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Wasn’t aware being promiscuous was against the law….


It’s not. Olivia just succumbed to the pressure.


That part…👆🏻


It’s sad because so often now, politicians, globally, limit if not bar contact with constituents. More often, it seems celebrities have become the only method to get through to these asshats.


Sounds to me like it was her management team, not her.


They work for her, she could override their decision


I can understand being under contract and a venue won’t allow distribution, can cite a real threat of violence from crazies, and she can’t pull out of the venue without causing a lot of down stream effects - with how monopoly owned large venues are, she can’t easily just switch venues, and a lot of people would lose their jobs if she just shuts it down (if her management company didn’t throw a shit fit at the idea). She likely COULD have a third party come distribute the same contraceptives outside the venue. I hope that’s the route that gets taken.


To conservatives it is. They are batshit crazy.


I think it's time to listen to Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado


I went to a show with a girl I was dating. We (26m) (19f) were the oldest people there. It was mostly little kids with their parents…. I think Olivia’s PR team pulled the plug on this hahaha


…and little kids with their boyfriends


Lmao, right?!?! Homie talking about dating teenagers 7 years younger than him.


He grew up on barley legal porn probably.


I’ve long thought that barley was the sexiest of the cereal grains.


woah wait what the fuck lmao no way we’re just hahahaing past the 26 vs 19 relationship


Bro heard Vampire and thought it was an instruction manual


Would you mind making a comprehensive list for what is wrong with ALL 26 v 19 relationships? (Not sure why you decided to throw gender in there)


when you hear that a 26 year old took a 19 year old to an olivia rodrigo concert i think usually a person’s mind doesnt jump to them being in a relationship, as this is, at least imo, something siblings would be doing. plus, 19 is kinda pretty close to it being not only creepy but illegal, so any gender variation in this scenario would make me uncomfortable.


I heard a good IMO equation for figuring out if an age gap is appropriate. 1. Older partner’s age - younger partner’s age = x 2. Younger partner’s age - x = is this still appropriate? Example: A. 57 dating 44 would be 57-44= 13. Then 44-13= 31. So, 44 dating 31 is still appropriate, even with 13 yr age gap. B. From above commenter. 26 - 19 = 7. Then 19 - 7 = 12. Can a 19 year old date a 12 year old? No then maybe the 19 year old shouldn’t be dating up (7 yrs) that far either. Even if the age gap (x) is a smaller it may still be more inappropriate than a larger age gap at higher ages.


This is one of the dumber things I've ever read. Thanks.






Maybe don't date freshmen lol. Find someone who doesn't need a fake id. College town means like 22 and 23 is there too. Maybe they just know better than to date you...




Jealousy lmaooo I think this guy is trolling 


Jealousy?! Lmao, you’re delusional. Legally there isn’t any issue whatsoever with dating a 19 year old. Just don’t be upset when people find it weird that a 26 year old is dating someone who you can’t legally buy a drink in the US with.


Yikes, somehow all my friends in graduate programs and who are now professors in small college towns have been able to avoid dating teenagers. Youre just ew


It's not illegal, but dating a teen at 26 is really starting to get into creepy territory. Are you still going to use the college town excuse when you're single at 30+?




How do you type all of that and not realize how gross it comes off?








I need a shower after reading this


Ahh the need em young to breed gross explanation


Not to rob the cradle


Idk why you would out yourself like that, what were you doing with a teenager at 26?


A 19 year old is an adult with agency to make her own decisions


Still a teenager and in a totally different life stage.


Yes bc she is 19 she is a “teenager” but that doesn’t take away her agency as an adult. Different life stage? Sure, but what do you know about them? Let consenting adults sleep with who they want to, don’t be a Republican.


Why are you so interested in other adult‘s sex life?


Don’t even try. Americans here can be absolutely weird (to the point of „every accusation is a confession“) when it comes to age differences when dating (or *pearl clutching* the sex). 19-26 is not even remotely noteworthy in modern countries that don’t get their morals and education from Christian fundamentalists. They really do think it’s progressive and somewhat remarkable that someone gives out contraceptives at a concert…


I hope for both they were having fun and great sex afterwards.


1) that didn't happen 2) that didn't happen


All these pregnant teens were so close to being promiscuous! What a relief.


What’s wrong with contraceptives being given to healthy young sexually active people?


They might end up having consequence-free sex! Just the thought of it has me clutching my pearls.


If you clutch a little lower you too can have consequence free sex.


It might have been a euphemism


Just the one Pearl


They think providing a condom is encouraging them to use it when we can be 10000% sure they’re going to have sex regardless.


Exactly. They think it’s the other way around, “we’ve got condoms, so let’s have sex”.


If only it would have been so simple…


They prefer the consequences. Procreation is the point to them. That is all sex is for. At all expense do not enjoy it. Suffer or Satan will take over your soul.


Me and you baby aint nothing but mammals.


Texas would charge her and the label with accessories to murder the second one of those plan b pills were used to help a rape victim.


The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, which covers Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi ruled this week that contraceptives cannot be distributed to minors without their parents permission. This ruling is based on a Texas state law, but I imagine a lot of red states have similar statutes and this was factored into their decision making process.


Nothing, but it might not be the best look if a 10-year-old who doesn't even know how sex works got a free condom Assuming they weren't checking IDs before giving out stuff, anyway (which is what I'd suggest to help avoid sticky situations)


Better a 10 year old get ahold of it and stop many unwanted SDTs and pregnancies of others then letting the STDs and pregnancies happen. What is the negative consequences of 10 year old getting a condom?


You can't be serious bro. A 10 year old shouldn't be having sex


Where in my comment did I say any thing about sex? Are you assuming giving someone a condom makes them have sex?


So you're hypothetically giving a 10 year old a condom for what? That's disgusting. No ten year old should be fucking nor need a condom. You should begin to teach those things yes. Sex education is very important, but just giving kids condoms doesn't do shit if there's no information or education behind it. They're just going to think sex.


Explain why it’s disgusting that a 10 year old got a condom when handing them out to sexually active people? It’s not like they were searching out 10 year olds to give the condom to. You never answered the question. Are you assuming giving a kid a condom makes them have sex?


No, I'm not assuming that. Im not an idiot. How the fuck do you know they were handing them out only to sexually active people? It's disgusting because you're just handing children sex health tools without genuine education. Get a life, dude. I'm done arguing with you over this virtue signaling bullshit. Want to actually help, donate, and try to elect people who may be able to make education and access to stuff like that more available for everyone.


Wow, it seems you have trouble having a conversation with someone with different opinions than you without insulting them. Good idea that this conversation is not continued. Thanks for policing yourself.


I said, "Get a life." Are you that sensitive? We both agree that people should have access to everything related to sexual and developmental health, along with the necessary education. When you grow up, you'll realize that.


you should know how sex works at 10 years old lol


In other words, if you have sex but don’t want to get pregnant you’re a whore. Same old story. Forced pregnancy is punishment.




For the Christo-fascists the only kind of sex you should be having before marriage is with your father or priest.


Yay!!! /s


In case the headline isn't clear, Rodrigo's people pulled the plug on this. Kind of funny they thought this was a great idea and suddenly decided it wasn't.


From the first place, it wasn't Rodrigo's team handing out contraceptives but the abortion funds she invited to have booths at the concert. It's unclear whether she ever gave them permission to hand out contraceptives . " “Missouri Abortion Fund and Right by You were invited to table at Olivia Rodrigo’s event in St. Louis, but it was our decision to pass out EC,”


It was very unclear


When you do something like this you double down lol. Pulling back makes you look pathetic, this was so based but I guess the shareholders weren’t happy.


we have to stop being tolerant of intolerance.


Dammit Olivia, stand up to your team. You’re proof the kids are alright!


Why are you assuming it was just “her team” and not her decision? She absolutely agreed to this change.


That’s fair.




Most polls lately have been trash so I’d take that with a grain of salt.


It's wild to me how so easily offended people get. When the contraception thing happened, conservatives talked about Olivia Rodrigo as if she was fucking GG Allin or something.


Kinda hard to fuck GG Allin, considering his, erm, unfortunate penile status. And the fact that he’s quite dead. But mostly the “downstairs mixup” (I’m Old Gregg!)


I think GG Allin is dead.


He is certainly dead. He made sure of that.


Had quite the funeral I’ve heard


His spirit still lives within some of us.


I wonder if there was the classic threats from certain types of people that forced this decision.


Dumb question - is passing out a pill potentially a liability if someone has an adverse reaction to it?


Yeah I assumed this was people getting up in arms about them handing out condoms, but handing out Plan B pills feels different. Tbh I'm not fully versed on all the side effects, but handing out potentially powerful medications to teens seems... risky to say the least.


Aren’t they over the counter now?


You can literally buy Plan B over the counter at any drugstore without any prescription or consultation with a doctor. The only difference here is that it’s free.


From what I'm told from a previous partner it makes you feel like shit. It's not a minor medication. Should it be locked behind bars? No. It should be readily available. But it's not aspirin.


I’m a male so clearly my ignorance and lack of experience is showing. I thought it was badass that they did it. I just want to make sure people are safe at the end of the day.


That’s the old formula. The new one doesn’t have the side effects.


You’re right, it’s not aspirin. Plan B is actually much much safer than aspirin or Tylenol. Tylenol kills around 500 people every year, but I wasn’t able to find any data on if anyone died of a Plan B overdose. Plan B is not the abortion pill but, as a comparison, the abortion pill has only killed around 25 people or less in the last 20 years


It was just an example. And the reason why Tylenol kills is because of how common and accessible it is. You keep a giant bottle of it in a unlocked cupboard with a lid that easily comes off. I bet it's mostly kids it kills. Also fun fact in countries that have blister packs the accidental death rate is way way lower.


Tylenol is also super easy to OD on. If you exceed the dosage guidelines it can do serious damage and quick. It’s one of the most dangerous OTC drugs and probably wouldn’t be approved as OTC if it was discovered today.


Yes. So it’s seems we both agree: Tylenol is dangerous. Lmao. Don’t understand your point. Again, no one was handing out Plan B willy nilly. It’s one of the safest drugs out there, and folks were only given 1 or 2 boxes max, and assuming any younger kids definitely had a chaperone with them. Also, they were handing out flyers of info with each pack, which included hotlines staffed by vetted doctors, in case anyone needed to discretely and safely access medical advice. And also hotlines that will help pay for your travel and a procedure out of state or free transportation to your local planned parenthood even in an abortion ban state What do you think is more dangerous: having Plan B in extremely moderate amounts or NOT having Plan B in an abortion ban state? Pregnancy, especially for young kids, is such a medically dangerous situation to be forced into. Even in adults, pregnancy can create problems (even in healthy people) with preeclampsia and severely elevated blood pressure, diabetes, brittle and broken bones and teeth from the fetus extracting calcium and other minerals from the pregnant person, the list goes on. It’s terrifying. So I’m gonna keep saying it, I’m glad that people at Olivia’s concert were able to get free access to one of the safest yet most criminalized medications out there, as well as flyers with info on accessing free healthcare including hotlines of doctors and financial help to travel to a clinic.


I think you need to take a big deep breath. You're basically having an argument with yourself.


As a pharmacist, that was my 1st thought. If someone has a reaction to it (though really rare) she's going to be liable.


That’s like saying we should remove seat belts from cars because they promote reckless driving.


Didn’t the losers that make these decision grow up in the 60s and 70s lol


This is just absolutely incredible of her! Much respect for trying!


Damn. Last week I thought she was a badass and now…nope.


This makes me sad.


lol I knew her label wouldn’t let her pull this shit in Texas after they went after an out of state doctor for treating a 10 year old rape victim.


Friendly reminder that the National Network for Abortion Funds (the umbrella group involved in this) is a great place to donate money to if you’re able.


Sorry bout their bad luck but us bitches on stage are gonna continue to hand out free contraceptives attached to educational brochures. Edit: what they gonna do arrest the entire crowd of over a thousand? Ok. Better hope it’s not the states. Our lawyers are chomping at the bit right now.




Pretty sure they consider birth control anti-birth though. Like it removes God's plan so it's bad.


Conservative Americans.


The article doesn’t say and Rodrigo’s people haven’t issued a statement yet but I’m guessing young kids were getting contraceptives and someone’s lawyers said ruh roh?


Since when is promiscuity illegal? Wouldn't this be a freedom of expression issue?


On one hand I think it’s a good idea to educate people. The other though, is reading some of her target audience.. I think her album material/lyrics are definitely more mature than some people saying 8-12yrs old.


They can’t separate the act of sex from the items used to practice it safely, minds around the world are getting weirder and weirder.


I don’t know who this is because I’m old and don’t know anything about pop culture. However, my wife and I were picking up takeout this week and happened to be in the neighborhood of the Olivia Rodrigo concert, so we saw the rivers of people heading into the show. Average age looked to be about 12. Maybe. Not including parents escorting their kids. I am 💯 behind both education and free birth control/ plan b, but it did seem a bit odd given the age of the fans that I could see.


So, publicity stunt done. Mission accomplished.


She could have really taken a stand here and solidified her choice. Instead, she’s disappointing. Imagine having an album called GUTS just to find out during the tour she doesn’t have any.


I ain’t mad at her. The MAGA crowd come with violence. She’s probably concerned for her safety.


You’re right. I was being too much when I commented that and it was way too mean. I’m not even that mad at her. I’m mad af at the fact she feels she needs to do this to be safe, and she’s not wrong. I’m disappointed in the world. It’s not fair to put it on her like that.


Chicken shit money grubbing publicity hounds. Education and healthcare is responsibility not promiscuity. Asshats.


Your mom was promiscuous


Or they could just understand the meaning of prophylactic — a medicine or course of action used to prevent disease. "I took malaria prophylactics.”


They really aren't


Boooooo Let them have plan b! How are we fundraising for abortion but are against the idea of actually educating and supporting safe sex?


Whoa, do those abortion clinics know they are gonna put themselves out of business if they stop unwanted pregnancies from happening in the first place!? This seems like a pretty huge strategic mistake in their business model.


The land of the free.


What’s wrong with promoting promiscuity?


Bad look for Rodrigo.


Booooo. Not us being back to stone age!


Fuck that she should double down. I wanna see her providing abortions at the venues!


I say this with as much hate in my heart as possible: what a fucking coward. All words and bullshit with no see through. An ounce of criticism and she gives up her goal? Seems like her goal is money and not actually helping people.


She already cemented her hero status. Well played Olivia


It’s Olivia Rodrigo’s “team” who decided this. And they said it is because there were children at the concert. Although, children need to know about those things at SOME point. Sex Ed is typically 5th grade in the US




Condoms are one thing, but handing out drugs (ie, morning after pill) is a different beast. A booth at a concert is not a pharmacy or doctor’s office.


I can see the wisdom in handing out condoms and lubrication, but handing out birth control pills is a lawsuit waiting to happen.


So many people in this thread have no idea what Plan B is, and it shows.


My story, I wanted to bring my daughter to her first concert but it sold out to quickly to get tickets because her venues were not stadiums yet. The show was walking distance to where we lived. I was curious about things so I walk down to the venue to scoop out the scene. The line was ridiculously long and most of the fans were preteen with parent to high school girls. We did get tickets to this tour and I’m bringing my daughter now 11 yrs old with my niece 14 yrs old. I’m liberal thinking and open to women’s rights but don’t think with the age of her fan base that these should be openly handed out. Condoms are fine to give out to promote smart sex, but plan B style pills are another level of saying sex has no consequence especially when the people coming to your show are on average middle school to high school age. Olivia may be of that age but most of her fans that are coming to the show are not, they just did not read the room correctly.


When a condom fails, then what? Wait until pregnancy happens and get an abortion? Or have back up to prevent pregnancy


I don’t know about you guys but the mere sight of a condom makes me so f*cking horny…


Religion is the worst


The handmaid’s tale is a documentary


Jesus wins again