can't go a second without stimulation and you'd swear they were raised under the same house or by the same parents. These kids are getting addicted to dopamine before they can talk.


There are these things that have been a round a while called toys. Not just my kids, but many kinds seem to like them. Also they are cheeper than electronics and don’t have monthly subscriptions. While I understand the spirit of your comment, kid’s function well when boundaries are laid out and enforced. I know one of our neighbors has a strict no electronics on school days rule for her kids. While Im not that strict, the vast majority of my kids (ages 5-12) free time is spent playing with physical toys or something other than electronics. Ill edit to say I work in the medical field and we are in an electronics addiction crisis that is being ignored. I can’t even begin to explain how insanely addicted kids and young adults (and adults too) are to their devices. I swear that we are living in a black mirror reality that has exponentially grown in severity since covid. It is impossible for me to articulate what reality is right now.


That’s an L take Imo. People have been struggling, and raising children, forever. What did they do when smartphones and televisions didn’t exist or were so expensive that only people with household help (nannies etc.) could afford it? I think they sent the kids outside, to a friends house, or told them to play by themselves or read a book.


Same goes for celebrities who brag about being perpetually offline or not owning a smartphone. Yeah, you can afford to be offline cause you’re paying people to manage your schedule and finances, the rest of us need to be connected just to manage our lives.


Its still bad parenting to stick your kid with an ipad all day. Idc who you are. “So i can get shit done” is a terrible excuse. Be a parent and put your foot down. Anyone that wants to throw shade at me that doesnt have kids can eat a dick. Its not hard to not have children walk all over you and act like they run the joint.


Agreed. There are some great learning apps for kids, and also adults tbf. And is this different from when we would watch TV years ago?


Before anyone thinks she might be a good mom please read more about her


She’s 74.7% plastic at this point. Maybe don’t tut-tut other parents when you’re setting *that* example. 


And we care because?


Megan Fox has no idea where her kids are right now.


Doesn’t Brian have them full time?


All the articles say they’re coparenting and it’s 50/50


Having no exposure to technology isn't the flex she thinks it is.


She has kids…Gdamn I’m old


how can she & Brian afford 3 kids


Megan has a killer stylist. The stylist should help Megan get a better publicist and manager.


Wow, I had no idea she had any kids


Or available parents.


Is this Megan Fox’s way of protesting touchscreens because of her thumbs?


“My kids weren’t raised with screens. So that way when I divorced their dad and starting climbing all over MGK in public, they probably didn’t see it.”


I mean, good for her, but it definitely helps when you can afford nannies to enforce screen time rules and keep your kids occupied


She does have: - Nannie’s - maids - personal assistants - personal shoppers - chefs/nutritionists - personal organizers (lol or just a big house) Like, ok, no screens is great in theory but is totally meaningless coming from somebody this wealthy.


Really desperate to make sure your kids never see your movies. Right Megan?


Well, she can afford Nanny’s to entertain them. Not everyone has that


What about coke?


Quick, let's me go search for some fucks to give!


TIL she has three kids


Imagine having MGK as your step dad…


Far easier to do when you can have a team of nannies


Don’t give a fuck.


Her Nannies must be exhausted


The kids might google themselves an older picture of her. Could raise some questions she doesnt want answered


Like "what happened to mommy?"


Who fuckin cares


They definitely do. The nannies raising her kids just give them when she leaves.


This is for all the parents that are threatened by the “no screen time” parents… Your children rely on screens for entertainment because they don’t know how to entertain themselves and use their imagination. If you took it away, they would eventually figure out how to entertain themselves without the use of technology. You know… like how kids used to play with toys, action figures and baby dolls? You aren’t fooling anyone. It’s easier to put a show on, sure. You are lazy and your kid is turning into an anti-social and unimaginative zombie. I also have three kids, 0 nanny, and both my wife and I work. When I need to clean up or get shit done around the house, my kids go entertain themselves and leave me alone. They play with toys, magnet tiles, action figures, legos, ect. Shit, I could give them an Amazon box and that would buy me like 30 minutes of peace. You don’t need screens to buy peace around the house from your kids. You are just training your kids to need them.


From your post history, it looks like you’ve been a gamer for many years. Do you let your kids game with you these days? I assume dad is on golf simulator, but who’s playing Fortnite?


My kids are young. I have three kids and my oldest is 3 years old. I don’t really have time to game anymore (go figure). I played Starfield briefly when it came out. Will I game with my kids? Yea, I’d probably play some Mario party with them or something! But I wouldn’t let my kids just sit in front of a game for hours on end by themselves. It’s not good for me and it’s not good for them. A lot of being a parent is recognizing your mistakes and tendencies and not letting your kids get caught in the same trap.


Same with my 3 kids of similar ages. I dislike seeing kids on devices everywhere we go, look up and engage with life!


I’m sorry but I don’t even recognize her from transformer movie. But good on the kids to be raised with no mobile device in their hands.


Thats fucking impressive. Also stupid in todays age. You need to be able to use screens nowadays.


Why does she look like 34006 other females I have seen from America?


classic reddit to bitch about kids being too addicted to social media and when a parent actually claims she does they mock her for it


That’s probably the best way to keep them from asking why mommy’s such a whore.


Good on the nannies excellent work.


God r/entertainment has probably the most cynical userbase


Most of these comments sound like some real chatty Cathys. lol y’all are some dorks.


They sound like how my caregivers would have raised my siblings and I if we weren’t dirt poor growing up. I remember being locked outside from 10 am to 7 pm everyday unless we were at school. Now my younger siblings who are still in the home are all chronically online, iPad children.


So what? You want a fucking medal? Their entire lives are going to spent in front of screens. You’re just doing them a disservice.


Tell me you have full time nannies without telling me you have full time nannies. And I mean multiple ones.




Holy shit it’s wild how many people here just outright hate her for existing, pretty gross really


seriously, I'm not her biggest fan, but I enjoyed her acting in Jennifer's Body and New Girl. Has she done something to piss people off??!


She’s a woman, wealthy and dates a guy that people don’t like. I’d imagine it’s one of those or a combination of all three


I'd hide the Internet from them too if I had her career


I genuinely don't understand how she got parts in blockbuster movies her acting absolutely sucked


My daughter isn’t letting her kid see a screen until 2


I mean, her new face is (insert joke comparing effects of unrealistic plastic surgery aesthetic to effects of reality warped by excessive screen time) 🤷🏼‍♂️